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05-26-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
May 26, 2015
Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl,
Warren Schuft, Judy Klawitter
City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith
Absent: Barb Peterson
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairperson Don Schroeder.
II. Secretary's Report: The April minutes were examined. Harriet made a
motion to approve the minutes and Darlene seconded the motion. The motion was
III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported card sales totaling $190, button sales of $90,
and birdhouse sales of $40. The Giving Program still has a current balance of $1781
in the account. Curt made a motion to accept the report with a second from Darlene.
The motion passed.
IV. Old Business
A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that she has received no feedback on the assistance
policy for trips that was published in the last newsletter. No board members had
heard anything either. The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts trip to view "Art in
Bloom" and a lunch stop at Murray's went very well. The food was great and the
flower sculptures were very interesting. The May 2nd tour to the Minnesota
History Center for "The Songs of the Hutchinson's", a tribute to the music of the
Hutchinson brothers, turned out to be much better than expected. Julie felt that
this may have been one of her favorite tours of all time. A June outing to the
Black Bear Lodge in Baxter for lunch followed by a visit to the Akeley Woodtick
Theater for a musical comedy review is sold out. This is followed in July by a
trip to Wadena for lunch and then on to the Douglas Lodge on Lake Itasca for a
boat ride. This event is also sold out. The August tour to Scandia has only two
spots left. The next newsletter will include a State Fair trip in early September
and a mystery tour planned for October. In the planning stages we have a
possible tour to the Raptor Center at U of M, which will also include stops at the
restored Depot and a driving tour of Fort Snelling.
B. Update on Programs- September reported that the May Fellowship Dinner is
scheduled for tonight with old fashioned hamburger hotdish as the main entree.
June's dinner will feature broasted chicken. The movie "Wind Talkers" turned
out to be very bloody, which turned off some in the audience. "Big Eyes" is the
movie for this coming month with "Still Alice" as a second feature on June 22"d
An outing with the kayaks is planned for this coming month. On June 5th will be
a special presentation featuring the music and dance of Poland.
V. Business
A. Fall Concert- Fans of the Church of Cash band would like to promote a second
concert for Saturday, October 10th. It looks as though sponsors will be available
once again so the financial risk to the Advisory Board should be minimal. The
board agreed that we should go ahead with the planning since the support is
there to make the event a positive one, both financially and as a senior activity.
B. Smart Phone & Computer- A smart phone has been purchased and Julie is
learning the features. A touchscreen computer has been purchased and is just
about ready to go.
C. Board Meeting Day- Warren will be unable to meet on Mondays during the
summer due to other commitments. The board discussed the possibility of
switching the meeting day but came to the conclusion that Mondays still worked
the best. The board gave Warren an excused absence for the next three
meetings and he will continue to perform his duties as the treasurer for the
D. Jackpot Junction- Monday, September 14th is the date for this year's Jackpot
Junction fundraiser. Don would like to see it promoted so we can get sales from
outside our Senior Center clientele.
E. Other- Curt threw out the idea of indoor golf at the Event Center. Golf is very
popular with seniors and the Center is large enough that it may be able to
accommodate some netting. Curt will see what might be involved in creating
an indoor range and potentially a putting green.
VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 10:59 am with a second from Curt.
The motion passed.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22nd at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary