05-06-1987 CCMMINUTES
WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1987 - 7:00 P.M.
The following were present for the meeting:
City of Hutchinson: Alderman Mike Carl s, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Marlin
Torgerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, Mayor Paul L. Ackland, City Administrator
Gary D. Plotz, City Attorney Barry Anderson, Randy DeVries, and Atty. Paul Ras-
Hassan Valley Township: Robert E. Anderson, Atty. Dick Cox, Wayne Oliva, Bob
Fratzke,, W rd Reiner, and Melvin Kobow.
Donohue: Jim Miller and George MacDonald
The Mayor of Hutchinson introduced George MacDonald of Donohue & Associates.
Mr. MacDonald reviewed the layout for the forcemain and described the color -
coded map, which was previously mailed to each town board member and their at-
The Mayor, thereafter, called upon the town officials to solicit questions and
concerns. Attorney Dick Cox represented the concerns of the town board. The
City's attorney, Paul Rasmussen, responded.
After some discussion, the town board requested a break to consult with their
attorney. Upon returning, Wayne Oliva responded they had no problem in granting
the easement; however, they requested $6,000 for legal fees and town board pay.
It was estimated by the township the legal fees were approximately $2,500 to
date. Council members requested an itemization of cost to be prepared by Hassan
Valley officials for consideration at the next City Council meeting on May 12,
1987. Mr. Oliva agreed to do so for the May 12, 1987 Council meeting.
It was also agreed the town board would consider approving or disapproving the
easement at the next town board meeting of May 12, 1987.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.