08-19-2014 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 19, 2014 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. Meeting called to order at 5:31 by Chair Hantge. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED JULY 16, 2014 Motion by Norton, Second by Arndt. Motion passed. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 1500 SQ. FT. DETACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 989 JEFFERSON ST. SE. Commissioner Norton read aloud the meeting rules for the public hearing portion of the meeting. Chair Hantge introduced Item A. Mr. Dan Jochum addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum stated the proposed 37.5' x 40' garage is for personal use. Mr. Jochum stated the garage appears to meet all applicable regulations and standards. Staff recommends approval as the conditions required to be met for the issuing of a C.U.P. are met by this application. Mr. Jochum identified the 3 standards required to be met for issuing a C.U.P. Motion by Commissioner Arndt, 2nd by Commissioner Johnston to close public hearing at 5:35pm. Motion by Commissioner Norton, 2nd by Commissioner Arndt to approve with staff recommendations. Motion passes. Mr. Jochum noted this item will be on the City Council consent agenda. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 2 B. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF WHITE HAWK VILLAGE SUBMITTED BY GUSTAV WURDELL, APPLICANT. Mr. Dan Jochum addressed the Commission and stated that staff felt the preliminary and final plats could be processed in conjunction with one another as this is a re -plat of a previously existing plat. Mr. Jochum stated the subject area was originally zoned as R-3 and planned for four-plex homes prior to the construction market decline in the early 2000s.The first phase of the proposed project is 5 single-family homes and the northerly portion of the plat is proposed to be an out lot with future single-family homes. Mr. Jochum stated utility services would be provided from the north side of the platted area of these lots as that is where they are currently available. Mr. Jochum stated that the min. lot size in the proposed Zoning District is 7200 sq. ft. The smallest proposed lot is 8000 sq. ft. and the largest is 11,500 sq. ft. Mr. Jochum stated he has corresponded with the Hutchinson Utilities Commission staff regarding provision of services and they are already in place. Mr. Jochum noted the Airport Zoning District abuts this proposed plat in the SW corner. Approximately 270 sq. ft of Lot 1 is in the Zone A and there is no building allowed in this area. Zone B extends along the southwesterly portion of Lot 1 and Out lot 1. Mr. Jochum stated, after consulting with Mr. John Olson, the restrictions of the Airport Zoning Districts will not prohibit the construction of single-family dwellings of a typical size. Mr. Jochum proposed the following condition be included were this item to be approved by the Commission: Lots located in Airport Zone B will not be allowed to have Accessory Structures and must comply with requirements of Airport Zoning District. Mr. Jochum stated Staff recommends approval. Staff believes the proposal meets conditions A -D and recommends approval with Conditions 1-10 and the one Mr. Jochum proposed. Commissioner Johnston asked to verify location of available utilities. Commissioner Arndt asked if the existing street within plat was a private street. It is. Commissioner Arndt noted when the original plat of Ravenwood was developed there was a condition noted that there would be noise periodically from the nearby McLeod County Fairgrounds. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 3 Chair Hantge asked about drainage of this proposed plat. Mr. Jochum stated the drainage from this area drains to the existing storm pond to the SW. Mr. John Olson affirmed this statement. Mr. Doug Hall of 1093 Blackbird Tr. SW — Mr. Hall noted that he is concerned about wildlife using the drainage pond being affected by drainage chemicals. Mr. Olson stated the function of the pond is to receive the volume of water from this area. It is a functional pond and the Public Works Dept. is experimenting with this pond currently by removing volunteer willows to promote growth of aquatic vegetation and is working on all City ponds to address these water quality issues. Jule Schroeder of 1031 Blackbird Trail, President of Ravenwood Homeowner's Association stated the Association's main concern is White Owl Trail which is a narrow, private street. The Association has made Blackbird Trail parking on one side only. If future homes of single family are planned for north side of plat, the Association would like to know if the street is planned to become a public street. Mr. Jochum said it would not be likely due to the narrow width of the existing street. Mr. Gustav Wurdell addressed the Commission regarding pollution, the development is required to create and implement at SWPP to protect the adjacent land and water. The road to the north is not being planned for anything yet due to the brief timeline of the proposed development. Access is available from the west and east streets. Motion by Commissioner Arndt and Second by Commissioner Johnston to close public hearing. Motion passed. Motion by Commissioner Arndt and Second by Commissioner Johnston to approve with staff recommendations and Mr. Jochum's proposal. Motion passed. