02-11-1986 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1986 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Mar- lin ar- 1in Torgerson, Alderman Pat M i ku 1 ecky and Mayor Paul L. Ackland. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Director of Engineering Mar- low V. Priebe. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Keith E. Duehn. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 28, 1986 were approved as amended and the minutes of the special meetings of January 30, 1986 and February 5, 1986 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JANUARY 1986 2. HOSPITAL BOARD MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 12, 1985 AND DECEMBER 17, 1985 Alderman Torgerson moved to order the report and minutes filed. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) DISCUSSION OF MCLEOD COUNTY IDENTIFIED AS SECONDARY SITE FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPOSITORY Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to adopt Resolution No. 8225, to be prepared by the City Attorney, in objection to the radio- active waste repository. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CIVIC ARENA MANAGER AND PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR TO ATTEND CERTIFIED POOL OPERATORS COURSE The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve the request for April 16-18. Motion unanimously carried. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 11, 1986 (c) REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON ROBERT MCGEE LAWSUIT (DEFERRED JANUARY 28, 1986) Mayor Ackland reported that the City Attorney had not received a re- sponse from Jim Junker's attorney as of this date concerning the McGee refuse dispute. Alderman Torgerson moved to defer this item to the next Council meet- ing. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (d) REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON STATUS OF BENJAMIN-NEMITZ AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON PARKING LOT DISPUTE (DEFERRED JANUARY 28, 1986) Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to defer this item to the February 25 meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unani- mously carried. (e) STATUS REPORT ON HCVN - CHANNEL 10 Barry Anderson presented a report on the status of HCVN and public ac- cess in Hutchinson. He stated that they had received donations and equipment from individuals and organizations, but there was a need for $18,000 to $22,000 a year to operate channel 10. Therefore, he pro- posed the three percent franchise fee received by the City be dedi- cated to public access instead of going into the City's general fund. City Administrator Plotz explained the philosophy behind the franchise fee. The City provides right-of-way to the households, and in return the cable company compensates the City for it. Mr. Plotz suggested negotiating with North American Cable Systems to raise the fee to five percent and designate the additional two percent to public access. After discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved that the City Attorney, City Administrator, Mayor, and Barry Anderson negotiate the fee. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (f) REPORT ON FLASHING LIGHT FOR SCHOOL ROAD AND T.H. 22/7 BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING City Engineer Priebe reported on the MN/DOT requirements to install a flashing light at School Road and T.H. 22/7. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to have District 8 file a justification report to the Director of Traffic Engineering, with a concurrent letter. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 2/86 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1022 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED "CITY TREE ORDINANCE" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 11, 1986 The motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 730. Motion carried unanimously. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 3/86 - AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A "BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS" AND TO DEFINE ITS DUTIES AND MEMBERSHIP The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 731. Motion unani- mously carried. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 8218 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Alderman Mlinar moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8218. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (d) ORDINANCE NO. 4/86 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 710:00 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED ONE WAY TRAFFIC Alderman Torgerson moved to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 4/86 and set second reading February 25, 1986. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION ON HOW BEST TO RECOGNIZE INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS WHO DONATE TIME/MONEY IN CITY GOVERNMENT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE (DEFERRED JANUARY 28, 1986) Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky to de- fer to the next meeting and have the Council members come up with new ideas. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and failed three to two, with Aldermen Torgerson and Mikulecky voting aye and Aldermen Carls, Mlinar and Mayor Ackland voting nay. Alderman Carls moved to pursue a practice of giving retiring board or commission members a colored print of the members of the board with whom they are serving mounted on a stained wooden plaque with a plate engraved with their name and statement of appreciation from the City, with the print to be 5 X 7 and the plaque 8 X 10 or possibly 11 X 14, with the City staff to prepare a sample for the March 11 meeting. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION CONCERNING LIGHT STANDARDS FOR TARTAN PARK BASEBALL FIELD Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8224. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 11, 1986 (c) CONSIDERATION OF COUNTY DITCH 18 STUDY - PROJECT 86-04 City Engineer Priebe reported the County Board had accepted the pro- posal of TKDA in the amount of $8,720, with the City's share to be $4,360, as agreed upon. After discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the proposal for County Ditch 18, project No. 86-04. Motion seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky and unanimously carried. RECESS: The Council took a five-minute recess at 9:15 P.M. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF STATUS OF PART-TIME POSITION IN POLICE DEPARTMENT Discussion was given to the downtown parking program and the need to enforce the city ordinance. Alderman Carls moved that the City fill the part-time position with the understanding that, if the parking policy should be modified or changed, the position could be eliminated sometime in the future. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried four to one, with Alderman Mikulecky voting nay. Alderman Mlinar moved to proceed immediately and direct the "charge" to the City Administrator to initiate a survey from the Chamber of Com- merce, including the businesses of their situation concerning elimin- ating the two or three hour zones in parking lots, with a report for the March 11 Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. Alderman Mikulecky moved that the status of the part-time position in the police department for a meter person may be very temporary. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried four to one, with Alderman Carls voting nay. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS ON T.H. 15 SOUTH AND T.H. 22/7 WEST Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the improve- ments and waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8219 and No. 8220. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PARALLEL PARKING ON MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET(S) (SCHOOL ROAD AND CALIFORNIA STREET) Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the improve- ments and waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8221 and No. 8222. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PLATTING FOR CONDOMINIUM SITES 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 11, 1986 Director of Engineering Priebe reported on the County's requirement for condominium platting. At present platting is not required by the City's Planning Commission. It was suggested the City Attorney review this issue and report back to the Council. Alderman Torgerson moved that the City Attorney proceed with investi- gating the process and report back to the Council. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and'unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REIMBURSEMENT BY WATER AND SEWER FUND TO GENERAL FUND Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the reim- bursement. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO WRITE-OFF OLD OUTSTANDING CHECKS AND NSF CHECKS After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve the write-offs. Motion unanimously car- ried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported that Jerry Ross had presented a status report to the Central Prairie Association meeting on February 10. Mr. Ross stated that he had expended approximately $175,000 to im- prove the railroad tracks, and 18 carloads had been transported in the last two and one-half months. The shippers are sharing in the cost to upgrade the track and will be required to provide a letter of credit. Administrator Plotz informed the Council that Ty's Metal Finishing was applying for a second grant from the Minnesota Fund and needed Council approval of Resolution No. 8223. Alderman M1inar moved to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 8223. Motion seconded by Alderman Tor- gerson and unanimously carried. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar asked about the targeted marketing mentioned in the League of Cities publication. Administrator Plotz commented that some- one had come to Hutchinson and looked over the work done by a Mankato graduate student. Alderman Mlinar commented on the levy condition and asked the City En- gineer about assessing of the physical condition. Engineer Priebe re- sponded he was not prepared to discuss this item at this time. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN PAT MIKULECKY 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 11, 1986 Alderman Mikulecky inquired about the certificates of title for airport land appraisals to be done by MN/DOT. Alderman Mikulecky stated that there was a two part formula to the parking program, one-half merchants' contribution and one-half from the tax payers. He suggested sending the proposed parking survey to the residents with their water bills to obtain input from the people. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Priebe reported the McLeod County Board had scheduled a meet- ing for February 25 to discuss the drainage into McCuen Creek and the creek's passage beneath Hwy. 15. Funds had been set aside to clean out the connecting ditch on city airport property this spring and the trees had been removed. He will report back to the Council on this item. Engineer Priebe presented a report on the Highway Department's proposed layout for Hwy. 7 West. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR PAUL L. ACKLAND Mayor Ackland inquired about the status of the motor vehicle depart- ment's rental lease. Administrator Plotz stated he and the City At- torney were to meet with the owner of the building regarding this mat- ter. The Mayor reminded the Council members of the special joint meeting scheduled for February 12 at 8:30 P.M. and requested they have their objectives list ready to turn in to the City Administrator. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (A) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve the claim and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. M