09-28-1993 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Councilmen Craig Lenz, John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson, and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, and Assistant City Attorney Gina Brandt. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was no invocation. 3. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 1993 and special meeting of September 22, 1993 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - AUGUST 1993 2. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 1993 AND SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 1993 (b) REPORT OF CITY INVESTMENTS The motion to order the report and minutes filed was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Lenz and unanimously carried. S. PUBLIC HEARING None 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES Mayor Ackland presented Roy Thompson and Roland Ebent with an engraved plaque in appreciation for their service on the Library Board and Planning Commission respectively. Wa CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON JAYCEES FOR CITY ASSISTANCE REGARDING MAIN STREET CHRISTMAS LIGHTING It was reported the Chamber of Commerce and Hutchinson Jaycees combined project was to highlight Main Street rooftops with Christmas lights. They requested the City donate the electricity used during the Christmas season. The motion to approve the request was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unani- mously carried. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 93-91 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND INTO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN SAID ORDINANCE (MCKIMM PROPERTY) The motion to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 93-91 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Lenz and unanimously carried. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 10054 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10054 was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 10055 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10055 was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HCVN-TV TO LOCATE IN NEW CITY HALL (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) Following discussion, the motion to defer was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (b) DISCUSSION OF COSTS FOR PARTNERS IN FRIENDSHIP SPACE IN NEW CITY HALL (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) V, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 Following discussion, the motion to defer was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (c) DISCUSSION OF SETTLEMENT WITH STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) Following discussion, the motion to defer was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING 1988 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODES (DEFERRED AUGUST 24, 1993) Following discussion, the motion to defer was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS The motion to discontinue service at noon on October 4, 1993, unless there were other arrangements was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. (b) DISCUSSION OF DENTAL AND HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL Insurance consultant Mark Flaten presented a report on the City's medical and dental insurance rates. It was his recommendation there be a 0% increase for medical and dental rates for the plan year 09/01/93-94. Following discussion, the motion to approve entering into a contract with CC Systems/Select Care was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. There was discussion regarding capping the City's contribution for insurance benefits to the current level and any subsequent increase be passed on to the employee. Mayor Ackland recommended the Employee Committee and Council representatives meet to discuss the subject. (c) CONSIDERATION OF WORKERS COMPENSATION MANAGED CARE The workers compensation managed care option for cities was presented to the Council for information and review. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 The program will be considered at a later time. (d) CONSIDERATION OF WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT AT CIVIC ARENA Following discussion, the motion to approve the water heater replacement was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR PHASE II AIRPORT EXPANSION Engineer Rodeberg presented a report on the airport expansion project. It was estimated the engineering work would cost $25,000.00. No action was taken. (f) DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT FUEL TANK CLEANUP INVESTIGATION The City Engineer reported the old airport fuel tanks had been removed and some spillage was found. The City will be receiving a report on the cleanup. No action was taken. (g) DISCUSSION OF RELOCATION FUNDING FOR FLOOD ZONES Engineer Rodeberg noted there were four or five homes located on Second Avenue, along the Crow River, that are prone to flooding. He suggested these properties, as well as Simonson's Lumber, be considered for relocation funding for flood zones. No action was taken. (h) DISCUSSION OF WATER TOWER NO. 3 CONSTRUCTION It was reported the physical work on the water tower was completed, and most of the exterior painting was done. The project completion date is the end of October. (i) CONSIDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RUST ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT (SLUDGE) Following a report from the City Engineer, the motion to defer was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Council- man Lenz and unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF POLICY UPDATES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT This item was removed from the agenda. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 (k) CONSIDERATION OF LEASING PAGERS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief Steve Madson requested authorization to lease 18 pagers at a cost of $107.10 per month. The pagers would be utilized to recall police department employees from off-duty status to on -duty status in an emergency situation. Following discussion, the motion to approve leasing pagers was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (1) CONSIDERATION OF COMPUTER PURCHASE FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief Steve Madson requested approval for the purchase of one computer at a cost of $2,522.00, with funding from the forfeiture fund. He stated the fund was short $400.00 for the purchase of a second computer. Following discussion, the motion to approve the purchase was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION SUBMITTED BY WDH LAND INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the plat and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10056 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (n) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the variance and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10057 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A 1976 MOBILE HOME ONTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE REQUESTED BY ANN ROGERS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 Resolution No. 10058 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (p) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS IN WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES REQUESTED BY RALPH SCHMITZ, BSK OF HUTCHINSON, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the vacation of easements and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 93-92 and set second reading for October 12, 1993, was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR LOT SPLIT LOCATED ON DALE STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the lot split was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (r) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON -ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON DALE STREET FROM R-2 TO R-3 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the rezoning and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 93-93 and set second reading for October 12, 1993, was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (s) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON -ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT FOUR-PLEX ON DALE STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10059 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (t) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUNNYSIDE FIRST ADDITION WITHIN TWO MILE RADIUS (HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP) SUBMITTED BY LEROY CHRISTENSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion to refer to the County with no objection was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. C CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz commented on the full-page newspaper advertisement regarding pickup dates for hard goods, leaves, and grass clippings. He noted 150 people signed up for the composting class being held this week. A total of 650 families previously took the class. Mr. Plotz commented on the City doing another survey in June. The City Administrator stated there would be a County meeting on October 4 regarding the proposed household hazardous waste facility. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson submitted a letter and Resolution for authorization to commence with condemnation of airport property. He stated the City would need to purchase the property soon, and there had been poor cooperation from the property owners. Following discussion, the motion to approve and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10060 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Lenz and unanimously carried. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMAN JOHN MLINAR Councilman Mlinar inquired about the bar codes for recycling bins. Administrator Plotz reported the company split right after the City signed a contract, and they are behind schedule on filling orders. Councilman Mlinar asked about the vandalism done at Optimist Park and Masonic West River Park. He was informed the estimated cost for replacement items was around $2,700.00, which excluded installation costs. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMAN DON ERICKSON Councilman Erickson asked about a quarterly liquor store inventory. 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Rodeberg reported on the airport runway project. He also noted the Building Official's correspondence summarizing the conference recently attended. The City Engineer commented on the letter received from Lucille Dufresne regarding westerly side yard drainage on South Grade Road. Engineer Rodeberg noted he intended to talk to the County Engineer concerning the highway project on 15 and 8. (f) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR PAUL L. ACKLAND Mayor Ackland inquired about the MN/DOT and Finnish Road Association (FinnRA) joint project. He was informed the Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Demonstration Project would be in Hutchinson on October 18 and 19, 1993. Mayor Ackland requested an October 4 meeting with City staff to discuss water rates and to make a recommendation for the City Council agenda. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion to approve the claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Lenz and unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:38 P.M. E