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject C. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND A REZONING REQUEST FOR 875 CENTURY AVE. SW FROM AN R-3 TO AN R-4 ZONING DISTRICT. Mr. Jochum addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum identified the location of the proposed project and surrounding land uses. Mr. Jochum provided an overview of the submitted site plan. 10-2 story buildings proposed of 12 units each, to be phased in over time. Hopeful to start a couple of units in fall of the 2014. Each building is planned to be approximately 60' x 130' Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 4 Buildings meet all applicable setbacks and zoning requirements in the proposed R-4 Zoning District. The subject property is currently Zoned R-3 which allows up to 8 -unit buildings. 360,000 sq. ft of land are required for the proposed number of units and this proposal provides 373,000 sq. ft. 20% of this project is proposed to be open space. 76,000 sq ft of open space is proposed and 75,000 sq. ft. is the minimum required. 309 parking spaces proposed, 300 required. 240 garage/driveways and 69 additional parking spaces throughout the project. Mr. Jochum noted that access to the site was a major concern with staff. 2 accesses at Sunset St. SW and 3 on Century Ave. SW are proposed. Staff proposes eliminating 1st access west of Century Ave. SW. Staff also recommends extending the south most internal street to the west to the next connector street. Staff recommends the north east corner should have an access provided as the internal fire access road on the north is too long of a dead end. These recommendations have been communicated to the project engineer. Mr. Jochum stated the proposed streets are 22' wide; Staff would like to establish a minimum of 24' wide internal streets. Commissioner Arndt asked if Keith St. SW would extend through the plat. Mr. Jochum stated the internal street would remain a private street that would not be an extension of Keith St. Chair Hantge asked about the anticipated phasing of the proposed project. Mr. Marty Campion, representing the applicant's engineering firm, stated utilities are serving the property from the SW so that would be the area of initial construction. Commissioner Arndt asked if the proposed pond would be an always wet pond, which way it would drain. Mr. John Olson stated the general drainage direction is to the east and goes to the fairground ditch. Mr. Jochum noted the provision of a play area to the west of the pond to keep it separate from the pond as a recreation area. Mr. Jochum noted all internal streets would be private and the maintenance of them will be the developer's responsibility Chair Hantge expressed concern with number of accesses onto Century Ave. Mr. Jochum noted staff has met with Hutchinson Police Department, the Hutchinson Fire Department, and the City Engineering Department regarding access points to the proposed development. Staff s consensus was the Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 5 recommendation for removal of the eastern most access onto Century Ave. SW would be sufficient. Burgess Gruendemann of 899 Cleveland Ave. asked about access onto Cleveland Ave. Mr. Jochum stated 3 access points onto Cleveland Ave. SW will be proposed with the additional one recommended by staff. With 309 parking spaces, it is not anticipated to have any significant out of development parking. Mr. Grundeman asked if there was consideration of current residents with the increase of traffic. Mr. Jochum stated with 7 access points, the traffic is expected to be distributed fairly evenly throughout the development. Mr. Grundeman asked the Commission to consider the desire of the residents on the corner of Sunset St. SW and Cleveland St. SW to have a berm or trees to separate the development. Mr. Jochum shared the proposed landscaping plan indicates that will be screening provided between the two types of residences. Commissioner Johnston asked if there is any proposed fencing proposed along property lines. Mr. Jochum stated there is not and natural screening is used much more now. Mr. Campion stated he has met with Mr. Jochum and Kent Exner and the developer is planning to comply with staff recommendations of access modifications. Commissioner Arndt clarified that the proposed buildings will be same as the apartment properties to the immediate east of the proposed project. Ms. Judy Peterson of 1216 Sunset ST. — Expressed concern for access behind her property. Does City have access to rear yard space? Mr. Jochum noted there is a drainage and utility easement currently in place. The proposed development will also be required to have a 5 foot utility easement. Bruce Naustdal of 1175 Dale St. SW — Asked Mr. John Olson about proposed pond. Mr. Olson clarified that drainage will not be going to the existing Ravenwood drainage pond. