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03-30-2009 TBM+HUTCHINSON TREE BOARD Monday, March 30, 2009 5:00 p.m. City Center Main Conference Room Agenda Members present: __Corey Stearns, __Dale Redetzke, __Laura Poser, _� Newton Potter, _�_ Steve Cook, Mayor; Others Present: __Mark Schnobrich, City Forester; _ Others present: John Olson, Public Works Manager Meeting called to order at _5:00 p.m. There was a quorum of members present: _�_Y N 1. Hutchinson Mall Hwy 15 S Sign Visual Problems Update Mark presented the MnDOT permit for tree removal that the Mall requested and summarized MnDOT's provisions. MnDOT recommended and the board agreed to request the Hutchinson Mall to do a two for one replacement of trees removed at a determined value of $2839.68. Cory Stearns stated that he felt this adequately covered the tree losses and that the mall did not have to commit to their previous offer of three to one replacement for trees removed. The trees will be planted at the discretion of the Tree Board. The City of Hutchinson will do the removal of the trees and not charge the mall for the removal. Mark stated he had been in contact with Chris Peterson at the mall and will present the MnDOT provisions to mall representatives prior to the tree removal. 2. Storm Damage Policy Discussion Tree Board members received a memo describing the situation of storm damage and the procedures the City of Hutchinson undertakes after a wind storm to assist homeowners with storm damaged trees. During the process of maintaining boulevard trees after a wind storm it has been the policy of the City of Hutchinson to assist homeowners with branch pickup if they place the material on the curb. The board set a few policy standards that will be presented to the media to inform the public of what is needed from them in order to have their wood material picked up in a timely manner. 1.) Homeowners must call the city within two days of the wind storm to have their material picked up 2.) Material will be pickup within 5 working days after the storm as best the city can 3.) Home owners must have their material stacked on the boulevard so that crews can find it 4.) A storm shall be declared where sustained winds in excess of 25 mph, with gusts of up to 35 mph will constitute our `storm' criteria It is hoped that this will help homeowners know what is needed from them in order to streamline the process of storm damage pickup within the city. 3. Discussion of 2009 Energy Tree Planting Program Mark indicated that as of March 31, 2009 only 16 applicants had applied for energy trees to be planted on private property. Mark was hoping for more. Mayor Cook reminded the board that the grant given to the City of Hutchinson for planting trees had been given on the premise that the dollars would be used as the City of Hutchinson saw fit as long as the City of Hutchinson tree program and the citizens of Hutchinson benefited from the expenditure. 4. Other Issues/ New Business John Olson stated that the McLeod Soil and Water Conservation District has a tree program that now allows anyone in the county, city or rural residents, to purchase trees for planting and that the City of Hutchinson should bring this to the attention of city dwellers to help them find another avenue with which they can secure trees for their property. Mark said he will do that via the Park & Rec. brochure. Mayor Cook mentioned that Chris Meyers had spoken to him about an Eagle Scout project and he suggested that Mark get in contact with Chris to see if a project could be planned. Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM. Next meeting will be held April 27th 2009. Respectfully submitted, Mark Schnobrich City Forester