11-25-2015 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 25, 2015 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Donna Luhring; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Dwight Bordson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Jeremy Carter. Guests: Miles Seppelt and Bob VVendorff. 1. Conflict of Interest Commissioner Bordson declared a conflict of interest in voting on the Consent Agenda as he is listed in the payment of bills. 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills A motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Approve Financial Statements GM Carter presented the financial statements. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve the financial statements. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. Economic Development — Miles Seppelt i. Miles presented the Economic Development Activity Report to include: strategies on current business retention and expansion; attracting new businesses; marketing efforts; and programs to integrate school and local businesses. b. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich i. Continuing to work on the 2016 budgets. ii. There is a Truth in Taxation hearing next Thursday. iii. The ribbon cutting and commissioning of the City solar project will be next Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. iv. Administrator Jaunich extended a thank you to Jeremy Carter and the HUC staff in helping the City Parks Department set up the holiday lights at Library Square. 1 c. Divisions i. Randy Blake — 1. With the recent mechanic resignation, HUC is down from 5 to 4 mechanics. This position will not be filled at this time. 2. IHI presented information to HUC on battery storage last week. 3. Working on specifications for the Plant 1 heating capital expenditure project in 2016. ii. Dave Hunstad — 1. Finishing up School Road and Roberts Road projects. 2. HUC's crew is helping the City of Brownton with directional boring, at their request. iii. John Webster - 1 . Met with Heartland Corn, City of Fairfax and New Ulm. Heartland Corn wants to take capacity off Fairfax/New Ulm and come directly to HUC along with requesting more capacity than they have at New Ulm. An agreement has been submitted to Heartland Corn. HUC extended an offer to New Ulm to reduce their capacity agreement by the same amount. 2. Expecting the 3M transport agreement to be approved next month. 3. Working on the HTI amendment to transfer their contract to TDK. 4. Heartland Corn requested an operations and maintenance agreement with HUC. 5. Working on the Greater Minnesota Gas and United Farmers Cooperative agreements. iv. Jared Martig - 1. Attended the CIP summit at MMUA with Jeremy Carter and Nick Nelson. 2. Will be reviewing the BS&A software system with his department and discuss the consideration of migrating to that system in 2016. d. Legal — Attorney Sebora i. Nothing to report. e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Dave Hunstad and GM Carter met with a vendor regarding potential solar projects. ii. Working with MMUA on draft documents to be used for municipalities in the event of increased solar projects in Hutchinson. iii. Meeting with Mark Sebora, Dan Lang and MIRES next Monday to discuss HUC's base load contract. iv. Finalizing the 2016 budget and the capital expenditure documentation. v. Working with Brenda Ewing on the job evaluation and compensation study. Recommendations will not be made before the 2016 budget is approved. They may be made the first quarter of 2016. vi. GM Carter and John Webster have met regarding pack gas. 2 f. HR Director — Brenda Ewing i. Nothing to report. 6. Policies a. Review Policies -None b. Approve Changes i. Explanation of Billing Procedure The changes were made to add clarity and clean up the policy language. ii. Use of Telephone and E-mails This policy language was omitted from the personnel policies since HUC has other guiding policies or documents that address these areas (Employee Conduct and Discipline sections of the employee handbooks, IT policy and the APPA safety manuals). iii. Personal Visitors and U.S. Mail This policy language was omitted from the personnel policies since HUC has language in the Discipline section of the employee handbooks that guide employee behavior as it relates to personal or non-HUC work related matters. iv. After Hours Reconnection Policy The changes were made to add clarity and clean up the policy language. In addition, the holidays HUC observes were added to the policy for customer informational purposes. v. Landlord Acknowledgement The changes were made to add clarity and clean up the policy language. vi. Inserts with Utility Bills The changes were made to add clarity and clean up the policy language. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Vice President Luhring to approve policy changes. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 3:58 — at this time Attorney Sebora left the meeting. 7. Unfinished Business a. Discuss Updated 2016 Preliminary Budget GM Carter gave a presentation on the preliminary budget review summary for both the electric and gas divisions. The 2016 budget will be scheduled for approval at the December 16 regular commission meeting. (Summary attached.) 3 8. New Business a. Approve 3M Natural Gas Purchase Agreement John Webster presented the 3M Natural Gas Purchase Agreement which allows 3M to purchase their natural gas in greater than monthly increments. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve the 3M Natural Gas Purchase Agreement. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) b. Declare HUC Employee Recognition/Holiday Dinner as an Open Meeting on Friday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. A motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Vice President Luhring to declare HUC's employee recognition/holiday dinner as an open meeting on Friday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. c. Approve Rescheduling the December 30, 2015 Regular Commission Meeting to Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Secretary Girard to reschedule the December 30, 2015 regular commission meeting to Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. d. 2016 Commission Officers President Hanson reported the HUC by-laws prevent him from being appointed as president again therefore the Board will start succession planning in preparation for the reorganization of officer positions in January 2016. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to adjourn the meeting at 4:27 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. Mark Girard, Secretary ATTEST: `160 -�. Anthony Hans n, Presi Jent lI Explanation of Billing Procedure A bill for services is sent to the address provided by the customer approximately 3 to 5 days after the meters have been read. The customer t4e-R has approximately 10 days to pay the bill in full by the stated due date. In accordance with state law, the City of Hutchinson and its related entities shall have 35 days to pay bills in full. Bills paid after the due date will incur the following charges: • A 1 % per month late payment charge on any unpaid balance. • A $15 processing fee. A late notice warning of pending disconnection is mailed WhiGh allows the customer and provides the customer with approximately 10 to 20 days to pay the bill or contact the Customer Service Department to make other arrangements. Examples of other arrangements may include agreement +„ establishing a budget payment _plan or payments by other agencies on the customer's behalf. Failure to make payment by the stated date and time will be considered a violation of the notice of pending disconnection. If full payment or other arrangements have not been made by the deadline, HUC personnel are sent to the meter location to disconnect utility services (see disconnection of services section). • A notice will also be included on the next month's billing warning of pending disconnection;. sesteme Customers should refer to previously sent disconnection letter for details of date and time of disconnection. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY BILLS ON TIME AND IN FULL. A dishonored payment will be assessed a $30 processing fee. A dishonored payment made to avoid disconnection, to get reconnected, or for a deposit for service will be assessed a $30 processing fee; plus: a. A $40 trip charge to deliver a door hanger, a notice advising thug customer they have 24 hours to make the full notice_payment good with. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, money order or credit card. b. A $40 trip charge to disconnect service if payment is not received W44 ill the form of cash, money order or credit card. C. A $40 trip charge to reconnect service, with payment shall made w+tI4 in the form of cash, money order or credit card. