12-14-1992 CCMMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1992 The special meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Councilmen Craig Lenz, John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson, and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 1. OLD BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF FIRE MARSHAL EMPLOYMENT STATUS (DEFERRED DECEMBER 18, 1992) City Administrator Plotz reported on the meeting held last week and reviewed the revised job description for the Fire Marshal. The position would be reduced to 20 hours. It was recommended to add 5 hours per week for employee safety programs and 5 hours per week in the Building/ Engineering Department, for a total of 30 hours per week. Attorney Anderson stated the Fire Marshal's attorney had agreed to the terms proposed. Following discussion, Councilman Torgerson moved to accept the recommendation of the Fire Department that the Fire Marshal position be 20 hours per week and the Build- ing/Engineering Department utilize the Fire Marshal for 10 hours per week. Motion seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - 7:00 P.M. (a) TRUTH IN TAXATION Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 7:00 P.M. He reported the hearing was to consider the 1993 City budget and the proposed amount of property taxes. John Aul, 526 Adams Street, stated he had four items, namely: (1) Adams Street project, (2) liquor store, (3) City Hall, and (4) garbage. He also commented that it was better for the City to cut projects than to lay off employees. Mayor Ackland informed Mr. Aul these items had nothing to do with the hearing on the budget. Jim DeMeyer, 364 Larson Street SW, asked if the hearing was on truth in taxation or the budget. He wondered where the money had gone for taxing and commented that Z, tax increment districts create a shifting of taxes. Mayor Ackland stated the district was created 14 or 15 years ago, and it would end after 20 years. However, it had nothing to do with the public hearing. A discussion followed regarding information on the tax increment districts. Arnold Witte, 635 Lincoln Avenue SW, stated he had never seen the figures published in the paper. Since private enterprise has to do cuts, the City must do the same. Finance Director Merrill presented an overhead showing comparisons of the 1992 tax levy and the proposed 1993 tax levy. Councilman Mlinar moved to close the hearing at 7:35 P.M. Motion seconded by Councilman Lenz and unanimously carried. Following discussion of the 8.5 percent surplus of Local Government Aid and Equalization Aid, Councilman Mlinar moved to apply the total amount of $16,813 additional dollars for equalization aid and $87,862 additional dollars for Local Government Aid to the general fund levy for 1993. Motion seconded by Councilman Lenz and unani- mously carried. Following review of the 1993 tax levy, the motion was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9854. Councilman Torgerson moved to approve the 1993 budget and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9855. Motion seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF ENTERPRISE AND INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGETS Finance Director Merrill reviewed the enterprise and internal service fund budgets. He stated the appropriate Resolutions would be adopted at the next City Council meeting. Councilman Erickson recommended the Mayor and another person review the motor pool budget. Councilman Tor- gerson volunteered for the task. 4. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.