08-28-1986 CCMMINUTES JOINT MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL AND POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1986 The joint meeting of the City Council and Police Civil Service Commission was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:45 P.M. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Alderman Marlin Torgerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Attorney James Schaefer, Commissioner Robert Prochnow and Commissioner W. G. Miskoff. Mayor Ackland explained that former Commissioner Joseph Dansereau was not re- appointed to the Police Commission in accordance with the new City Council policy to reduce the length of term served on a board or commission. The new appointee was Jeff Haag, who was absent from the meeting. It was stated that no minutes of Police Commission meetings were recorded since 1979. In response, the Commissioners reported very few meetings had been held because they were not necessary. The Police Department had requested some meet- ings with the Commissioners, and minutes were available in the Police Depart- ment. In reviewing the responsibilities of the Police Civil Service Commission, the Commissioners considered their main purpose to be in the area of hiring police- men, and no new police officers had been hired in several years. Mayor Ackland commented that the current departmental manual was dated August 1985. He questioned the policy which allowed the Police Chief to suspend an employee for 60 days without a Police Commission hearing. The Mayor also re- quested the Commission to review the area of authority over the Police Depart- ment. The Commissioners were informed that the City Council had authorized the City's accounting firm of Charles Bailly & Company to review the three cash funds in the Police Department (crime prevention, petty cash and employee fund) for the years 1983-85. It was felt that these funds had been improperly used, and a new policy would be established for the future. The Mayor stated he did not feel he was receiving full cooperation from the Police Department in obtaining personnel data and records requested. The Com- missioners commented that if they had been contacted, they could have assisted in obtaining the requested materials. In the absence of Commissioner Jeef Haag and Police Chief O'Borsky, it was de- termined to hold another meeting in early September. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.