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11-23-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes November 23, 2015 Present: Julie Jensen, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl, Judy Klawitter, Warren Schuft, Don Schroeder City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Barb Peterson I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. II. Secretary's Report: The October minutes were examined. Curt made a motion to approve the minutes and Harriet seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Card sales amounted to $142 for October/November while button sales registered a hefty $275. The shotgun shell flags brought in $100 in sales while magnet and dish cloth sales took in another $45. The Giving Program still has a current balance of $1781 in the account. Judy made a motion to accept the report with a second from Darlene. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the tour to the Raptor Center at the U of M, which also included stops at the restored Depot and a driving tour of Fort Snelling, went very well. This tour was sold out with a huge waiting list. In December a group will head to the Plymouth Playhouse for a Frank Sinatra review which will include an Italian dinner. A trip to the Lind house in New Ulm currently has 26 registered. A February 14th excursion to Orchestra Hall to enjoy love songs by the big bands is close to filling with 34 already onboard. This tour will include dining at Crystal's in Minnetonka. On March 9th we will travel to the Plymouth Playhouse for a revue featuring John Denver's music. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship dinner currently has 33 people signed up. There will be no Fellowship dinner in December. A New Year's Eve party will be held on December 31st at 11:OOam at the Center. "Max" was the movie for November and was good. "I'll Be Me" was the second movie and it was about the life of Glen Campbell. Next month will feature "Ricky and the Flash" starring Meryl Streep with "Get Santa" as the second movie. The senior newsletter subscriptions are in the process of being renewed for the coming year. The cost is $15 for a mailed hard copy or $10 for an e-mail. V. Business A. Intergenerational Event- At the end of January a group of senior citizens will be putting together an event that will hopefully bring the young and the elderly together to pass on to the next generation the art of knitting. In this technological generation, access to training in a basic skill like knitting is not readily available. B. Board Membership- Kay Yoch has applied to become a member of the Advisory Board replacing Barb Peterson. Her application will be forwarded to the mayor who will appoint the replacement. C. Thrivent Presentation- Dianne Knorr from Thrivent spoke to the board about doing some fundraising through Thrivent. Each member of Thrivent is eligible for two $250 fundraising grants each year. To be a member you have to be involved with one of their financial products. The grants can be used as seed money for larger fundraising projects. She felt that the Senior Center offered abundant opportunities for grant applications. D. Other- No other business came before the board. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 10:52 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board will gather for a social opportunity on Monday, December 20. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is on Monday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary