09-11-1985 CCMMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 Mayor Stearns called the special Council meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the fire station conference room. Present were: Mayor Robert H. Stearns, Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Marlin Torgerson and Alderman Pat Mikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engin- eering Marlow V. Priebe, Personnel Coordinator Hazel Sitz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, City Attorney James Schaefer, Police Chief Dean O'Borsky, Sergeant John Gregor, Liquor Store Manager Charles Nelson, and Building Offi- cial Homer Pittman. DEVELOPER'S HANDBOOK Mr. John Bernhagen, Executive Director of CDC, made a presentation on the De- veloper's Handbook. TARGETED INDUSTRIAL MARKET STUDY President Michael Mulrooney and Deborah Grams of Business Development Services Inc. reported on their firm's ability to provide Hutchinson with marketing assistance in new development. It would take 90 days to complete an assessment of the community. BUILDER'S HANDBOOK Building Official Homer Pittman commented on the recent changes and additions to the proposed Builder's Handbook. PERSONNEL POLICY IMPROVEMENTS Personnel Coordinator Hazel Sitz reviewed the proposed changes in the city's personnel policy. It was reported that after October 15 hourly employees will no longer be able to bank compensatory time, and banked time must be used by the end of the year. The use of compensatory time by salaried employees was also discussed. Effective January 1986, the third Monday will be observed as the Martin Luther King holiday. Although this is a mandatory holiday, there was discussion whether or not the employees would be paid for the day off. CIVIL SERVICE POLICY CHANGES Attorney James Schaefer and Police Chief Dean O'Borsky presented the revised Police Civil Service Rules and Regulations. It was pointed out that the Police Commission is statutory, and the open meeting law applies to it. TRUCK ROUTES Engineer Marlow V. Priebe and Attorney James Schaefer explained the procedure for establishing truck routes within the city limits. It was their recommenda- tion to proceed with signing the streets after adoption of an ordinance desig- 1 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 nating the truck routes within the city. HOW TO CHANGE VOTER PRECINCT BOUNDARIES City Attorney Schaefer reported on the procedures to update the city's precinct boundary maps. Hutchinson would not be required to have equal precincts since the Council members do not represent specific precincts. However, Minnesota Statutes 206.60 does require not more than 600 registered voters for each voting machine or marking device in the precinct. Discussion was given to purchasing an additional voting machine in precinct 3 before the November 1986 election. CONTINUATION OF DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET The proposed 1986 budgets for the liquor store, police department, and fire de- partment were reviewed, with specific cuts noted. The City Council set another budget review meeting for September 16 at 8:00 P.M. in City Hall. APPOINTMENT TO CITY CHARTER COMMISSION The following names were submitted for appointment to the Charter Commission, with 12 individuals to be selected by the Judge of District Court: 1. Charles Carlson 2. Jeff Haag 3. Harold Juul 4. Mark Erickson 5. Lyle Koehler 6. Delores (Mrs. Arthur) Saar 7. Dale McLain 8. Richard Popp 9. Kay (Mrs. Robert) Peterson 10. Roland Ebent 11. Thomas Dolder 12. Donald Erickson 13. Dr. Donn Hoffman 14. Jean (Mrs. Richard) Peterson 15. Everett Hantge 16. Philip Graves 17. June (Mrs. Gayle) Wick 18. James DeMeyer 19. William Scherer 20. Bernard Stolpman ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. N