02-12-1988 BOMMINUTES
The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 11:30 A.M.
Present were: City Administrator Gary D. Platz, Finance Director Kenneth B.
Merrill, Supervisor Doug Meier, and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson.
The Request for Quotation, Purchase of One New 1988 Police Patrol Car With
Trade -In, was read. The following bid was then opened and read:
Glencoe Ford
Glencoe, MN
$13,444.44 Ford
1,004.00 Trade -In
A statement was submitted that Glencoe Ford would pick-up
and deliver the vehicle for warranty work and maintenance
during the warranty period. Also, they would be happy to
do the same even after the warranty was expired.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M.