02-24-2014 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, February 24, 2014 4:30 pm
Present: Fbger Vacek„ Jon Foss, Julie Lofdahl and Pam Dille, Ex -Officio.
Absent: Elacey Nass, Mary Christensen, Eleve Bailey, Dianne Wanzek
Fbger Vacek called the meeting to order. The minutes from the February 3rd meeting were reviewed. Time of
adjournment to be corrected to 5:30 pm. 9noe there was not a quorum, approval of minutes tabled until the
March meeting.
PLS Update - Roger Vaoek
The PLS February meeting was done via phone because of the weather. Anew telecommunication contract with
Warner Connect was approved. The bandwidth will be doubled. It is a 3 -year contract for $700,000. Otherswill
be using and paying back to PLSfor their usage. They should be starting with the new contract soon.
Fbger gave usa list of the new officers and committeesfor the PLSSjstem Board.
Old Business:
1. The reading by author R -,nee Wendinger was February 23 and had a standing crowd only. The count
was 150 to 160 people. Talk was very successful. 9be spoke at a great pace and had wonderful photos.
2. The Community Fuad at the library will be March 30 at 2:00 pm. There will be five community members
reading passages from the book. The audience will be divided into sections to discuss parts of the
readings. There will be people thereto help the audience members locate a Book Club if they are
wanting to join one. R-,freshmentswill be from Cashwise and the Library Board members are being
asked to come early to help set-up chairs.
3. Winter Fading Program dessert buffet will be March 28 that 7:00 pm. At this date, 277 people have
signed up for the program and 71 have completed the required 12 books to come to the buffet.
4. Etrategic Ran Update -Pam passed around a worksheet to document progress on the 2014 112016 PLS
strategic plan. Librarians will be using a Google document to track their progress on the strategic plan.
New Fk_sinesss
1. Chair Modification: Newt Potter will be modifying rolling chairs upstairsso that they do not roll. A
couple of people have fallen because of the chairs moving.
2. Teen Tech Week - A flyer was passed around for the event. The program will be a passive programming
outreach through an internet scavenger hunt on-line. Prizes will be gift cards. Friends of the Library
have donated $500 and SAM.M.I.Ehas given $100 to help with promotion and to purchase prizes.
3. Library Legislative Day is March 4t" & 51". Pam was wondering if any board members would like to go.
Fbger may go and Pam will get more information to him.
4. Liz Marcus will be teaching basic computer skills from 5 to 6 on Monday nights.
Next meeting Monday, March 24, 2014 at 4:30 pm
Meeting adjourned at 5:14 pm
M i nutes submitted by Julie Lofdahl