04-21-2015 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
5:30 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
The April 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Acting Chair
Norton at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, Commissioner
Kirchoff, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Arndt,
Commissioner Wick, and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Kyle Dimler,
Planning and Building Specialist, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City
Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to approve.
Approved unanimously.
A. Consideration of conditional use permit to allow the remodeling of a residential
home in the C-3 Zoning District, Katherine Kuhlmey, applicant.
Kyle Dimler, Planning and Building Specialist, addressed the Commission. Mr.
Dimler reviewed the location of the subject property, its zoning history, and the
current use of the property.
Mr. Dimler noted the remodeling of a residential home in the C-3 zoning district
requires a conditional use permit as it is currently a legal non -conforming use.
Mr. Dimler noted that staff understands this property has maintained its status as a
non -conforming use even though it has been unoccupied because it has been
marketed for sale as a residence.
Mr. Dimler noted one of the key themes of the Imagine Hutchinson Downtown
Action Plan was having strong neighborhoods and housing stock surrounding the
downtown area.
Mr. Dimler stated Staff recommends approval with the 9 conditions noted in the
Planning Commission's packet.
Hutchinson Planning Commission
April 21, 2014
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Mr. Jesse Johnson 234 Jefferson St. SE addressed the Commission. Mr. Johnson
noted he will be performing the bulk of the remodeling of this property and he
and Ms. Kuhlmey intend it to be their residence and provide a good curb appeal
for the neighborhood. Mr. Johnson also stated that it is their intent to construct a
garage on the currently existing foundation on this property.
Ms. Elizabeth Scharn, 222 Jefferson St. SE addressed the Commission. Ms.
Scharn stated she is in favor of the conditional use permit application being
approved. Ms. Scharn stated she would like to keep the use of the property as her
house as a neighbor. Ms. Scharn stated she is not aware of any proposed
commercial development in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Norton asked there would be any consideration of rezoning this
Mr. Dimler stated that it would not be likely as the adjacent and surrounding
zoning is within the C-3 zoning district and to rezone 1 or 2 lots would be spot
Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to close the
public hearing at 5:41 p.m.
Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff, Second by Commissioner Wick. Motion
approved unanimously. This item will appear on the City Council's consent
agenda for the April 28, 2015 City Council meeting.
B. Consideration of an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157:
River Overlay District.
Mr. Kyle Dimler, Planning and Building Specialist addressed the Commission.
Mr. Dimler noted that this item is brought for the Commission's consideration per
the discussion and the Commission's direction at the March 17, 2015 Planning
Commission meeting to remove the last sentence of Chapter 157.06 (B) (5):
Temporary structures, pole type construction, and metal sheds are not permitted.
Mr. Dimler stated Staff reviewed this proposed ordinance amendment at the April
13, 2015 Planning Staff meeting and is supportive of this change.
Commissioner Norton asked if there are any other portions of the River Overlay
District ordinance that are being considered or should be considered for change.
Mr. Dimler stated that the proposed amendment is the only portion that has been
considered for change at this time as it is the one portion of the ordinance that has
been the subject of discussion to date.
Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to close the
public hearing at 5:46 p.m.
Hutchinson Planning Commission
April 21, 2014
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Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff, Second by Commissioner Wick to approve.
Motion approved unanimously.
A. Upcoming Meetings
Kyle Dimler, Planning and Building Specialist addressed the commission. Mr.
Dimler stated that Staff has received multiple applications for consideration at
next month's Planning Commission meeting:
1) Application for a variance from the side yard setback at 745 Main St.
N to allow the construction of a detached garage.
2) Application for a conditional use permit and site plan review for
Century Court III at 875 Century Ave. SW. Applicant proposes
changing from a previously approved 10 12 -unit building site plan to a
6 building layout with up to 124 units.
Mr. Dimler also shared that Staff continues to work towards bringing ordinance
language for discussion to a future Planning Commission concerning Interim Use
Permits. Staff is currently working to determine appropriate Interim Uses based
upon individual zoning districts.
Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Wick to adjourn the meeting
at 5:51 p.m.