02-08-1994 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Torgerson. Present were: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Bill Craig, John Mlinar, Kay Peterson, and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. The invocation was given by the Reverend Larry Johnson. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetings of January 11, 1994 and January 25, 1994 and bid opening minutes of January 18, 1994 were approved as distributed. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JANUARY 1994 2. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 6 & 20, 1994 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 10151 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 2. ORDINANCE NO. 94-99 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (PARKSIDE SECOND ADDITION) (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 94-100 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (MCKIMM TRANSIT) (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 94-101 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 5. ORDINANCE NO. 94-102 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 10.32, SUBD. 1 GOVERNING MINNESOTA UNIFORM FIRE CODE; AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99, WHICH AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (FIRST READING AND SECOND READING FEB. 22, 1994) N CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 6. ORDINANCE NO. 94-103 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND INTO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN SAID ORDINANCE (SAM MONTGOMERY PROPERTY --52.3 ACRES) (FIRST READING AND SECOND READING FEB. 22, 1994) 7. RESOLUTION NO. 10153 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO MAKE APPLICATIONS TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ON BEHALF OF THE CITY (c) PAY EQUITY REPORT (d) STREET LIGHT ON HARMONY LANE The motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Craig and unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) PROJECT NO. 94-21, 94-22 & 94-23, LETTING NO. 11 Mayor Torgerson called the public hearing to order at 8:00 P.M. and read the Notice of Hearing on Proposed Improvement for Letting No. 11. Engineer Rodeberg reviewed the area to be improved. Charlene Anderberg, property owner of 141 Fifth Avenue NE, inquired about Fifth Avenue being a truck route. She stated she was against the project. The City Engineer responded the street is not suited for heavy truck traffic since it has never had a permanent surface. There are designated truck routes on Sixth Street to the north and Fourth Street to the south. Alvin Exsted, property owner of 215 Sixth Avenue NE, stated he would not be assessed for improvements because he had been assessed for curb and gutter on Bluff Street and Sixth Avenue and a new street on Waller Drive. Mr. Exsted thought the City should do something about the street or else close off the east end. Ron Telecky, 607 Bluff Street, commented that in 1976 the bituminous surface was never laid because the project 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 contractor was behind schedule. Clarence Hoodecheck, 317 Boulder Street, noted he was representing his parents. They preferred to delay the project, if possible. Wesley Anderson, 153 Fifth Avenue NE, wondered if Bremix trucks would continue to use Fifth Avenue as a truck route. He asked if the street would be torn up again. Mr. Anderson voiced opposition to the project. Engineer Rodeberg commented that Fifth Avenue is a truck route. However, if the project is approved, the street will be signed "No Trucks." Jerry Carrigan, 15 Fifth Avenue NE, noted he would like a stop sign installed to protect the small children in the area. He raised a question about a previous assessment. Dean Dietel, property owner of 125 Fifth Avenue NE, stated truck traffic has torn up the street. He felt there was a need for a street improvement, but he just paid off assessments. Martin Prieve, 55 Fifth Avenue NE, inquired about the storm sewer on Fifth Avenue. He noted the drain located by his property plugs so that water runs across the street. Mr. Prieve suggested the City put in a drain to resolve the problem. Floyd Schaefer, 6 Fifth Avenue NE, stated that in the past two years there has been heavy truck traffic on Fifth Avenue. He asked if he would be assessed for the City repairing the intersection problem the State did not correct. Charles Munz, 75 Fifth Avenue NE, questioned if Fifth Avenue would become a traffic route when work is done on Hwy. 7. Engineer Rodeberg reported the State determines a bypass route one year prior to the date of the project. Art Retzlaff, 79 Fifth Avenue NE, asked about the water lines. He stated that once a year it was necessary to have a roto router open up his lines. He also noted that the water was poor quality when it was first turned on in the morning. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 6. 7. 8. 9. Deann Brinkman, 149 Fifth Avenue NE, wondered what the stakes were for which were located on her property and down the street. She inquired about the time frame of the project. Joan Kutzke, 476 Prospect Street, expressed agreement that the street needed to be repaired. Her driveway is located at the top of a steep incline. Ms. Kutzke noted a rotten odor from her water pipes. Richard Schumann, 486 Prospect Street, inquired about the assessments on connections. The motion to close the hearing at 8:50 P.M. was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried. The motion to approve and order preparation of plans and specifications and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10150 was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Craig, and unanimously carried. