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12-16-2015 HUCM
MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Hanson called Hanson; Vice President Morrow; Commissioner Jeremy Carter. Guest: Bob Wendorff. the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Donna Luhring; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Monty Dwight Bordson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Recognition to Dwight Bordson for Years of Service On behalf of Hutchinson Utilities Commission, President Hanson presented Dwight Bordson with a meter lamp in appreciation for his 10 years of service on the Commission. 2. Conflict of Interest 3. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills A motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Approve Financial Statements GM Carter presented the financial statements. The Board thanked GM Carter and HUC staff for their efforts. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve the financial statements. Motion was unanimously carried. 5. Open Forum Future Commissioner, Bob Wendorff, thanked Commissioner Bordson for his efforts serving on the Board over the past 10 years. He also thanked HUC staff for meeting with him and providing tours of the HUC facilities. 6. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich i. The wastewater treatment facility's solar project went online. ii. Working on 2016 budgets which are scheduled to be approved next Tuesday. b. Divisions i. Dan Lang — 1. The system load will hit about 300,000 MWh for the year. ii. Dave Hunstad — 1. With the warm fall weather, we are continuing outside projects. iii. Randy Blake — 1. Finishing up the fourth quarter maintenance. iv. John Webster - 1. Nothing to report. c. Legal — Attorney Sebora i. Nothing to report. d. HR Director — Brenda Ewing i. Nothing to report. e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Working on the MRES base load contract options. ii. Working with John Webster on pack gas. iii. In 2016, will be working on capital infrastructure, succession planning, business planning, cash modeling and updating the wholesale model. 7. Policies a. Review Policies i. Pay Period, Paydays ii. Payroll Deductions iii. Overtime iv. Identity Theft — Red Flag Program No changes were recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes i. Inaccessible Utility Equipment/Meters It was recommended this policy be deleted due to redundancy as the language currently exists in both the Disconnection of Commercial Services by HUC and the Disconnection of Residential Services by HUC policies. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve policy changes. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 8. Unfinished Business a. Approve 2016 Budget GM Carter presented the 2016 budget for approval and noted items not reflected in the budget are the possible implementation of a software change mid -2016, job evaluation study recommendations and any possible changes in the Union contract in the last part of 2016. President Hanson also reiterated there is no FCA or PCA budgeted for in the 2016 budget. 2 After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Vice President Luhring to approve the 2016 budget. Commissioner Morrow commended staff on controlling costs. The Board thanked GM Carter and HUC staff for the work done on the budget. Motion was unanimously carried. (2016 Budget attached.) 9. New Business a. Approve 3M Transportation Agreement John Webster presented the 3M Transportation Agreement for a 2 -year renewal. The agreement provides transportation rights to 3M through December 31, 2017. HUC has not changed the transportation rate or daily balancing fees from the existing agreement. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve the 3M Transportation Agreement. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) b. Approve First Amendment to HTI's Natural Gas Transportation Agreement John Webster explained HTI is being bought out by TDK and this agreement allows the assignment of rights to TDK. Commissioner Bordson abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. A motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Secretary Girard. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) c. Approve Accounts Receivable Charge -Offs GM Carter presented for approval the accounts receivable charge-offs in the amount of $7,537.92. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the accounts receivable charge-offs in the amount of $7,537.92. Motion was unanimously carried. (Charge-offs attached.) d. Closed Session to Conduct the Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 Subdivision 3(a) President Hanson introduced the agenda item, the General Manager's annual performance review. President Hanson advised GM Carter that he has the option to have the performance review conducted as either an open session or a closed session of the Utility Commission. GM Carter indicated his decision to have the review as part of a closed session. President Hanson entertained a motion to go into closed session to conduct the 12 -month (annual) performance review as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). A motion was made by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Vice President Luhring to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. Motion was unanimously carried. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3:47 p.m. 3 Motion was made by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Vice President Luhring to close the closed session. Motion was unanimously carried. The Commission went back into open session at 4:35 p.m. Motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Secretary Girard to adjourn. Motion was unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m. Mark Girard, Secretary ATTEST: (�A"IIA Q - IA , Anthony Hanson, Presi en 4 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings General Manager Performance Appraisal Wednesday, December 16, 2015 On December 16, 2015, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission conducted a closed meeting for the annual performance appraisal for General Manager, Jeremy Carter. Individuals present included General Manager Jeremy Carter, Commission Members Donna Luhring, Anthony Hanson, Mark Girard, Monty Morrow, and Dwight Bordson, City Attorney Marc Sebora, and City of Hutchinson Human Resources Director Brenda Ewing. Mr. Carter exercised his right to close the proceedings to the public as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Bordson, second by Luhring to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3:47 p.m. The Commission reviewed with Mr. Carter his performance for the current calendar year. The review is required per the terms of the employment contract in place between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and General Manager Carter. Mr. Carter's performance was evaluated in the following areas: Organizational Management, Fiscal/Business Management, Program Development, Relationship & Communication with the Commission, Long -Range Planning, and Relationships with Public & Outside Organizations. The consensus of the Commission is that Mr. Carter's cumulative performance for the review period was found to be 3.77 on the rating scale of 0 — 5 and, per the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, is meeting and exceeding job requirements on the ratings scale. The employment contract between Hutchinson Utilities and Mr. Carter indicates that Salary increases for the General Manager are subject to the provisions of the Compensation Plan section of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Exempt Employee Handbook. Motion by Girard, second by Bordson to approve a 2016 salary of $142,800 or a 5% annual increase of $6,800 increase over the 2015 salary. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bordson, second by Luhring, to open the closed proceedings. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission moved back to the open session at 4:35 p.m. Motion by Morrow, second by Girard, to adjourn the meeting at 4:36 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Vl/CITIES 2016 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET SUMMARY 2016 Operating Budget - Electric Division General 2016 Budget Items o Budget reflects a reduction in (2) Electric Division FTE's from the 2015 budget and (1) shared FTE between the Electric & Gas Divisions. Plant Operator, Plant Mechanic, & Purchasing Agent. o Budget currently reflects a 0% Health Insurance Plan increase based on the current 3000/6000 deductible program, which includes the HRA embedded within the insurance plan. In addition, the budget reflects an 80/20 split for exempt employees and a continual 80/20 split for non- exempt employees. The Dental plan for 2016 will see a 7% increase, while the LTD, and Basic & voluntary life will remain the same as the 2015 rates. The Worker's Comp is estimated at a 5% increase over 2015 rates. o Budget reflects the reduction in SPP transmission costs of $903,568 for 2016 as a result of MRES members moving into the SPP market and MRES no longer requesting transmission services over the SPP market for MISO members. o Budget reflects a continual allocation of benefits to the various cost centers. (System Controls/Load Dispatch, Electric Distribution, Electric Production, Customer Service, and General Administration) o Budget reflects a slight decrease in the budgeted amount for 2016 to administer the Conservation Improvement Plan (CIP) to the current intentions of the State Program and State Statute language. (1.5% energy savings goal) 2015 Budget $603,112; 2016 Budget $540,657; budget amount will not necessarily all be expended in 2016. o Budget reflects a HUC transfer amount of $1,506,183. Reinstates the 2.75% PILOT transfer formula amount while maintaining street light reimbursement, Tree Program, & reimbursement for IT, HR, Legal. Electric Operating Revenues o Retail Sales Forecast: o For 2016, retails sales are based off the rolling average of billable KWHR's from 2009 - September of 2015 which equates to 284,543,847 KWHRs (.6% increase over 2015). The 2016 budget reflects the 2015 current electric rates for all classes except the large industrial. This rate reduction follows a 3 -year phase in schedule. (Year 2 of 3) o Power Cost Adjustment: o A Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is not factored into the 2016 budget. 2016 will be the tenth consecutive year without a rate increase; last rate increase was in 2006. o KWHR Allocation used to determine KWHR retail sales by customer classes are as follows: o Electric Residential 17.4% o All Electric Residential .9% o Electric Small General Service 5.9% o Electric Large General Service 27.4% o Large Industrial 48.4% o Wholesale sales (Sales for Resale): o Capacity Sales with SMPPA for 2016 are budgeted at $675,500 o Energy Sales revenue from an energy contract is budgeted at $1,232,320. This amount is based on HUC's unit #1 called upon for 16,000 MWHR's (400 Hrs). Currently, no market sales are budgeted in the 2016 budget. o Other Revenues: o The 2016 budget shows the same amounts budgeted for in the misc. revenue areas as 2015. In addition, the 2016 budget shows an increase in revenue from interest earnings of $25,000. This will be a result of investing cash balances in secondary market investment instruments. Electric Operating Expenses o Purchased Power: o MRES power expense is budgeted at purchasing 226,627 MWHR's at an average blended price of $52.61 per/MWHR. HUC will receive 219,600 MWHR's, while 7,027 MWHR's will be system loss power purchased (— 3.2% system loss). MRES power received equates to 74.8% of power supply needed based on 2016 projections. o LMP expense is budgeted on a 2011 -Sept 2015 (4.75 year) average LMP price. Using a market price of $31.58 per MWHR and purchasing 60,329 MWHRs. LMP power needs equate to 20.5% of power supply needed based on 2016 projections. The ability to purchase power off the market at this average rate is directly impacted by HUC's ability to self -generate power during high market price times. o 13,720 MWHR's are budget for Hedging. Generation hedging equates to 4.7% of power supply needed based on 2016 projections. o Electric Production Expenses: o Fuel: Includes $329,472 in natural gas contracted at $3.96 per MCF for unit #8 hedging, $207,432 at a spot price of $3.87 per MCF for units #3, #4, #5 hedging, and $619,200 in natural gas budgeted for the energy contract. Other misc. budget for fuel oil, water & sewer, and boilers. o In addition, includes $647,166 for natural gas transport expense. The transport expense reflects 1/3 of the annual principal and interest payments on the outstanding Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A. The 1/3 transport expense will be adjusted annually moving forward to reflect the current years P&I schedule. o Spot market price for natural gas is $3.87. (2011-2015 avg.) o The 2016 budget reflects generating 13,720 MWHR's for hedging purposes and 500 MWHR's for Market Sales. Market Sales MWHR's generated will fluctuate based on Market Prices. o Electric Transmission Expenses: o Electric transmission expenses are budgeted to increase by $340,000 over the 2015 budget. The 2016 increases are due to two primary factors: 1) 2016 is the last year on a settlement agreement between HUC and GRE where a $100K annual credit is phased out and 2) GRE's transmission rate is increasing between 4.5%-6.5% in 2016. o $10,000 is added to the 2016 transmission budget for GRE to provide transmission planning services for HUC to continually meet NERC reliability requirements. o Electric Distribution Expenses: o Roughly 90% of the expenses in the distribution area are personnel related expenses. This area consists of routine replacement and maintenance related to distribution infrastructure, work on city infrastructure projects and builds outs for new developments. 2016 Additional Operating Budget Noteworthy Items o PCA's could be relatively consistent with 2015 levels as a result of the decreased transmission costs historically paid for by HUC to transport energy from the SPP market to the MISO market. PCA's are currently not budgeted for in the 2016 budget but could provide an additional revenue source in calendar year 2016. o Staff is continuing to review the latest EPA rulings (Cross State Air Rule & 111d Clean Air Act) to understand the future potential impacts to HUC's core business operations. o Management is continuing to review organizational operations for opportunities to reduce costs, take advantage of revenue opportunitiE!s, streamline operations, and reallocate resources to achieve long-term sustainability. 2016 Capital Budgets for Electric Division Electric Production Capital Budget - $234,500 o Plant 1 door & window replacement - $60,000 o Plant 1 heating system upgrade - $70,000 o Plant 1 fence replacement — cooling tower - $6,500 o Plant 1 cooling tower VFD's - Phase II - $18,000 o Unit #4 turbocharger overhaul - $35,000 o Unit #8 pump control panel upgrade - $5,000 o Unit #8 boiler drum level indicator site gauge replacement - $20,000 0 40 gpm water pump replacement - $8,000 o New acid storage tanks for Plants 1 & 2 - $12,000 Electric Distribution Capital Budget -$245,000 0 13.8kV breaker replacement (FDR #16) — $25,000 0 3M sub roof replacements — $10,000 o HTI sub transformer inert gas system — $5,000 o Station equipment — $10,000 o Install duct for re -conductor replacements — $15,000 o Re -conductor replacement (FDR # 16 & #17) - $35,000 o Century Court Apts. —$35,000 o Re -conductor replacement (FDR #18) Judson Cir to Michael Ct. - $40,000 o Transformer replacements - $40,000 o Meters — $30,000 Electric Distribution/Transmission Capital Budget (As Necessary)- $116,000 o Transmission Pole Repair & Replacement - $15,000 o New Developments - $101,000 2016 Operating Budget - Gas Division General 2016 Budget Items o Budget reflects a reduction in (1) Gas Division FTE from the 2015 budget and (1) shared FTE between the Electric & Gas Divisions. Welder/Service Person II & Purchasing Agent o Budget currently reflects a 0% Health Insurance Plan increase based on the current 3000/6000 deductible program with the embedded NRA within the plan. In addition, the budget reflects a 80/20 split for exempt employees and a continual 80/20 split for non-exempt employees. The Dental plan for 2016 will see a 7% increase, while the LTD, and Basic & voluntary life remain the same as the 2015 rates. The Worker's Comp is estimated at a 5% increase over 2015 rates. o Budget reflects a continual allocation of benefits to the various cost centers. (Gas Transmission, Gas Distribution, Customer Service and General Administration) o Budget reflects a slight decrease in the budgeted amount for 2016 to administer the Conservation Improvement Plan (CIP) to the current intentions of the State Program and State Statute language. (1.5% energy savings goal). 2015 Budget $603,112; 2016 Budget $540,657; budget amount will not necessarily all be expended in 2016. o Budget reflects a HUC transfer amount of $1,506,183. Reinstates the 2.75% PILOT transfer formula amount while maintaining street light reimbursement, Tree Program, & reimbursement for IT, HR, Legal. Natural Gas Operating Revenues o Retail Sales Forecast: o Retail (Residential & Commercial) sales have been forecasted on a 4+ yearly average (2011-2015) at 882,779 MCF for 2016. o Industrial sales have been forecasted on a 4+ yearly average (2011-2015) at 797,091 MCF for 2016. Two of the three industrial customers are transport customers with HUC providing the commodity as a pass through. The industrial transport sales are based on a spot market price of $3.83 with an off -setting expense for HUC to purchase the natural gas. Due to the recent change in natural gas purchasing requirements by one of the transport customers, HUC expects the average spot market price to be lower than previously budgeted. o Fuel Cost Adjustment: o A Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA) is not factored into the 2016 budget. o Other Revenues: o Budgeted $730,636 for the New Ulm Contract o Budgeted $647,166 for the capacity used on the pipeline by the Electric Division's generation/production area. This is a transfer between divisions. o Operating Revenue to maintain the Brownton system is included in the budget. ($27K) Natural Gas Operating Expenses o Purchased Gas Expense o Retail Customers: The expense for this class is based off a 4+ year average (2011-2015) consumption level at 882,779 DTH's. Contracted Gas makes up —76% of the DTH's needed for retail customers at an average weighted price of $4.98. The remaining — 24% of retail gas needed will be purchased swing gas at an estimated price of $3.87. The $3.87 swing gas price is based on daily pricing so there is more volatility than the swing gas price used for the Industrial Customers which is based on the 1" of the month pricing. Total average weighted natural gas price budgeted is $4.71. o Industrial Customers: consumption based on a 4+ yearly average. (2011-2015). The budget is based on 797,091 DTH's at an estimated swing gas price of $3.83. * Total blended budgeted expense is $4.29 per DTH. o Natural Gas Transmission Expense o Mostly personnel costs, Routine maintenance & repairs based on MNOPS Program requirements. o Natural Gas Distribution Expense o Mostly personnel costs, Routine maintenance & repairs based on MNOPS Program requirements. 2016 Additional Operating Budget Noteworthy Items o Staff is continuing to explore partnership opportunities to leverage the Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Hutchinson Utilities Commission owns. o Management is continuing to review organizational operations for opportunities to reduce costs, take advantage of revenue opportunities, streamline operations, and reallocate resources to achieve long-term sustainability. 2016 Capital Budgets for Gas Division Natural Gas Transmission Capital Budget - $243,500 o Lafayette Interconnect & SCADA system - $158,500 o (2) Specific gravity meters - $85,000 Natural Gas Distribution Capital Budget - $205,000 o Replacement Regulators (station 1) - $30,000 o Meters, regulators, AMI Modules -$100,000 o Tapping & Stopping equipment - $75,000 Natural Gas Division Capital Budget (As Necessary) - $100,000 o Misc. developments & system improvements - $50,000 o Service Lines - $50,000 GAS DIVISION ELECTRIC DIVISION T Dollar % change YEAR 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Inc/(Decr.) Dollar % change YEAR - y 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 4,258,334 4,588,522 2015/2016 REVENUES: Commercial 3,150,925 3,729,790 3,853,504 3,722,294 4,023,501 301,207 _Inc/(Decr.) Contracted Industrial 2,826,424 Residential 5,202,559 5,176,489 5,162,073 5,051,735 5,030,722 (21,013) -0.42% Small General 1,723,013 1,646,365 1,612,428 1,651,099 1,581,216 (69,883) -4.23% Large General 7,541,929 7,256,720 7,175,480 7,218,383 7,076,630 (141,753) -1.96% Industrial 10,763,758 10,375,605 11,001,396 10,502,648 10,511,135 8,487 0.08% Street Lighting Sales for Resale 148,968 1,618,582 143,002 891,276 139,533 678,293 146,739 994,000 144,535 1,907,820 (2,204) 913,820 -1.50% 91.93% Other Revenues 609,709 376,620 339,705 280,200 280,200 - 0.00% Interest Earnings 28,126 37,970 25,904,047 14,860 26,123,769 32,500 25,877,304 57,500 26,589,758 25,000 712,454 76.92% 2.75% TOTAL REVENUES: 27,636,643 EXPENSES: 1,056,000 1,056,000 - 0.00% Transfers (City) 397,853 491,077 Personnel Costs 4,096,466 4,502,229 4,495,713 4,814,550 4,798,888 (15,662) -0.3% Purchased Power 14,823,407 13,342,967 13,850,238 14,862,607 13,875,028 (987,579) -6.6% Transmission 969,927 1,289,968 1,512,071 1,535,000 1,875,000 340,000 22.15% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 841,529 1,179,687 1,491,754 1,231,492 1,341,604 110,112 8.94°% Depreciation 2,289,199 2,612,388 2,744,769 2,700,000 2,700,000 - 0.00% Transfers (Electric/City) 1,838,871 2,012,000 1,123,897 1,026,223 1,401,635 375,412 36.58% Operationg Expense 2,280,695 2,278,757 1,812,568 1,796,981 1,569,185 (227,796) -12.68% Debt Interest 51,918 47,416 40,532 38,013 33,013 (5,000) -13.15% TOTAL EXPENSES: - 27,192,013 27,265,413 27,071,542 28,004,866 27,594,352 (410,514) -1.47% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 444,630 $ (1,361,366) $ (947,773) $ (2,127,562) $ (1,004,594) 1,122,968 -52.78% GAS DIVISION T Dollar % change YEAR 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2015/2016 REVENUES: Residential 3,697,538 4,626,722 4,706,389 4,258,334 4,588,522 330,188 7.75% Commercial 3,150,925 3,729,790 3,853,504 3,722,294 4,023,501 301,207 8.09% Contracted Industrial 2,826,424 3,646,509 6,066,290 4,034,279 3,578,643 (455,636) -11.29% NU Transportation 755,472 785,149 808,575 725,100 730,636 5,536 0.76% Electric Division Transfer 1,100,000 1,100,000 700,000 641,833 647,166 5,333 0.83°% Other Revenues 346,215 244,016 244,212 212,608 212,608 - 0.00°% Interest Earnings 28,126 37,970 14,860 32,500 57,500 25,000 76.92°% TOTAL REVENUES: 11,904,699 14,170,156 16,393,829 13,626,948 13,838,576 211,628 1.55% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 1,201,654 1,259,705 1,274,037 1,352,676 1,259,800 (92,876) -6.9% Purchased Gas 6,400,838 7,433,522 9,986,448 7,580,424 7,214,755 (365,669) -4.8% Depreciation 1,043,234 1,027,662 1,002,804 1,056,000 1,056,000 - 0.00% Transfers (City) 397,853 491,077 605,176 206,980 406,252 199,273 96.28% Operationg Expense 720,352 643,488 660,166 786,148 781,955 (4,193) -0.53°% Debt Interest 1,326,968 1,271,801 864,000 825,500 781,500 (44,000) -5.33% TOTAL EXPENSES: 11,090,899 12,127,256 14,392,630 11,807,729 11,500,263 (307,466) -2.60% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 813,800 $ 2,042,900 $ 2,001,199 $ 1,819,219 $ 2,338,314 519,094 28.53% 2016 BUDGET ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES Energy Sales Revenue Sales -Electric Energy (440,442,444t Other Energy Sales (4471 Total Energy Sales Revenue (440, 442, 444, 447) Revenue From Other Sources Revenue From Other Sources (450,451 } Security Lights (454.01) Pole Renta 1.454,02, 454 03) Total Revenue From Other Sources (450. 451, 454) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Production Operations Operation Supervison & Engineering (546) Fuel (547) Operating Supplies and Expense (550) Total Production Operations (546, 547, 550) Maintenance Operations Structures (554) Generating Units (554) Other Equipment (554) Total Maintenance Operations (554) Other Power Supply Expense Purchased Power (555) System Control & Load Dispatch (556: Engineerng Services (557) Total Other Power Supply Expense (555, 556, 557) Transmission Expense Transmission Expense Operation (560} Transmission Expense Operation (565) Transmission Expense Operation (567) Transmission Expense Maintenance (574) Total Transmission Expense (560, 565, 567, 574) Detailed Income Statement Electric Division _ lass rro � 2012 Actual �- - 2033 Actual 2014 Actual 110/27/15) Actual 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ 25,380,225 $ 24,598,181 $ 25.090,910 $ 19,571,954 $ 24,982..080 $ 24,570,604 S 24,344,238 $ 1,618,582 $ 891,276 $ 678,293 $ 840,412 $ 1,057,400 $ 994,000 S 1,907,820 $ 26,998,808 S 25,489,457 $ 25,769,204 $ 20,412.366 $ 26,039.480 $ 25.564,604 $ 26.252 058 299,693 $ 297,525 $ 292,778 $ 217,384 $ 220,000 $ 270,200 $ 270,200 11,002 $ 11,033 $ 11,301 $ 8485 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 133 $ 32 _ $ 16 $ - $ 500 $ g 310,828 S 308,589 $ 304,095 $ 225.869 $ 230.500 $ 280.260 $ 280.200 $ 27,309,636 $ 25,798,046 $ 26,073,299 $ 20,638,236 $ 26,269,980 $ 25,844,804 $ 26,532,258 $ 993,233 $ 1,126,083 $ 1,037,894 $ 809,813 $ 1,072,165 $ 1,677,897 $ 1.678,384 $ 1,635,135 $ 2,156,277 $ 1,381.155 $ 1,101,697 $ 2,180.050 $ 1,795,025 S 1,859,370 $ 133,010 $ 162,780 S 146,501 $ 109,769 $ 111,100 $ 117,600 $ 155,500 S 2,961,378 $ 3,445,139 $ 2,565,550 S 2,021,279 $ 3,363,315 S 3,590,522 $ 3,693,254 $ 822 $ 448 $ 6,165 $ 2,446 $ 100 $ 5.000 S 7,000 $ 291,684 $ 318.352 $ 375,626 $ 262.789 $ 236,200 $ 418,538 $ 451,230 $ 160,409 $ 180,501 $ 118,081 $ 62,944 $ 101.500 $ 35,000 $ 40.000 $ 452,914 f 499500 S 499,872 $ 328,178 $ 337,800 S 458,538 _ S 498,230 $ 14,823,407 $ 13,342,967 $ 13,850,238 $ 11,361,161 $ 13,445,430 $ 14,862.607 $ 13,875,028 $ 337,475 $ 330,932 $ 328,571 $ 260,586 $ 304,500 $ 482,005 $ 514,668 $ 18,891 $ 95,932 S 9,162 $ 8.148 $ 25,000 $ $ $ 15,179,774 $ 13,769,830 S 14,187,971 S /1,629,895 -S13,774,929 $ 15,344,612 S 14,389,696 $ 129,568 $ 129,568 $ 144,106 $ 108,079 $ 135,000 S 145,000 $ 145,000 $ 969,927 $ 1,289,968 $ 1,512,071 $ 1,368 438 $ 1.150,000 $ 1.535,000 $ 1,875,000 $ 174 $ 82 $ - $ - $ 1.000 $ 100 $ 10,000 $ 72,590 S 73,734 $ 28,361 $ 20,980 $ 24,000 S 31,019 $ 26,622 $ 1,172,258 $ 1,493,352 S 1,664,538 $ 1,497,498 $ 1,310,000 $ 1,711,119 $ 2,056,622 Distribution Expense: Distribution Operation (580,581, 586, 588, 589) $ 566,646 $ 560,929 $ 606,544 $ 430,629 $ 420,350 $ 1,173.208 $ 1.224,224 Dstnbution Maintenance (592 594,595,596. 598) $ 267,200 $ 321,821 S 256,554 S 194,676 $ 220.500 $ 268 938 $ 256,876 Total Distrlbu0on Expense (580 ,551, 586, 588, 589, 592, 594, 595. 596, 598) $ 833,846 $ 882,750 S 863,097 S 625,304 $ 640,850 $ 1,442,146 $ 1,481,100 Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Msc. Selling Expense (916: Total Sales Expense (911, 916) Administrative and General Adminstralive and General Labor i920} Office Supplies and Expenses (921) Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension & Benefits (926) Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint Of General Plant (935,. Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Contribution To City - Roadway Lighting (408 Total Other Expenses (403, 407, 408) $ 30,835 $ 18,794 $ 17,153 $ 19,020 $ 17,050 $ 21,108 $ 21,331 $ 87,903 $ 127,589 $ 115,324 $ 89,390 $ 105,545 $ 176,059 $ 186,095 $ 3,191 $ 5,070 $ 10,875 $ 6,718 $ 3,300 $ 8,250 $ 8 250 $ 44,819 $ 40,260 $ 47,286 $ 37,525 $ 41,250 $ 53.347 $ 55,682 S 166,748 S 191,713 $ 190,638 $ 152,652 S 167,145 $ 258,763 S 271,358 $ 6,128 $ 5.684 $ 5.010 $ $ 6,000 S - $ - $ 199,456 $ 192.057 S 339.637 $ 135,594 $ 301.500 $ 374,942 $ 360,851 $ 205,584 $ 197,740 $ 344,647 S 135,594 S 307,500 $ 374,942 $ 360,851 $ 486,057 $ 520,388 $ 467,125 $ 353,162 $ 500,250 $ 455,177 S 417,549 $ 256,262 $ 281,574 $ 254,183 $ 223.736 $ 184,125 $ 222,300 $ 222,750 $ 150,240 S 147,846 $ 109,766 $ 106.060 $ 56,475 $ 112,931 $ 80.306 $ 104,135 $ 102,512 $ 91,736 $ 67,280 $ 105,050 $ 105,000 $ 105,000 S 1,186,792 $ 1,240,786 $ 1.266,411 $ 1,018,32D $ 1,324,875 $ 212,705 $ 189,134 $ 52.925 $ 23,980 $ 24.305 $ 22,466 $ 31,900 $ 30,000 S 30,000 $ 101.596 $ 95,031 $ 87,491 $ 52,427 $ 103,675 $ 106,136 $ 119,636 $ 48.356 $ 71,061 $ 63,752 $ 24,022 S 37,180 $ 47,861 $ 46.850 $ 2,386,364 $ 2,483,179 S 2,364,769 $ 1,867,473 $ 2,343,530 $ 1,292,110 S 1,211,225 $ 2,289,199 $ 2,612,388 $ 2,744,769 $ 2.025.000 S 2,700,000 $ 2 700.000 $ 2,700,000 $ 738.871 $ 912,000 $ 1,123,897 $ 359.829 $ 1,235,000 $ 384.391 $ 754469 $ 148,585 $ 142.666 $ - $ $ $ 146,739 $ 144,535 $ 3,176,655 S 3,667,055 $ 3,868,666 $ 2,384,829 f 3,935,000 $ 3,231,130 11 3,599,004 Detailed Income Statement Electric Division COGS $ 19,766,325 S 19,207,622 $ 18,937,931 S zoss v7D $ 21,104,790 $ 20,637,802 Gross Profit $ 7,543,312 $ 2012 Actual 7,135,368 $ 2013 Actual 2014 Actual (10/27/15) Actual 2014 Budget 1 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Gross Margin 27.6% 15.5% 27.4% 25. OX 28.S% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 26,535,522 $ 26,630,059 $ 26,569,748 $ 20,642,701 $ 26,180,069 $ 27,703,882 $ 27,561,340 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ 774,114 $ (832,013) $ (496,449) $ (4,465) $ 89,911 $ (1,859,078) $ (1,029,082) NONOPERATING REVENUESI(EXPENSES) -3.89 Net Income (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) - - Merchand se & Contract Work. Net $ (20.360; $ (21,474) $ 41,724 S 40,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ - Interest Income $ 28.126 $ 37,970 $ 14,860 $ 11,729 S 30,000 $ 32,500 $ 57,500 Misc. Income $ 294,299 $ 58.031 $ 35,408 $ 32,436 $ 15.000 $ $ - Bond Service Fees $ (1.850) $ (2,400) S (450; S - $ (3,000 $ (2,400) $ (2,400) Interest Expense - Bonds $ (159.221) $ (85,537) $ (40,082) $ {26,709) S (112849, $ (35,613) $ (30,613) Gain (Loss) On Disposal $ 4,582 $ 10,000 $ 23,159 S - $ $ - $ - Amortizaton of Bond Discount and Issuance Costs $ (1,864) $ - $ - $ - $ (21,000, $ - $ Amortizatan— Development Study $ (473,196) $ 1525,943) S (525,943, S (262,972) $ 1 $ (262,972) $ TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUESIEXPENSES $- (329,484) $ (529,353) S (451,324) $ (205,516) $ (81,849) $ (268,484) $ 24,488 NET INCOME $ 444,830 $ (1,361,366) $ (947,773) $ (209,982) $ 8,062 $ (2,127,562) S (1,004,594) COGS $ 19,766,325 S 19,207,622 $ 18,937,931 S 15,476,850 $ 18,786,044 $ 21,104,790 $ 20,637,802 Gross Profit $ 7,543,312 $ 6,590,424 $ 7,135,368 $ 5,161,386 $ 7,483,936 $ 4,740,014 S 5,894,456 Gross Margin 27.6% 15.5% 27.4% 25. OX 28.S% 18.3% 22.2% Operating Margin (%) 2.8% -3.2% -1.9% 0.09 0.3X -7.2% -3.9% Net Income (%) of Operating Sales 1.6% -S.3X -3.69 •1.OX 0.0% -8.2% -3.89 Net Income (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) - - -7.0% -1.8% NET INCOME 2016 Net Income $ (1,004,594) 2016 Est PCA $ 339,000 Capitalized Labor Production $ 24,000 Capitalized Labor - Distribution 5 176,000 2016 Net Income $ (465,594) CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2016 Net Income $ (1,004,594) 2016 Est. PCA $ 339,000 Depreciation $ 2,700,000 2016 Cap Exp $ (479,500) 2003B Principal $ (125,000) 2016 Electric Cash Flow $ 1,429,906 2016 Cap Exp (As necessary) $ 116,000 $28,000,000 $27,000,000 $26,000,000 $25,000,000 $24,000,000 $23,000,000 $22,000,000 $21,000,000 $20,000,000 Electric Division Operating Revenues 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 2016 ELECTRIC BUDGETED REVENUES Sales for Resale, Other Revenue, $280,200 ---Interest Earn11 ing $1,907,820, 7% ' 1% $57,500,0% Street Lighting, $144,535 ,1% Industrial, $10,511,135, 39% I, $5,030,722, 19% Aimooliwii_ Small General, $1,581,216, 6% Revenues Sales by Customer Class Meter Charge Energy Charge Totals Electrical Residential (all electric included) $ 478,374.00 $ 4,552,348.50 $ 5,030,722.50 Electrical Small General Service $ 97,560.00 $ 1,483,655.75 $ 1,581,215.75 Sub -Total $ 575,934.00 $ 6,036,004.25 $ 6,611,938.25 aaies oy customer cuss Electrical Large General Service Electric Large Industrial Sub -Total TAIL DEMAND, METER, ENERGY Roadway Lighting Demand Charge Energy Charge Totals $ 1,332,470.96 $ 5,744,158.83 $ 7,076,629.79 $ 1,824,905.88 $ 8,686,229.61 $ 10,511,135.49 $ 3,157,376.84 $ 14,430,388.44 $ 17,587,765.28 $ 3,733,310.84 $ 20,466,392.69 $ 24,199,703.53 1 S 144,535.18 Total Sales --440, 442, 444 + Rdwy Ltg. $ 24,344,238.71 Electric Division Number of meters Small Large Residential General General Large Year Residential All Electric Service Service Industrial Total 1990 4,539 290 599 79 1 5,508 1991 4,435 239 575 78 1 5,328 1992 4,456 266 563 77 1 5,363 1993 4,456 260 628 84 1 5,429 1994 4,463 260 632 82 2 5,439 1995 4,722 239 668 87 2 5,718 1996 4,786 237 705 92 2 5,822 1997 4,935 244 735 95 2 6,011 1998 5,114 239 742 100 2 6,197 1999 5,197 241 752 104 2 6,296 2000 5,315 239 774 109 2 6,439 2001 5,358 248 779 114 2 6,501 2002 5,437 246 799 115 2 6,599 2003 5,541 248 810 118 2 6,719 2004 5,626 249 797 118 2 6,792 2005 5,685 253 802 117 2 6,859 2006 5,741 263 816 119 3 6,942 2007 5,754 261 816 117 3 6,951 2008 5,787 273 777 128 3 6,968 2009 5,813 271 807 125 3 7,019 2010 5,815 270 814 125 3 7,027 2011 5,830 258 811 122 3 7,024 2012 5,846 255 815 122 3 7,041 2013 5,851 256 815 126 3 7,051 2014 5,859 257 816 125 3 7,060 2015 5,875 258 813 125 3 7,074 # of Meters Months Annualized Ext. Meter Charge Annual Revenue Residential Meters = 6,133 12 73,596 $ 6.50 $ 478,374 Small GS Meters = 813 12 9,756 $ 10.00 $ 97,560 2016 METER CHARGE REVENUE $ 575,934 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ?ota' KW Demand 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Month 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Jan 20,571 36,391 35,062 35,845 34,896 40,935 39,404 40.799 38,572 39,663 40,343 37,801 37,578 38,155 36,446 35,751 35,324 35,603 Feb 33,165 36,590 35.467 36,242 37,803 39,997 38,964 39.969 38.354 39,865 41,090 36,423 35,445 38,349 35,837 36,255 35,631 35.098 Mar 32.995 36,598 38,499 35,362 37,228 39,974 42,058 39.625 38,358 40,549 40,361 37,967 37,741 38,133 39.626 35,885 36,852 36,843 Apr 38,490 37,908 37,553 35,714 44,700 43,591 45,269 41.326 42,423 43,221 43,395 38.553 39,994 39.135 38,612 37,186 31,539 38,418 May 43,648 39,143 40,005 36,627 42,632 44.818 46,540 42.187 44,871 44.931 42,843 42,812 43,470 46,498 43,422 41,044 47,131 41,739 June 44.213 42.115 42,989 41,734 47,631 48,288 46,115 49.815 47,125 49.435 47.085 44,967 48,005 51,694 47,163 45,798 44,301 44,772 July 45.416 45,144 43,392 46.540 45,648 49,681 49,389 49,703 49,449 52,234 50,877 45,565 47,484 49,210 48,071 45,871 45,090 46,838 August 39,285 45,654 45,290 45,656 47,602 38,155 47,579 50,513 50,482 51,792 52,000 46.454 50,517 49,623 45,823 47,017 44,816 45,907 Sept 43,300 45,034 44,639 45,231 46,579 50.260 48,471 48,083 45.598 51,225 48.065 44.751 46,351 46,331 44,247 45,655 47,215 45.960 October 39,219 39,983 44,508 41.385 45,455 46,814 43,405 46,347 42,696 48,415 48,567 41,099 43,360 43,351 39,080 40,420 38,836 41,009 November 38,125 39.950 43,010 40,640 41,052 39,689 43,696 42,474 40,921 41,829 42,849 38,063 40,018 37,646 36,579 35,761 37,140 37.429 December 36.155 37,129 36,580 40,212 38,796 40,605 37;604 39,743 40,274 40,606 38,690 38,333 37,846 35,910 34,946 35,418 36,635 36,151 Total 454.582 481,639 486,994 481.188 510.022 522.807 528,496 530,584 519,123 543.765 538,173 494,797 507,809 514,035 489,852 482,061 480.510 485,767 % change yty 595% 1 11 % -119% 599% 251% 1 09% 0.40% -2.16% 4.75% -1.03% -8.06% 2.63% 1.23% -470% -1.59% -0.32% 1.09% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 :Iectnc Large General Demand 190,480 201,344 200,424 209,558 234,292 235,927 238,786 241,544 230,443 244,694 270,336 230,468 233,539 228,825 228,572 225,111 218.310 144.99E iectrical Large Industrial Demand 265,656 279,900 286,570 271,630 279,330 286,880 289,710 289,040 288,680 299,071 295,630 262,320 274,270 285,210 261,280 256,950 262,200 180,22( Total Demand 456,136 481,244 486,994 481,188 513,622 522,807 528,496 530,584 519,123 543,765 565,966 492,788 507,809 514,035 489,852 482,061 480,510 325,21E Revenue Allocation by Rate Clair: 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Electric Large General Demand 42% 42% 41% 44% 46% 45% 45% 46% 44% 45% 48% 47% 46% 45% 47% 47% 45% 45% Electrical Large Industrial Demand 58% 58% 59% 56% 54% 55% 55% 54% 56% 55% 52% 53% 54% 55% 53% 53% 55% 55% The trend seems to Indicate that about 45% of the demand should be allocated to Large General Demand, and 55% to Large Industrial Dema 8 year ovg: 46% Large General, 54% Industrial Revenue Allocation Calculation for 2076 Total KW Demand for 041 and 051 rate codes = 482,779 KW Applicable Unit By Class Rate Extension Electric Large General Demand 46% 222,078 $ 6.00 $ 1,332,471 Electncal Large Industrial Demand 54% 260,701 $ 7.00 $ 1,824,906 TOTAL Electric KWHR's Consumed by Customer Class % Electric Consumption by Customer Class 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 er3172e15 S*" 6v Guawmar CA.. 1998 1898 t'xxl W' 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2007 2006 2009 2010 201 f 2012 2013 2014 2015 etul4 Sv'vH. 113160 103516 95,588 93.212 84,588 73.801 72,758 104328 - - - EIBCtrwfl Sme-G---IS- 627% 100514 97306 97.618 100565 67,259 Sireei Lr9M1 1.132.860 1054430 1040.690 1.062.810 1049,661 416,277 5887 1748 118592 127414 124.275 99.290 98575 6.931 7014 6.154 4145 63 EI -4.W Re4Werd.1 40.931643 41472,997 42,942,673 44.051,366 47152,883 48.194,200 4610758 .8 49987,604 49.931027 51088707 49397.391 47,266811 50.422,541 50985856 50726492 51175792 50.550607 33479.719 M1 ElectrwaI Reewer4W 7.364685 2349466 2.5061,3 2.518,382 2.666,52E 2.778.190 2507.374 2843.511 2629.173 2.813032 2.873.401 2,546.491 2,687,220 2630.355 2.340244 2.679334 2,694.481 1696046 E;ecvkM Sma I G::.! Servwe 17 902 143 29667.865 18.371 449 18,381.169 18,782,464 19697 943 18 892 852 18 757 085 18 674 36B 19 292 634 18702 897 9 524. D43 9.619 062 9 726.219 9645115 9 590 112 9 513 090 6 319 066 Ei4ctrwal Sma9 GerwNSatvwe - - - - - - - 7826.881 7639320 6145.475 8,402.901 7716661 7451.140 5035.135 E actrwel t arae Getwlal Setnca 64 106.436 86.528,610 70 970.941 73.543,508 76 566 166 75 547.365 75025022 77 405 135 76 993511 79 106.495 81.203 714 76 765.584 81 514.597 80 125.637 92193.045 W 487 539 79 087 541 52,794,232 Eitwew La19a IMusviel IW 221 600 157 442.000 IW 334 000 149334 DW 150 700 000 156 ..088 000 148 295.000 152.604 000 158 081 000 163 346 000 158,128,000 129 727 000 141.%9,000 140 W5 000 129470 000 127 088 000 134 419 000 % 888 0410 Salva Ip Rafale 52 706 350 31 673.000 13 315 000 51,573 000 10.896,000 7.523.000 13 301 000 173.000 74 000 19 368.1 11 850.000 1 952500 $ 997 000 4.755 OW 15 990 000 15 466.000 11 790 000 2567000 71441 SNm 339 479 077 330.291 704 309 576.654 340,555,447 307,804.510 310,316 7M 304.207 747 301 558 411 WO 502272 335.162.282 322 279 676 275.712,800 299.667.315 298.540 989 298,872 117 294 285:210 295 810 588 198 847 120 `. ItxJd9c 9vfr Prov Yr 100% A [•. < k". 2 0'L .V , . f €'; '1 bw;. .7 -tA 4".s, .. , .? 0^:0 3°, -1 5'�. 8 a^< Luse R4ae1e, Set LIa e0d St. l is 295 526 707 297 460 758 295.175 176 267 826.425 299874061 302,303.698 290 9281 W 301.277.335 WO 300 660 315 648 886 310105 403 273 660.810 293 571 740 291 678 544 282 777 797 278.715 438 283.715 659 196.212,798 % Electric Consumption by Customer Class 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Ek-" W, 1434% 1394% 14.55% 153D% 15.94% 1594% 1565% 1655% 1630% 1619% 1592% 1727% 1710% 1748% 1794% 1836% 1782% 1706% AN Revder4W 083% 079% 0 85% 0.87% 090% 0.92% 0.66% 0 86% 086% 0.88% 093% 093% 091% 090% 0.83% 096% 0.95% 066% EIBCtrwfl Sme-G---IS- 627% 997% 622% 6.39% 635% 6.52% 6.50% 623% 6.10% 611% 6.03% 348% 320% 333% 341% 344% 335% 322% E)ectrwal S-Ga04vei S-- 000% 000% 000% 0DO% 000% 000% 000% 000% 000% 000% 0.00% 286% 267% 279% 297% 2. T7% 2.63% 257% Elacvwal La.Oe Gerrrel S-22.45% 2237% 2405% 2555% 2568% 2499% 2580% 25.69% 2514% 2506% 2617% 2805% 2777% 2747% 2907% 28.88% 2788% 2691% FzIr. tx0a trd W W 56 11% 52 B3% 5433% 51 88% 5094% 5163% S099% 5065% 5161% 51 75% 5096% 4740% 48 20% 48.02% 4579% 4559% 4738% 4938% 10000% 100 00% 10000% 100.00% 100 W% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10D 00% 10000% 100 DIM 10000% 10000% 100 00% 100.00% 100 00% i W 00% Pmdxl- KWHR Setas Tor Zola = 284 543 647 87 Unit Sales -info from Power Cost Adjustment Spreadsheet 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Average St Dev Jan 22,859 23,577 22,990 22,567 24,766 23,606 21,385 23,107 1,045 Feb 22,259 21,168 21,104 21,114 22,174 22,595 20,305 21,531 823 Mar 23,535 22,283 20,917 22,178 24,806 23,235 21,011 22,567 1,401 Apr 21,979 22,034 22,859 22,440 22,250 22,917 21,800 22,326 435 May 21,867 21,594 21,132 24,086 23,396 22,847 20,059 22,140 1,390 Jun 27,295 25,171 20,147 25,119 26,593 26,601 24,313 25,034 2,395 Jul 28,621 27,605 33,144 30,035 28,311 27,894 26,040 28,807 2,256 Aug 27,338 26,250 25,383 28,064 30,174 30,933 26,336 27,783 2,275 Sep 26,384 26,140 24,784 22,275 24,249 24,441 24,945 24,746 1,263 October 23,689 22,999 22,876 22,631 21,668 21,801 23,692 22,765 766 November 20,601 20,001 20,139 20,511 21,418 22,561 20,195 20,775 1,001 December 24,962 24,235 22,745 21,136 21,099 23,460 23,104 22,963 1,271 291,388 283,057 278,220 282,158 290,905 292,892 273,187 284,544 Expected 2016 Sales Calculation of Rest for KWHR Rate Energy 2016 Total KWHR Rest Add in FCA to Energy Total Energy Electrical Residential 0.05916 0.0872 0.0280 0.05916 All Electrical Residential 0.05916 0.0872 0.0280 - 0.05916 '.Electrical Small General Service 0.05916 0.0911 0.0319 0.05916 Electrical Small General Service 0.05916 0.0855 0.0263 0.05916 Electrical Large General Service 0.05916 0.0737 0.0145 0.05916 Electric Large Industrial 0.05916 0.0631 0.0039 0.05916 Predicted Sales for 2016 = 264,543,848 $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 2016 S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales Annual Revenue Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Allocation % KWHR Allocations to be used in 2016 %Allocation KWHR Sales 2016 $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand KWHR Rate Extension Extension $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Energy Cost EnergvCost Mark -u Mark-u KWHR Rate Electrical Residential Electrical Residential 17.4401% 49,624,873.34 $ 0.05916 $ 0.02804 $ 0.08720 $ 4,327,288.96 All Electrical Residential 0.9071% 2,580,958.12 $ 0.05916 $ 0.02804 $ 0.08720 S 225,059.55 Electrical Small General Service 3.2869% 9,352,752.55 $ 0.05916 $ 0.03194 $ 0.09110 $ 852,035.76 Electrical Small General Service 2.5962% 7,387,368.28 $ 0.05916 $ 0.02634 $ 0.08550 $ 631,619.99 Electrical Large General Service 27.3911% 77,939,739.92 $ 0.05916 $ 0.01454 $ 0.07370 $ 5.744.158.83 Electric Large Industrial 48.3785% 137,658,155.46 $ 0.05916 $ 0.00394 $ 0.06310 $ 8,686.229.61 100.0000% 100.0000% 284,543,847.67 S 20,177,310.56 $ 20.466,392.69 Predicted Sales for 2017 = 284,543,848 $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 2017 S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales Annual Revenue Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Allocation % KWHR Allocations to be used in 2017 % Allocation KWHR Sales 2017 $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand KWHR Rate Rate Extension Extension $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Energy Cost Energy Cost Mark -u KWHR Rate KWHR Rate Electrical Residential 17.4401% 49,624,873.34 $ 0.06062 $ 0.02658 $ 0.08720 $ 4,327,288.96 AM Electrical Residential 0.9071% 2,580,958.12 $ 0.06062 $ 0.02658 $ 0.08720 $ 225,059.55 Electrical Small General Service 3.2869% 9,352,752.55 $ 0.06062 $ 0.03048 $ 0.09110 S 852.035.76 Electrical Small General Service 2.5962% 7,387,368.28 $ 0.06062 $ 0.02488 $ 0.08550 S 631,619.99 Electrical Large General Service 27.3911% 77,939,739.92 $ 0.06062 $ 0.01308 $ 0.07370 S 5,744,158.83 Electric Large Industrial 48.3785% 137,658,155.46 $ 0.06062 $ 0.00038 S 0.06100 $ 8.397,147.48 $ 8,397,147.48 100.0000% 284,543,847.67 284,543,847.67 S 20,177,310.56 Predicted Sales for 2018 = 284,543,848 $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 2018 S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales Annual Revenue Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Allocation % KWHR Allocations to be used in 2018 % Allocation KWHR Sales 2018 $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand KWHR Rate Rate Extension Extension $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Enemy Cost Energy Cost Mark-u KWHR Rate KWHR Rate Electrical Residential 17.4401% 49,624,873.34 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 S 0.08720 $ 4,327,288.96 All Electrical Residential 0.9071% 2,580,958.12 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 $ 0.08720 $ 225,059.55 Electrical Small General Service 3.2869% 9,352.752.55 $ 0.06212 S 0.02898 $ 0.09110 $ 852.035.76 Electrical Small General Service 2.5962% 7,387,368.28 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02338 $ 0.08550 $ 631,619.99 Electrical Large General Service 27.3911% 77,939,739.92 $ 0.06212 $ 0.01158 $ 0.07370 $ 5,744,158.83 Electric Large Industrial 48.3785% 137,658,155.46 $ 0.06212 $ 0.00112 $ 0.06100 $ 8,397,147.48 $ 8,397,147.48 100.0000% 284,543,847.67 284,543,847.67 $ 20,177,310.56 Predicted Sales for 2019 = 284,543,848 $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 2019 S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales Annual Revenue Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Allocation % KWHR Allocations to be used in 2019 % Allocation KWHR Sales 2019 $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand KWHR Rate Extension Extension $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Energy Cost Energy Cost Mark-up Mark-up KWHR Rate Electrical Residential Electrical Residential 17.4401% 49.624,873.34 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 $ 0.08720 $ 4,327,288.96 AN Electrical Residential 0.9071% 2,580,958.12 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 $ 0.08720 $ 225,059.55 Electrical Small General Service 3.2869% 9,352,752.55 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02898 S 0.09110 $ 852,035.76 Electrical Small General Service 2.5962% 7,387,368.28 $ 0.06212 S 0.02338 $ 0.08550 $ 631,619.99 Electrical Large General Service 27.3911% 77,939,739.92 $ 0.06212 $ 0.01158 $ 0.07370 $ 5,744,158.83 Electric Large Industrial 48.3785% 137.658,155.46 $ 0.06212 $ 0.00112 $ 0.06100 $ 8,397,147.48 100.0000% 100.0000% 284,543,847.67 $ 20,177,310.56 $ 20,177,310.56 Predicted Sales for 2020 = 284,543,848 $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 2020 S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales Annual Revenue Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Allocation % KWHR Allocations to be used in 2020 % Allocation KWHR Sales 2020 $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand KWHR Rate Industrial Demand Extension KWHR Sales $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Energy Cost $ 1,232,320.00 Mark-up KWHR Rate Add in Roadway Lighting: Electrical Residential 17.4401% 49,624,873.34 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 $ 0.08720 $ 4,327,288.96 All Electrical Residential 0.9071% 2.580,958.12 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02508 $ 0.08720 $ 225,059.55 Elecincai Small General Service 3.2869% 9,352,752.55 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02898 $ 0.09110 $ 852,035.76 Electrical Small General Service 2.5962% 7,387,368.28 $ 0.06212 $ 0.02338 $ 0.08550 $ 631,619.99 Electrical Large General Service 27.3911% 77.939,739.92 $ 0.06212 $ 0.01158 $ 0.07370 S 5,744,158.83 Electric Large Industrial 48.3785% 137,658,155.46 $ 0.06212 $ 0.00112 $ 0.06100 $ 8,397,147.48 100.0000% 284,543,847.67 $ 20,177,310.56 Total Revenue projected 2016 Meter Charge $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 Industrial Demand S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales S 20,466,392.69 Capacity Sales $ 675,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,107,523.53 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 144,535.18 Retail Op. Revenue $ 24,199,703.53 Total Revenue projected 2017 Meter Charge $ 575,934.D0 Large General Demand S 1,332,470.96 Industrial Demand $ 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales $ 20,177,310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,004,500.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue projected $ 26,147,441.40 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 147,425.89 Retail Op. Revenue $ 23,910,621.40 Total Revenue projected 2018 Meter Charge $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand S 1,332,470.96 Industrial Demand S 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales $ 20.177.310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,292,000.