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP HUC FULLY ADVISED OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. EXEMPT AMME NON-EXEMPT RIP EXEMPT Employees aFe diseawaged 4am having personal maii deliVeFed to 14UC.. All ineoming mail is- NON-EXEMPT Employees are diseour-a" bed 4E)I.l .-10.-0.7 paFt of a rest period o,- kineh Po..;.,.J After Hours Reconnection Policy We after hour FeGE)RReGt*ORS Will be de -Re fFem &00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. oR weekends and holidays neF fFE)M 9:00 p.m. to 7�30 a.m. IVIE)Rday thmugh Friday, eXGIWdiRg . No after hours reconnections will be done from 9:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday nor from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays. After hours reconnection fees: .{ $150 Reconnection Fee will be charged for any reconnection that is done: • From 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, • From 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays A $200 Reconnection Fee will be charged for any reconnection that is done: • From 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sundays or Holidays Payments must be made prior to reconnecting utilities. Credit card payments will be accepted from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Holidays include the following: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day. Landlord Acknowledgement A signed Landlord Acknowledgement provides the following: • AGkRowledges who Confirmation and documentation of the landlord/owner is. • Requests HUC to provide utility service to tenants. •11 nderstandl& The understanding that the tenant will be responsible for all utilities utility costs between the date service is required by the tenant and the date the tenant requests read-out of services. • The landlord/owner Aagrees to be responsible for and t.�) pay all utility charges from the read-out date given by tenant until services are established with a new tenant. UndeFstand The understanding that failure to pay these charges could result in disconnection of electric service. HUC wi4 J,, not be responsible for any damages alleged to be caused by service disconnection. Disconnection/reconnection fees apply. • The Liandlord/owner has the option to saN contact HUC to assure that tenant has put the utility service in the tenant's name. • The -landlord /owner can request the disconnection of services as long as the account is in the landlord /owner's name. Disconnection/reconnection fees apply. Inserts with Utility Bills Generally, 9_ my material which applies directly to HUC business may be inserted into monthly utility :)ifl menthly erivelepes mailings;_ uRless HUC may approve the inclusion of gives prior appreval fer other items, as appropriate. �^�SCHIJyg�� Hutchinson Utilities Commission UTILITIES 2016 Preliminary Budget Review Wednesday, November 25th, 2015 3:00 p.m. e4 2016 Summary Budget Information Combined Divisions Revenues: $40,428,334 Expenses: $39,093,656 Net Profit: $1,334,678 Electric Division Revenues: $26,589,758 Expenses: $27,593,394 Net Loss: $1,003,636 ❑ Gas Division 13 Revenues: $$13,838,576 o Expenses: $11,500,262 o Net Profit: $2,338,314 Electric Division Revenue Budget Highlights UT/CITIES ❑ 2016 Retail Customer Sales - $24,344,238 Residential sales — $51030,722 L Small general sales — $1,581,216 o Large general sales — $7,076,630 o Industrial sales — $10,511,135 o Street Lighting - $144,535 ■ Net Reduction in retail customer sales ($226,000) ❑ Sales for Resales - $1,907,820 Increase of — $914,000 over 2015 budget Increase in capacity sales - $381,500 Est. increase in energy contract sales over market sales - $532,500 ❑ Other Revenues - $337,700 a Additional customer charges - $280,200 13 Interest Earnings - $57,500 Electric Division Revenues 2016 ELECTRIC BUDGETED REVENUES 2015 ELECTRIC BUDGETED REVENUES AAq Other Revenue, Sales for $280,200, Interest Residential, Resale, 1 % Earnings, $5,030,722 , $1,97 7,820, $57,500,0% 19% Street Small General Lighting, $1,581,216 , $144,535 , 16% 1% Industrial, $10,511,135 , 39% rge eral, 5,630, Street Lighting, $146-739 1 Sales for Other Interest Resale, Revenue, Earnings, $994'000,$280,200, $32,500,0% 0 4% 1 ° Residential, -\\ $5,051,735 , 19% Industrial, $10,502,648, 41% I General ,651,099 ,6% I, $7,218,383, 28% 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 Electric Consumption History Annual KWHR's Sold by Class 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 I YTD 2015 Proj. YE 2015 Small General Service is Residential Large General Service 2, Industrial Total .