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS None. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES SEE CONSENT AGENDA UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR CITY CENTER The City Engineer recommended the following proposals be accepted: > Water Softener - The Saltman $1,450.00 > Cabinetry - 4,825.00 > Insulated Overhead Door - Automatic Garage Door 754.00 The motion to approve as recommended was made by Council Member Craig, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 (b) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR OUTDOOR WARNING SIRENS Following discussion, the motion to approve the low bid from Federal Warning Systems in the amount of $42,512.14 was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried. The motion to authorize advertisement for bids for installation of the warning sirens was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FOR CERTAIN LEGAL SERVICES Following discussion, the motion to approve the proposal by Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel for labor and employment legal services was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Peterson and unanimously carried. (d) DISCUSSION OF LUCE LINE TRAIL AND HUTCHINSON PROJECT (BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY) STATUS Engineer Rodeberg reported there was potential federal funding in 1994-95 to cover about 80% of the project costs for the Otter Lake/South Grade Road bicycle and pedestrian crossing and the completion of the main portion of the Luce Line Trail improvements, which would include the survey and acquisition of the remainder of the route and paving the entire project within the city. The City will need to fund the remainder. Following discussion, the motion to approve the application for federal funding was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Peterson and unanimously carried. (e) DISCUSSION OF FEDERAL (ISTEA) FUNDING The City Engineer reported on changes in the federal highway funding program and how it has affected the city's projects. No action was required. (f) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 FOR CITY CENTER Engineer Rodeberg reviewed the additional items on the changer order for a total of $3,133.00. Following discussion, the motion to approve the change 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 order was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Peterson and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 94-06, HAYDEN AND OSGOOD ADDITIONS It was reported that a petition for local improvement was received from the property owners in Hayden and Osgood Additions. The petition meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes for requiring preparation of a report and ordering a public hearing. Following discussion, the motion to approve the petition and order a report and to set a public hearing for March 8, 1994, at 8:00 P.M. and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10152 was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH OSM FOR BRIDGE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BLUFF STREET AND FIFTH AVENUE SE BRIDGES Following discussion, the motion to approve the Orr Schelen Mayeron & Associates contract for bridge engineering services of the preliminary design phase for the Bluff Street and Fifth Avenue SE bridges was made by Council Member Erickson, seconded by Council Member Mlinar and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR SNOW REMOVAL PERMIT BY DOUGLAS PETERSON The motion to approve and issue the permit was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Erickson and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz reminded the Council of the two upcoming joint meetings on February 10 with the Hospital/ Nursing Home Board at 7:00 P.M. and the County/Township Officials at 8:00 P.M. The joint meeting with the Utilities Commission is scheduled for March 8 at 5:30 P.M. The City Administrator reported on the cost to hire a 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 facilitator to coordinate the Council's long-range planning retreat on March 1. Mr. Plotz reported the co -composting grant application had made it through the first selection phase. Also, the grant application for an educational program on composting through the school system had passed the preliminary approval. The City has advertised for an Assistant Public Works Director, and applications have been received. It was noted Tom Eakins was seeking insurance coverage for his skydiving business in Hutchinson, but it was not resolved to date. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER DON ERICKSON Council Member Erickson gave an update on HRA housing. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER JOHN MLINAR Council Member Mlinar inquired about an agenda for Thursday night's joint meeting. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER BILL CRAIG Council Member Craig commended the Police Department on the manner in which they responded to a recent emergency situation. He commented that the City needs to pursue a four lane highway into Minneapolis and not give up on the project. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson commented on the relocation of a downtown business and that the required conditional use permit will be acted on at the March Planning Commission meeting. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds was made by Council Member Mlinar, seconded by Council Member Peterson and unanimously carried. 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1994 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M.