09-01-1992 CCMJ
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 5:00
P.M. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Councilmen
Craig Lenz, John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson, and Don Erickson. Also
present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rode -
berg, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson.
Attorney Anderson presented the following background information
regarding the new Cash Wise store. In January or February 1992 the
City received a proposal from Developers Diversified to build an
expanded grocery store at the site adjacent to the Hutchinson Mall.
Then in June 1992 the City received written documentation.
On July 15, 1992, there was a meeting for discussion with
Developers Diversified, Cash Wise, Jim DeMeyer representing the
Lunds, and others. At that time the subdivision agreement was
discussed regarding the improvements and assessments for South
Grade Road and Century Avenue. There was a commitment by
Developers Diversified and an indemnity to the City for a program
in which Cash Wise would be assessed for the South Grade Road area
and Century Avenue. The remainder would be assessed to the Mall,
including K -Mart.
On August 10, 1992, the City was advised by Developers Diversified
that they would not go along with the previous commitment, and
their representative did not have authority to speak on behalf of
the company. The assessment policy of the subdivision agreement
was revised accordingly to reflect the consent of K -Mart and other
interested parties. The City was subsequently informed that K -Mart
would not issue consent to a change in the existing Mall sub-
division agreement to reflect percentage.
Attorney Anderson stated the City Council had several options
available, namely: (1) do nothing and leave things as they were;
(2) project the proposed subdivision agreement and not authorize
anything; (3) go along with the program as previously prepared and
require the consent of K -Mart; (4) seek a revision to the existing
subdivision agreement with K -Mart's consent, changing the percent-
ages but not requiring K -Mart to sign off on the assessments for
Century Avenue; and (5) take a different approach relating to
assessments and simply assess all properties in the Mall for
improvements to both South Grade Road and Century Avenue on the
theory that all properties within the existing Mall plat, as well
as Mall Plat I and Mall Plat II, will receive some benefit from the
During discussion, the subdivision agreement and its contents were
reviewed. It was recommended to adopt a fair assessment formula
which would be based on the building size. The subdivision
agreement did not require running foot. It was pointed out that
traffic improvements on South Grade Road would benefit the Mall.
Attorney Anderson stated the ideal situation would be to have a
waiver from all of the key parties regarding the Century Avenue and
South Grade Road projects and to have Developers Diversified
indemnify the City for any exposure on the Century Avenue project.
Jerry Cyncynatus of Developers Diversified stated he was not
involved in the initial discussions with the City. However, he had
no disagreement with what the City Attorney presented. He further
stated that they could not obtain consent from the K -Mart owner
although they were contractually obligated to the agreement when
the property was purchased.
Mr. Cyncynatus felt the Century Avenue assessment should not be
included as part of the agreement. He stated other viable alter-
natives needed to be addressed.
Following discussion, Developers Diversified agreed to cooperate
with the assessments for South Grade Road and Century Avenue. They
will pay their fair share of the assessments and not oppose the
The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried, to approve
the methodology set forth for the large scale mall developments and
to approve the subdivision agreement as amended to reflect changes
in the method of assessment.
Councilman Torgerson moved to set the maximum preliminary tax levy
limit at $3,201,407 upon the recommendation of the Finance Direc-
tor. Motion seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried.
Administrator Plotz reported on the interim residential refuse con-
tract for the month of October, 1992. Both Witte Sanitation and
Aagard West had indicated an interest. Discussion followed regard-
ing a negotiated rate with the hauler.
Councilman Lenz moved that the City Administrator send out quota-
tion proposals to three of the closest landfills to obtain a writ-
ten proposal. Motion seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unani-
mously carried.
Councilman Torgerson suggested an open house at City Hall to allow
the public to view the facility and to obtain input of suggestions
for future use of the building once it is vacated.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.