�tCHINS?'i Electric Division Expense Budget Highlightshll h is �/TlLITIE.S Continued reduction in staffing levels Overall reduction in personnel costs of $16,000 Benefit Premiums Health Ins, LTD, Basic Life & AD & D, voluntary life — 0% Dental 7% increase (Inc. $2,400) PILOT — $754,469 (2.75%) Increase in Pilot expense of $370,078 ❑ GRE/MISO Transmission Expense — (Inc. $340,000) iLi Phase-out of GRE settlement agreement 13 4.5%-6.5% GRE Transmission costs 13 Purchasing more power off the market ❑ MRES Transmission Expense — (dec. of $903,568) MIRES is no longer requesting transmission services from the SPP market MIRES expects to save MISO members $9 million a year in future transmission fees MIRES expects to spend 2 million in purchasing capacity/energy for MISO members in the MISO market in 2817 MIRES anticipates selling excess capacity/energy in SPP market in 2018 to offset costs for MISO members in 2018. 13 2017 HUC budget Impact - increase in MIRES capacity/energy costs of $ OOK-300K over the 2016 budget & potential 3% energy rate increase in 2017 - —$323K OElectric Division Expenses 2016 ELECTRIC BUDGETED EXPENSES Depreciation, $2,700,000 _ 9% Pilot/Rdway Lighting, $899,004, 3% Transmission, $1,875,000 7% Purchasedl Power, $13,874,070, 50% CIP Program, $320,000, 1 % Operating Materials, $347,950, i" 1% Operating Expenses, -----$789,713 , 3% $1,988,770, 7% Personnel Costs, $4,798,888, 18% 2015 ELECTRIC BUDGETED EXPENSES Depreciation, $2,700,000, 10% Transmission, $1,535,000 5% \ Purchased Power, $14,862,607, 53% Pilot/Rdway Lighting, $531,130,_ 2% CIP Program, $336,400, °Operating /o 1 . Materials, $347,200, 1% /Operating Expenses, $741,683, 3% Amortizaton, $262,972, 1% Personnel Costs, ,4,814,550 , 17% em. $1,873,325 , 7% �ptCH^INSOi' 2016 Electric Division PreliminaryBudget �rrunEs ELECTRIC DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2015/2016 REVENUES: Residential 5,202,559 5,176,489 5,162,073 5,051,735 5,030,722 (21,013) -0.42% Small General 1,723,013 1,646,365 1,612,428 1,651,099 1,581,216 (69,883) -4.23% Large General 7,541,929 7,256,720 7,175,480 7,218,383 7,076,630 (141,753) -1.96% Industrial 10,763,758 10,375,605 11,001,396 10,502,648 10,511,135 8,487 0.08% Street Lighting 148,968 143,002 139,533 146,739 144,535 (2,204) -1.50% Sales for Resale 1,618,582 891,276 678,293 994,000 1,907,820 913,820 91.93% Other Revenues 609,709 376,620 339,503 280,200 280,200 - 0.00% Interest Earnings 28,126 37,970 14,860 324 57,500 25,000 76.92% TOTAL REVENUES: 27,636,643 25,904,047 26,123,567 25,877,304 26,589,758 712,454 2.75% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 4,096,466 4,502,229 4,495,713 4,814,550 4,798,888 (15,662) -0.3% Purchased Power 14,823,407 13,342,967 13,850,238 14,862,607 13,874,070 (988,537) -6.7% Transmission 969,927 1,289,968 1,512,071 1,535,000 1,875,000 340,000 22.15% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 841,529 1,179,687 1,491,754 1,231,492 1,341,604 110,112 8.94% Depreciation 2,289,199 2,612,388 2,744,769 2,700,000 2,700,000 - 0.00% Transfers (Electric/City) Operationg Expense 1,838,871 2,280,695 2,012,000 2,278,757 1,123,897 1,812,568 1,026,224 1,796,981 1,401,635 1,569,185 375,411 (227,796) 36.58% -12.68% Debt Interest 51,918 47,416 40,532 38,013 33,013 (5,000) -13.15% TOTAL EXPENSES: 27,192,013 27,265,413 27,071,542 28,004,867 27,593,394 (411,473) -1.47% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 444,630 $ (1,361,366) $ (947,975) $ (2,127,563) $ (1,003,636) 1,123,927 -52.83% Gas Division Revenue Budget Highlights Retail Customer Sales - $8,612,023 Residential sales — $4,588,522 Commercial sales — $4,023,501 ■ Net Increase in retail customer sales (—$631,395) Contract Sales (3M & HTI) - $3,578,643 Decrease in revenue from contract customers ($455,636) ❑ Other Revenues - $1,647,910 o New Ulm Transportation Fees - $730,636 Electric Division Transportation Fees - $647 a Bond Premium - $185,608 Interest Income - $57,500 n Brownton operation/maintenance ,166 revenue - $27,000 Gas Division Revenues z� 2016 GAS BUDGETED REVENUES 2015 GAS BUDGETED REVENUES New Ulm, Electric Other New Ulm, Electric Other $730,636, Transfer, Revenues, 725,100 , Revenues, o $647,166, $27,000, $ Transfer, $27,000, 5 /0 0 ° 5% $641,833 , ' Industrial, 5 /0 0 /o Interest 5% 0% Interest $3,578,643 , Earnings, Industrial, Earnings, 