01-19-2016 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 19, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The January 19, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Norton at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Arndt, Commissioner Wick, and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Kyle Dimler, Building Official. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. SWEARING IN OF RON KALENBERG City Attorney Marc Sebora swore in Ron Kalenberg as a new member of the Hutchinson Planning Commission. Commissioner 4. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner Arndt moved to table election of officers until the February Planning Commission meeting when a full Commission may be present, seconded by Commissioner Fahey. Motion approved unanimously 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 15, 2015. Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Fahey to approve. Motion approved unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Consideration of an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 154: Accessory Structures. Mr. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the proposed language to amend Chapter 154: Accessory Structures, as provided in the Commission's packets. Mr. Jochum noted the maximum size of accessory structures is now proposed to be based upon lot size and allows for a structure size ranging from 1,000 — 2,000 square feet. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission January 19, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Jochum also stated that pole buildings proposed for commercial zoning districts would still require a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Kirchoff asked to verify if lean-to additions to pole -type or other type of accessory structures are included in the total square footage of the accessory structure. Mr. Jochum affirmed that this is the case due to building code requirements and the intent of the language in zoning ordinances attempting to address the building intensity permitted within a zoning district or a building lot. Commissioner Norton asked for clarification on Item J regarding access to right- of-way. Mr. Jochum noted the City desires to limit access points to regulate and minimize traffic confusion/congestion and allow for maximum feasible off-street parking in the area affected. Commissioner Fahey asked if the City Building Department ought to do some Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to close the public hearing at 5:45 p.m. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff, Second by Commissioner Fahey to recommend approval. Motion approved unanimously. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject B. Consideration of an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 154: Micro -Distillery Cocktail Rooms. City Attorney, Marc Sebora, addressed the Commission. Mr. Sebora stated the proposed ordinance language has been proposed per previous direction of the Commission and Council to draft language for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Arndt to close public hearing at 5:50 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by Commissioner Wick to recommend approval with staff recommendations. Motion approved unanimously. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission January 19, 2016 Page 3 7. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Jochum noted he had no new business to present. Mr. Jochum asked the Commission if they had any areas that they would like to charge staff to research during 2016. Commissioner Norton asked if it would be possible to have a provision in the sign ordinance to permit a designated area that would allow groups to bring public awareness to a group's events. Mr. Jochum noted that the City Council currently has the authority to permit community event type signage. Mr. Jochum also noted the Commission may want to consider how permissive the language of the ordinance should be to allow the City to have some regulation over proposed signage. Mr. Jochum stated this may be a larger item that the City Council may want or need to review. Commissioner Fahey asked who would be the group to begin the process for a grant application for Historical Districts. Mr. Jochum suggested an organization like Historic Hutchinson may have a higher success rate in a grant application than the City doing it alone. Mr. Jochum noted some communities do an annual workshop with both the City Council and the Planning Commission to have discussion about large scale activities the City desires to plan for. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 9. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings Staff has not yet received any applications for the February Planning Commission meeting. The application deadline is this coming Friday, January 22, 2016. 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff, Second by Commissioner Arndt to adjourn the meeting at 6:01 p.m.