12-28-2015 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
December 28, 2015
Attending: Jon Ross, Dianne Wanzek, Gerry Grinde, Steve Bailey, Jack Sandberg, Julie Lofdahl, Pam Dille Ex -Officio
Excused: Mary Christensen
Jon Ross called the meeting to order. The minutes from the November 23, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Motion to
approve by Dianne Wanzek, seconded by Steve Bailey. Minutes approved as written.
Old Business:
1. 2016 budget requests from cities and counties update
McLeod County approved a 4% increase across PLS. This will help with book budget and 2% estimated salary
• Hutchinson may have a 2% increase, but 1% approved for sure.
• Winsted did not approve funding. The 4% received from McLeod County will help Winsted Library.
2. Head librarian replacement update
Dianne Wanzek gave a report on the interview process. She said it went very well. Lori Ortega was very organized.
Committee members were Lori, Dianne, Roger Vacek and Jim Fowler. Two very qualified women were interviewed
and decision will be made after first of the year. Pam will stay on for a couple of weeks for training.
3. Project Book Shelf 2015 final report
Raised almost $700 plus 8 boxes of books. This is twice as many books as past years. Many very nice books from
board books to young adult books. Worked hard to purchase a variety of books to make the money raised help as
many children as possible.
4. 2016 One Book, One Community Final Schedule
Sunday, January 31, 2:00 pm Historical background --- Lori Pickell-Stangel and her husband Joe will talk
about the history of the fur trading industry and fur -bearing animals.
Location: McLeod County Museum
Sunday, March 6, 2:00 pm Outdoor enthusiast Rudy Goldstein's adventure to recreate
Eric Sevareid and Walt Port's canoe trip to Hudson Bay. Followed by a community book discussion.
Location: McLeod County Museum
Sunday, April 3, 2:00 pm Natalie Warren's Hudson Bay presentation
Location: Hutchinson Event Center
5. Vote on continuation of the Hutchinson Library Board Minutes scrapbook.
Jack Sandberg made motion to discontinue current scrapbook system for keeping the Hutchinson Library Board
Minutes and use instead a three-ring binder. Motion seconded by Steve Bailey. MOTION APPROVED. The minutes
are also saved on the computer.
New Business:
1. 2016 Adult Winter Reading Program: "Book Your Winter Get -Away." January 4th — March 111h.
Pam brought cards so we could sign-up. Fun logo this year with suitcases. Theme is same as last year and the logo
is last year's runner up. Do need to sign-up and are asked if you participated prior years. This is being done to see
how many people are new or repeat participants. General numbers are up from other years.
Premiere for "Bringing Books to Life" Video series: January 24, 2016 from 2 — 4 p.m. at the McLeod County Museum.
This is a legacy project in conjunction with the Library and Historical Society. Jon said when the live presentation
was at the library, it was very well attended. The premiere will feature Nancy Faribault. The video is about
surviving the Dakota War - raised between two cultures.
3. Other
Keri's Cleaning has been contracted to clean the Library, City Hall, Fire Hall, and Evergreen. The cleaning has been
going very well. Someone has been hired for snow removal and a part-time maintenance person for things like
furnace filters and light bulbs.
Next meeting: January 25, 2016 at 4:30 pm
December 2015 Donations
Jim and Shannon Lyons (For adult and young adult books) $500.00
Anonymous $10.00
Overeaters Anonymous $10.00
Deena Mottrell (for microfilm work) 25.00
(Donations go into general fund unless they go through Friends of the Library. Pam will ask PLS accountant some more
questions on donations and receipts given.)