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at City Hall
Monday, October 26, 2009
5:00 p.m.
Members present: —4—Corey Stearns, __Dale Redetzke, _Laura Poser, _4 Newton Potter,
4 Steve Cook, Mayor;
Members absent Laura Poser
Others Present: —4—Mark Schnobrich, City Forester;
Others present:_
Meeting called to order at _5:15 _p.m.
There was a quorum of members present: 4 Y _N
l.) Tree Removal Request for Americ Inn Sign
Mark discussed the sign blockage with the adjacent property owner Julie Jensen.
She indicated that she was not in favor of removal of all the boulevard trees but
did acknowledge that removal of one crab apple nearest the sign would be a
compromise. This would assist with visibility from the west without de -voiding
Ms. Jensen of all of her buffer trees from Hwy 7 East traffic. The Board agreed to
present this scenario to Americ Inn. Is was reiterated that the trees were in fact
planted prior to the sign going up. The benefit received from the presence of the
trees in their current location at this time exceed the seasonal blockage of the sign
from the west.
2.) Emerald Ash borer, Update of proposal to Council
Mark presented a proposal to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Dept.
of Agriculture for an Emerald ash borer preparedness. The grant would be a
collaborative county wide effort with the County leading the grant.
The basis for the grant is to provide funding to communities to help them draft an
Emerald Ash Borer Preparedness. The County Board will review and decide if it
should go forward.
3.) Adams Street Improvement project Tree Removal
The County of McLeod and the city of Hutchinson are proposing a reconstruct of
Adams St SE which would include a 10 ft. wide pedestrian and bike path on the
west side of the street. This would mean complete removal of all boulevard trees
on the west side. Final plans have not yet been approved. More to follow as the
plan is reviewed.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.