26% $57,500, $4,034,279 , $32,500, 1 % 30% 0% BondI Bond Premium, Premium, $185,608, $185,608, 1% 2% Residential, Residential, Commercial, $4,588,522 , $4,258,334 , $4,023,501 , o Commercial, 31% 29% 33 /o $3,722,294 , 27% 1,600,000 1,400,000 Gas Consumption History Annual MCF's Sold by Class 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD 2015 Proj. 2015 Commercial 0 Residential Industrial ■ Total S Gas Division Ex ens B 'p e udget Highlights Continued reduction in staffing Overall reduction in personnel levels costs of $92,876 Benefit Premiums Health Ins, LTD, Basic Life & AD Dental 7% increase (Inc. $400) & D, voluntary life — 0% km: Retail customer gas purchases — $4,161,898 Increase in purchases of $97,584 Contracted customers gas purchases — $3,052,857 Decrease in purchases of $463,253 PILOT — $406,252 (2.,75%) Increase in expense of $199,272 7 Gas Division Expenses 2016 GAS BUDGETED EXPENSES Debt Interest, $781,500 , 7% Depreciation, $1,056,000, 9% --,\ Pilot, Operating $406,252, Expenses, 4% $400,950, 3% Operating Materials, $242,050, 2% Purchased Gas, $7,214,755 , 63% Personnel Costs, $1,259,800 , 11% CIP Program, $138,955, 1% 2015 GAS BUDGETED EXPENSES Pilot, Depreciation $206,980 , Debt $1,056,000, 2% Interest, 9% $825,500, 7% Purchased Gas, $7,580,424 , 64% Operating Expenses, $397,522, 3% Operating Materials, $199,000, 2% Personnel Costs, $1,352,676 , 11% CIP Program, ;189,628 , 2% CHINS& 2016 Gas Division Preliminary Budget UTlLIT1ES GAS DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2015/2016 REVENUES: Residential 3,697,538 4,626,722 4,706,389 4,258,334 4,588,522 330,188 7.75% Commercial 3,150,925 3,729,790 3,853,504 3,722,294 4,023,501 301,207 8.09% Contracted Industrial 2,826,424 3,646,509 6,066,290 4,034,279 3,5781643 (455,636) -11.29% NU Transportation 755,472 785,149 808,575 725,100 730,636 5,536 0.76% Electric Division Transfer Other Revenues 1,100,000 346,215 1,100,000 244,016 700,000 244,212 641,833 212,608 647,166 212,608 5,333 - 0.83% 0.00% Interest Earnings 28,126 37,970 14,860 32 571500 25,000 76.92% TOTAL REVENUES: 11,904,699 14,1701156 16,393,829 131626,948 131838,576 211,628 1.55% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 1,201,654 1,259,705 1,274,037 1,352,676 1,259,800 (92,876) -6.9% Purchased Gas 6,400,838 7,433,522 9,986,448 7,580,424 7,214,755 (365,669) -4.8% Depreciation 1,043,234 1,027,662 1,002,804 1,056,000 1,056,000 - 0.00% Transfers (City) 397,853 491,077 605,176 206,980 4061252 199,273 96.28% Operationg Expense 720,352 643,804 660,167 786,150 781,955 (4,195) -0.53% Debt Interest 1,326,968 1,271,801 864,000 825,500 781,500 (44,000) -5.33% TOTAL EXPENSES: 11,0901899 12,127,572 141392,631 1118071731 11,500,263 (307,468) -2.60% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 813,800 $ 21042,584 $ 21001,198 $ 118191F217 $ 2,338,314 5191096 28.53% �ptCHINSO DUtilitiesHutchinson Commission OTI L I?1ES Questions? Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson Minnesota 55350 Anthony Hanson President Donna Luhnng Vice President Mark Girard Secretary Monty Morrow Commissioner Dwight Bordson Commissioner Jeremy Carter General Manager Tel 320-587-4746 Fax 320-587-4721 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION, HEREINAFTER "HUC" AND MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING CO., HEREINAFTER "3M", ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, 3M DESIRES TO PURCHASE, AND HUC SHALL PROVIDE, FIRM NATURAL GAS COMMODITY FOR USE AT 3M'S HUTCHINSON NORTH AND SOUTH PLANTS; AND, WHEREAS, 3M DOES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HUC WILL, IN RELIANCE UPON THIS AGREEMENT. ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRM NATURAL GAS COMMODITY. WHEREAS. 3M SHALL HAVE A CHOICE OF PRICING MECHANISMS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO; MONTHLY INDEX, DAILY INDEX, FIXED PRICE AND VARIOUS STRUCTURED PRODUCTS, FOR SUPPLY PURCHASES FROM HUTCHINSON. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING AND FOR OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES MAKE. THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT; 1 . HUTCHINSON'S SOLE OBLIGATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS TO PROVIDE NATURAL GAS COMMODITY 7'O 3M. 2. HUC SHALL PURCHASE NATURAL GAS QUANTITIES AS DIRECTED BY 3M. 3. ALL NATURAL GAS PURCHASES SHALL BE PRICED AT THE NORTHERN, VENTURA, INDEX. PAGE 1 OF 5 4. 3M SHALL DIRECT NUC TO PURCHASE STRUCTURED PRODUCTS BASED ON CONTRACT TERMS AS SPECIFIED BY 3M. CONTRACT TERMS SHALL CONSTITUTE CONTRACT ORIGINATION DATE, DELIVERY PERIOD START DATE, DELIVERY PERIOD END DATE, TOTAL QUANTITY PURCHASED AND CONTRACT PRICE. 5. ALL NATURAL GAS PURCHASED BY HUC FOR 3M SHALL BE DELIVERED ON THE NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE TO THE TRIMONT/TRIMONT DELIVERY POINT. 6, HUC SHALL TRANSPORT ALL 3M QUANTITIES FROM THE HUC PIPELINE TRIMONT/TRIMONT RECEIPT POINT TO THE HUTCHINSON 3M PLANTS AS PER THE "FIRM GAS AND TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT" CURRENTLY IN PLACE, AND RENEWED ANNUALLY, BETWEEN HUC AND 3M. 7. HUC SHALL PROVIDE TO 3M, FOR EACH NATURAL GAS PURCHASE, A "TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION" AS PROOF THAT THE PURCHASE WAS COMPLETED. THE "TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION" SHALL PROVIDE DETAILS OF THE NATURAL GAS PURCHASE SUCH AS DELIVERY PERIOD START DATE, DELIVERY PERIOD END DATE. TOTAL QUANTITY BY DELIVERY POINT, DELIVERY POINT AND CONTRACT PRICE. 8. PAYMENT IS DUE FROM 3M, FOR THE NATURAL GAS COMMODITY PURCHASE, AS PER THE "FIRM GAS AND TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT" CURRENTLY IN PLACE, AND RENEWED ANNUALLY, BETWEEN HUC AND 3M, 9. HUC AND 3M AGREE THAT ALL NATURAL GAS PURCHASED FOR 3M SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF HUC UNTIL SOLD TO 3M ON A MONTHLY BASIS AS PER THE "FIRM GAS AND TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT" CURRENTLY IN PLACE, AND RENEWED ANNUALLY, BETWEEN HUC AND 3M, PAGE 2 OF 5 1 O. HUC SHALL NOT CONSUME, REDIRECT, SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF ANY QUANTITIES OF NATURAL GAS PURCHASED FOR 3M UNLESS DIRECTED BY 3M TO DO SO, IN WRITING. 1 1 . IN THE EVENT THAT 3M NO LONGER HAS THE ABILITY TO TAKE THE CONTRACTED NATURAL GAS COMMODITY PURCHASED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, DUE TO PLANT TEMPORARY SHUTDOWN. PERMANENT CLOSURE, ETC., 3M SHALL TURN BACK TO HUC AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE CONTRACTED QUANTITY, FOR A FINANCIAL ADJUSTMENT TO BE MADE BASED ON A FORMULA EQUAL TO THE QUANTITY OF GAS TO BE TURNED BACK BY 3M, MULTIPLIED BY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE APPLICABLE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE GDD PRICE FOR THE DAY. THE GDD PRICE MEANS THE GAS DAILY NNG VENTURA INDEX FOR THE DAY OF DELIVERY FOR THE DELIVERIES TO VENTURA. IN THE EVENT MONTHLY QUANTITIES ARE TO BE TURNED BACK TO HUC, THE SETTLEMENT FORMULA SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE QUANTITY OF GAS TO BE TURNED BACK MULTIPLIED BY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE APPLICABLE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE INSIDE FERC FIRST OF THE MONTH NNG VENTURA INDEX FOR THE MONTH IN CONSIDERATION. IN THE EVENT MULTIPLE MONTHLY QUANTITIES ARE TO BE TURNED BACK TO HUC, THE SETTLEMENT FORMULA SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE QUANTITY OF GAS TO BE TURNED BACK MULTIPLIED BY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE APPLICABLE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE INSIDE FERC FIRST OF THE MONTH NNG VENTURA INDEX FOR EACH MONTH IN CONSIDERATION, AS EACH MONTHLY INDEX SETTLES FOR THE TERM OF THE TURN BACK. AS AN ALTERNATIVE, HUC WILL PROVIDE ONE PRICE FOR THE MULTIPLE MONTHLY QUANTITIES AND, IF ACCEPTABLE TO 3M, THE SETTLEMENT FORMULA WOULD BE EQUAL TO THE QUANTITY OF GAS TO BE TURNED BACK OVER THE PAGE 3OF5 MULTIPLE MONTHS MULTIPLIED BY THE DIFFERENCE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE AGREED TO MULTIPLE MONTH PRICE PROVIDED BY HUC. 12. THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL RUN CONGRUENT WITH THE TERM OF THE `FIRM GAS AND TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT" CURRENTLY IN PLACE AND RENEWED ANNUALLY, BETWEEN HUC AND 3M. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL.. REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL. CANCELLED BY BOTH PARTIES. PAGE 4OF5 THIS AGREEMENT SETS FORTH ALL TERMS AGREED UPON BETWEEN THE PARTIES, AND NO PRIOR ORAL OR WRITTEN AGREEMENTS SHALL BE BINDING, THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT BE ALTERED, AMENDED OR MODIFIED EXCEPT AS IN WRITING AND EXECUTED BY BOTH PARTIES. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BY: NAME: TITLE: 'l'c/IT DATE: I IZ5-11 MINNESOTA MINING & MANUFACTURING TITLE: C DATE: V PAGE 5 OF 5