03-16-2015 POLMHutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Monday March 16, 2015 at the Hutchinson Police Station. Present at the meeting were Commissioner Jo Piehl, Commissioner Todd Brandel, and Chief Daniel Hatten. Call the Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Todd Brandel at 5:26 p.m. Approval of Agenda: Chairperson Brandel asked if there were any changes to the agenda. A motion was made by Commissioner Jo Piehl to accept the agenda as written, seconded by Chairperson Todd Brandel. The motion carried unanimously. Approval of Minutes: Chairperson Brandel asked the Commission to approve the minutes from the February 2015 meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Jo Piehl, seconded by Chairperson Todd Brandel to approve the meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Staffing Issues: Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Communication Specialist Katelyn Westphal was progressing in her training without further issues. She is working with Lt. Gifferson to complete her mandatory suspension and training requirement. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Police Officer Tyler Schmeling has been released from field training and is now working in the Patrol Unit. There are no issues at this time. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Police Officer Wilson Maiers has been doing an outstanding job during her probationary period. There are no issues at this time. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Amanda Palubeskie has completed the training process and is progressing without issue as a Part-time Hospital Security position. Chief Hatten informed the Police Commission the testing process for Part-time Hospital Security Officer will begin this week with the written portion of the process. Chief Hatten informed the Police Commission he rescinded the conditional offer of hire for Mr. Backlund due to concerns discovered during the background investigation. Chief Hatten also informed the Commission he had extended a conditional offer of hire to Danielle Kerfeld for full-time police officer position. The background investigation on Kerfeld has begun. Union Update: Chief Hatten informed the Commission the police officers and the City of Hutchinson will be meeting on Thursday reference the 2015 contract. Items from the Floor: There were no items from the floor. Adjourn: Motion was made by Commissioner Jo Piehl, seconded by Chairperson Todd Brandel to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Time of adjournment 5:41 pm. Next meeting to be held on Monday April 13, 2015 at 5:15 pm. , Police Commission Secretary