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04-27-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes April 27, 2015 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl, Judy Klawitter City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Warren Schuft, Barb Peterson I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairperson Don Schroeder. II. Secretary's Report: The March 23rd minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Curt seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: September reported card sales totaling $218 , button sales of $120, and shotgun shell flag and wreath sales of $155. Dish cloths brought in another $28. The Giving Program has a current balance of $1681. Judy made a motion to accept the report with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that on April 30th a tour will visit the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts to view "Art in Bloom" with a lunch stop at Murray's. This tour is sold out. On May 2nd we will travel to the Minnesota History Center for "The Songs of the Hutchinson's", a tribute to the music of the Hutchinson brothers. The current registration is 38 for this outing. In June we will head to the Black Bear Lodge in Baxter for lunch followed by a visit to the Akeley Woodtick Theater for a musical comedy review. This event is sold out. The popular tours continue in July when another full bus heads to Wadena for lunch and then on to the Douglas Lodge on Lake Itasca for a boat ride. In August a group will travel to Scandia where Minnesota's first Swedish settlement was established. A Swedish lunch will be included. A State Fair trip is planned for early September. A mystery tour is in the works for October. The topic of participants needing assistance was brought up again. Judy made a motion seconded by Harriet to rescind last month's decision to require people with walkers to have someone come with them on a tour. The motion passed. Harriet then made a motion seconded by Curt to require new language in the tour information. This would be "If personal assistance is required, please sign up with a companion". After some discussion the motion passed. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the "Church of Cash" concert went over very well. The board felt that it might be wise to negotiate a future date for some time next spring to bring them back again. The movie "Unbroken" was the April movie of the month and received good reviews. The West Elementary listeners program is going strong and has added some volunteers since being promoted in a local magazine recently. The free old time dance with a video brought in only eight people so that program may no longer be viable. Movies for May are "Windtalkers" and "American Sniper". The volunteer brunch was well attended with a good meal at a very good price. The Fellowship Dinner is scheduled for tomorrow night and already has 38 registered. Ham & cabbage will be the main entree. V. Business A. Smart Phone for Trips- Julie would like to have a smart track phone to take on the trips. It will be able to provide information to Julie during a trip so that she can adjust to any changes that might come up. It will also allow her to take pictures during a trip. Harriet made a motion seconded by Judy that the board purchase a phone and reevaluate after one year. B. Other- Don mentioned that the heating system needs improvement in the Senior Center portion of the building. There is too much variance in temperature from room to room. September needs to check into purchasing the new computer that was approved at a recent board meeting. The board discussed how to get more volunteers to get involved in the craft projects. A common thought was that we need to publish definite meeting times well in advance so that people can plan to participate. VI. Adjournment: Harriet made a motion to adjourn at 11:58 am with a second from Darlene. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 18th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary