05-24-1989 CCMr
MAY 24, 1989
The Board of Review was called to order at 4:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at
City Hall. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen John Mlinar, Pat Miku-
lecky and Mike Carle (late). Absent: Alderman Marlin Torgerson. Also present:
City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and McLeod County Assessors Brad Emans and Hal
The following individuals appeared before the Council concerning their assess-
1. ELMER KUEHL - 360 Lake - Came to hearing because he received a notice but
had no problem with assessment.
2. D.E. MCGANNON, represented by Richard J. Peterson - Stated the three prop-
erties of Fabric On Main, Al's Coin Shop and Glass Apple were over -taxed.
Action: Glass Apple reduced $4,800; No change for other two properties.
3. JERRY KEIMIG - 1220 7th Ave. NW - Stated he moved to Hutchinson in 1988.
Did not receive a homestead credit and taxes rose significantly.
Action: Error on evaluation so corrected by assessor.
4. DIKE BECKER - 56 Century Avenue - Asked how values were determined in pre-
vious years and how the particular figures were arrived at.
Action: Done.
5. FLOYD ANDERSON - 326 Monroe - Questioned the increased value of property.
Action: No Change.
6. OLOF GILBERTSON - 385 Connecticut - Inquired about amount of his property
taxes and special assessment.
Action: None.
7. STANLEY G. KOCI - 525 Fourth Ave. SW - Asked about increase in his tax.
Stated he had done some improvements on the property.
Action: No Change.
8. WILLIAM MATHEWS - 550 Miller Ave. - Stated he had remodeled a one-story
house into a one and one-half story house and added 762 sq. ft. The market
value of property has doubled from $46,600 to $87,500. No siding on yet
and basement not finished.
Action: Reduced $12,500.
9. ESTHER FROEMMING - 505 Hwy. 7 East - Stated the valuation had increased 5%
since last year but nothing done to house recently.
Action: Reduced $2,800.
10. RUSSELL MEADE - 231 Adams - Stated he had the gas tanks and pumps taken out
December 1988 which changed use of land. Commented on high taxes.
Action: Reduced $18,300.
11. CHESTER GATZMEYER - 318 Circle Drive - Asked what his taxes would be for
next year.
Action: No Change.
12. OTTO RETTIG - 516 Adams - Stated the market value had gone up 65% since
purchased in 1959. In need of repairs.
Action: No Change.
13. MYRON KAMRATH - Cosmos, MN - Questioned homestead credits on two proper-
Action: No Change; wrong coding on card.
14. JOHN MILLER - Hwy. 7 West - questioned the value placed on storage build-
ings and land.
Action: No Change.
1. EMILIE J. QUAST - 723 7th St. SE.
Action: Reduce $7,400.
2. ROHLAND SCHULTZ - 110 Oakland.
Action: Reduce $700.
3. QUENTIN LARSON - 626 Oak St. - House being remodeled.
Action: Reduce $+9,900.
4. NORMAN G. SHARSTROM - 1357 Westwood Road.
Action: Reduce $12,000.
5. JAMES JOHNSON - 2620 Acorn Road, Chaska, MN - 80 -unit apartment building on
Texas Avenue; 45% occupancy.
Action: No Change.
6. SAM ULLAND - Winsted, MN - Taxes too high on two properties in Hutchinson.
Action: No Change.
7. FLOYD K. ANDERSON - 326 Monroe.
Action: No Change.
8. EDWARD J. SHUKLE - 126 11th Ave. NE.
Action: No Change.
9, JOSEPH M. LAFROMBOISE - 2500 Sheffield Circle N., Minnetonka, MN.
Action: No Change.
10, ROBERT HORNICK - 6020 Stoney Brook Court, Minnetonka, MN
Action: Property at 35 Fourth Ave. NW, Hutchinson, to have an increase of
$27,000 (market value of $35,400).
Alderman Mikulecky moved to adjust the market value on the Robert Hornick pro-
perty located at 35 Fourth Avenue NW, Hutchinson. Motion seconded by Alderman
Mlinar and unanimously carried.
Alderman Mikulecky moved to continue the Board of Review to a special meeting on
,lune 5, 1989 at 5,00 P.M. to review the Hornick property. Motion seconded by
Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried.
The City Council discussed the owner's request (Ford Rolfe) to turn off water of
rental property located at 322 Water Street which was delinquent and waive the
$15 turn -on fee. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman
Mikulecky and unanimously carried, to not waive the $15 fee.
The continued meeting adjourned at 7;45 P.M.