12-23-2013 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, December 23, 2013 4:30 pm
Present: Roger Vacek, Mary Christensen, Steve Bailey, Dianne Wanzek, Jon Ross, Julie Lofdahl and Pam Dille,
Ex -Officio.
Absent: Stacey Nass
Roger Vacek called the meeting to order. The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed. Steve
Bailey motioned to approve the minutes. Jon Ross seconded the motion. Motion passed.
PLS Update - Roger Vacek
The full board agenda was planned and discussed appointment of members to various committees. Roger
Vacek nominated as Treasurer. Reviewed new employees to the Pioneerland Library System.
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1. One Book, One Community Events Update -Pam Dille
The Orphan Train, a Novel — author Christina Baker Kline
Events have been planned for the months prior to the author visit:
➢ 1/26/14 2:00 to 4:00 Video to be shown at the McLeod County Historical Society
➢ 2/23/14 2:00 to 4:00 Renee Wedinger, leader of the orphan train descendants group
and author of Newsboy will lead panel at the McLeod County Historical Society
➢ 3/30/14 2:00 to 4:00 Community Book Read - town players to read
➢ 4/27/14 2:00 to 4:00 Author, Christina Baker Kline to speak at the Civic Center
More information at heartofhutch.com. Thank you to John Hassinger for work on obtaining a grant to
help pay for speaker fees.
Adult Winter Book Reading program runs from January 6, 2014 thru March 14, 2014. Dede Hard to
prepare the desert buffet for those who read 12 books. Library staff to take care of this event. Past
years about 200 have participated. Not all read 12 books.
3. Periodical Update: Budget is $5,000 per year. USA Today is $300/year. There is an online publication,
Newsbank, linked from the Hutchinson Library website that contains many newspapers, including the
Hutchinson Leader and other Minnesota local and regional newspapers . Kris Jones and Kurt Dahlquist
are working on updating the library website, blog and Facebook page.
New Business:
Project Book Shelf Update - Pam Dille
Same donations as last year, $470 ($300 from Friends of the Library). Volunteers from the library
distributed boxes to local schools to collect the books, including St. Anastasia, Park Elementary and
Northwoods Elementary. Volunteers from Kiwanis took donated books to the social service offices in
Glencoe to be distributed to families in need.
The audio book display area has been updated. The new titles (2012-2013) were moved to a carousel on
top of the book case and the rest of the audio books have been moved to the top two shelves of the
book cases.
Talked about what our library is now and what services will be in 5 - 10 years:
a. What do we need to do to be proactive — more computers, printers, wireless.
b. All computers in PLS will be updated at about $1,000 per computer. Could we put an article in
the newspaper for a fund drive for 2014-2015.
c. Old microfiche does not print — readers loosing Heritage
d. E -reader circulation down in PLS. Expensive to purchase. Some have to be repurchased after so
many downloads.
e. On Strategic Plan staff training will be added after first year.
f. Share with community. How can we do this?
g. PLS does have state contract to get a volume discount for purchasing technology equipment.
Next Meeting date is January 27th at 4:30 pm.
Roger Vacek adjourned the meeting at 5:30 pm.
Notes submitted by Julie Lofdahl