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09-28-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes September 28, 2015 Present: Julie Jensen, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl, Barb Peterson, Judy Klawitter, Warren Schuft, Don Schroeder City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. II. Secretary's Report: The August minutes were examined. Barb made a motion to approve the minutes and Warren seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: September reported that card sales amounted to $177 for August/September while button sales brought in $55. The shotgun shell flags registered $175 in sales while magnet sales took in another $185. The Giving Program still has a current balance of $1781 in the account. Harriet made a motion to accept the report with a second from Curt. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the State Fair trip on September 3rd had 30 people on board. The weather was hot and humid. There was an issue with someone returning late to the bus from the fair so a policy needs to be established as to how long we should wait before leaving. The mystery tour for October 14th is already sold out with 15 on a waitlist. In November we have a tour to the Raptor Center at the U of M, which will also include stops at the restored Depot and a driving tour of Fort Snelling. This tour is sold out with 22 on a waitlist. A Frank Sinatra review at the Plymouth Playhouse which is scheduled for December is sold out. A trip to the Lind house in New Ulm is in the planning process for January along with a February 14th excursion to Orchestra Hall to enjoy love songs by the big bands. This tour will include dining at Crystal's in Minnetonka. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship dinner is serving meatballs tomorrow night and the very popular ribs and sauerkraut for October. The Senior Expo was on September 22nd and had a very good turnout. The main speaker had trouble with the software he was using for the presentation. On October 7th, John Hassinger will host a bike safety class. "Color Yourself Calm" had 24 people with Arlis Feser coordinating the event. That group hopes to continue to meet once a week on Thursdays at loam. Kayaking was cancelled for September due to the weather. Darlene is planning an event at 4:15p today that includes a hay ride and kayaking. Volunteers are needed for Tangrams at Park Elementary. This activity involves taking certain shapes and creating different things out of the same shapes. The movie "Woman in Gold" was good but the room it was shown in was too small due to other rentals in the building. "Love and Mercy" was the second movie shown. "Cinderella" is the movie for October and this version is not animated. "Redwood Highway" is the second movie for next month. September felt that the Glen Campbell documentary would be a good movie in the future. The sound system seems good and is functioning well. The concert "Church of Cash" is the big October event. The wife is limited in the Event Center and September is looking into improving it so that it will cover the whole Center. V. Business A. Future Concert- Someone with the Shadows band has broken away and formed his own group. He does tributes to Orbison, Elvis, and the Jordanaires. They are willing to do a 60/40 split so September will go ahead with a booking for early April. B. Heart of Hutchinson- The Heart of Hutchinson group held their "Open Streets" event on September 26th. Organizers seemed to be happy with the number of participants and hope to do it again next year. C. Booth Mall with Woodstone- The mall is putting on an exhibit on October 3rd sponsored by Woodstone . The event is from 10:00a until 2:OOp. The Senior Center will have a presence at the event. D. Brail Bingo Cards- September will be purchasing a few Brail bingo cards as we have had some requests from vision impaired participants. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:42 am with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 26th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary