01-30-1986 CCMMINUTES
Mayor Ackland called the special Council meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. in the
Fire Station conference room. Present were: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John
M l i nar, A l derman Mar l i n Torgers on, A l derman Pat M i ku 1 ecky and Mayor Pau 1 L.
Ackland. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Ken-
neth B. Merrill, Director of Engineering Marlow V. Priebe, Police Chief Dean
O'Borsky, and Building Committee Chairman Chad Piehl.
Messrs. Robert Lambert and Duane Thorbeck of Thorbeck & Lambert, Inc. presented
a proposal to the Council whereby their firm could reduce the architect's fee to
7.5% (a one percent reduction) by eliminating some of the customary services
which could be done by someone else. The following areas would be cut:
1. Visit site one year after construction to inspect building
2. Installation of telephone system, fire alarm system and
communication system
3. Number of visits to site during design phase and construction
4. Monthly visit to construction site (City Engineer could
make a weekly inspection and prepare reports)
5. Design for site work, working drawings and bids
(City Engineer could do the working drawings and put it
out for bids)
Mayor Ackland inquired if the size of the project affected the fee charged. He
was told the fee was based on the cost and scope of the work. Mr. Lambert
stated the fee also included the design of the parking lot(s). Programming
would be an extra service. Actually there were two contracts, one for utility
and site work and one for the building itself.
Mr. Thorbeck pointed out that their firm was designing a public safety building
which deals with life safety situations. It is not a typical building and has
complex circulation patterns. The Department of Corrections reviews the plans
and makes recommendations.
City Administrator Plotz inquired if it would be cheaper to build a one story or
two story building. Mr. Lambert stated a two story building was more expensive.
He felt the proposed site would present some problem for the building, but it
could be done. The site would require a two story building and some grading.
Also, an elevator would be necessary for a two story building.
Mr. Lambert briefly compared design/build to conventional method of building. It
was his recommendation to use a conventional method for this type of structure.
Alderman Mlinar inquired about separating out the mechanical and electrical work
on the project. Mr. Lambert did not think it was a good idea.
The following Directors presented their 1985 annual reports:
- Police Chief
- Fire Chief
- Fire Marshall
- Liquor Store Manager
- City Engineer
- Personnel Coordinator/Transit
- Parks & Recreation
- City Finance Director
- Maintenance Operations
Due to the hour, the City Council scheduled another special meeting for Wed-
nesday, February 5, 1986 at 6:30 P.M. in the fire station conference room to
hear the City Administrator's report and to complete the performance reviews.
Prior to adjournment, the Council discussed financing for the proposed police
station and a possible new location for the building. It was the consensus of
the Council to meet with the Police Station Building Committee.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:22 P.M.