10-21-2014 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. Vice Chair Norton called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, Commissioner Lofdahl, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Fahey, and Commissioner Arndt. Also present were Dan Jochum, Director of Planning, Marc Sebora, City Administrator/City Attorney, and Kyle Dimler, Planning and Building Specialist. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, second by Commissioner Johnston to approve. Approved unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF MENARD THIRD ADDITION AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR 1450 MONTREAL ST. SE, SUBMITTED BY VINCENT DRIESSEN, APPLICANT. Commissioner Johnston read meeting rules for public hearing aloud. Vice Chair Norton stated the agenda item for consideration by the Commission. Mr. Dan Jochum, City Planner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum presented the Staff Report, included in Planning Commission packet, to the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted Lot 2, which is 1.03 acres, is reserved for future development. Minimum size of lot for development in this zoning district is 1 acre. Mr. Jochum noted his thanks to the developer for presenting a very complete set of plans for staff review. Mr. Jochum stated the proposed building meets all required setbacks and zoning requirements. The building is anticipated to fit well in the area with regard to aesthetics and use. Mr. Jochum noted staff concerns with high amount of impervious surface due to excess parking space provision. Staff recommends eliminating 6 parking spaces, increasing green space on site. Staff recommends shortening parking spaces on Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission October 21, 2014 Page 2 north and south sides of parking lots from 20' deep to 18.5' deep, allowing vehicle bumpers to overhang the parking area curbing and increasing green space on site. Staff noted a condition of the plat is to be that the remaining lot to the south will only be permitted to have one street access for its site. Mr. Jochum noted that the developer has provided vegetative screening for the truck loading dock area that is expected to always have a truck in dock for loading. Mr. Jochum stated that the zoning ordinance requires 1 tree per 800 sq. ft. of landscaped area of the site. The proposed tree species are acceptable to the City Arborist; however the final landscape plan will be reviewed at the time of building permit application. Staff recommends requiring an approximately 2'- 3' high berm be constructed on the east side of building, in the landscaped area, with two rows of trees to provide additional screening for the trash compactor area. Commissioner Norton asked if the Staff recommendations have been communicated to the developer. Mr. Jochum asked Commission to consider the limited amount of vegetation on north side of the site. Proposal does meet the standard but staff would like to see more balanced planting around site perimeter. Commissioner Norton asked if site screening for the Maurice's development to the north was required at a similar level. Mr. Jochum noted the Maurice's development had a shared access with limited green space. Commissioner Johnston noted reducing height of parking lot curbing to a B-5 or B-4 rather than a B-6 should be considered if approving Staff Recommendation to reduce parking lot area requiring vehicles to overhang curb. Commissioner Kirchoff asked to clarify if the drop off area shown on the plans is a drive-through. Mr. Jochum stated that Staff does not believe this portion of the building meets the intended use of the ordinance language requiring a C.U.P. for a drive through. Matt Poppel, representing General Contractor and applicant, addressed the Commission. Mr. Poppel noted the developer is willing to comply with the stated Staff Recommendations. Mr. Poppel noted the recommended modification of the parking area will increase landscaped area and require 3 additional trees on the site. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission October 21, 2014 Page 3 Mr. Jochum again noted the final landscape plan will be reviewed for approval at the time of building permit application. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl/, seconded by Commissioner Kirchoff to close the public hearing at 5:53pm. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, seconded by Commissioner Kirchoff to approve the request with Staff recommendations of the addition of trees on the north side of the site, reduction of 6 parking spaces, and the construction of a 2' — 3' berm on the east side of the building. The motion passed unanimously. This item will be on 10/28/14 City Council consent agenda. Motion to close hearing — Motion to approve with staff recommendations — Motion to reject 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Jochum noted PB/Z is up to 20 single family dwelling permits. Staff will be working on River Overlay District and other areas of zoning ordinance this winter. Staff would like to work to include Interim Use Permits. Mr. Sebora noted that City Council has been discussing modifications to Liquor Licensing Ordinance. First reading of ordinance was read at last meeting. Mr. Jochum noted the JPB has been working with an application for a CUP and Variance for a dairy operation on the northern edge of the JPA. Variance moved setback from 1320' to 820' from a neighboring property. Noted the JPB is advisory to the County Board. Mr. Sebora stated the topic will come up in the future of how well the JPB serves the interests of the City and whether the City should maintain involvement in the JPB. Mr. Jochum explained the City's administrative involvement in the process and how it appears to give some of the public the impression that the City is responsible for the actions of the JPB. Mr. Sebora noted the A. Upcoming Meetings 7. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, seconded by Commissioner Kirchoff to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.