08-25-2015 HUCMMINUTES
Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Call to order — 8:00 a.m.
President Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony
Hanson; Vice President Donna Luhring; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Monty
Morrow; Commissioner Dwight Bordson; General Manager Jeremy Carter.
Members absent: Attorney Marc Sebora
Others present: Jared Martig, Randy Blake, Dave Hunstad, John Webster, Dan Lang,
and Kim Koski.
GM Carter distributed an overview of HUC's mission statement, values, strategies, and
objectives for review and discussion during this first strategic planning workshop.
(Handout attached.) The Board decided to focus today's workshop on reviewing HUC's
mission statement and core values. Secretary Girard recommended adding a key
metrics column next to the values column.
GM Carter asked the Board what level of involvement they want to take during this
strategic planning process. Commissioner Bordson explained historically the Board
focused on HUC's vision and values and then established high level measurable
objectives on where HUC should be in three to five years. HUC staff developed the
strategies to meet those objectives.
After review of the current mission statement which states, "The Hutchinson Utilities
Commission will provide economical, reliable electric and natural gas and related
services within our service territory and the Midwest, while contributing economic vitality
to the City of Hutchinson", the Board added the word 'safe' before the word
The following HUC core values were reviewed:
1. Provide Reliable Electric, Gas & Related Services to Our Customers — This
value will continue to be a priority. HUC's electric division still meets and exceeds
the RP3 Platinum designation. The goal would be to maintain this level of
designation as it is utilized for marketing to attract new businesses to the
community. Last year, HUC's natural gas division was awarded The American
Public Gas Association's System Operational Achievement Recognition — Silver
level. HUC will be applying again in 2017 with the goal of achieving the Gold
The Board asked if there was a disaster recovery plan in place. Maybe follow a
tiered approach depending on the potential disaster. Currently, there is insurance
coverage and a risk mitigation plan on both electric and gas. Vice President
Luhring asked if HUC carries insurance for terrorism. Jared Martig responded
that the League of Minnesota Cities added data hacking in the last couple years.
2. Provide Affordable Pricing & Excellent Value for HUC's Services —HUC is
market competitive and the rates are stable for our customers due in part to
HUC's rate stabilization funds. HUC has not had rate increases since 2006.
After review of the value statement, the Board recommended replacing the word
'affordable' with 'market competitive' and 'stable'.
Discussion held regarding where renewables and distributed generation should
fall within the objectives along with new opportunities for investment. GM Carter
responded these items could be part of value statement five.
Commissioner Bordson suggested a rate survey in regards to renewables could
be a one-year strategy to see what percentage of customers would be willing to
pay more and/or support renewable energy. Jared Martig commented currently
HUC offers blocks of wind to our customers where they may pay extra. Currently,
no customers are signed up for any blocks of wind.
3. Provide Excellent Customer Service to Our Customers — Discussion held
regarding customer service satisfaction surveys with the rate payers and if there
are any measurements currently. Currently, we have measurements through the
RP3 program. GM Carter commented HUC could utilize HUC's new web site
design to provide customers relevant information. Commissioner Bordson
suggested using technology to provide customers access to see their usage
After review of the value statement, the Board recommended deleting 'to our
4. Enhance the Quality of Life & Economic Vitality in Hutchinson —
Commissioner Bordson suggested continuing to work with businesses and the
City of Hutchinson. President Hanson commented HUC's largest opportunity is in
the top two values providing reliability along with stable and competitive pricing.
Commissioner Bordson would like to see HUC's funds go directly to help a City
project versus going into the general fund to specifically isolate the utilities' part
in the project.
5. Serve our Customers in Ways that are Ethically, Fiscally & Environmentally
Responsible — GM Carter mentioned this covers HUC being fiscally responsible
for maintaining reliability, infrastructure, and providing cost effective energy. HUC
will strive to continue to follow all regulations, consciously considering the
environment. A consideration is if HUC would like to be more proactive than the
law requires. HUC is looking out for the best interest of our customers and
community as we conduct business and try to balance this on a monthly basis.
After review of the value statement, the Board recommended combining value
statement numbers three and five and change the statement to say, "Provide
excellent customer service in ways that are ethically, fiscally and environmentally
responsible". In addition, change objective statement one to read, "Provide
customers and community with essential information."
Discussion was held regarding different ways to send marketing information to
HUC's customers to include inserts with bills and newsletters.
6. Promote the Safety of Our Customers, Employees and the Public — After
review of the value statement, the Board recommended removing the words
`customers' and '& the public' from the value statement to keep it relating to HUC
employees, as value statement one relates to the customers and public.
9:43 a.m. — at this time, Commissioner Bordson left the meeting.
Commissioner Morrow recommended adding a long-term planning, competitive
component as a value to cover new strategies for customer trends and forward -
thinking technologies, being competitive, and adapting to regulatory and/or
legislative changes. GM Carter will revise the document and create language for
an added value.
President Hansen mentioned finding a place for the following items within the current
1. Renewables and generation
2. Continuous review of HUC's power supply planning
3. Opportunities for investment.
During the next strategic planning meeting, the staff will discuss some of the tasks being
done to meet the objectives. The Board would like to receive feedback from staff on any
changes needed to the strategies and objectives.
Randy Blake mentioned HUC is currently practicing about 95% of the values, strategies
and objectives. This involves natural gas, generation, distribution and technical areas
working together to make a budget.