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenue cted $ 26,434,941.40 Add in Roadway Lighting: S 150,374.40 Retail Op. Revenue $ 23,910,621.40 Total Revenue protected 2019 Meter Charge S 575,934.00 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 Industrial Demand $ 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales $ 20,177,310.56 Capacity Sales $ 1,532,000.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenup-pmLectej $ 26,674,941.40 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 153,381.89 Retail Op. Revenue S 23,910,621.40 Total Revenue protected 2020 Meter Charge $ 575,934.00 Large General Demand $ 1,332,470.96 Industrial Demand $ 1,824,905.88 KWHR Sales $ 20.177,310.56 Capacity Sales $ 680,000.00 Sales for Resale $ 1,232,320.00 Total Revenug-PMLected $ 25,822,941.40 Add in Roadway Lighting: $ 156,449.53 Retail Op. Revenue S 23,910,621.40 Updated 10/13/15 2015 St. light Inve tory in use - 2016 Budget Fixture type Input Wattage Energy Charge 0& M Charge Total number Total O & M Total Street Totai Annual Light Energy Cost for Street and Wattage Average hours of use per day 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 for Lighting Days per year 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 of units 38 98 1697 113 2 5 0 1 1,916 Cost (Annual) Cost (Annual) Lighting $ 1,660.14 $ 5,799.22 $ 123,998.16 $ 11,242.28 $ 276.42 $ 405.20 $ $ 136.84 $ 141,858.12 100 LED 0.05 100 HPS 0.118 150 HPS 0.179 250 HPS 0.295 400 HPS 0.465 175 MV 0.214 250 MV 0.294 400 MV 0.459 Total Costs $ 1,227.40 $ 3,165.40 $ 54,813.10 $ 3,649.90 $ 64.60 $ 161.50 $ - $ 32.30 $ 61,886.80 $ 432.74 $ 2,633.82 $ 69,185.06 $ 7,592.38 $ 211.82 $ 243.70 $ - $ 104.54 1 $ 79,971.32 Energy Cost per KWHR $ 0.0520 Annual O & M cost per unit, based on RW Beck Study, this includes the carrying cost for Invento $ 32.30 Rate Schedule for Li htina. oer unit, er month Type Energy Charge 0& M Charge 5,945 Total 100-150 HPS $ 3.64 $ 2.69 $ 6.33 250 HPS $ 6.00 $ 2.69 $ 8,69 400 HPS $ 9.45 $ 2.69 $ 12.15 175 MV $ 4.35 $ 2.69 $ 7.04 250 MV $ 5.98 $ 2.69 $ 8.67 400 MV $ 9.33 $ 2.69 $ 12.02 Total Charge for Signal Lighting and Roadway Lighting $ 144,535.18 (1) This informaiton comes from usage information not included in the Transaction Recap Reports Jan - Sept 2015 Li ht Energy Usa e Jan 6,812 Feb 5,945 Mar 5,913 Total KWHR Use 51,482 Apr 6,074 Energy Rate $ 0.0520 May 5,131 Annual Energy Charge $ 2,677.06 June 5,312 July 5,484 August 5,409 Sept 5,402 Fees associated with relamping the signal lights Oct - are relatively minor, as a consequence, they are Nov included in with the energy charges. Dec 51,482 1 Total Charge for Signal Lighting and Roadway Lighting $ 144,535.18 (1) This informaiton comes from usage information not included in the Transaction Recap Reports j Account # Account DescrlPBon 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD I (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget MISC NON-OPERATING INCOME ACCOUNTS 421-000-0400 Misc. Income - Electric (62,816.76) (28,626.68) (294,299.32) (58,031.05) (35 407.84) (32,436.16) (15,000.00) - 421.000-0500 Misc Income - Interruptible Cr (525,264.33) 421-000-0600 Misc. income - Gas (10,663.84) (1,361.34) (227,442.98) (1,008.23) (5,234.50) (4,873.99) (999.96) 421.000-0100 Gain On Disposal - Electric (157,996.86) (4,581.80) (10,000.00) (23,159.01) (9,999.96) 421-000-0101 Gain On Disposal • Gas (2,354.00) (120.00) (22,100.00) 421-000-0200 Loss On Disposal - Electric 1 190,612.91 1- I - INTEREST CHARGES, LONG-TERM DEBT, JOBBING 6 CONTRACT WORK EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. -ETC. (Shared Dlvlslon Expenses) 428-000-0000 Amortization Of Debt Disc Elec 1,864.04 1,864.04 1,864.08 21,000.00 428-000-0100 Amortization Of Debt Disc Gas 29,203.36 29,203.36 36,187.04 - - 416-101-0000 Material & Contracted Labor 23,318.23 20,647.13 20,744.38 38,032.16 17,400.17 824.21 6,000.00 428-000-0200 Prior Period Adjustment -Elect 22,679.18 - - - - 416-103-0000 Trucks 17,000.00 428-000-0300 Prior Period Adjustment-NGas - 588,559.11 - - 416-104-0000 Trucks - Labor 7,064.69 8,380.12 5,512.68 9,858.07 289.38 423.36 2,000.04 - 416-105-0000 Electric Services 2,876.56 3,001,12 2,722.48 3,304.67 22,961.55 12,410.31 500.04 - 416-105-0100 Natural Gas Services 1,322.23 711.02 1,634.14 2,228.42 12,462.01 4,415.47 500.04 - 416-106-0000 Street Lighting 776.73 245.52 552.79 260.56 34,324.32 58,860.37 - 416-106-0100 Street Lighting - Material - - 131.44 443.20 416-107-0000 Third Party Damage - Electric 190.46 299.11 1,024.59 993.67 4,529.58 7,697.31 - 416-107-0100 Third Party Damage -Natural Gas 12,175.66 540.00 - - 186.92 143.19 999.96 416-108-0000 Operating & Maint-Brownton - - 4,188.87 9,736.60 3,048.58 - 416-109-0000 Emergency Response-Brownton - - - 340.87 710.84 - _ _ 427-000-0200 Bond Service Fees 1,850.00 1,850.00 1,850.00 2,400.00 450.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 427-000-0300 Interest - Development Study 131,992.95 145,408.50 109,153.33 40,521.71 - 112,848.60 _ _ 427-000-0600 Interest -2003 Bonds Gas 987,712.33 956,151.76 1,326.967.73 1,271,801.23 863,999.55 619,125.03 867,500.04 825,500.00 781,500.00 427-000-0700 Interest -2003 Bonds Electric 59,574.38 55,130.68 50,06810 45,015.55 40,081.70 26,709.39 - 35,612.50 30,612.50 431-000-0100 Interest - Customers Deposits 793.58 847,37 351.42 2.345.64 434.14 54.53 999.96 1,000.00 200.00 Account It °`cc°t'nc Descriptlon 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD ! (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget T2015 Budget 2016 Budget MISC GENERAL EXPENSE ACCOUNTS (Shared Division Expenses) 401-930-0100 Commissioners Labor 27,409.05 25,812.52 28,862.19 25,685.99 26,393.90 20,303.00 26,000.04 26,393.90 26,394.00 401-930-0201 Meetings & Travel - Labor (Sta - - - 463.38 1,534.80 - 999.96 - - 401-930-0202 Meetings & Travel - Expense IS 5,139.84 4,105.01 5,025.67 7,087.58 1,206.08 120.61 6,000.00 401-930-0301 Training - Labor 4,882.92 5,056.35 4,359.16 4,660.80 1,684.56 - 3,000.00 - - 401-930-0302 Training - Expense 7,040.62 13,915.22 6,271.94 4,838.83 10,219.03 5.097.60 12,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 401-930-0400 Dues/Membership Expense 70,824.65 58,666.52 68,919.21 58,187.24 45,800.64 35,744.00 65,000.04 60,000.00 85,000.00 401-930-0500 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 98,072.98 76,145.35 71,282.57 71,784.43 72,235.94 34,055.73 75,000.00 72,500.00 70,000.00 { 401-930-0800 Misc Expense 1,689.52 44840 - 75.99 - - 500.04 - - MAINTENANCE OF GENERAL PLANT (Shared Division Expenses) 401-935-0101 Grounds - Labor 10,101.56 753.02 - 176.93 3,297.55 2,895.19 999.96 1,525.62 1,583.00 401-935-0102 Grounds - Materials 7.801.21 1,368.70 4,303.83 34,601.37 19,932.27 1,572.39 2,499.96 16,000.00 16,000.00 401-935-0103 Grounds - Outside Services 34,396.93 29,093.76 26,647.80 47,459.21 35,025.34 6,814.62 15,999.96 54,742.00 53,000.00 401-935.0200 Misc Expenses - 1,128.75 4,773.88 795.01 380.78 449.64 401-935-0201 Misc Other - Labor 157.57 1,563.88 1,986.47 447.71 1,682.73 - 500.04 401-935-0202 Misc Other- Materials 33,224.22 37,239.67 42,194.43 39,327.94 44,190.44 29,740.29 41,000.04 401-935-0203 Vehicles/Equipment Fuel 11,117.94 10,725.88 3,006.56 3,240.96 2,969.13 1,499.99 5.000.04 4,000.00 4,000.00 401-935-0301 Vehicles - Labor - - 35.00 - - 99.96 - 401-935-0302 Vehicles - Material 5,084.66 1,146.90 4,972.37 3,153.19 8,433.60 703.90 1.500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 , DEPRECIATION 403-000-0100 1 Electric Depreciation 2,257,016.35 2,284,769.68 2,289,199.48 2,612.388.36 2,744,768.64 2,025,000.00 2,700,000.00 2,700,000.00 21700,000.00 403-000-0200 IGas Depreciation 11037,706.53 1,042,071.10 1,043,233.85 1,027,662.35 1,002,803.96 792,000.00 1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 DEBT 407-000-0000 Amortization - Development Study 1,299,176.00 725,07800 473,196.00 525,942.94 525,943.20 262,971.60 262,971.60 PILOT & ROADWAY LIGHTING (Shared Division Expenses) 408-000-0000 Payment In Lieu Of Taxes To City 1,336,428.83 1,105,613.13 1,136,724.11 1,403,077.07 1,729,073.00 553,582.70 1,899,999.96 591,371.00 1,160,721.00 408-0DO-0100 Roadway Lighting 146,859.00 143,000.00 148,585.28 142,666.32 1 - - - 146,739.00 144,535.00 REVENUES FROM JOBBING & CONTRACT WORK (Shared Divislon Expenses) 415-101-0000 Material & Contracted Labor (23,728.65) (22,625.34) (14,660.20) (36,678.33) (149.50) (21,000.00) - - 415-103-0000 Other Revenue - Trucks (4,433.00) (5,41350) (13,995.75) (9,243.50) (3,999.96) - 415-104-0000 Other Revenue - Labor (15,798.20) (17,490.09) (35,414.47) (16,351.93) (255.00) (15,000.00) - 415-105-0000 Electric Services (1,635.36) (1,552.11) (1,658.97) (1,831.82) (77,459.49) (48,165.88) (300.00) - 415-105-0100 Natural Gas Services (2,023.44) (1,164.78) (4,416.49) (4,912.30) (50,515.83) (13,525.04) - 415-106-0000 Street Lighting 415-107-0000 Third Party Damage - Electric (4,860.54) - 415-107-0100 Third Parry Damage - Natural Gas (26,863.73) (9,699.96) - 415-108-0000 Operating & Mainl-Brownton (26,246.60) (42,353.02) (30,694.41) (27,000.00) 1 (27,000.00) INTEREST EARNINGS (Shared Dlvislon Expenses) 419-000-0000 Interest And Dividend Income (61,319.64) (55,734.89) (56,252.21) (75,940.54) (29,720.52) (23,457.21) (60,000.00) (65,000.00) (115,000.00) 419-000-0100 Interest Income -Bond Premium (77,336.80) (185,608.32) (185,608.32) (139,206.24) (185,608.32) (185,608.32) Account # Account Description 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget I 2016 Budget ADMINISTRATIVE d GENERAL SALARIES (Shared Division Expenses) 401-920-0100 Supervision Salaries 116,105.07 118,524 51 132,629.60 131.691.23 117,889 42 86.100.78 129.999.96 - - 401-920-0200 General Salaries Labor 380,732.10 389,244.75 404,157.56 421,379.18 413,394.32 318,080.55 426,999.96 606,902.40 556,732.00 401-920-0300 Vacation 60,416.71 56,974.05 57,751.21 81,748.64 47,029.70 39,930,38 59,000.04 - 401-920-0500 Sick Leave 22,340.88 31,884.08 20,769.57 23.723.09 14,192.74 9,871.65 23,000.04 401-920-0600 Holiday Pay 33,327.84 30,383 49 32.767.41 35,308.22 30,327.36 16,898.87 27,999.96 - - ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES & EXPENSES (Shared Division Expenses) 401-921-0100 Telephone 36,650.68 39,701.30 37,365.15 52,456.61 38,44162 33,246.53 42,000.00 43,000.00 42,000.00 401-921-0200 Office Supplies 29,986.41 24,738.49 33,311.26 27,475.92 25,466.12 12,984.31 30,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 401-921-0300 Lease/Service Agreements 108.120 52 114,625.99 33,123.12 31,574.17 30,429.61 30,224.97 39,999.96 32,000.00 34,000.00 401-921-0400 Postage 4,873.17 2,928.87 8,206.02 13,952.97 2,577.68 2,498.35 5,00004 6,000.00 6,000.00 401-921-0500 Mail Services - Ups, Fedex 5,162.44 3,938.21 4,257.95 3,611.52 1,534.74 1,655.26 4,500.00 3,900.00 3,500.00 401-921-0600 1 It Admin And Support 103,739.51 109,214.22220,719.10 241,246.67 235,952.25 216,175.12 120,000.00 173,000.00173,000.00 401-921-0700 AdvertisinglPnnting 1,949.11 3,182.21 4,699.84 5.11454 4,50841 1,530.56 3,999.96 10,500.00 10,500.00 ADMINISTRATIVE d GENERAL OUTSIDE SERVICES (Shared Division Expenses) 401-923-0200 Legal Services 59,037.14 81,571 35 50,719.23 102,257.09 43,074.04 46,075.00 18.000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 401-923-0300 Engineering Services 33,900.00 73,168.85 6,856.37 9,426.20 - - 20,000.00 - 401-923-0400 Misc Services 20,550.00 25,425.00 23,700.00 21,500.D0 21,950.00 23,550.00 23,000.04 22,500.00 24,000.00 401-923-0500 Human Resources Services 44,550.00 48,033.77 45,337.50 57,850.00 64,155.00 64,288.93 26;300.04 58,075.00 33,075.00 401-923-0600 Drug Testing Services 7,395.00 7,485.00 7.395.00 8,664.00 7.749.00 7,500.00 8,000.04 8,000.00 8,000.00 ADMINISTRATIVE 6 GENERAL PROPERTY INSURANCE (Shared Division Expenses) 401-924-0100 Property Insurance 55,570.00 1 59,491.00 1 57,071.001 58,174.001 51,608.00 1 38,048.51 1 60;000.00 1 53,000.00 1 53,000.00 401-924-0200 Boiler Insurance 66,912.00 62,565.00 66,912.00 66,640.00 61,327.00 48,787.56 68.000.04 67,000.00 67,000.00 401-924-0300 General Liability 79,714.00 83,377.00 65.354.00 1 61.572.00 53,858 00 35,490.99 63,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 EMPLOYEE PENSION & BENEFITS (Shared Division Expenses) 401-926-0101 Administrative Benefits 765,234.88 838,734.06 836,674.48 864,532.13 903,684.00 760.414.79 975.000.00 283,606.20 237,178.00 401-926-0200 Fica Taxes 290,046.05 288,799.58 296,146.93 311,352 39 315.318.00 234.307.68 323.499.96 - - 401-926-0300 Pera 281,191.35 289,085.09 295,011.57 310,182.06 304,149.64 239.445.05 314,000.04 401-926-0400 Uniforms 299.31 300.91 199.95 199.95 265.80 166.26 999.96 - 401-926-0500 Breakroom/Recognition Banquet 8,949.95 12,811.00 14,570.87 15.094.18 13,724.26 6,621.92 15,000.00 15,000.00 401-926-0700 Unemployment Compensation Obso 473.12 118.28 - 401-926-0800 Life/Ltd/Ad&D Insurance 14.288.24 23,512.06 19,492.52 38,744.59 28,637.80 20,790.20 23,000.04 401-926-0900 WorkerS Compensation 64,371.18 70,810.13 79,967.23 64,944.00 71,539.90 61,720.37 69,999.96 - 401-926-1000 Dental Insurance 39,130.61 36,951.80 40,326.05 49,332.41 50,755.37 34,175.44 45,000.00 401-926-1100 Pandemic Flu Supplies 17.59 - - - - - - REGULATORY EXPENSE (Shared Division Expenses) 401-928-0000 Regulatory Expenses 39,638.11 52,273.44 1 96,227.33 1 43,599.88 1 44,191.58 40,847.29 57,999.96 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Account # AccouDescription 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 2014 Actual 1 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget GAS - METERS & HOUSE REGULATORS 402-893-0100 Metar -Labor 9,650.00 13,014.37 20,778.89 9,932.1; 22,553.65 7,565.90 20,000.04 13,807.46 24,228.00 ' GAS - MAINT OF OTHER PLANT ACCOUNTS 402-895-0100 Labor - - - - - - - 145,740.04 163,750.00 402-895-0101 Vehicles - Labor 7,198.61 12,248.19 8,18805 7,780.13 10,063.25 11,755-34 9,999.96 - 402-895-0102 Vehicles - Material 11,190,44 8,744.13 10,626.25 9,730.18 9,540.43 10,117.72 7,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 402-895-0201 Power Equipment - Labor 9,998.05 23,081.37 16,175.86 16,210.22 12,360.08 7,726.07 20,000.04 - - 402-895.0202 Power Equipment - Materials 4.056.19 8,096.32 4,511.08 3,494.84 1 1,810.16 199.68 7,500.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 402-895-0300 Obsolete Material Charged Ott 1,521.17 9.51 - - 1,540.00 - - 1,000.00 402-895-0401 Other Equipment -Labor 8,560.28 8,111.95 5,065.37 5,578.85 1,654.22 3,075.38 6.000.00 - - 402-895-0402 Other Equipment- Materials 3,226.60 5,351.12 13,071.83 4,608.81 18,545.18 2,529.37 5,000.04 6,000.00 8,500.00 CUSTOMER SERVICE - METER READING (Shared Division Expanses) 401-902-0100 Teter Reading -Labor 167,865.99 135,619.42 56,030.76 33,908.04 31,186.52 25,773.99 30,000.00 37,377.61 38,784.00 401-902-0200 1 Meter Reading - Materials 161.35 4,215.59 33.62 262.72 8,807.42 999-96 1,000.00 CUSTOMER SERVICE -COLLECTION EXPENSE (Shared Division Expenses) 401-903-0100 Collection -Labor 11,379.81 11,063.25 15,644,45 24,946.88 35,146.83 17,536.64 21,000.00 26,698.29 27,703.00 401-903-0200 Collection - Materials 97,274.41 118,844.42 115,084.87 114,723.63 98,792.55 82,464.16 84,999.96 165,000.00 175,000.00 401-903-0300 Vacation 12,177.47 3,459.86 (39,743.08) 9,395.73 13,547.80 10,922.29 6,500.04 - - 401-903-0400 Supervisor 45,350.28 58,366.98 56,386.25 59,214 24 47,607.21 39,339.84 60,000.00 69,281.33 72,314.00 401-903-0500 Sick Leave 4,109.38 2,831.51 3,271.74 11,98748 5,308.42 4,817.57 3,999.96 - - 401-903-0600 Holiday Pay 7,991.37 5,050.72 6,442.72 6,633.43 8,462.98 6,894.64 6,000.00 401.903-1101 Meetings 8 Travel - Labor (Sta 603.84 634.08 68032 - - - 1,200.00 - 401-903-1102 Meetings 6 Travel - Expense (S 85.00 - 1,279.82 658.00 172.48 551.26 2,000.04 2,000.00 401-903-1201 Training -Labor 634.08 634.08 217.68 - - 1,200.00 - - 401-903-1202 Training- Expense 1.976.07 1,577.63 558.00 4,419.77 641.26 5,000.04 4,000.00 5,000.00 401-903-1300 Customer Service Benefits - - I - 53,127.49 58,337.00 CUSTOMER SERVICE -COLLECTIONS i3 BAD DEBT WRITE OFFS (Shared Division Expenses) 401-904-0000 jBad Debt Write Offs 23,135.12 6,222.55 5,801.94 9,217.60 19,773.22 12,213.88 6,00000 15,000.00 15,000.00 401-906-0100 Customer Service - Labor 75,928.86 73,475.87 81,489.53 J3,200 78 85,974.77 68,227.32 75,000.00 96,993.87 101,240.00 CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (Shared Division Expenses) 401-9117000fi,679.53 Supervision (Conservation Impr 6,227.51 8.167.12 8,171 12 7,57804 8.000.04 CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (Shared Division Expenses) 401-916-0100 Labor Imp 55,966.12 59,342.21 60,777.98 61,70914 62,298.45 51,469.36 69,999.96 - 401-916-0200 Tree Planting 30.000.00 30,000.00 29,475.91 29,394.64 30,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 401-916-0300 Other Programs - - 77,084.80 81,702.00 401-916-0301 Cip- Residential 75,615.00 54,841.17 64,357.79 62,217.37 75,551.00 50,689.26 80,000.04 94,571.00 116,936.00 401-916-0302 Cip-Commercial 310,775.00 232,118.83 233,102.21 32,284.45 23,980.50 36,479.74 75,99996 133,166.00 149,554.00 401-916-0303 Cip - Industrial 6,888.10 960.60 44,040.00 40,000.00 225,458.64 - 99,999.96 206,291.00 123,465.00 401-916-0304 Cip- Marketing 1202.24 17,715.18 17,899.76 14,135.97 9,282.10 3,904.00 24,999.96 21,000.00 10,000.00 401-916-0305 Doc -Cip Assessment 25,562.78 24,539.90 18,250.28 16,334.23 26,278.96 18,249.18 21,000.00 21,000.00 19,000.00 401-916 0400 Cip - Transfer To Assets (200 000.00) (200,000.00) (201,962.62) - - - - 20,000.00 10,000.00 Account # Account Description 2010 Actual 2011 Actual ) 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual t 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 402-863-0500 Materials 1,877.16 1,48543 2,704.17 144.51 21,043.45 340.56 2,000.04 1,500.00 1,000.00 GAS - OPERATION DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS 401-870-0100 Supervision 92,845.11 90,226.53 81,486.69 100,122.64 87,880.74 82,000.42 110,000.04 106,072.79 120,306.00 401-870-0200 Training - Labor 32,946.85 34,241.19 22.573.09 45,728.20 34,281.31 19,755.29 24,999.96 - - 401-870-0300 Training - Expense 19,039.79 4,923.41 7,107.13 9,129.57 7,542.26 6,746.61 9,500.04 12,000.00 8,000.00 401-870-0400 Meetings & Travel - Labor (Sta 7,588.80 9,838.40 6,897.00 3.319.68 9,551.68 5,179.43 5.000.04 - - 401-870-0500 Meetings & Travel - Expense (S 7,559.14 7,084.92 2,228.17 3,037.48 6,659.30 11,897.42 5.499.96 8,000.00 12,500.00 401-870-0600 Gas Distribution Benefits - 244,235.51 217,282.00 GAS - MAINS & SERVICE ACCOUNTS 401-874-0100 Labor (Mains And Services) 59,489.41 39,487.08 31,582.04 41,682.23 43,032.29 32,797.48 80,000.04 65,299.00 75,192.00 401-874-0200 Labor (M & R General Services) 5,101.14 4,128.09 3,41123 2,069.24 7,711.25 1,220.19 5,000.04 - - 401-874-0300 Labor (M & R Industrial Servic 4,295.70 5,903.32 1,720,58 773.33 3,862.18 278.96 5,000.04 401-874-0400 Labor (M & R Station - City Ga 6,795.17 5,926.00 4,674.87 2,320.89 14,357.64 11,896.55 6,000.00 - - 401-874-0500 Materials 17,326.36 13,553.72 16,078.90 10,549.37 13.768.56 6,304.43 13,500.00 1 13,500.00 17,500.00 401-874-0600 Puhlic Awareness -Labor 4,011.84 5,619.51 2,770.13 4,543.09 5,844.71 2,120.18 5,000.00- 401-874-0700 Public Awareness - Material 10,944.05 16,377.91 12,303.86 14,184.86 15,848.19 13,583.43 15,000.00 15,000.00 17,000.00 GAS -METERS 401-878-0100 1 Reinstalling Or Changing Of Meter - 4,447.99 984.49 60.63 239.85 2,920.71 7,772.09 3.500.04 758.88 835.00 GAS - MISC EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 401-880-0100 Vacation 31,446.97 44,487.58 85,066.67 43,827.00 49,879.03 39,820.29 50,000.04 - _ 401-880-0200 Other Labor 264.36 235.22 249.11 98.58 1,296.22 - 500.04 - 401-880-0300 Odorant - 9,481.63 - 10,234.28 6,506.93 - - - 25,000.00 401-880-0400 Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 18,282.60 23,374.21 22,503.50 23,484.37 24,172.31 10,916.45 23,000.04 24,000.00 13,000.00 401-880-0500 Misc Expense 229.62 476.70 456 11 239.19 196.12 171.68 500.04 500.00 500.00 401-880-0700 Sick Leave 22,266.75 19,276.73 19,504.71 21,400.76 20,655.41 21,610.38 20,000.04 - 401-880-0800 Holiday Pay 28,376.06 24,962.71 26,848.90 27,930.66 29,394.10 17,266.03 24,999.96 401-880-1200 Call Time 18,932.95 19,719.09 20,548.06 20,898.35 21,069.11 16,525.36 1 20.000.04 - - 401-880-1300 Building Maintenance - Labor 14,356.82 10,737.27 13,863.24 9,592.70 21,393.66 6,200.63 12,000.00 140,902.43 84,381.00 401-880.1500 Uniforms & Laundry 8.264.20 10,810.25 10,199.18 10,200.31 9,581.03 7,698.18 9,999.96 10,000.00 8,500.00 401-880-1700 1 Drug And Alcohol Testing - Labor 28.41 - 30.75 - 99.96 - 401-880-2100 jUnion Representative Meetings 491.40 - 272.62 662.63 - 150.00 250.00 GAS - DISTRIBUTION LINES (SERVICES & MAINS) 402-892-0100 Labor Mains 56,735.96 78.723.18 94.953.48 74,785.31 69,688.46 80,671.87 69,999.96 111,270.00 66,837.00 402-892-0200 Labor (M & R General Service) 1,284.40 1,478.38 3,565.28 16,914.34 2,438.09 20,028.90 2,000.04 - - 402-892-0300 Labor (M & R Industrial Servic 1,739.09 439.78 1,635.15 578.80 3,82626 1,221.46 999.96 402-892-0400 Labor (M & R Station - City Ga 3,169.10 3,657.91 5,499.31 12,819.23 6,694.58 7,305.77 9,999.96 - - 402-892-0500 Materials 35,743.32 24,365.00 28,254.01 21,804.11 17,270.42 13,781.06 39,999.96 40,000.00 72,000.00 402-892-0600 Outside Service - Painting 313.91 14,090.00 - 9,999.96 15,000.00 1 10,000.00 Account # A`i'm Description 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 30/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget DISTRIBUTION - MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES & STATION EQUIPMENT 402-592-0100 Building & Grounds - Labor 7,659.10 5,522.17 4,653.05 12,129.85 12,069.32 8,025.95 5,000.04 8,253.42 8,893.00 402-592-0200 Building & Grounds - Materials 475.83 5,424.46 7.78 701.29 4,257.54 78.03 999.96 1,000.00 1,000.00 402-592-0400 Structures & Equipment - Contr - - 1,220.00 999.96 1,000.00 1,000.00 402-592-0500 Structures&Equipment - Mater - 3,649.00 2,125.02 4,099.57 - 2,000.04 2,000.00 1,000.00 DISTRIBUTION - MAINTENANCE OF OVERHEAD & UNDERGROUND LINES 402-594-0100 Line - Labor 64,079.34 66,807.61 86,638.94 113,066.25 106,728.53 49,864.27 65,000.04 94,281.09 98,176.00 402-594-0200 Line - Materials 31,943.86 29,075.30 45,287.75 50.899 04 17,123.16 21,720.71 35,000.04 39,000.00 20,000.00 DISTRIBUTION - TRANSFORMER MAINTENANCE 402-595-0100 ITransformer - Labor 11,016.06 2,704.65 1 3,899.93 1 9,962.03 1 5,996.64 5,297.72 3,000.00 5,196.60 5,411.00 402-595-0200 Transformer - Materials 10,837.67 3,928.50 1 6,694.58 12,896.82 1 6,210.77 1 5,079.16 1 5,000.00 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 DISTRIBUTION - STREET LIGHTING & SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 402-596-0100 Street Lighting - Labor 49,650 62 50,231.11 52,732.03 53,210.80 38,859.07 47,944.28 54,999.96 53,450.70 55,659.00 402-596-0200 Street Lighting - Materials 23,375.74 18,436.11 18,514.58 12,484.04 14,722.86 15,741.40 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 DISTRIBUTION - EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 402-598-0201 Vehicles - Labor 17,354.94 15,274.73 13,208 43 11,524.34 11,830.39 12,403.10 15,000.00 23,755.87 24,737.00 402-598-0202 Vehicles - Material 11,220.29 14,261.89 7,798.69 14,239.59 15,518.53 14,843.73 7,500.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 402-598-0301 Power Equipment - Labor 744.56 2.038.76 1,930.87 2,165.42 5,887.38 3,075.79 2,000.04 - - 402-598-0302 Power Equipment - Materials 1,493.08 2,58201 12,624.63 2,194 48 5,90543 3,583.52 2,000.04 4,000.00 4,000.00 402-598-0400 Obsolete Materials Charged Off 266.61 - 114.91 9,535.09 931.39 325.26 - - 402-598-0501 1 Other Equipment - Labor 3,284.47 5,662.70 5,108.66 8,966.50 9,106.40 6,625.17 5,1)00-04 402-598-0502 Other Equipment - Materials 1,313.77 4,175.40 5,859.88 2,525.86 1,406.10 67.72 2,000.04 3,000.00 2,000.00 GAS PURCHASE ACCOUNTS 401-807-0100 Gas For Retail 6,119,792.86 5,604,37515 4,244,212.62 4,482,869.98 4,911,811.52 2,148,139.27 4,106,505.56 4,064,314.00 4,161,898.00 401-807-0101 Contract Gas For Retail 3,686.978.52 3,424,32904 2,156,625.05 2,950,652.13 5,074,636.65 1,903,449.87 3,695,980.53 3,516,110.00 3,052,857.00 GAS - OPERATION TRANSMISSION ACCOUNTS 401.856-0100 Line - Labor 43,773.13 46,176.67 52,332.37 54.057.29 52,707.52 38,656.82 47,000 04 60,710.22 66,837.00 401-856-0200 Line - Outside Services 26,564.50 25.320.00 25,650.03 25,324.33 25,652.25 20.205.10 27,999 96 28,000,00 26,000.00 401-856-0400 M & R Station - City Gale - La - - 120.64 - 94.14 263.56 - - 401-856-0500 Materials 1,134.17 2,989.73 8,670.65 5,770.99 4,599.08 5,899.21 3,999.96 6,000.00 6,500.00 401-856-0600 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 4,723.38 5,654.75 5,805.58 7,756.06 6,813.93 4,886.88 7,500.00 8,000.00 7,500.00 401-856-0700 Railroad Licenses 3,796.20 3,864.60 3,992.78 4,293.97 4,215.49 4,127.46 5,000.04 6,000.00 5,000.00 401-856-0800 Public Awareness - Labor 2,688.42 1,403.27 864.27 4,009.27 1,921.64 1,334.16 999.96 - - 401-856-0900 Public Awareness - Material 15,478.62 10,090.00 8,296.34 13,164.60 10,980 40 14,794.43 17.000.04 17,000.00 17,000.00 401-856-1000 Gas Transmission Benefits - - - 37,440.63 34 923.00 GAS - MAINTENANCE TRANSMISSION ACCOUNTS 402-863-0100 Line - Labor 1208.41 1 1,358.03f 789.38 1 225.54 1 2,491.68 1 3,220.60 1 999.96 1,517.76 1,671.00 402-863-0200 Line -Outside Services - - 8,114.62 3,450.00 8,000.04 15,000.00 7,500.00 402-863-0400 M & R Station - City Gate - Labor 123.88 1 118.28 301.60 180.96 500.04 Account # Account Description 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 1 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget OPERATIONS, SUPPLIES & EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 401-565-0100 TransmissonExpense969,927.14 1,289,968.04 1,512,071.19 1,368,438.29 1,149,999.96 1,535,000.00 1,875,000.00 401-567-0100 Materials 1,570.25 258.80 173.91 59.11 999.96 100.00 - 401-567-0200 Outside Services 22.75 - - 10,000.00 TRANSMISSION - MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTS (labor, materials, outside services) 402-574-0100 Labor 17,879.03 1 10,879.84 1 18,445.64 11,421.08 1 17,613.74 1 11,147.48 9,999.96 1 16,018.97 1 16,622.00 402-574-0200 Materials 3,474.05 1 1,152.81 1 11,363.19 14,560.29 1 5,878.67 5,01480 1 3,999.96 1 15,000.00 10,000.00 402-574-0300 Outside Services 3,800.00 465.13 42,781.001 47,752.93 1 4,869.04 1 4,818.00 1 9,999,96 1 - DISTRIBUTION - LABOR ACCOUNTS 401-580-0100 Supervision 68.448.19 69,246.39 74,351.58 79,681.24 75,383.66 63,744.49 77,250.00 86,115.01 89,672.00 401-580-0200 Training - Labor 20,646.27 18,919.69 23,708.73 19,550.27 20,446.95 14,654.25 20,000.04 - - 401-580-0300 Training - Expense 11,186.79 6,962.32 8,829.47 2,916.85 3,172.50 256.09 3,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 401-580-0400 Meetings & Travel - Labor (Sia 3,474.38 4,962.42 3,678.76 3,673.02 4,642.56 5,320.63 3,000.00 - 401-580-0500 Meetings & Travel - Expense (S 2,548.13 2,566.68 3,240.16 2,528.77 3,603.00 4,425.84 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 401-580-0600 Distribution Benefits426,860.56 427,148.00 DISTRIBUTION OVERHEAD & UNDERGROUND EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 401-581-0100 Line - Labor 25,237.41 30,901.79 29,165.87 49,038.78 54,893.00 38,433.30 20,000.04 50,481.21 52,567.00 401-581-0200 Line - Materials 5,480.08 30,261.49 42,056.20 9,224.65 9.578.26 6,784.06 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 DISTRIBUTION METER EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 401-586-0100 Meter- Labor 14,905.04 12363.00 1 28,123 50 54,352.90 66,427 44 1 52,421.57 1 20,000.04 1 20,044.01 1 20,872.00 401-586-0200 Meter - Materials 1.419.69 583.82 2,808.52 13,016 46 4,966 04 25.03 999.96 5,000.00 DISTRIBUTION - EXPENSE ACCOUNTS (labor, materials, testing, service agreement.ect) 401-588-0100 Vacation 50,952.18 50,522.50 56,122.33 52,941.02 63,292.87 40.673.53 45.000.00 241,270.51 251,237.00 401-588-0200 Materials 3,506.96 9,218.95 1,607.88 4.420.57 2,060.70 6,158.08 3,00000 4,000.00 10,000.00 401-588-0300 Other Labor 66.42 242.68 74.25 271.50 30.75 - 221,226.50 230,365.00 401-588-0400 Vehicles/Equipment Fuel 20,664.91 26,191.09 24,651.17 23,708.71 22.681.84 12,601.97 20,000.04 - 20,000.00 401-588-0500 Sick Leave 22,782.01 35,339.70 33,631.52 41,236.88 33,351.52 19,639.34 24,999.96 - - 401-588-0600 Holiday Pay 41,176.92 38,336.57 40,165.63 40,287.69 39,741.12 25,122.44 35,000.04 401-588-1000 Call Time 20,225.33 20,959.23 22,177-31 21,567.62 23,726.20 16,429.54 21,999.96 - - 401-588-1100 Building Maintenance - Labor 52,311.73 30,412.78 37,312.79 37,666.90 74,856,83 55,033.22 35,000.04 57,210.62 59,363.00 401-588-1200 Service Connection - Labor 1,078.40 431.38 1,115.94 1,257.93 1,014.83 556.59 999.96 - 401-588-1300 Mapping/Gps - Labor 2,969.43 43,346.41 36,029.41 2,297.08 783.48 3,341.56 17,499.96 401-588-1400 Switching - Labor 9,746.19 6,254.73 6,391.84 7,924.85 2,457.22 1,288.95 6,000.00 401-588-1500 Engineering - Labor 2,248.83 - - - - - - 401-588-1600 Cad - labor - - - 401-588-1700 Drug And Alcohol Testing - Lab - 65.49 - - - 99.96 - - 401-588-1900 Uniforms & Laundry 11,229.21 15,597.31 13,408.05 16,239.45 16,361.78 20,525.06 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 401-588-2000 Engineering Tech - Labor 44,207.45 44,409.92 50,971.57 50,161.75 52,184.42 41,815.29 32,499,96 - - 401-588-2100 Transformer Oil Testing Labor 2,135.00 1,544.71 195.00 4,959.00 1,377.68 999.96 - 401-588-2200 Territory Service Agreements 23,512.44 26,763.20 26,964.54 25,927.58 25,000.00 25,000.00 Account Description Account it ' 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 402-554-0301 Generator#3 Labor 14,008.74 5,262.33 3,477.27 16,549.11 22,507.83 23,036.64 7,500.170 - - 402-554-0302 Generator#3 Material 2,802.89 (2,411.40) 18,299.67 3.947.92 3,222.93 10,728.25 5,000.04 8,000.00 6,000.00 402-554-0401 Generator #4 Labor 16,371.28 5,535.44 5,280.72 24,833.15 18,247.18 17,688.28 7,500.00 - - 402-554-0402 Generator #4 Material 4,892.55 1,170.15 918.95 8,732.22 7,495.18 389.68 5,000.04 6,000.00 7,500.00 402-554-0501 Generator #5 Labor 581.55 186.82 565.19 21,172.07 32,558.09 39,460.50 15,000.00 - - 402-554-0502 Generator #5Material 4.28 4.30 17,933.48 24,898.20 26,905.99 9,999.96 10,000,00 10,000.00 402-554-0601 Generator #6 Labor 8,966.22 174.44 - - - - - 402-554-0602 Generator #6 Material - 402-554-0701 Generator #7 Labor 16,442.59 2,743.32 - 402-554-0702 Generator #7 Material 5,357.63 299.28 - - - 402-554-0801 Generator 48 Labor 23,492.93 10,073.75 23,409.98 24,837.42 48,272.68 49,364.69 24,999.96 - - 402-554-0802 Generator #8 Material 5,096.37 8,468.40 8,517.58 12,927.34 33,568.94 21,763.61 9,999.96 10,000.00 20,000.00 402-554-0901 Generator #9 Labor 9.825.68 8,716.01 11,086.10 10,618.66 15,485.30 20,242.86 9,999.96 - 402-554-0902 Generator 09 Material 567.61 193.17 6,190.49 1,587.15 4,272.14 5,366.64 999.96 5,000.00 8,000.00 402-554-1001 Accessory Plant - Labor 45,982.99 67,761.33 109,509.89 75,575.93 59,331.26 31,721.03 65,000.04 - - 402-554-1002 Accessory Plant - Materials 114,735.62 26,809.50 34,428.09 59,689.49 15,926.50 7,643.31 15,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 402-554-1101 Vehicles - Labor 2,712.97 1,730.34 1,208.74 2,573.26 3,361.81 1,154.39 2,000.04 - 402-554-1102 Vehicles - Material 3,047.07 2,341.76 2,452.82 1,574.61 2,856.15 1,474.14 2,000.04 2,000.00 2,000.00 402-554.1201 Maintenance Other- Labor 10,509.72 6,694.64 2,293.98 19,301 65 17.739.82 4,16025 8,00004 - 402-554-1202 Maintenance Other - Materials 2,034.79 2,353.41 4,052.42 8,188.69 11,762.96 2,542.07 3,500.04 5,000.00 10,000.00 402-554-1203 Outside Services 7,882.14 5,276.81 6,462.70 12,829.96 7,102.84 14,248.48 6,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 402-554-1300 Obsolete Material Charged Off 1,843.44 - - 767.00 - - - PURCHASED POWER 401-555-0200 Purchased Power 14,640,104.06 15,440,922.21 1 14,823,407 37 1 13,342,966.97 13,850,238.11 11,361,160.59 13,445429.52 14,862,607.00 13,875,028.00 SYSTEM CONTROL 8 LOAD DISPATCH - LABOR ACCOUNTS 401-556-0100 System Control Labor 209,749.92 228,872.66 225,947.18 232,829.15 242,611.40 204,674.64 226,599.96 304,294.11 321,198.00 401-556-0200 Vacation 26,043.27 21,619.55 29,282.16 20,970.98 24.344.40 9,067.38 18,000.00 - - 401-556-0300 Sick Leave 10,623.64 7,762.66 6,318.02 18,783.81 8,964.66 6,174.26 9,300.00 401-556-0400 Holiday Pay 13,806.40 13,801.44 17,117.12 16,187.78 16,050.64 10,169.76 11,499.96 - - 401-556-0500 Mcg Software 36,600.00 36,600.00 54,090.00 36,600.00 36,600 00 30,500.00 36,600.00 36,600.00 36,600.00 401-556-0600 