05-20-1985 CCMMINUTES
MONDAY, MAY 20, 1985
The joint meeting of the City Council and County Board was held at the Velvet
Coach beginning at 8:00 P.M., with the following present:
City of Hutchinson: Mayor Robert H. Stearns
Alderman Mike Carls
Alderman John Mlinar
Alderman Marlin Torgerson
Alderman Pat Mikulecky
Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator
Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director
Marlow V. Priebe, Director of Engineering
Ralph Neumann, Director of Maintenance Operations
County Board: Edward Ide, McLeod County Auditor
Edward Homan, Jr., Zoning Administrator
Lorraine Lindeman, County Treasurer
John Dropik, Highway Engineer
Eugene Reddemann, Executive Secretary
The following items of mutual concern were discussed:
1. Solid Waste Management Board - Ed Homan
2. County Ditch No. 18 (near Hutchinson Technology) and County Ditch No. 31
(near Maplewood Academv) - Ed Ide and Marlow Priebe
3. Update On Hutchinson Municipal Airport Zoning - Gary D. Plotz
4. Update On Representation Of Tax Increment On Individual Tax Statements -
Ed Ide, Lorraine Lindeman/Gary Plotz, Kenneth Merrill
5. Discussion of Reduction Of Library Hours At New Library - Mayor Robert H.
Stearns and Gary D. Plotz
6. Discussion Of Region 6-E Planning Commission - Mayor Robert H. Stearns
and Gary D. Plotz
7. Update On Status Of New Wastewater Treatment Plant - Gary D. Plotz and
Marlow Priebe
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.