03-13-1985 CCMMINUTES
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Stearns at 5:00 P.M. in the
Fire Station Conference Room. The following were present: Mayoir Robert H.
Stearns, Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Marlin Torgerson,
and Alderman Pat Mikulecky, City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Kathleen Ogren
from the Hutchinson Leader, and Lon Roach of KDUZ.
City Administrator Gary D. Plotz presented a listing of the top 10 priorities
as rated by the Mayor and Council. The top 10 objectives were as follows:
1. New Police Department
2. Hold or Reduce Mill Rate
3. Sewage Treatment
4. City Charter
5. Policy Handbook
6. Comprehensive Plan
7. Revolving Loan Fund
8. Self -Insurance
9. Employee Evaluation
10. Voter Precinct Boundaries
Each item was discussed, including estimated timeframes for completion. How-
ever, no formal action was taken.
Subsequently, the City Administrator Plotz distributed the next most highly
rated objectives, No. 11-20. The City Administrator requested the Mayor and
Council to rank the No. 11-20 items within the next few days. After compiling
the results, the Council and Administrator would again review the results.
The meeting adjourned.