01-14-1992 CCMr MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1992 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Council Members John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Don Erickson. Absent: Council Member Craig Lenz. Also present: City Admin- istrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Jim Hall. INSTALLATION OF NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBER AND POLICE COMMISSION MEMBER City Attorney Anderson administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Council Member Donald E. Erickson and Police Commission Member Kathleen Skarvan. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the public hearings of the regular meeting of November 26, 1991, regular meeting of December 10, 1991, special meeting of December 17, 1991, special meeting of December 30, 1991 and January 2, 1992 were approved as dis- tributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - AMENDED OCTOBER 1991 AND DECEMBER 1991 2. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21,.1991 3. PARK & RECREATION BOARD MINUTES OF OCTOBER 30, 1991 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1991 (b) POPCORN STAND PERMIT APPLICATION BY MARK MCGRAW (c) FINANCIAL STATEMENT - NOVEMBER 1991 (d) APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING LICENSE FOR ELKS The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to HI CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 order reports and minutes filed and to issue gambling license. Following discussion regarding the popcorn stand located in Library Square, the motion was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unani- mously carried, to deny the popcorn stand permit to Mark McGraw for the popcorn stand. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) REQUEST BY STREET SUPERVISOR TO ATTEND OUT-OF-STATE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE SEMINAR FEBRUARY 7-9, 1992 The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve the request. (b) REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL TO REVIEW SEWER JETTER AND VAC MACHINE AT CHICAGO FACTORY The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve the request. (C) DISCUSSION OF JOINT METER READING BETWEEN CITY AND HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Utilities Manager Clarence Kadrmas and Director Randy DeVries presented the proposed water meter change out program. Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve and implement the pro- gram. (d) DISCUSSION OF FIVE WEEK VACATION BENEFIT AFTER TWENTY YEARS OF CITY EMPLOYMENT Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to refer to the Employee Benefits Committee and to defer to the February 11, 1992 Council meeting. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 (e) REQUEST TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE ON JANUARY 22, 1992 FOR PRO-LIFE RALLY Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Erickson, seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve request. (f) CORRESPONDENCE FROM DONALD GILBERTSON REGARDING CITY SEWER LINE During discussion Engineer Rodeberg stated the City had made every effort to remedy the Gilbertson sewer line problem. Mr. Gilbertson submitted a claim for $1100-1200 for repair work done which was deducted from his assess- ment. The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried, to reimburse Gilbertson for one-half the installation cost for additional plumbing. (g) DISCUSSION OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 140 WASHINGTON AVE. E. Realtor Larry Meyer offered to sell the City an eight unit apartment building located at 140 Washington Avenue N., with six units facing Jefferson Street. Attorney Anderson stated there was no commitment by the City, but the Dorsey law firm would be instructed to in- clude this property in the tax increment district. Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to refer to HRA. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 9644 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 9645 - RESOLUTION TO RENAME WEST RIVER PARK TO MASONIC PARK The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson, to waive reading and adopt. Following discussion of changing the names of developed 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 parks, Councilmen Torgerson and Erickson withdrew their motions. The Resolution was referred back to the Park & Recreation Board for further review and action deferred. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 9646 - RESOLUTION TO RENAME COLLEGE HILL PARK TO MAPLEWOOD PARK The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 9647 - RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 9603 The motion was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF REDISTRICTING CITY PRECINCTS Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the three precincts as presented in three districts. (b) CONSIDERATION OF 1992 BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE (DEFERRED DECEMBER 17, 1991) Building Official Jim Marka presented information regard- ing the building permit fee schedule. Following discus- sion, the motion was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously car- ried, to approve the fee schedule and seven percent in- terest in building inspections and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9652. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF MCLEOD COUNTY OFFER TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FROM CITY OF HUTCHINSON (PARCEL 3, PLAT 26, CSAH 8) Following a presentation by County Engineer Rick Kjonaas, the motion was made by Council Member Mlinar to table to the January 28, 1992 meeting. Motion seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unanimously carried. