12-13-1988 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1988 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carls, 'John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Pat Mikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Tom Johnson. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 22, 1988 and the bid opening of November 29, 1988 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - NOVEMBER 1988 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1, 1988 (b) SNOW REMOVAL PERMIT 1. JAMES HAASL 2. STEVE STURGES 3. FLORIAN THODE 4. RANDY BLAKE 5. CRAIG SCHMELING (c) REDUCED TRASH AND REFUSE SERVICE CHARGE The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to order the report and minutes filed and issue the permits. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None 6. COMMUNICATIOONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING BY HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY During discussion, it was pointed out that lighting installation done this winter would be above ground and more costly; otherwise, the work would be done in the spring. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the lighting and refer to the Utilities. Motion seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky and unanimously carried. 1 A, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1988 (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. FOR PURCHASE OF COMPUTER AND PRINTER Mr. John Bernhagen, Executive Director of HCDC, made a presentation on the capital expenditure of $3,400 toward the purchase of a computer and printer. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the purchase. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously car- ried. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 29/88 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP The motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torger- son, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 795. Motion unan- imously carried. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 30/88 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 796. Motion unanimous- ly carried. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 8903 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8903. Motion unanimously carried. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 8904 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4; DIRECTING THE MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR TO DISTRIBUTE THE CAPTURED ASSESSED VALUE OF TAX INCREMENT AREA FOUR AMONG AFFECTED TAXING DISTRICTS IN 1989 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8904. Motion unani- mously carried. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 8905 - TRANSFERRING $21,303 FROM THE 1985 TAX INCREMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND TO 1985 TAX INCREMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8905. Motion unanimously car- ried. (f) RESOLUTION N0. 8906 - TRANSFERRING $40,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 13, 1988 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No, 8906. Motion unani- mously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF BUDGETS FOR WATER/SEWER DEPARTMENT, CENTRAL GARAGE AND LIQUOR STORE The Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill and the Directors for the Water/Sewer Department, Central Garage and Liquor Store presented the proposed 1989 budgets. There was discussion of improvements within the liquor store building and removing the salary freeze currently in effect for liquor store employees. It was recommended that the re- placement of the police vehicles be extended to 1990 and the Fire Marshal's car replacement be delayed. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the Central Garage budget adjustments. Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8907. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unani- mously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to accept the two recommendations of the staff that effective January 1, 1989, the freeze would be removed from the liquor store part-time clerk classification and part-time clerks would be hired at Grade I, Level 1, and after a three month training period there would be an increase to Grade I, Level 2; and effective January 1, 1989, the freeze would be removed from the liquor store manager position and from the full-time clerk classification, with the excep- tion that the rate of $8.71 for one clerk would remain frozen in 1989. Upon roll call vote, the motion carried three to two, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar and Torgerson voting aye and Mayor Ackland and Alderman Mikulecky voting nay. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to authorize City staff to seek a consultant for remodeling of City Hall. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the capital improvements fund budget. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CAR IMPOUNDING City Administrator Plotz reported on the present two-year contract which expires December 31, 1988. He stated two bids were received, but they did not address the storage and impounding fees. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 13, 1988 Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to reject the bids and re- structure the bid specifications for readvertising. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LETTING #19, PROJECT #88-35 (CONSTRUCTION OF 8 -UNIT T -HANGAR AT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT) Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve and enter into contract with Menard's in the amount of $104,900 and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8909 and No. 8910. Motion seconded by Alder- man Torgerson and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF GOOD NEIGHBOR MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL FOR BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME Mr. Bill Hargis, President of Good Neighbor, presented the proposal for management of Burns Manor Nursing Home. Following discussion, Alder- man Mlinar moved to approve and enter into agreement with Good Neigh- bor. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF TRANSFER OF BUILDING AND PROPERTY OF OLD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT TO GENERAL FIXED ASSETS OF CITY Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the transfer and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8908. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY STAFF TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDS TO REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TRAILERS AT MIDWEST TRAILER COURT Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve preparation of specifications. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF UNDERGROUND SPRINKLING SYSTEM FOR VETERANS MEMORIAL FIELD Director Bruce Ericson presented a report on the need for the sprinkl- ing system at a cost of $8,000 - 11,000. Following discussion, Alder- man Carls moved to approve the irrigation system. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS FOR 1989 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Engineer Anderson reported on improvement projects No. 89-05, 89-06, 89-07, 89-08, 89-11 and 89-12. Following discussion, Alderman Torger- son moved to accept the reports on the projects, set a hearing date for January 10, 1989 at 8:00 P.M., and to waive readings and adopt Resolu- tions No. 8911 - 8922. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unani- mously carried. H CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 13, 1988 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported that a lot located by the bass pond had been donated to the City. Administrator Plotz inquired of the Council what procedure they wished to use for considering 1989 wage adjustments. He was instructed to ob- tain recommendations from the Directors. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Aldlerman Mlinar asked about the availability of cable television in the downtown area. The Mayor informed him that in 1989 the cable lines would be installed downtown, and the entire city would then be covered. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MARLIN TORGERSON Alderman Torgerson stated that the utilities building, the hospital, and the new police station were all smoke free. He then moved that all city buildings involving the public be made smoke free. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson inquired if the City had any control over an in- crease in cable television rates. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson commented about the 12 -month probationary period of the Police Chief and the conflicting policies of the Police Commission, and the City. He recommended that the Council approve favorable termi- nation of the 12 -month probationary period effective January 4, 1989 and that the Police Commission be notified so that it can take neces- sary action in accordance to its policy procedure. Alderman Torgerson moved to direct the City Administrator to inform the Police Civil Service Commission that the 12 -month probationary period for the Police Chief would end January 4, 1989, and he would then be considered a permanent employee. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. RECESS: The City Council recessed at 10:40 P.M. prior to a closed meeting. 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - DECEMBER 13, 1988 CLOSED MEETING - 11;00 P.M. A closed meeting was held to discless the threat of litigation by Sam Ulland. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11;15 P.M. P"