01-20-2015 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
5:30 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
Chair Hantge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present
Chair Hantge, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner
Norton, Commissioner Arndt, and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Dan
Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, Kyle Dimler Planning and Building
Specialist, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney.
Chair Hantge presented the minutes from the November 18, 2014 Planning
Commission meeting. Motion to approve by Commissioner Norton, second by
Commissioner Kirchoff. Motion unanimously approved.
Commissioner Norton read the rules which the public hearing portion of the
evening's meeting will be operated under.
Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reiterated the
requested C.U.P. is for moving the structure and not for the construction of the
building or anything else.
Mr. Jochum noted the proposed lot is an R-3, vacant, undeveloped lot.
Mr. Jochum read the R-3 zoning district purpose from the Zoning Ordinance. Mr.
Jochum shared a photo of the building proposed to be moved and a sketch lot layout
submitted by the applicant indicating all lot setbacks are met as proposed.
Mr. Jochum noted a large stand of trees in the rear yard of the applicant's lot is
intended to be left.
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Mr. Jochum again noted the C.U.P. is for moving the home. Were a dwelling to be
constructed at this site, no Planning Commission action would be necessary.
Mr. Jochum noted 3 letters and a petition from residents in the neighborhood
surroundingl41 Morningside Dr. NE have been received and entered in the public
record regarding opposition to this application.
Mr. Jochum stated Staff had no unusual concerns with this application. Staff
recommends approval with conditions 1 through 4 as noted in the Planning
Commission packet.
Commissioner Norton asked to clarify the type of siding on the proposed structure.
Mr. Jochum stated the building has vinyl siding.
Chair Hantge asked if there is a basement under this home.
Mr. Jochum stated the building is a split-level dwelling.
Chair Hantge asked how this building will fit in this neighborhood.
Mr. Jochum stated there is a mix of single-family and multi -family dwellings in this
neighborhood. Mr. Jochum again reiterated this use is conditionally permitted by the
City zoning ordinance.
Commissioner Arndt asked to clarify the access to this lot is only through the cul-de-
sac on Morningside Dr. NE.
Mr. Jochum verified this was correct.
Commissioner Arndt noted his concern for possible difficulties in moving the home
into the lot.
Mr. Jochum noted the mover's challenges are ones they will have to deal with.
Commissioner Fahey stated he has been in the house and it is a nice house.
Todd Schnobrich 135 Adams St. SE, Hutchinson, Rep for Habitat for Humanity. Mr.
Schnobrich stated the mover will need to have 2 light poles moved to bring the
building on-site. Mr. Schnobrich stated the applicant researched moving in from the
north side through a neighboring lot but it is not feasible.
Mr. Schnobrich noted the building will be 40' back from the cul-de-sac, a 12'
driveway width at the curb, and a 3 -stall garage to eliminate off-street parking.
Carolyn Schumann 129 Morningside Dr. NE, stated she is more worried about
compatibility with existing association appearance. Ms. Schumann she is not
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opposed to Habitat for Humanity, the proposed house simply does not fit in in this
Chuck Shmidt 133 Morningside Dr. NE asked why is this building being moved to
Hutchinson and not Glencoe.
Mr. Jochum, noted it would not matter where it was coming from, the applicant owns
the lot and the building and it is their decision where they would like to place it.
Derek Reif 120 Morningside Dr. NE stated he is wondering why this lot was chosen
when there are open lots on Hilltop Dr. NE that would not require cutting down trees.
Mr. Reif is concerned with maintenance of this property per his home owner's
association rules. Mr. Reif further stated that houses on Hilltop Dr. NE have outdoor
storage piling up which is detrimental to the neighborhood look. Many of his
concerns are regarding long term appearance.
Chair Hantge asked Mr. Jochum to share the history of this parcel's development and
why this house would not have to comply with a homeowner's association rules.
Mr. Sebora, City Attorney, stated he did not have knowledge of the association's
Chair Hantge asked Mr. Schnobrich to address the history of the lot.
Mr. Schnobrich stated the lots on Hilltop Dr. NE have some assessments/taxes that
would be more costly for Habitat for Humanity to develop at this time. It was an
economic choice. The proposed home was acquired through the kindness of the City
of Glencoe. This home is about 2.5 times the value of what Habitat for Humanity
typically would build. It also has a number of amenities that are atypical for a Habitat
Ms. Schumann asked if Habitat for Humanity has anything to do with the owner after
they move in.
Mr. Jochum noted City Staff has no involvement with home owner associations and
their functioning.
Michael Massmann 126 Morningside Dr. NE stated he understands single-family is
permitted in the zoning district but it is not currently existent on this street. Mr.
Massmann stated this structure would be more fitting elsewhere.
Mr. Schmidt noted this development will cause an increase in cost of snow removal
because the homeowner's association currently dumps snow on this vacant lot that
belongs to the applicant.
Malon Wearing 116 Morningside Dr. NE stated the neighborhood struck him when
he was looking for a place to live in the City. This building will spoil the look of the
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Commissioner Kirchoff asked if Morningside Dr. NE iss a public street. Yes.
Chair Hantge asked Mr. Schnobrich to come to the podium again to address finishing
off the site and Habitat's involvement after the new owner takes occupancy of the
Mr. Schnobrich stated Habitat for Humanity mentor's the new owners for one full
year after occupancy. After that, Habitat does not have much to do with the site.
This site will have more landscaping and improvements than a typical Habitat site.
The applicant intends to leave as much natural vegetation as possible in the rear yard.
Regarding the quality of the building, Habitat is beginning with a home that far
exceeds their typical aesthetic standards. Planning to put in grass and a yard and the
quality of the site should meet the needs of the neighborhood.
Chair Hantge asked if Mr. Schnobrich had read a copy of the neighboring association
rules. No. Has a family been selected for this building? Yes.
Commissioner Arndt asked if this property was at one time under the same
association regulations.
Mr. Schnobrich stated that may be, but at some point there was a dissolution of the
properties and Habitat for Humanity acquired some of the available sites. It was
Habitat's understanding that at the time of purchase, these properties were no longe
bound as part of an association.
Motion by Commissioner Norton and second by Commissioner Johnston to close
public hearing at 6:09 p.m.
Commissioner Norton moved to approve with Staff recommendations to move the
structure. Commissioner Johnston seconded. Commissioner Fahey commented that
the comments from the neighbors did not fall on deaf ears. The owners of the lots
own them and the quality of the building and the site appear to have been well
thought out. While it is unusual to have lots in this neighborhood without having to
comply with association rules, this is the case in this situation. Commissioner Fahey
stated the comments of the neighbors has been heard but sometimes our hands are
tied. Commissioner Kirchoff agreed and restated the duty of the Commission. Chair
Hantge encouraged the neighbors to give the new occupants a chance as neighbors.
The motion was approved unanimously. Item will be on the Consent Agenda at City
Council meeting on January 27, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Jochum noted as this item is now to be on the consent agenda, there would be
little discussion at the City Council meeting unless it is pulled off the consent agenda.
Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject
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Chair Hantge stated application.
Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted Site
Plan Review does not require a public hearing.
This site is in a C-4 zoning district. Mr. Jochum noted the proposed structure will
be roughly in the same location as the existing former Pizza Hut restaurant. The
building is proposed to be architecturally very similar to other professional
buildings in this portion of town.
Mr. Jochum noted the proposed parking surpasses that which is required by the
City. One parking spot on east side of building encroaches on required parking
setback and Staff recommends removal of it.
Mr. Jochum stated parking and traffic circulation of the site appear to work and
flow well. The required trash enclosure is provided. Overall the site plan looks
good to Staff
Mr. Jochum noted the proposed landscape plan appears to comply with City
requirements and will receive final approval at the time of permit application.
Mr. Jochum noted storm water management requirements will be fully addressed
at time of building permit application. Staff previously addressed initial concerns
with the applicant's engineer of an infiltration swale on the SW side of the
building to prevent overland flow onto the City sidewalk along Southgrade Rd.
Mr. Jochum noted no signage details have been provided to date but he is not
anticipating any requests that would not comply with City requirements.
Staff recommends approval of this application with conditions 1 — 8 plus
condition 9 being the removal of the parking spot to the east of the proposed
Commissioner Arndt noted the existing south site access is moved west from its
current location.
Kent Exner, City Engineer stated the site access is proposed to be moved westerly
approximately 30'
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Commissioner Fahey asked if there is an opportunity to modify easterly traffic
flow with a break in the double yellow line on Southgrade Rd. SW.
Mr. Exner state Police Chief Hatten stated turning over the double yellow line is
not a traffic violation.
Commissioner Fahey asked if it could be delineated anyway.
Mr. Exner noted the City reserves the right to make modifications to traffic
control in this area in the future as needed, whether the applicant is aware of it or
There was discussion surrounding access and traffic concerns.
Mr. Jochum noted Staff has met with the applicant and their engineer to discuss
the traffic and flow concerns of this site and they are fully aware of the concerns.
Mr. Charlie Vaughn, applicant, from Nashville, TN addressed the Commission.
Mr. Vaughn stated this is a great redevelopment of a blighted property. When the
redevelopment is completed, many of the site concerns will be eliminated. Mr.
Vaughn stated he appreciates the Commission's concerns for the future of the site.
Commissioner Kirchoff moved to approve and Commissioner Johnston seconded
the motion. Motion was unanimously approved. This item will be on the January
27, 2015 City Council consent agenda.
Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject
A. Upcoming Meetings
No applications have been received yet for the February meeting and no
application items are known of at this point.
Mr. Jochum noted new City Administrator Matt Jaunich met several members of
the Commission earlier this evening.
Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff and second by Commissioner Arndt to adjourn
at 6:37 p.m.