The next special meeting to continue strategic planning is scheduled for Thursday,
September 24 at 8:00 a.m.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by
Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Motion was unanimously
Mark Girard, Secretary
Anthony Hanson, Presiden
Objectives of the 1st strategic planning workshop:
1. Strategic Planning Overview:
a. Integrated and long-term strategic, operational and financial planning is important to
meet HUC's board performance expectations and to align the business operations with
the organizations long-term goals.
b. The strategic planning outcomes will provide direction to management/staff during the
development of a shorter range business plan that encompasses HUC objectives/task,
the budgeting process & a capital expenditure program.
2. Identify an appropriate strategic planning process
a. Each Meeting address one HUC Outcome, Strategy & Objectives (Comm/Mgmt)
b. Mgmt to bring forward information for commissioner review, comment, &
c. Discuss prioritization or levels of importance with the various strategic outcomes
3. Identify appropriate timeframes to complete an initial strategic planning document.
a. Amend or Affirm HUC Values/Long-term Goals (consensus)
b. Planning discussions as part of the monthly commission meeting or separate
c. By Year -End, Sept— Feb (6 - HUC Outcomes)
4. Identify the stakeholder participation levels, time commitment, & communication channels
a. Commission — HUC Outcomes/Strategies/Objectives?
b. Management — HUC Outcomes/Strategies/Objectives/Tasks/Perf measurements?
c. Employees — Objectives/Tasks?
d. Discuss and communicate to entire organization at various stages of the strategic
planning process to provide input/feedback?
e. Encourage consistent and open stakeholder participation
Mission Statement: The Hutchinson Utilities Commission will provide economical, reliable electric and natural gas and related services within our service territory and the Midwest, while contributing economic vitality to the City of Hutchinson.
Broad Value Statement Goals: (reliability, affordability, customer service, quality of life, responsible, safety)
Strategic Plan: (Review: 3-5 Years)
Operating Plan: (Objectives, Budget, Long -Range Outlook, Performace measures) (Review: Annually)
HUC Objectives
Provide reliable electric, gas, &
1. Secure & deliver electric, natural gas, and related services to meet current & future customer demands
1. Maintain flexibility of supply to respond to changes in demand, market, and regulations
related services to our customers
in a reliable and efficient manner
2. Maintain Infrastructure to optimize asset life cycle and utilization
3. Exceed industry standards related to reliability & quality
4. Maintain programs to replace aging infrastructure that will improve the reliability & integrity of HUC's utility delivery system.
Provide Affordable Pricing &
1. Provide electric, natural gas, and related services at competitive, fair and stable prices
1. Maintain income levels to provide adequate cash flows for debt service payments, system growth, and asset replacement
excellent value for HUC's services
2. Maintain adequate cash balances and reserves to provide continued operations and maintenance and stable prices
3. Maintain credit rating that provides the ability to obtain debt at competitive interest rates
4. Continue to explore opportunities to grow the business through additional revenue opportunities and/or partnerships
1. Identify & Adapt to customer's changing demands to build & retain customer loyalty
1. Regularly solicit customer feedback to improve and change as the industry and customers preferences change
Provide excellent customer service to
2. Use technology to provide convenient & efficient methods for doing business with HUC
2. Continue to explore technology to improve HUC's business processes and enhance the customers utility experience
our customers
3. Recruit & retain a qualified, productive, diverse & talented workforce responsive to our customers' needs
3. Offer a competitive employee compensation & benefit package that will enable HUC to attract & retain a talented and diverse workforce.
4. Maintain a company -wide succession plan by assessing the utility's employment levels, predicting future needs, planning for internal
movement, predicting external hiring needs and ensuring a skilled and trained workforce.
Enhance the Quality of Life &
1. Promote enhanced quality of life through community involvement
1. Collaborate with community partners to promote economic development through attraction, retention, and growth of businesses and jobs
Economic Vitality in Hutchinson
2. Promote enhanced quality of life through economic development initiatives
in our community
2. Encourage employees to be personally involved in community activities
3. Promote programs that assist customers in need with their utility bills or provide incentives to make good energy consumption choices
1. HUC will strive to keep customers, city government, and the community educated about their utility.
1. Keep customers satisfied and informed by providing the community with essential information to improve its overall understanding of the utility
Serve our customers in ways that are
We will operate with the highest level of legal, ethical, financial, and environmental standards in mind.
2. Comply with applicable regulations and laws through appropriate policies, procedures, and controls
ethically, fiscally 8, environmentally
3. Achieve financial stability through the use of sound business practicies, policies, and operating procedures
Promote the safety of our 1. Promote a safe environment emphasizing the importance of accident avoidance and injury prevention, 1. Enact and maintain programs and procedures that provide safe work practicies
customers, employees & the public operate in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. 2. Provide a safe and healthy workplace
3. Ensure all operating areas meet or exceed all applicable local, state, and federal safety rules and regulations
4. Enusre that safety is an integral part of all HUC's internal and external operations
Mission - Values/Long-term goals - Strategies - Objectives - Tasks - Metrics/Indicator - Target (Dynamic and continuous process)
SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat)
Situation Analysis (internal/external)
PEST Analysis: (Political, Economic, Social, Technological)
Communication & Translation throughout the entire organization.