09-16-2014 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. Chair Hantge called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Members present were Chair Hantge, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Fahey, and Commissioner Arndt. Absent were Commissioner Lofdahl and Commissioner Johnston. Also present were Dan Jochum, Director of Planning, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Kyle Dimler, Planning and Building Specialist. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 19, 2014 Chair Hantge introduced minutes dated August 19, 2014. Motion by Commissioner Norton and second by Commissioner Fahey to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE TO TWO POLE & FABRIC TYPE TEMPORARY STORAGE STRUCTURES LOCATED AT 900 HWY 7 W. Commissioner Norton read the public hearing meeting rules aloud into the record. Dan Jochum, Director of Planning addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum shared the proposed storage structures are anticipated to be in use for approximately 2 years, per a letter submitted by the applicant dated September 16, 2014. Mr. Jochum noted the property is within the River Overlay district, similar to a recent project located at 167 3rd Ave. NW, the D.A.V. facility. This proposed project is not in the main River Overlay corridor and the proposed buildings will be screened from view along Highway 7 W by the existing NuCrane building. Mr. Jochum shared that the River Overlay zoning ordinance is planned to be revised during the coming winter of 2014/2015. Mr. Jochum presented a number of photos indicating the limited visibility of the current site from adjacent properties. Mr. Jochum also noted this property is within the Shoreland District but no additional impervious lot coverage would be created through the erection of the proposed structures. Staff recommends approval of this request with the stipulation of a 2 year length of time per the statement made in the applicant's letter dated September 16, 2014. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 16, 2014 Page 2 Commissioner Arndt asked if the structure will be neutral colors. Mr. Jochum stated it was his understanding the structures would be neutral in color. Chair Hantge asked if items currently outside at the NuCrane site will be stored in the proposed structures. Mr. Jochum stated he was not familiar with the entirety of what is currently stored outside at the NuCrane facility but it is likely that some of the existing exterior storage would be within these proposed structures. Chair Hantge asked if "temporary" is defined in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Jochum shared his conversation with City Attorney Sebora indicating the Commission could add a condition limiting the C.U.P. to a maximum of 2 years as that is what the Applicant's e-mail dated 9/16/2014 is requesting. Steve Mann, Plant Manager of NuCrane 900 Hwy 7 W, addressed the Commission. Mr. Mann shared that the anticipated length of time the structures will be needed is about 2 years to store currently produced product. There are delays in shipping product off site and therefore NuCrane needs temporary storage on site. The structures are cold storage. Mr. Mann stated he anticipates the elimination of current shipping delays in approximately 2 years. Mr. Mann noted there are companies in the area making plans to construct more permanent storage within the next year. Chair Hantge noted Staff s proposal of adding the condition of a 2 year limit to the C.U.P. and asked Mr. Mann if this would be acceptable to the applicant. Mr. Mann stated that would be acceptable. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, second by Commissioner Arndt to close the public hearing at 5:49 pm. Motion by Commissioner Norton, second by Commissioner Fahey to approve with staff recommendations and the condition of 2 year maximum duration of C.U.P. per the applicant's letter of 9/16/2014. Motion passed unanimously, this item will be on the September 23, 20124 City Council consent agenda. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A RECYCLEABLE MATERIAL COLLECTION CENTER IN AN I-1 ZONING DISTRICT. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 16, 2014 Page 3 Dan Jochum, Director of Planning, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum presented an aerial photo identifying the site of the proposed use and stated the proposed use is a conditionally permitted use in the I-1 zoning district. Mr. Jochum shared the approximate size, layout, and use of the building at the proposed site. Staff believes this is a relatively straightforward request. Mr. Jochum noted one of the conditions proposed by Staff is that there would be no outside storage permitted at this site. Mr. Jochum asked for the Commission's input on any requirements regarding hours of operation at the proposed site. Staff recommends approval with staff recommendations noted in the Resolution. Chair Hantge recommended establishing reasonable hours of operation as the proposed site is adjacent to a residential zoning district. Mr. Ed Homan Solid Waste Director McLeod Co. addressed the Commission. Mr. Homan stated the hours of operation at this site will be 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and there would be no outside storage on site. Mr. Homan shared about the nature of the business that would be conducted at this proposed site. Mr. Homan stated the building is well sprinkled and planned storage will not be high -pile due to the building's height and the product's limited stacking ability. Mr. Homan also noted that McLeod County's lease of the property is from November 2014 to November 2015. Commissioner Fahey asked if one rental cycle is the anticipated duration of this use at this facility Mr. Homan noted that determination would be based upon need and would be up to the Commission if the need arises after the initial lease period. Chair Hantge asked if residents would be able to drop recyclables at this site. Mr. Homan stated this would not be the case as resident drop-off would be limited to the McLeod County facility located at 1065 5th Ave. SE site. Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Kirchoff to close the public hearing at 6:00 pm. Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve with staff recommendations 1-9. Motion unanimously approved. This item will appear on the consent agenda for City Council's September 23, 2014 meeting. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 16, 2014 Page 4 C. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING IN AN R-4 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 875 CENTURY AVE SW. Dan Jochum, Director of Planning, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted last month's rezoning and site plan review action by the Commission regarding this project and property. Mr. Jochum shared that this proposal is for 10 buildings of 12 unit construction. Mr. Jochum reviewed the project's site plan and building proposal that was discussed at last month's Commission meeting. Mr. Jochum noted that he met with a resident representative this past week who shared adjacent residents' concern and desire for the requirement for installation of natural screening between the existing residences and the proposed multi- family buildings. Staff recommends requiring the developer to install 8' tall evergreen along the north perimeter of the development site, continuing south, and then east to provide natural vegetative screening for the existing neighbors northeast of the development, rather than berms due to land space limitations. Staff also recommends requiring the City Arborist to sign off, in approval, on revised plans that would include the proposed screening requirements. Chair Hantge asked to verify the developer's intention of where on the site construction would begin and when the proposed screening would be required to be installed in relation to the construction project. City Engineer, Kent Exner recommended requiring installation of trees at the beginning of the development project to allow the trees to become established more quickly. Chair Hantge asked to clarify that the requirement would be to install trees prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy for the first building constructed in the project. Mr. Jochum affirmed this is the intent of the Staff recommendation. The rest of the proposal is fairly straightforward. Commissioner Kirchoff asked if Mr. Exner has been satisfied with the submitted site plans, grading, and drainage of site. Mr. Exner affirmed he is. Robert Krcil of 1120 Keith St. shared his concern with pedestrians already cutting through private property and the likely increase of this problem with increased population in the area. Mr. Krcil asked if there is a plan to install additional trails or public cross through areas in this part of town. Mr. Krcil asked if there is a plan to keep vehicle traffic from Keith St. going through this development. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 16, 2014 Page 5 Mr. Jochum stated that as the internal streets will be private streets, it will be up to the developer to regulate internal traffic on a private site and this has been communicated to the developer. Chair Hantge stated it isn't the role of the Commission to regulate pedestrian traffic across private property. Mr. Exner and Mr. Jochum noted there is a possibility of future corridor development near Cleveland Ave. SW and the Woodstone property but there is nothing definite due to the unknown timing of future development. Mr. Jochum noted that, in general, the City encourages citizens to use public property travel routes rather than private property. Tim Hacker of 905 Cleveland Ave. SW thanked Mr. Jochum for meeting with him to discuss screening needs as part of this development. Mr. Hacker shared his concern that if there isn't enough room for berms to be used for screening, is there enough room for snow removal and storage on site. Mr. Jochum noted the sizes of setbacks along the right of ways on this property are adequate for snow removal/storage. Mr. Hacker reiterated the need for screening between existing dwellings and the development due to the proximity to proposed new buildings. His understanding is this could be a 3-10 year project. Mr. Jochum noted the pace of construction will likely be driven by market demands. Mr. Hacker noted his concern for possible problems with increased traffic now on South Grade Road with increased traffic due to sight line concerns. Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff and second by Commissioner Arndt to close the public hearing at 6:24 pm. Motion by Commissioner Kirchoff and second by Commissioner Norton to approve with the Staff recommended condition of requiring the planting of 8' evergreen screening trees along Cleveland Ave. SW and the west side of existing residence properties in the northeast corner adjacent to the development, to be approved by City Arborist, and require the installation of these trees before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy of the first building. Planting of the required screening trees along the east west internal road south of existing twin homes would be delayed until this street is constructed to alleviate root damage. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 16, 2014 Page 6 Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Jochum noted Staff s intention to propose revisions to the River Overlay zoning district zoning ordinance during the winter of 2014/2015. 6. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Jochum noted he expects the need for a Planning Commission meeting in October to review a site plan and a preliminary and final plat for a proposed project north of the newly constructed Advanced Auto building. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings None. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Fahey and second by Commissioner Arndt to adjourn at 6:29 pm.