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED MN/DOT STATE AID AGREEMENT FOR HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Erickson, seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve and enter into amended agreement. (c) DISCUSSION OF LIQUOR STORE PROPOSAL FROM GRINSTEAD & ASSOCIATES Administrator Gary Plotz reported on the liquor store proposal submitted by Grinstead & Associates. Follow- ing discussion, the motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unani- mously carried, to approve the Grinstead study and to allow the City Administrator to delete unnecessary items. (d) DISCUSSION OF WELLNESS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to refer to the Employee Benefits Committee and to defer to the February 11, 1992 Council meeting. (e) DISCUSSION OF CROW RIVER DAM ENGINEERING EXPENSES Engineer John Rodeberg commented on the overrun costs in- curred by Barr Engineering on the Crow River dam work. The Engineer recommended a $7,000.00 payment to Barr Engineering. Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer for a $7,000.00 payment. (f) DISCUSSION OF RELOCATION OF CSAH 12 (GOLF COURSE ROAD) Following a report by Engineer Rodeberg, the motion was made by Council Member Erickson to approve the concept. Motion seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMEMNT FOR LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 92-01, 92-03 & 92-04 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve and accept report, to set hearing for January 28, 1992 at 8:00 P.M., and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 9648 & No. 9649. (h) CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT FOR LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 92-05 & 92-06 Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve and accept report, to set hearing for February 11, 1992 at 8:00 P.M., and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 9650 & No. 9651. (i) DISCUSSION OF CORRESPONDENCE FROM LANDWEHR HEAVY MOVING REGARDING CITY PIT Engineer Rodeberg reported on Landwehr's request for $2,500 to cover additional costs incurred by their com- pany to search for granular borrow at the City pit. Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried, to reject. (j) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF GAUGER STREET REQUESTED BY TOM WIPRUD WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (DECEMBER 17, 1991 MEETING) Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unan- imously carried, to approve the unfavorable recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission. (k) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN REQUESTED BY DAN HUEBERT, ACOMA TOWNSHIP, WITHIN TWO MILE RADIUS, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (DECEMBER 17, 1991 MEETING) Following discussion, the motion was made by Council Mem- ber Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendations of City staff. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 Administrator Plotz commented on a letter received from Bill Block regarding the agreement with Hutch, Inc. The City Attorney stated he would present a proposal to Mr. Block on behalf of the City. It was reported the City Attorney wished to attend a sem- inar covering City issues and requested the City pay for the registration. The motion was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unani- mously carried, to approve the seminar at City expense. Mr. Plotz stated the local cable TV firm was in the pro- cess of being sold, with a transfer of ownership. He suggested this matter be referred to the Cable TV Ad- visory Committee. Administrator Plotz inquired if the Council wished to hold joint meetings with various boards this year, as in the past. The following meetings were tentatively set: January 27, 1992 at the Victorian Inn: 5:30 P.M. -- Utilities Commission 7:30 P.M. -- Township Boards February 10, 1992 at The Coach: 6:30 P.M. -- H.C.D.C. Board 7:30 P.M. -- Meeting with County Representatives February 11, 1992: City Directors (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER JOHN MLINAR Councilman Mlinar reported that Ralph Johnson had attended a Park & Recreation Board meeting to express appreciation for the donation to the baseball complex which would benefit the community and provide for the youth of the city. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER MARLIN,TORGERSON Councilman Torgerson commented on an upcoming meeting and suggested setting up criteria for sanitation specifica- tions for a contract. Mayor Ackland stated he planned to appoint a refuse and recycling committee. This committee would prepare a recommendation for the City Council. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 Attorney Anderson reported on environmental testing results in the downtown development area. There were no significant findings. He suggested further tests be per- formed by Twin City Testing for $3,300. The motion was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to ap- prove testing by Twin City Testing. The City Attorney stated the Council approved asbestos findings at the last meeting. No additional testing was required. There were no findings in the Wigen's build- ing, but the More -4 floor tile showed asbestos findings. It would cost $2-4 a square foot to remove it. It was reported that a meeting was held with Erickson's and the Everest Group regarding the Phase II development agreement. The cross easement issue may be resolved. Soil borings and topographical work at the site were requested. It may need a 429 assessment waiver and use of default language in the agreement. Also, they re- viewed the lease and issues regarding the liquor store. The City Attorney recommended a proposal from Short Elliott Hendrickson to do a study of the More -4 build- ing to determine it could be remodeled. Attorney Anderson stated he would verify whether a public hearing was required for municipal redistricting. The motion was made by Council Member Erickson to authorize a public hearing at the earliest possible opportunity, if required. Motion seconded by Council Member Torgerson and unanimously carried. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Council Member Torgerson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried, to ap- prove the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. 8