Training - Labor 1,450.80 - 2,23292 1,918,95 - - 1,50000 - - 401-556-0700 Training - Expense 1,035.29 11 95 2,482.74 3,641.15 99996 1,000.00 1,000.00 401-556-0800 System Control Benefits - - - 140,110.75 155,870.00 OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNTS 401-557-0000 lProfessional Services - Outside 8,100.00 851.88 1 9,550.00 1 3,772.70 8,148.00 401-557-0100 R Beck 40.745.12 25,364.97 18,039.34 86,381.66 5,388.82 24,999.96 TRANSMISSION - LABOR ACCOUNTS 401-560-0100 Stat on Expense -Labor 130,480.44 129,567.fi0 129,567.60 ?29.567.60 144,105.52 108,079.11 135,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 401-560-0200 Line Expense - Labor Account # Account Description 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget FUEL ACCOUNTS 401-547-0101 Generator#1 Natural Gas 372,583.33 356,207.93 466,390.87 413,416.96 156,955.11 175,922.57 742,500.00 511,500.00 619,20020 401-547-0102 Generator#1 Aux Boiler 2,520.94 2,614.54 2,725.54 6,305.34 3,909.10 1,594.58 - 6,000.00 5,000.00 , 401-547-0103 Generator #1 Water 8 Sewer 11,125.17 12,700.85 22,018.38 16,239.65 14,457.32 8,067.18 9,999.96 16,000.00 16,000.00 i 401-547-0104 Generator#1 Transportation 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,099,999.56 1,099,999.56 700,000.00 481,374.76 699.999.96 641,833.00 647,166.00 401-547-0201 Generator #2 Natural Gas 103.66 129.66 2,947.48 3,028.75 28.60 - 99.96 500.00 - 401-547-0202 Generator #2 Fuel Oil 821.23 433.48 - - 507.86 50.04 100.00 100.00 401-547-0301 Generator #3 Natural Gas 48,184.57 44,562.87 19,250.12 20,991.12 17,297.43 17,568.36 97,200.00 20,925.00 27,090.00 401-547-0302 Generator #3 Fuel Oil 12,532.82 15,678.84 19.151.99 21,334.09 12,350.57 8,682.05 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 401-547-0401 Generator #4 Natural Gas 53,256.14 34,640.64 18,178.57 24,633.30 24,923.32 24,970.25 97,200.00 20,925.00 27,090.00 401-547-0402 Generator#4 Fuel Oil 15,962.92 13,918.50 18,061.36 19,592.61 20,969.59 16,628.27 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 401-547-0501 Generator #5 Natural Gas 49.23 - - 247,087.84 168,131.43 72,395.22 198,000.00 204,600.00 153,252.00 401-547-0701 Generator #7 Natural Gas 3,503.27 39,43220 272.50 - - - - - 401-547-0702 Generator #7 Fuel Oil 3,340.50 12,826.40 - - - - 401-547-0801 Generator #8 Natural Gas 81,517.10 38,000.53 149,516.27 279,159.00 255,469.00 290,793.27 300,000.00 337,542.00 329,472.00 401-547-0901 Generator #9 Natural Gas 12,651.50 21,681.15 16,622.68 4,48879 6,155,69 3,700.62 5,000.04 5,000.00 5,000.00 PRODUCTION OPERATING SUPPLY 8 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 401-550-0101 Generator#1 Lubricants 2,218.87 420.62 2,218.87 2,130.23 500.04 3,000.00 2,500.00 401-550-0102 Generator #2 Lubricants - 40.00 - - - - - - 401-550-0103 Generator #3 Lubricants 3,403.19 3,423.36 1,875.45 3,338.06 3,106.54 2,182.51 2,000.04 3,000.00 2,000.00 401-550-0104 Generator#4 Lubricants 771.93 2,764.80 1,905.99 1,409.25 2,172.09 1,382.59 2,000.04 2,000.00 2,000.00 401-550-0105 Generator #5 Lubricants - - 3,772.51 1,937.00 1,705.19 9,999.96 6,400.00 3,500.00 401-550-0106 Generator #6 Lubricants - - - - - - - 401-550-0107 Generator #7 Lubricants 1,149.92 4,024.72 - - - 401-550-0108 Generator #8 Lubricants 258.23 258.23 - 657.35 - - 999.96 3,000.00 1,500.00 401-550-0109 Generator #9 Lubricants - - 629.55 629.55 629.55 744.55 500.04 500.00 1,000.00 401-550-0200 Supplies 8,412.31 8,894.93 16,765.73 14,70743 12,226.72 8,509.63 9,999.96 10,000.00 12,000.00 401-550-0301 Generator#1 Chemicals 26,200.14 24,133.80 45,577.79 22,608.37 24,20364 12,698.30 20.000.04 37,000.00 34,000.00 401-550-0302 Plant #1 Chemicals 12,095.85 8,456.17 24,842.23 58,477.78 49,880 49 29,603.20 30,000.00 15,000.00 55,000.00 401-550-0400 Uniforms 8 Laundry 12,634.22 14,45825 14,992.78 18,744.19 18,694 08 15,682.00 15,000.00 13,500.00 10,000.00 401.550-0500 Waste Disposal 10,776.33 14,077.49 21,092.97 31,329.00 29,195.94 25,360.74 15,000.00 18,000.00 26,000.00 401-550-0600 Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 3,218.17 4,423.14 5,257.84 4,807.37 4,354.60 1,728.80 5,000.04 6,000.00 5,500.00 401-550-0700 Permits And Rent 210.00 180.00 70.00 80.00 100.00 8,041.42 99.96 200.00 500.00 PRODUCTION - MAINTENANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 402-554-0100 Maint Power Prod Plant- Build 3,116.82 525.82 821.5 • 448.05 6,164.74 2,445.80 99.96 5,000.00 7,000.00 402-554-0101 Generator#1 Labor 59,063.11 36,268.61 56,366.89 73,089.78 91,536.43 28,362.59 60,000.00 304,437.70 324,230.00 402-554-0106 Generator #1 Outside Services 40,455.12 66,666.87 27,781.93 22,062.57 15,255.00 975.00 20,000 04 25,000.00 25,000.00 402-554-0102 Generator#1 Material 47,524.15 67,767.15 129,403.36 78,888.14 57,433.80 12,222.87 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 402-554-0201 Generator#2 Labor 9,663.80 1,025.98 345.16 1,104.90 872.61 6,271.34 99.96 - - 402-554-0202 Generator#2 Material 231.20 36.38 67.77 - 9.69 99.96 100.00 500.00 Account p Account Description ( 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD (Posted as of 10/13/15) 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget REVENUES 400-440-0000 Residential Sales (Electric) (4,853,201.95) (5,000,154.23) (4,972,886.41) (4,922,372.74) (4,905,669,45) (3,740,364.96) (4,650,000.00) (4,808,321.00) (4,785,539.00) 400-440-0100 All Electric (254,155.03) (255,178.37) (229,672.33) (254,116.31) (256,404 04) (177,517.86) (300,000.00) (243,414.00) (245,183.00) 400-442-0000 Small General Service - Single (1,637,967.30) (1,706,668.31) (1,723,012.51) (1,646,365.26) (1,612,42775) (1,228,777.84) (1,950,000.00) (1,651,099.00) (1,581,216.00) 400-042-0200 Large General Service (5,951,728.19) (5,989,074.29) (6,135,021.91) (5,887,235.31) (5,836,007 77) (4,483,516.29) (5,700,000.00) (5,887,895.00) (5,744,159.00) 400442-0300 Large General Service - Demand (1,401,234.00) (1,380,068.19) (1,406,906.81) (1,369,484.20) (1,339,472.00) (1,015,906.82) (1,400.000.00) (1,330,488.00) (1,332,471.00) 400442-0400 Industrial (9,551,857.50) (9,696,410.50) (8,934,797.94) (8,576,955.00) (9,165,99642) (7,369,052.39) (8,992,772.66) (8,680,458.00) (8,686,229.00) 400-442-0500 Industrial Demand (1,919,890.00) (1,996,470.00) (1,828,960.00) (1,798,650.00) (1,835,400.00) (1,446,760.00) (1,850,000.00) (1,822,190.00) (1,824,906.00) 400444-0000 Street Lighting (147,24784) (143,377.73) (148,967.55) (143,001.71) (139,532.90) (110,058.10) (139,307.00) (146,739.00) (144,535.00) 400-047-0000 Sales For Resale (986,385.75) (1,234,285.53) (1,618,582.46) (891,276.08) (678,293.49) (840,411.90) (1,057,400.00) (994,000.00) (1,907,820.00) 400450-0000 Forfeited Discounts (29,721.57) (30,906.03) (26,128.46) (28,689.96) (29,773.38) (21,263.54) (24,999.96) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 400-450-0100 Collection Fee (21,640.00) (21,520.00) (31,000.00) (29,960.00) (29,120.00) (22,360.00) (15,000.00) (21,000.00) (21,000.00) 400450-0200 Reconnection Fee (20,320.02) (20,720.00) (29,980.00) (29,590.00) (26,100.00) (20,280.00) (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 400450-0300 Fee For Returned Checks (5,040.00) (5,190.00) (5,010.00) (4,320.00) (3,390.00) (2,850.00) (3,999.96) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) 400-450-0400 Late Payment Charge (213,600.00) (217,050.00) (207,375.00) (204,465.00) (203,895.00) (150,080.91) (160,800.00) (200,000.00) (200,000.00) 400.451-0100 Temporary Connection (250.00) (200.00) (200.00) (500.00) (500.00) (550.00) (200 04) (200.00) (200.00) 400-454-0100 Security Lights (10,726.50) (10,585.00) (11,002.00) (11,033.00) (11,301,00) (8,485.00) (9,999.96) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 400454-0300 Pole Rental - Cable Tv (353.50) (264.25) (133.00) (31.50) (15.75) (500.04) 400.480-0000 Residential Sales (Gas) (3,979.581.33) (4,327,787.79) (3,697,538.12) (4,626,722.25) (4,706,388.58) (2,629,117.17) (4,300,000.00) (4,258,334.00) (4,588,522.00) 400-481-0000 Commercial & Industrial Sales (3,638,750.74) (3,823,161.64) (3,150,924.56) (3,729.790.43) (3,853,503.60) (1.959.264.14) (4,190,262.16) (3,722,294.00) (3,628,501.00) 400-481-0400 Large Industrial (353,649.31) (0.50) (192,565,11) (360,000.00) 400-481-0401 Large Industrial Contract (4,519,921.46) (4,246379.86) (2,826,423.90) (3,646,509.21) (6,066,289.59) (2,401,962.02) (4,533,750.85) (4,034,279.00) (3,578,643.00) 400,481-0500 Large Indus trial - Demand (16,980.00) (20,863.19) (35,000.00) 400-489-0000 New Ulm Transportation (721,218.22) (724,187.29) (755,472.41) (785,148.57) (808,575.00) (569,729.99) (699,999.96) (725,100.00) 1 (730,636.00) 400-489-0100 Transportation -Electric Divi (1,100,000.00) (1,100,000.00) (1,099,999.56) (1,099,999.56) (700,000.00) (481,37476) (699,999.96) (641,833.00) (647,166.00) PRODUCTION LABOR ACCOUNTS 401-546-0100 Supervision 212,913.58 210,956.10 233,694.72 234,771.95 168,082.58 118,002.15 259,400.04 1,042,030.79 1,044,484.00 401-546-0200 Training - Labor 9,926.02 8,883.96 10,015.73 33,735.18 13,698.84 8,217.30 10,299.96 - - 401-546-0300 Training - Expense 6,208.31 3,434.38 15,873.09 17,039.40 3,183.54 6,261.07 9,999.96 7,500.00 25,000.00 401-546-0400 Operating Labor 536,723.24 559,483.83 539,516.93 631,036.97 642,766.03 529,597,05 625,954.68 - - 401-546-0500 Vacation 86,291.35 82,420.19 84,003.87 88.363.04 94,375.80 68,577,83 77,250.00 ! 401-546-0600 Other - Labor 2,655.07 1,295.19 1,317.78 1,059.72 1,558.06 316.15 1,029.96 401-546-0700 Sick Leave 35,142.71 30,891.32 31,412.26 35,759.32 40,946,29 32.767.52 21,630.00 401-546-0800 Holiday Pay 58,071.52 54,840.66 54,984.54 61,978.94 61,443.21 38,527.13 50.000.04 401-546-1200 Building Maintenance Labor 1,216.92 141.07 301.03 218.02 1,623.29 - 99.96 - 401-546-1300 Engineering - Labor - 99.00 - - - 401-546-1500 Drug And Alcohol Testing - Lab - 94.00 1,602.00 630.00 224.00 134.00 500.04 401-546-1600 Meetings & Travel - Labor (Sta 11,051.15 14,096.03 12,201.86 10,089.45 4,945.50 1,978.40 8,000.04 401-546-1700 Meetings & Travel - Expense IS 9,968.09 12,935.45 8,308.85 11,301.67 5,047.29 5,434.43 8,000.04 8,000.00 15,000.00 401-546-1800 Production Benefits - - - - - - 620,366.15 593,900.00 2016 Hutchinson Utilities Commission EIA Data 2012 - 2014 Gas MCF 2016 savings goals 12,150 Revenues $ 4,526,498 436,905 373,074 809,979 3 year Average For 2016 Goal 12,150 MCF savings Goal at 1.5% Number of Meters Incentive 3 year Average of Revenue Sales (mcf) 12,101,363 Revenues Budget Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial Industrial Total (MCFs) Residential Commercial Industnal Total EIA DATA - 2012 4,941 526 1 3 1 5,4701 364,652 325,027 689,679 $ 3,697,538 1 $ 3.150,924 $ 2,826,424 1 $ 9,674,886 916.03.01 Residential 66,322 Balance of Gas $ 4,526,498 916.03.02 Commercial Sales (mcf) 56,633 Revenues Number of Meters Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial Industrial Total (kMCFs) Residential Commercial Industrial Total EIA DATA - 2013 4.961 536 1 41 5,501 1 470,677 1 1 863,146 $ 4,626,722 $ 3.729,790 $ 3,646,509 $ 12,003,021 Sales (mcf) Revenues Number of Meters Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial Industrial Total (MCFs) Residential Commercial Industrial Total EIA DATA - 2014 4,984 549 1 41 5,537 1 F --475,37N7 401,727 1 1 877,113 $ 4,706,388 $ 3.853,503 1 $ 8,066,290 1 $ 14,626,181 MCF 2016 savings goals 12,150 Revenues $ 4,526,498 436,905 373,074 809,979 3 year Average For 2016 Goal 12,150 MCF savings Goal at 1.5% Total Incentive 3 year Average of Revenue $ 12,101,363 Budget Budget Less Elect Transmission $ (700,000) Average total cost per MCF $ 14.79921 $ 179,806 $ 122,955 Less New Ulm $ (808,575) less 3M/HT1 $ (6,066,290) 916.01 Labor 40,851 916.03.01 Residential 66,322 Balance of Gas $ 4,526,498 916.03.02 Commercial 56,633 916.03.03 Industrial 0 916.03.04 Marketing 5,000 916.03.05 DOC Assesment 6,000 Measurement /Verification 5,000 CONTRACT PRICE CONTRACT VOLUME CONTRACT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL CONTRACT VOLUMES JAW 6 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 12,056 108,504 FEB -1 6 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 1 1,200 11,200 1 1,200 11,200 100,800 MAR -1 6 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 10,1 1 1 90,999 APR -16 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 5,833 52,497 MAY -16 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 3,422 30,798 JUN -1 6 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 21,699 JUL-1 6 2.178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 19,602 AUG 1 6 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 2,178 19,602 SEP -16 2.333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2.333 2,333 20,997 OCT -16 4,822 4,822 4,822 4,822 4.822 4.822 4.822 4,822 4,822 43.398 NOV-16 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 69,300 DEC -1 6 10,656 10,656 10.656 10,656 10,656 10,656 10,656 10,656 10,656 95,904 CONTRACT PRICE CONTRACT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JAN -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 FEB -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 MAR -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 APR -1 6 $50750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $50700 $4.7500 MAY -1 6 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $47500 JUN -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 JUL-16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 AUG -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $50700 $4.7500 SEP -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 OCT -1 6 $5.0750 $5.0400 $53000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 NOV-16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 DEC -16 $5.0750 $5.0400 $5.3000 $5.2150 $4.9600 $4.7900 $4.5850 $5.0700 $4.7500 CONTRACT PRICE EXTENSION CONTRACT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EXPENSE JAN -1 6 $61,184 $60,762 $63,897 $62,872 $59,798 $57,748 $55,277 $61,124 $57,266 $539.928 FEB -16 $56,840 $56,448 $59,360 $58,408 $55,552 $53,648 $51,352 $56,784 $53,200 $501,592 MAR -1 6 $51,313 $50,959 $53,588 $52,729 $50,151 $48,432 $46.359 $51,263 $48,027 $452,821 APR -16 $29,602 $29,398 $30,915 $30,419 $28,932 $27,940 $26,744 $29,573 $27,707 $261,231 MAY -1 6 $17,367 $17,247 $18,137 $17,846 $16,973 $16,391 $15.690 $17,350 $16,255 $153,254 JUN -16 $12,236 $12,151 $12.778 $12,573 $11,959 $11,549 $11,054 $12,224 $11,452 $107,977 JUL-16 $11.053 $10,977 $11.543 $11,358 $10,803 $10,433 $9.986 $11,042 $10,346 $97,542 AUG 1 6 $11,053 $10,977 $11,543 $11,358 $10,803 $10,433 $9,986 $11,042 $10,346 $97,542 SEP -16 $11.840 $11,758 $12.365 $12.167 $11,572 $11,175 $10,697 $11,828 $11,082 $104.483 OCT -1 6 $24.472 $24,303 $25.557 $25,147 $23,917 $23,097 $22,109 $24,448 $22,905 $215.953 NOV-1 6 $39,078 $38.808 $40.810 $40,156 $38,192 $36,883 $35,305 $39,039 $36,575 $344,845 DEC -16 $54.079 $53,706 $56,477 $55,571 $52,854 $51,042 $48,858 $54,026 $50,616 $477.229 2016 ENERGY CONSUMPTION (.DTH'S) 2016 NATURAL GAS EXPENSE INCLUDES BROWNTON CONTRACT SWING GAS HTI GAS 3M GAS 2016 CONTRACT 2016 SWING 2016 SYSTEM PER 2016 HT1 & 3M 2016 $3.87 GAS GAS 2016 HM GAS 2016 3M GAS 2016 TOTAL Gas 2016 SYSTEM GAS HT1 & 3M GAS $ DTH's DTH's DTH's DTH'S DTH's DTH's DTH'S JANUARY 108,504 51,338 12,190 69,188 261,220 159,842 101,378 FEBRUARY 100,600 39,201 10,913 80,373 231,287 140,001 91,286 MARCH 90,999 14,379 8,667 71,598 185,643 105,378 80,265 APRIL 52,497 13.474 6,081 59,887 131.939 65,971 65,968 MAY 30,798 5,322 5,091 49,098 90,309 36,120 54,189 JUNE 21,699 2,358 4,655 43,370 72,262 24,057 48.226 JULY 19,602 2,955 5,153 42,103 69,813 22,557 47,256 AUGUST 19,602 1,768 5,139 43,494 70,023 21,390 48,634 SEPTEMBER 20.997 1,489 4,847 42,061 69,394 22,486 46,908 OCTOBER 43,398 7,643 6,046 53,127 110,214 51.041 59,173 NOVEMBER 69,300 28.58 8,338 61,008 166,705 97,358 69,346 DECEMBER 95,904 40,674 1 x',838 73,624 221,040 136,578 84,462 $233.662 674,100 208,679 88,158 708,932 1,679,870 882,779 797,091 2016 NATURAL GAS EXPENSE CONTRACT SWING GAS HTI GAS 3M GAS 2016 TOTAL 2016 SYSTEM PER 2016 HT1 & 3M GAS $3.87 $3.83 $3.83 EXPENSE 2016 EM EXPENSE DTH EXPENSE EXPENSE JANUARY $ 539,927.96 $198,657 $46,687 $341,592 $1,126.863 $738,585 $4.62 $388,279 FEBRUARY $ 501 ,592.00 $151.692 $41,798 $307,827 $1.002,909 $653,284 $4.67 $349,625 MARCH $ 452,821 .14 $55,641 $33,194 $274.222 $815,878 $508,462 $4.83 $307,416 APRIL $ 261.230.91 $52,137 $23,290 $229,369 $566.027 $313,368 $4.75 $252.659 MAY $ 153,254.27 $20,595 $19.497 $188,046 $381,393 $173,850 $4.81 $207,543 JUNE $ 107,976.64 $9,124 $18,596 $166,108 $301.804 $117,100 $4.87 $184,704 JULY $ 97,541 .73 $11,435 $19,736 $161,253 $ 289,966.07 $108.977 $4.83 $180,989 AUGUST $ 97,541 .73 $6,917 $19,684 $166,584 $290,726 $104,459 $4.88 $186,267 SEPTEMBER $ 104,483.41 $5,763 $18,565 $161,092 $289,903 $110,246 $4.90 $179,657 OCTOBER $ 215,953.27 $29,574 $23,156 $203,477 $472.161 $245.528 $4.81 $226,634 NOVEMBER $ 344.844.5C $108.574 $31.935 $233.662 $719,014 $453,418 $466 $265,596 DECEMBER $ 477,228.96 $157,392 $41,51 $281,980 $958,111 $634.621 $4.65 $323.489 $3,354,397 $807,502 $337,647 $2,715,210 $7,214 756 $4,161,898 $4.71 $3,052.857 Debt Interest, $781,500, 7% Purchased Gas, $7,214,755, 63% 2016 GAS BUDGETED EXPENSES Depreciation, $1,056,000 Pilot, $406,252, 4% 9% Operating Expenses, $400,950, 3% Operating Materials, $242,050, 2% Personnel Costs, $1,259,800, 11% -CIP Program, $138,955, 1% $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2.000.000 Gas Division Operating Expenses Gas Division Number of Meters Small Large Commercial Industrial Industrial Year Residential Firm Firm Firm Interruptible Total 1990 3335 460 0 3 18 3816 1991 3327 432 0 3 12 3774 1992 3367 486 0 3 11 3867 1993 3489 446 0 3 12 3950 1994 3572 452 0 3 12 4039 1995 3686 454 0 3 12 4155 1996 3742 474 0 3 10 4229 1997 3857 481 0 3 8 4349 1998 4029 462 0 2 7 4500 1999 4155 479 0 2 6 4642 2000 4254 482 0 2 6 4744 2001 4309 485 0 2 6 4802 2002 4382 498 0 2 6 4888 2003 4472 498 0 2 6 4978 2004 4557 494 0 2 6 5059 2005 4617 498 0 2 6 5123 2006 4700 506 0 2 1 5209 2007 4719 513 0 2 0 5234 2008 4809 488 0 2 0 5299 2009 4868 524 0 2 0 5394 2010 4918 525 0 2 0 5445 2011 4922 530 0 2 0 5454 2012 4941 526 0 3 0 5470 2013 4961 536 0 4 0 5501 2014 4984 549 0 4 0 5537 2015 5000 546 0 5 0 5551 # of Meters i Months Annualized Ext. Meter Charge Annual Revenue Residential Meters = 5,000 12 60,000 $ 6.50 $ 390,000 Commercial GS Meters = 546 12 6,552 $ 31.50 $ 206,388 2016 METER CHARGE REVENUE 596,388 Natural Gas Sales Volumes by Customer Class in MCF (Top Table) and Sales by Customer Class in Percent (Bottom Table) nmercial 42/, 44% 43% 42% 42% 40% 43% 40% 42% 49% )e Industnal(3M not included) 9% 9% 8% 9% 10% 121. 