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10-26-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
October 26, 2015
Present: Julie Jensen, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl, Barb Peterson, Judy
Klawitter, Warren Schuft, Don Schroeder
City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith
Absent: None
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder.
II. Secretary's Report: The September minutes were examined. Warren made a
motion to approve the minutes and Curt seconded the motion. The motion was
III. Treasurer's Report: September reported that card sales amounted to $196 for
September/October while button sales brought in $20. The shotgun shell flags
registered $75 in sales while magnet and dish cloth sales took in another $42. The
Giving Program still has a current balance of $1781 in the account. Curt made a
motion to accept the report with a second from Barb. The motion passed.
IV. Old Business
A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the mystery tour this year was to Winona where
the mayor joined them for a tour which included the Basilica and the Watkins
Company. In November we have a tour to the Raptor Center at the U of M,
which will also include stops at the restored Depot and a driving tour of Fort
Snelling. This tour is sold out with a huge waiting list. A Frank Sinatra review at
the Plymouth Playhouse, which is scheduled for December, is sold out. A trip to
the Lind house in New Ulm currently has 23 registered so far. A February 14th
excursion to Orchestra Hall to enjoy love songs by the big bands will be
advertised in the next newsletter. This tour will include dining at Crystal's in
Minnetonka. On March 9th we will travel to the Plymouth Playhouse for a revue
featuring John Denver's music.
B. Update on Programs- September reported that tonight is the Fellowship dinner
and is featuring the very popular ribs and sauerkraut. The Johnny Cash concert
had about 175 people and was very enjoyable. On October 7th, John Hassinger
hosted a bike safety class but the attendance was poor. It was suggested that
sometime in the spring would be better for that type of activity. The "Color
Yourself Calm" group will continue to meet once a week on Thursdays at loam.
Volunteers are still needed for Math Extensions-Tangrams at Park Elementary.
This math activity involves taking certain shapes and creating different things out
of the same shapes. "Cinderella" was the movie for October and was good.
"Redwood Highway" was the second movie and it was okay. A group went
kayaking last Tuesday and it was a great day. Curt showed the group a potential
netting system for practicing golf inside the Event Center.
V. Business
A. Future Concert- A band that does tributes to Orbison, Elvis, and the
Jordanaires is available on April 2, 2016. They are willing to do a 60/40 split.
Curt made a motion seconded by Barb that we sign a contract. The motion was
approved. September will go ahead with a booking. There was also some
discussion about holding afternoon concerts to assist those who don't like to
drive at night. The board felt that an afternoon event would not be as well
B. Board Membership- Barb Peterson and Don Schroeder have expiring terms on
the advisory board. Barb would like to step down and after much discussion,
Don agreed to continue for another term. Potential members will be asked
before the next meeting so the board can act on a nomination at the November
C. Thrivent Speaker- Dianne Knorr from Thrivent would be willing to meet with
the board to talk about potential fundraising events involving the Center. The
board had some concerns about the necessary tax status (5016) to be eligible
for these funds. If it is determined that a City function would be eligible, the
board agreed to go ahead with a future meeting with a Thrivent representative.
D. Other- Don mentioned that we could use a new popcorn popper. Curt
volunteered to check into prices before our next meeting. September mentioned
that some ladies would like to start a mentorship program for young people to
learn different skills such as knitting and crocheting. Another idea brought up
was a new craft involving creating rings that the Center could sell.
VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:06 am with a second from Warren.
The motion passed.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23rd at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary