07-23-1987 CCMMINUTES SPECIAL MEET I IG - HUTCH I ILII CITY COUNC I L THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 5:30 P.M. the following were present: Aldermen Mike Carls, John Mlinar, Pat Mikulecky and Mayor Paul L. Ackland. Absent: Alderman Harlin Torgerson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson (ar- rived at 6:30 P.M.). 2. PRESENTATION BY HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. BOARD OF DIRECTORS T.A. Buzz Burich and John Bernhagen represented the HCDC Board of Directors. They reviewed the 1987 goals and work plan objectives of the organization and the highlights of committee activities. They also discussed the pre- liminary findings of the S.W.O.T. analysis of downtown and the possibility of applying for a Small Cities Grant to revitalize Main Street. A VCR presentation on promoting Hutchinson was shown to the Council. Also promotional ads about the city have been placed in two magazines. An update report on the revolving loan funds was presented. President Burich requested the appointment of a Council member as a repre- sentative to the Board of Directors. Director Bernhagen reviewed the procedure for Energy Conservation Loans. He requested authorization from the Council to delegate the HCDC Board to make the decision on approving the loans. Authorization was requested for HCDC to install an "Industrial Park Bast" sign on either State right-of-way or City boulevard on Highway 7 Bast. President Burich addressed Council commitment to revitalization of the down- town area. He stated the improvements would require money and time from the Council members. There is a need for change in mix downtown. It was pointed out that sprinkling might be a part of the revolving loan fund pro- gram. Another grant option might be the hotel project or some other down- town project. 3. REVIEW OF REVISED CITY CHARTER BY CHARTER COMMISSION Chairman Charles Carlson stated the revised City Charter represented one and a half year's work of the Charter Commission. The three major changes were: 1) a change in the form of government from Commission to Mayor -Council; 2) expansion of the responsibilities of the City Administrator; and 3) expan- sion of the Utilities Commission from three members on the Board to five members. There was considerable discussion regarding the name for the new form of government. In addition, Council members raised questions concerning other CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1987 sections of the revised Charter. The Mayor pointed out that two legisla- tive changes will need to be addressed in the new Charter. Chairman Carlson commented that the proposed City Charter was being sub- mitted to the Council for action to establish a referendum or special elec- tion for the vote of residents. Following discussion on how to promote the revised Charter, the date of September 17 was suggested for a special elec- tion. Appreciation was expressed to the Charter Commission members for their input and hard work in preparing the revised Charter, as well as the thorough job done. 4. REVIEW OF PARKING BOND APPEALS City Attorney Anderson stated he had net with Attorney Bill Haas who repre- sented the 13 appellants. Previously the Council had rejected an offer to pay 40% of $108,000 or approximately $43,000. Therefore, it was Attorney Anderson's suggestion to authorize a third appraisal and average the amounts or offer a payment of 45%. Following discussion, it was determined to put this item on the agenda for the next Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. 2