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 6 Mr. Naustdal also expressed concern about the provision of green space within the proposed development. Mr. Naustdal noted that the City encouraged him to donate green space in past development projects he was a part of and is wondering if this is no longer a concern. Mr. Jochum reiterated that there is a requirement for the project to provide 20% minimum of open space and Parks and Playground Fee. No policy change for green space in developments. This proposal complies with the requirements. Mr. Naustdal asked to confirm that one of the entrances off of Century would be eliminated. Joyce Krycil of 1120 Keith St. noted the volume of traffic on Keith St. should be a consideration. Ms. Krycil anticipates an increase in traffic and an increase in children to be a concern. Ms. Krycil also is concerned about City taxes being paid in a timely manner as she has heard the owner is regularly delinquent in property tax payment. Will street runoff be contained in the on-site pond. Not happy about all of the accesses on Keith St. SW and Cleveland St. SW. Mr. Jochum site stated drainage will go to pond. Chair Hantge asked Mr. Campion to approach the podium to ask if he was involved in the previous developments by Century Court as the Chair is concerned with the number of accesses onto Sunset St. SW, Keith St. SW, and Century Ave. SW being equal. Mr. Campion stated the intent is to minimize internal traffic circling and getting residents to outer streets as efficiently as possible. Mr. Jochum stated that during the Staff Meeting, discussion surrounded access proximity to intersection of Sunset St. SW and Century Ave. SW. Mr. Kent Exner noted in Staff Meeting that traffic congestion is not significant currently on the existing streets and believed the proposed flows are accessible. Chair Hantge asked if there are traffic problems in the First Phase that are being addressed in this proposal. Staff was unaware of current traffic problems in the existing Century Court development. Mr. Campion noted that current traffic design parameters are different than original phase due to emergency service accesses. Mr. Jochum addressed the Commission stating the proposed project will be 14 units per acre. Project is relatively consistent with Comprehensive Plan. The Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 7 existing property to east of Sunset St. SW is Zoned R-3 even though it is also developed with 12 -unit buildings. Staff recommends approval with the 12 attached recommendations. Motion by Commissioner Norton and Second by Commissioner Arndt to close the public hearing. Motion passed. Motion by Commissioner Arndt and Second by Commissioner Norton to approve the rezoning with staff recommendations. Motion passed. Mr. Jochum noted public hearing is not required for Site Plan Approval. Motion by Commissioner Johnston and Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve Site Plan. Motion passes. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject D. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH MICRO -BREWERIES AND TAP ROOMS AS CONDITIONAL USES WITHIN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS. Mr. Dan Jochum addressed the Commission. The proposed ordinance amendment is for the purpose of adding Tap Rooms and Brew Pubs to the C-2 through C-5 Zoning Districts. Mr. Jochum stated a Tap Room is a place where there is a brewery and a retail facility. A Brew Pub is a place where there is a brewery and a restaurant. Mr. Jochum recommended allowing Tap Rooms in the I-1 Zoning Districts but not Brew Pubs. Chair Hantge asked about Tap Rooms in I-1. Some communities permit bringing in food into Tap Rooms in I-1 districts. Administrator Marc Sebora stated the distinction between Tap Room and Brew Pubs is based upon volume of production. Chair Hantge asked if this was discussed by the EDA. Mr. Sebora noted there is no food requirement with brewers unless they are a brew pub. Chair Hantge wondered if food delivery trucks would be desirable in I-1 zoning districts. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 8 Mr. Jochum stated the original discussion in the development of the proposed language was that Industrial areas were included to allow a space for expansion of production space for a growing Tap Room brewery. Mr. Jochum noted there is currently nothing prohibiting food vendors from being on site in Industrial Zoning Districts. Chair Hantge would like to know if the EDA is in agreement with permitting this use in the Industrial park area. Chair Hantge noted the Industrial Park was intended to be an Energy Park. Is this type of business desirable in the Park? Motion by Commissioner Arndt and Second by Commissioner Norton moved to close the public hearing. Motion passed. Motion by Commissioner Norton to not include the I-1 Zoning District and Seconded by Commissioner Johnston. Motion passed. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 6. NEW BUSINESS None. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings Mr. Jochum noted 2 C.U.P. applications have been received for the October Planning Commission Meeting. Mr. Jochum noted the MN Planning Conference will be held the first week in October Wednesday through Friday and would like to know if any of the Commissioners are interested in attending. John Olson invited the Commission members to an open house on September 18 from 5:30 pm — 7:00 pm in the City Center Council Chambers, for the purpose of updating the Airport Master Plan. The open house will consider "what ifs" to address future development at the airport. Mr. Jochum noted there has recently been a significant increase in PBZ activity with residential, national retailers, and multi -family developments. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 19, 2014 Page 9 8. ADJOURNMENT 9. Motion by Commissioner Norton and Second by Commissioner Arndt to adiourn meeting. Motion passed.