9% 14% 13% 0% using total bad 31% 31% 30% 31% 28% 29% 35% 40% 37% 40% usmo total bad 2016—Natural Gas Sales 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2047 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 JW's Number Residential 464,345 444,143 475,703 499,821 448.368 428,775 431,480 442,775 483,752 444,371 417,391 434,537 364,652 470.678 475,387 426,363 System Sales Commercial 399.601 406.659 422,202 430.071 382.785 366.548 381,519 388,223 445.484 420.842 400,221 399.781 325.027 392,469 401.727 387.630 Large Industrial - Ohly 82,402 79.941 82.173 90.772 89.918 112.884 78.589 132.447 143.877 117,920 - - - - S 255,21559 $ 172 800.00 3M -Contract 420,748 425,264 416.627 453.160 362.898 376.111 482,606 636.986 633.075 652,338 742,444 729,898 656,281 671,649 711,378 656,340 708,932 HTI- Contrail $ 39000000 $ 4198.52747 S 4.588,521 41 '.Commercial $ 206.388 00 $ 3.817.111 91 S 4,023,499 91 - 117.920 97,701 91,431 74,353 82,059 94.373 125,018 88,158 System Load (rot counting 3M 8 HTI) 946,348 930.743 980,078 1.020.664 921.071 908,207 891,588 963.445 1.073.113 865.213 817,612 834,317 589.679 863,147 877.114 813,993 882179 Total Load 1,367,096 1.356,007 1.396,705 1.473.824 1,283.969 1.284.318 1.374194 1,600.431 1.706,168 1,635.471 1,657,757 1,655,646 1,420,313 1,616,855 1,682.865 1,595,351 -0 all. 3 00% 5 52'�. -12 88% 0.03% 700% 16.46% 6 61"= -4 14% 1.36% -0.13% -14,21% 13.84% 4 08 % -5.20% nmercial 42/, 44% 43% 42% 42% 40% 43% 40% 42% 49% )e Industnal(3M not included) 9% 9% 8% 9% 10% 121. 9% 14% 13% 0% using total bad 31% 31% 30% 31% 28% 29% 35% 40% 37% 40% usmo total bad 2016—Natural Gas Sales System Purchases d82, 779 Forecasted FLAG = Transport Dem rid Transport $ Demand S Total S 3M Purchases 708.932 3M Transport Agreement S 06037 $ 036 S 9 DO $ 255,216 $ 172,800 $ 428.016 "Purchases 88,158 HTI Transport Agreement $ 11090 S 067 S 1033 $ 76,698 $ 21,073 $ 97.771 Total Purchases 1679870 Sub Total Total System System Gas Unit Safes Rate System Sales Ad" ECAC Sales ReSkIential 52% 462,392 9 4,198,521 $ - S 4.198.521 Cortrnerciai 48% 420 387 9 3.817.112 $ - $ 3817.112 Industrial -Ohty'i meter,. D% - $ - $ - Transport $ Demand $ HTI Transport $ 7669785 $ 21.373.00 3M Transport S 255,21559 $ 172 800.00 . Commodity Cost $3 83 Assume 3M and HT1 convnodlty, cost is $3 837MCF since contract cost of buying Is S3 83 Pass ttuough cosi Customer Charge/HTl Energy Ctmarge Tota Sates . Residentia•. $ 39000000 $ 4198.52747 S 4.588,521 41 '.Commercial $ 206.388 00 $ 3.817.111 91 S 4,023,499 91 Industrial - Ohly $ - $ - $ - " Transport $ 9777085 $ 337.646.86 $ 435.417 72 3M Transport $ 428.015 59 $ 2.715.210.33 $ 3.143.225 92 Total Sales $1.122,174.44 $11.068.490.51 $ 12.190.664.95 System Total Sates $ 596 388 00 S 8 015833 32 $ 8,612,021 32 49% 48% 47% 45% 0% 0% 0% 0% 45% 44% 46% 42% 6% 6% 5% 5% 54% 52% 46% 48% D% 0% 42% 41% Industrial, $3,578,643, 26% Commercial, $4,023,501,_/ 29% 2016 GAS BUDGETED REVENUES Electric Transfer, $647166 5% Other Revenues, $27,000 New Ulm, $730,636, 5% , , � 0.� Interest Earnings, $57,500,1% Bond Premium, $185,608 ,1% 2sidential, $4,588,522, 33% $18,OWIWO $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,OW Gas Division Operating Revenues 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2024 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (X) Net Income (X) of Operating Safes Net Income (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) Detailed Income Statement Gas Division _ 2015 YTD, 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual {10/27/15) Actual 2014 Budget2015 Budget 2016 Budget J $ 6,518,480 S 7,551,900 $ 10,116,968 S $ 5,011,878 $ 6,336,270 $ 6,017,790 S 43% 46% 37% 16% 219 16% 7% 15% 12% 4,145,318 $ 7,923,486 $ 7,761,593 S 7,388,686 4,109,558 $ 6,500,527 $ 5,620,247 $ 6,179,782 50% 45% 42% 46X 21% 21% 18% 21% 16% 15% 14% 17X - - 14% 17% NET INCOME ADJUSTMENTS _WITH 2016 Net Income $ 2,338,314 Capitalized labor Natural Gas $ 16,500 2016 Net Income $ 2,354,814 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2016 Net Income 5 2,338,314 Depreciation $ 1,056,000 2016 Cap Exp $ (448,500) 2016 Cap Exp Reimbursed $ 158,500 2012A Principal $ (1,160,000) 2016 Gas Cash Flow $ 1,944,314 2016 Cap Exp (As necessary) $ 100,000 OPERATING REVENUES Sales - Natural Gas -Retail Contract Sales to Large Customers (Includes 3M & HTI transport) New Ulm Transportation Transportation --Electric Division TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased Gas Purchased Gas for Retail (807) Contract Gas for Large Customer Total Purchased Gas Transmission Gas Transmission Operations (856, Gas Transmission Maintenance (863; Total Transmission (856, 863) Distribution Operations Supervision and Engineering (870, Mains and Services (874) Meters (878) Misc. (880) Total Distribution Operation (870, 874, 878, 880) Distribution Maintenance Lnes-Services and Mains (892) Meters and House Regulators (893) Maintenance of Other Plant (895) Total Distribution Maintenance (892, 893, 895) Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Misc. Selling Expense (916) Total Sales Expense (911, 916) Administrative and General Adminstralive and General Labor (920:x. Once Supplies and Expenses (921; Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension 8. Benefits (926, Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint. Of General Plant (935) Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Total Other Expenses (403, 408) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUE S!(EXPEN SES) Merchandise 8 Contract Work, Net Interest Income Misc. Income Bond Premium Misc. Expense Interest Expense - Bonds Interest Expense - Customer Deposits Gain (Loss) On Disposal Amortization of Bond Discount and Issuance Costs Amortization -Development Study TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUESIEXPENSES Detailed Income Statement Gas Division 1I 2015 YTD 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual I (10/27715) Actuall _2014 Bud;et _. 2015 Bud`et 2016 Budget $ 6,848,463 $ 8,356,513 $ 8 559 893 $ 4,801,810 S 8,490,262 $ 7,980,628 $ 8,612,023 $ 2.826,424 $ 3.646.509 $ 6066,290 $ 2,401,962 $ 4,533,751 $ 4,034,279 S 3,578,643 $ 755.472 S 785.149 $ 808,575 $ 569,730 $ 700,000 $ 725,100 S 730,636 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100 000 _$ 700,000 $ 481,375 $ 700,000 $ 641,833 $ 647,166 $11,530,359 $ 13,888,170 $ 16,134,757 $ 8,254,876 $ 14,424,013 $ 13,381,840 $ 13,568,468 $ 4,244,213 $ 4,482,870 $ 4,911,812 $ 2,148,139 $ 4,106,506 $ 4,064,314 $ 4,161,898 _$ 2,156,625 $ 2,950,652 $ 5,074,637 S 1,903,450 $ 3,695,981 $ 3,516.110 $ 3.052.857 $ 6,400,838 $ 7,433,522 $ 9,986,448 $ 4,051,589 $ 7,802,486 S 7,580,424 $ 7,214,755 $ 105,733 S 114,377 $ 106,984 $ 90,168 $ 109,500 $ 163,151 $ 163,760 $ 11,910 $ 4,001 $ 23,535 $ 3,561 $ 11,500 $ 18,018 $ 10,171 $ 117,642 $ 118,378 S 130,520 $ 93,729 $ 121,000 S 181,169 S 173,931 $ 120,292 $ 161,338 $ 145,915 S 125,579 $ 155,000 $ 370,308 S 358,088 $ 72,542 $ 76,123 $ 104,425 S 68,201 $ 129,500 $ 93,799 $ 109,692 $ 61 $ 240 $ 2.921 $ 7.772 $ 3.500 $ 759 $ 835 $ 199,239 $ 166,179 $ 184,837 $ 120,209 $ 161,100 $ 175,552 $ 131,631 $ 392,134 $ 405,879 $ 438,098 S 321,761 S 449,100 $ 640,419 $ 600,246 $ 147,997 $ 126,902 $ 99,918 $ 123,009 S 133.000 $ 166,270 S 148,837 $ 20,779 $ 9,932 $ 22,554 $ 7,566 $ 20,000 $ 13.807 $ 24,228 $ 57,648 $ 47,403 $ 53,973 S 36.944 $ 56,000 $ 169,240 $ 188,250 $ 226,424 $ 184,237 $ 176,445 $ 167,519 S 209,000 S 349,318 $ 361,315 $ 25,229 $ 15,377 S 14,034 $ 15,562 $ 13,950 $ 17,270 S 17,453 S 71,920 $ 104,391 $ 94,356 $ 73.137 $ 86,355 $ 144.046 $ 152,259 $ 2,611 $ 4,148 $ 8,898 $ 5,496 $ 2,700 $ 6.750 $ 6,750 $ 36,670 $ 32,940 $ 38,689 S 30.702 $ 33,750 $ 43,647 $ 45,558 $ 136,430 $ 156,856 $ 155,976 $ 124,897 $ 136,755 $ 211,715 $ 222,020 $ 2.043 $ 1,895 S 1,670 S - $ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 66,465 $ 64,019 $ 113,212 $ 4.5.198 $ 100.500 S 228,170 $ 179.806 $ 68,528 $ 65,913 $ 114,882 $ 45,198 $ 102,500 $ 228,170 $ 179,806 $ 162.019 $ 173.463 S 155.708 $ 117,721 $ 166,750 $ 151,726 $ 139,183 $ 85,421 $ 93,858 $ 84.728 $ 74,579 $ 61,375 $ 74,1 D0 S 74,250 $ 50.080 $ 49,282 $ 36,589 $ 35,353 $ 18,825 $ 37,644 $ 26,769 $ 85,202 $ 83,874 S 75,057 $ 55,047 $ 85,950 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 395,597 $ 413,595 $ 422,137 $ 339.440 S 441,625 S 70,902 $ 63,045 $ 43,302 $ 19,620 $ 19,886 S 18,381 $ 26,100 $ 20.000 $ 20,000 $ 53,124 $ 77,753 $ 71,584 S 42,894 $ 84,825 $ 70,758 $ 79,758 $ 39,564 $ 58,141 $ 52.160 $ 19,654 $ 30,420 $ 31,907 $ 31,233 $ 944,309 $ 969,586 $ 917,849 $ 703,070 $ 915,870 $ 527,036 $ 504,237 $ 1,043.234 $ 1,027,662 $ 1,002,804 $ 792.000 $ 1,056,000 $ 1056,000 S 1,056,000 $ 397,853 $ 491,077 $ 605,176 $ 193,754 $ 665,000 $ 206,980 $ 406,252 $ 1,441,087 $ 1,518,739 $ 1,607,980 $ 985,754 $ 1,721,000 $ 1,262,980 $ 1,462,252 $ 9,727,393 $ 10,853,110 $ 13,528,197 $ 6,493,517 $ 11,457,711 S 10,981,229 $ 10,718,563 $ 1,802,965 $ 3,035,060 $ 2,806,560 6 1,761,360 $ 2,966,302 $ 2,400,611 $ 2,849,9D6 $ 41,315 S 57,400 $ 31,269 $ 7.168 $ 40,000 $ 27,000 S 27,000 $ 105,463 $ 37,970 $ 14,860 $ 11.729 $ 25,000 $ 32,500 $ 57,500 $ 227,443 1,008 $ 5,235 $ 4,874 $ 1,000 $ - $ $ - S 185,608 S 185,608 $ 139,206 $ - $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ . $ - $ . $ (14,217) $ - $ - $ - $ (1,326,968) $ (1,271,801) $ (864,000) $ (619,1251 $ (867,500) $ (825,500) $ {781,500) $ (351) $ (2,346) $ (434 $ (55) $ - $ (1,000) $ (200) $ 120 $ - $ 22.100 $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ (36,187) $ $ - $ $ $ _ $ - $ (989.165) S (992,161) S (605,3611 $ 1470420; S (801,500) S (581,392) $ 1511,592'' NET INCOME $ 813,800 $ 2,042,900 S 2,001,199 S 1,290,940 $ 2,164,801 $ 1,819,219 $ 2,338,314 2016 BUDGET NATURA Gas kWH kW Revenues 2016 savings goals 4,227,305 890 (00 $ 23,870,303 Incentive 3 Year Average for 2016 Goal 281,820.351 59,333 4,227,305 Kwh Goal at 1.5% Total Budget Budget 890.00 Kw Goal at 1.5% Average total cost per kWh 1 $ 0.08536 $ 360,851 $ 267,000 916.01 Labor 40,851 916 02 Trees 30,000 3 Year Average of Revenue c 23,870,303 916.03.01 Residential 50,614 916 03.02 Commercial 92,921 916.03.03 Industrial 123,465 916.03.04 Marketing 5,000 916 03 04 DOC Assesment 13,000 Measurment and Verification 5,000 need to add this account number The tree program expense will not go towards the state CIP program spending requirement, because it is not a qualifying expense. Our average cost per kwh is based on information we obtained from the State and MRES. This number will go up or down based on more history CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hutchinson Utilities Commission EIA Data 2012 - 2014 Electric kW Number of Meters Sales (kWh) Peak Revenues Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial Industrial Total (kWhs) Residential Commercial Industrial Total EIA DATA -2012 6,101 937 1 31 7,041 1 F 53,171,056 100,220,535 1 129,470,000 282,861,591 1 61,000 $ 5,350,526 s 9,264,942 1$10,763,758 $ 25,379,226 Number of Meters Sales (kWh) I I Revenues Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial Industrial Total (kWhs) Residential Commercial Industrial Total EIA DATA -2013 1 6.1071 941 1 3 17,0511 1 53,855,126 97,962,476 1 127,066,0000 278,883,602 BUM $ 5,176,489 $ 8,903,084 1 $10.375.605 $ 24.455.178 Number of Meters j Sales (kWh) Revenues Residential Commercial Industrial Total Residential Commercial industrial Total (kWhs) ResidenVal Commercial Industna'i Total EIA DATA -2014 6,116 941 3 1 7,060 53,245,088 96,051,777 1 134,419,000 1 283,715,859 1 57,000 $ 5,162,073 1 $ 7,448,435 $ 9,165.996 Ti 21,776,504 53,423,757 98078260 67 130,318,333 3 Year averages kWH kW Revenues 2016 savings goals 4,227,305 890 (00 $ 23,870,303 Incentive 3 Year Average for 2016 Goal 281,820.351 59,333 4,227,305 Kwh Goal at 1.5% Total Budget Budget 890.00 Kw Goal at 1.5% Average total cost per kWh 1 $ 0.08536 $ 360,851 $ 267,000 916.01 Labor 40,851 916 02 Trees 30,000 3 Year Average of Revenue c 23,870,303 916.03.01 Residential 50,614 916 03.02 Commercial 92,921 916.03.03 Industrial 123,465 916.03.04 Marketing 5,000 916 03 04 DOC Assesment 13,000 Measurment and Verification 5,000 need to add this account number The tree program expense will not go towards the state CIP program spending requirement, because it is not a qualifying expense. Our average cost per kwh is based on information we obtained from the State and MRES. This number will go up or down based on more history Hutchinson, MN Projected MRES Purchased Power Costs for 2015 and 2016 ) 2016 Missouri River Missouri River Demand Energy Demand Power Delivery Energy Ancillary Services Subtotal Subtotal Rate Rate Dues Cost Ave Average cost by Month (kW) kWh Cost kWh Cost j$� j$I Credit j$l 1$1 Adder Adder _($) _ ($) (m) season (mills/kWh) Jan -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 406,350 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,065,181 $ 57,586 $ 1,254 $ 1,124,021 S8.56 Dec. -Feb. 59.4 Feb -15 25,800 17,337,600 $ 406,350 $ 75,297 $ 528,797 $ (1,734) $ 1,008,710 $ 52,013 $ 1,140 $ 1,061,863 61.25 March -May 50.7 Mar -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 910,381 $ 57,586 $ 1,192 $ 969,159 50.49 June -Aug. 65.6 Apr -15 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 891,558 $ 55,728 $ 1,147 $ 948,433 51.06 Sep. -Nov. 50.9 May -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 910,381 $ 57,586 $ 1,206 $ 969,173 50.49 894,132 Jun -15 25,800 18,576,000 $ 535,350 $ 75,297 $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 1,175,358 $ 55,728 $ 1,367 $ 1,232,453 66.35 1,157,368 Jul -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 535,350 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,194,181 $ 57,586 $ 1,495 $ 1,253,262 65.29 1,178,266 Aug -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 535,350 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,194,181 $ 57,586 $ 1,438 $ 1,253,205 65.29 1,178,246 Sep -15 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 891,558 $ 55,728 $ 1,356 $ 948,641 51.07 873,495 Oct -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 910,381 $ 57,586 $ 1,476 $ 969,442 50.50 894,165 Nov -15 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ 75,297 $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 891,558 $ 55,728 $ 1,389 $ 948,675 51.07 873,397 Dec -15 25,800 19,195,200 $ 406,350 $ 75,297 $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,065,181 $ 57,586 57,586 1,461 $ 1,124,228 58.57 1,048,951 Total 309,600 226,008,000 $ 4,334,400 $ 903,568 $ 6,893,244 $ (22,601) $ 12,108,611 $ 678,024 $ 15,921 $ 12,802,556 56.65 Total 309,600 226,627,200 $ 4,334,400 $ - $ 6,912,130 $ (22,663) $ 11,223,867 $ 679,882 $ 18,176 $ 11,921,925 52.61 All rates and load forecasts are subject to change. The rates used in the projections are based on the current available information for each specific rate as shown in the Area Meeting packet. The MRES credit for Ancillary Services is $0.10 per MWh. The Rate Adder is $3.00 per MWh. Please contact Tim Miller at MRES with any questions regarding the projections. 2016 Missouri River Demand Energy Demand Power Delivery Energy Ancillary Services Subtotal Rate Dues Cost Ave Average cost by Month (kW) kWh Cost Cost j$I Credit 1$1 Adder _($1_ ($) (m) season (mills/kWh) Jan -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 406,350 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 989,884 $ 57,586 $ 1,506 $ 1,048,976 54.65 Dec. -Feb. 55.1 Feb -16 25,800 17,956,800 $ 406,350 $ $ 547,682 $ (1,796) $ 952,237 $ 53,870 $ 1,351 $ 1,007,458 56.10 March -May 46.7 Mar -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 835,084 $ 57,586 $ 1,435 $ 894,105 46.58 June -Aug. 61.7 Apr -16 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 816,260 $ 55,728 $ 1,378 $ 873,366 47.02 Sep. -Nov. 46.9 May -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 835,084 $ 57,586 $ 1,462 $ 894,132 46.58 Jun -16 25,800 18,576,000 $ 535,350 $ $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 1,100,060 $ 55,728 $ 1,580 $ 1,157,368 62.30 Jul -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 535,350 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,118,884 $ 57,586 $ 1,797 $ 1,178,266 61.38 Aug -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 535,350 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 1,118,884 $ 57,586 $ 1,776 $ 1,178,246 61.38 Sep -16 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 816,260 $ 55,728 $ 1,507 $ 873,495 4702 Oct -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 251,550 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 835,084 $ 57,586 $ 1,496 $ 894,165 46.58 Nov -16 25,800 18,576,000 $ 251,550 $ $ 566,568 $ (1,858) $ 816,260 $ 55,728 $ 1,408 $ 873,397 47.02 Dec -16 25,800 19,195,200 $ 406,350 $ $ 585,454 $ (1,920) $ 989,884 $ 57,586 $ 1,481 $ 1,048,951 54.65 Total 309,600 226,627,200 $ 4,334,400 $ - $ 6,912,130 $ (22,663) $ 11,223,867 $ 679,882 $ 18,176 $ 11,921,925 52.61 All rates and load forecasts are subject to change. The rates used in the projections are based on the current available information for each specific rate as shown in the Area Meeting packet. The MRES credit for Ancillary Services is $0.10 per MWh. The Rate Adder is $3.00 per MWh. Please contact Tim Miller at MRES with any questions regarding the projections. 2016 FUEL EXPENSE BUDGET- GENERATION Generated for Hedpina I3, 4, S, 8) Unit MWHR's MCF's Needed Sales For Resale MCF # 1 Total Fuel Price # 5 4,000 35,200 $ 3.87 $ 136,224 # 3 700 7,000 $ 3.87 $ 27,090 # 4 700 7,000 $ 3.87 $ 27,090 # 8 8,320 83,200 $ 3.96 $ 329,472 Total 13,720 132,400 $ 636,228.00 $ $ 519,876 * Unit #8 has contracted gas at $3.96 per/MCF 2016 Budget = 13,720 MWHR's Unit Hedging Sales For Resale Total Fuel Expense # 1 $ - $ 619,200.00 $ 619,200.00 # 3 $ 27,090.00 $ - $ 27,090.00 # 4 $ 27,090.00 $ - $ 27,090.00 # 5 $ 136,224.00 $ 17,028.00 $ 153,252.00 # 8 $ 329,472.00 $ - $ 329,472.00 Total Expense: $ 519,876.00 $ 636,228.00 $ 1,156,104.00 Market Purchases Power SuExpenses-Sales + System Los ed expense for 2016 2013 2014 sales System Losses Power Supply Units 3,239 Jan 23,107 3.20% 23,847 Feb 21,531 3.20% 22,220 Mar 22,567 3.20% 23,289 Apr 22,326 3.20% 23,040 May 22,140 3.20% 22,849 Jun 25,034 3.20% 25,835 Jul 28,807 3.20% 29,729 Aug 27,783 3.20% 28,672 Sep 24,746 3.20% 25,537 Oct 22,765 3.20% 23,494 Nov 20,775 3.20% 21,440 Dec 22,963 3.20% 23,698 2,303 284,544 5,578 293,649 Market Purchases 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Jan 3,239 1,384 3,434 3,466 4,349 Feb 2,800 1,888 4,371 5,120 5,611 Mar 3,061 2,326 4,179 5,051 5,034 Apr 2,115 1,778 3,197 3,860 4,417 May 3,296 3,351 3,977 4,055 5,720 Jun 5,263 6,003 5,462 6,195 7,647 Jul 8,632 8,569 5,681 6,436 8,607 Aug 6,869 5,952 5,449 6,819 8,670 Sep 3,225 2,303 4,009 5,578 8,247 Oct 1,967 1,958 3,453 4,446 - Nov 1,398 1,676 3,484 4,166 Dec 1,821 1,516 3,897 4,650 - Totai 43,686 38,704 50,593 59,842 58,302 Market Purchases 43,686 38,704 50,593 59,842 58,302 LMP Expense $ 1,574,270.33 $ 1,176,579.05 1,623,777.34 2,040,035.49 1,474,722.00 $/MWHR Market Purchases $ 36.04 $ 30.40 $ 32,09 $ 34.09 $ 25.29 Forecasted PU $/MWHR Purchases off market -2016 S 31.58 `Market Purchases come from Econ Data sheets In SC fader HUC Power Supply MWHR Forecast MRES MWHR Supply Agreement MWHR Market Purchases MWHR Hedged Generation 293,649 219,600 60,329 13,720 74.8% 20.5% 4 7 $ 11,553,156.00 $ 1,905,381.79 Purhased Supplied Power Expense = $ 13,458,537.79 MWHR 5 USED MWHR NEEDED POWER SUPPLY BUDGET MRES - supplied power $ 52.61 $ 219,600 11,553,156.00 MRES - system loss power purchased $ 52.61 $ 7,027 369,690.47 MARKET PURCHASES $ 31.58 $ 60,329 1,905,381.79 MCG ENERGY SOLUTIONS $ $ 46,800.00 TOTAL Power Purchased 286,956.25 13,875,028.26 Depreciation, $2,700,000 9% Transmission, $1,875,000, 7% 1 1 i Purchased Power,l $13,875,028, 50% 2016 ELECTRIC BUDGETED EXPENSES ; Pilot/Roadway Lighting, $899,004,3%- ACIP Program, $320,000,' Operating Materials, $347,950, 1% i Operating Expenses, $789,713, 3% Personnel Costs, . $4,798,888,18% Fuel/Chem./Lubricants, $1,988,770, 7% $28,000,000 $27,000,000 $26,000,000 $25,000,000 $24,000,000 $23,000,000 $22,000,000 $21,000,000 $20,000,000 Electric Division Operating Expenses 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Legend MW: 20 30 35 40 Capacity Sales: 2008-2020 Contract 1 Contract 2 Contract 3 2008 2009 2010 2011 2.012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Jan $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 5 $ 16,000,00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500 00 $ 96,000.001 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.00 Feb $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ $ 16,000 00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.001 $ 116,000,00 $ 136,000.00 Mar $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.00 Apr $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.00 May $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ - $ 16,000,00 $__ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 1_16,000.00 $ 136,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ _ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000,00 $ 136,000,00 5 - Jun $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 00 $ 47,0.00 $ 47,000.00 Jul $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 5 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00: $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 i $ 136,000.00 $ Aug $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.E $ Sep $ 47,000.00 ! $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136.000 00 $ Oct $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 16,OOC.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.00 $ Nov $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000 DO $ Dec $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ $ 42,000,00 $ 66,500.00 I $ 96,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 136,000.00 $ $ 564,000.00 $ 564,000.00 1 $ 564,000.00 I $ 564,000.00 $ 564,000.00 1 $ 112,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 294,000.00 $ 675,500.00 $ 1,004,500.00 $ 1,292,000.00 $ 1,532,000.00 $ 680,000.00 Legend MW: 20 30 35 40 A G -R E L-ENT, vi rljies Coma sl, n THIS AORE-'-,E'-b)(,AND BETWEEN HUTC,-,jilNSON X25 Michigan -St(ejot UTILITIES COMMISSION, I45h'EINAt:TEk "HUC" AND"MINNESOTA H_ id-hins u _on MINING AND MANUFACTURING Co., HOR81NAFTER ":_M", ON THE m i h,n,- 61 t' FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. WHEREAS,,3-M D_F_SlAE-* TO PIJfkP,HASE, ANOJWC-;SHALL PROVIDE, FIRMINATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION AND DAILY NATURAL GAS,COMMObITYS-WINO SqPPuyvORJV$E,AT SM's HUTCHINSON NORTH AND SOUTH PLANTS; AND, WHEREAS,, 3M DOES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HUC WILL, -IN RELIANCE UPON THIS'AGREtMIENT, Et4TE.R'INT0,ANAGRtEMlffNt TO PROVIDE FIRM NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION ANDDAIL-fY NAT -URAL OAS Ib0_MmoDrt-Y,-$YVING SUPPLY-. NOW, THIEREFQlkt, INQ0AQbE-RATl'Q*'N OF THE FOkbsbiNd ANb FOR- Ga0b AN,b VALUABLE cd-N$ibEfzATiON TH_'E'RECEl'f7_'TOF"'_W � _H' 14,10 ISkEREBY , A0'KWoWL8bd;ED, THE PAktits 'WAKE THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: Anthopt,H - 9son Aili'Awoht HUC SHALL PROVIDE, AND SM 8HALL ACCEPT, FIRM NATURAL [Zonnj,, 'Pans -61- GAS TRANSPORTATION AND DAILY, NATURAL GAS COMMODITY vide Mark G14 -rd ,p SWING SUPPLY COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2016, AT 9:00 A -.-M. Secretary AND TERMINATING ON JANUARY 1, 2018, AT 9:00 A.M. Mg,nt m r ,,y]PA- �' PC, n w 66dift m- er o DyNtit P'000�0 wnr;4-""' . koner O,e Garter4 Genera ager Tel 33Q-687- 46 PAGE 1 OF 4 1 . HUTCHINSON'`S SOLE OBLIGATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS TO PROVIDE FIRM NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION AND DAILY NATURAL GAS COIVIIViO©lTYSVYING SUPPLY TO 3M. 2. 3M SHALL PAY HUG BY THE FOLLOWING, SCHEDULE DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT: FLOW THROUGH ALL NATURAL-GAS MUERS TRANSPORTATION $0.36/ DTH MONTHLY PEAK DAY DEMAND $9.00/MCF 3. HUG SHALL TRANSPORT ALL 3M QUANTITIES FROM THE HUG PIPELINE TRIMONT/TRIMONT RECEIPT POINT TO THE HUTCHI,NSON 3M NORTH AND :SOUTH PLANTS LOCATED IN 1= UTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. 4. HUTCHINSON AGREES `f0 PROVIDE DAILY SWING SUF'PLy TO 3M AT THE ;APPtiGA'BLE Oft' 8, AS-P;UBL.iSHED FQF2 THE ,bAY BY PLATT'S "GAS DAILY" IN ITS "DAILY PRICE SURVEY (`%Ul"H}" FOR "N0' -RI Ht-kN, VEN`TURA" "Mi15POINT" ("Di41L?lf Ii�iDE C") PLUS/NIII�I�IS $O_,01 , SWING SUPPLY 15 DEFINED AS SUPPLRY INCREASES OR DECREASES, FROM CONTRACTED LEVELS, NQMINATE.D AT LEAST -24 HOURS ,PRIOR TO THE START OF THE GAS DAY. 5. HUTCHINSON SHALL PROVIDE 3M WITH REAL-TIME BALANCING, BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: BEST EFFORTS REAL-TIME SWING NOMINATED LESS THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE END OF THE GAS DAY ON A BEST EFFORTS BASCS, PRICED AT THE APPLICABLE PRICE, AS PUBLISHED FOR THE DAY BY PLAATT'S "GAS DAILY" IN ITS "DAILY PRICE SURVEY ($/DTH)" FOR PAGE 2 OF 4 "NORTHERN, VENTURA" "MIDPOINT" ("DAILY INDEX"), PLUS/MINUS $0.15. 4. ; LM �t"&L_ _RROViDt,-to_ HU G, 13YJtAlt END OF THE STH=G1 YjokMjjE M614tkl -PTA16A t6 GAS -11-0-W. _1141tBASE LOA6 LEVEL 6Fj4ATbR_AL OM, "X� UlfttbVOk THE FOLLOWING MONTH. IN THE,ZLtt4T-,,H;'LJ_t, KASNOT �Vttgtl[VEb THE' BASP-LOAD QN0MlNATION FRQM -3M BY THE ]ENO OF THE 1ST -Pt DAY,OF THE, MONTH PRIOR TO TLHE gAS F�LGW, HUC,SHALL NOMINAT-E. THE CURRENT MONTHS BASE -1.0AD LE -VEL FOR THEFOL1,40WING MONTH 5. DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, HUC S HALL NOT E3E- LIABLE FOR STOPPAGE OF FLOW ON THE PIPELINE, NORTHERN Bdik'ptp PIPELINE COMPANY EQUIPMENT FAILURE, OR ANY OTHER FdRCE MAJEURE WHICH AFFECTS THE FLOW OF GAS TO THE -HUC BbAttR STATIONS, OR ANY ACT OF GOD WHICH INTERRUPTS FLOW OP GAS ON THE PIPELINE. 6. PAYMENT IS DUE FROM W ON OR_,fttbRE tHETE I NTH PAY FOLLOWING t`HE bATE THE BILL I$- p$otT ,D -;BY HIJC. PAGE 3 OF 4 THIS AGREEMENT SETS FORTH ALL TERMS AGREED UPON BETWEEN THE PAktltS, AND NOPRIOR ORAL OR WRITTEN AOREEM' - -E ENTS SHAIJ- BtNDING. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT St ALTgRtD, Akek�bEp,afl MODIFIED EXCEPT AS IN WRITING AND EXECUTEDBY '- BOTH PARTIES. m HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMWSSION I NAME: TITLE: DATE: NAME: TITLE: DATE: PAGE 4 OF 4 MINNESOTA MINING MANUFA,CTIJRING Hutchinson FIRST AMENDMENT TO NATURAL GAS Utilities TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Commission 225 Michigan Street SE 1 • THIS AMENDMENT (THE¢h "AMENDMENT") IS 'MADE AND Hutchinson, Minnesota ENTERED INTO THIS' TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2015 55350-1905 ,j� BY HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY, INC., ("HT1") WITH OFFICES LOCATED AT 40 WEST HIGHLAND PARK DRIVE NE, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, 55350 AND HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ("HUC") A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITY LOCATED AT 225 MICHIGAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, 55350, PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT DATED 2. THE AGREEMENT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. MAY ASSIGN ITS RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS AND DUTIES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IN THE EVENT OF A MERGER OR ACQUISITION THAT IT MAY BE A PARTY TO NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. Anthony Hanson 3. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS AMENDMENT, THE President AGREEMENT IS UNAFFECTED AND SHALL CONTINUE IN Donna Luhring Vice President FULL FORCE AND EFFECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS Mark Girard TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IN THE EVENT THERE IS A Secretary Monty Morrow CONFLICT BETWEEN THIS AMENDMENT AND THE Commissioner AGREEMENT, OR ANY EARLIER AMENDMENT, THE TERMS OF Dwight Bordso-n Commissioner THIS AMENDMENT SHALL PREVAIL. Jeremy Carter General Manager Tel 320-587-4746 Fax 320-587-4721 THIS AMENDMENT SETS FORTH ALL TERMS AGREED UPON BETWEEN THE PARTIES, AND NO PRIOR ORAL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE BINDING. THIS AMENDMENT SHALL NOT BE ALTERED, AMENDED OR MODIFIED EXCEPT AS IN WRITING AND EXECUTED BY BOTH PARTIES. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BY: `µIW NAME: TITLE: COMMISSION PRESIDENT DATE: JX.%V.15 W ITN ESS: G DATE: HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. BY: NAME: TITLE: PKfcG•os;,��, Swla[yuJsdi DATE: 4t 4 3 8 I> CHARGE OFFS FOR 2015 COST. N ACCOUNT # AMT. OWING ELECTRIC NAT. GAS REASON FOR LAST CHARGE OFF ACTIVITY DATE 67176 310165 $278.14 262.37 15.77 Bankruptcy 6/12/2015 14084 40950 $214.33 173.82 40.51 Bankruptcy 9/6/2013 $492.47 436.19 56.28 38521 280515 $169.12 169.12 Deceased 12/8/2014 64428 210714 $104.04 104.04 Deceased 3/9/2015 505051 91120 $185.35 185.35 Deceased 12/4/2012 25704 150705 $86.28 52.53 33.75 Deceased S/26/2015 54635 20470 $135.06 135.06 Deceased 6/22/2015 $679.85 $476.98 $202.87 41167 140515 $57.96 57.96 uncollectible 2/17/2009 32522 40155 $1,517.72 785.24 732.48 uncollectible 2/24/2009 66608 60460 $71.72 $71.72 uncollectible 3/18/2009 65247 121175 $720.30 $211.01 509.29 uncollectible 3/16/2009 56679 260280 $197.79 $197.79 uncollectible no payment 42798 300285 $207.43 207.43 uncollectible 5/19/2009 24430 91020 $880.33 880.33 uncollectible no payment 67118 420462 $158.64 $158.64 uncollectible 4/21/2009 26537 230205 $174.61 $99.26 75.35 uncollectible 6/15/2009 59927 120695 $599.37 $143.56 455.81 uncollectible 5/8/2009 44338 340034 $159.83 $14.76 145.07 uncollectible 6/11/2009 6678 340043 $141.53 $71.95 69.58 uncollectible 6/11/2009 67007 50225 $21.91 $21.91 uncollectible 6/16/2009 31696 90940 $109.85 109.85 uncollectible 6/24/2009 46389 470073 $77.13 $77.13 uncollectible 6/10/2009 22477 91073 $62.77 $62.77 uncollectible 4/6/2009 35035 160265 $798.36 $187.81 610.55 uncollectible 6/15/2009 496791 370812 $135.06 $135.06 uncollectible 7/10/2009 48167 120995 $273.29 $54.54 218.75 uncollectible 10/6/2009 $6,365.60 2351.11 4014.49 Grand Tote Is $7,537.92 $3,264.28 $4,273.64 Balances from Noncurrent Customers 9/30/2015 6/30/2015 3/31/2015 12/31/2014 9/30/2014 Terminated Service 7527.20 3,889.57 8,245.90 7,924.93 4,763.26 Revenue Recapture 81,066.66 80,404.69 82,168.06 86,938.42 87,672.70 Collection Agency 6,064.30 5,710.63 8,481.78 8,286.15 8,364.93 Total 941658.16 90,004.89 98,895.74 103,149.50 100,800.89