03-18-2014 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
5:30 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
Chair Christie Hantge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present:
Jim Fahey, Bill Arndt, and Dave Johnston. Members absent: Dean Kirchoff and
Raymond Norton. Also present was Dan Jochum, Planning Director.
Motion by Lofdahl, second by Fahey, to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Lofdahl read the public hearing statement noting the
guidelines to be followed during the public hearing. Chair Hantge opened
the public hearing at 5:31 p.m.
Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr.
Jochum explained that an application had been submitted by Shalom
Baptist Church to expand their current location to add a new lobby,
expanded administration office and new multi-purpose worship facility.
The property is zoned R-1 and churches are allowed in R-1 zones with a
conditional use permit. Because of the expansion, another conditional use
permit is required. The setbacks are met with the expansion.
Commissioner Lofdahl clarified that the lot is located in the shoreland
district. Commissioner Lofdahl clarified that the stormwater pond on the
site will mitigate the utility plan.
Chair Hantge questioned the parking requirements. Mr. Jochum explained
that there will be 69 parking stalls after the expansion. City ordinance
requires one parking stall per four seats in the church with additional stalls
being used across the street in the high school parking lot. Chair Hantge
inquired as to whether perhaps additional parking stalls should be included
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March 18, 2014
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in the plan due to the expansion. Mr. Jochum explained that he is satisfied
with the overflow parking being used in the high school parking lot as
long as a signed agreement is in place. Mr. Jochum noted that he would
rather not have empty parking lots not being utilized fully as long as
arrangements can be made. Mr. Jochum noted that more than half the
required parking spaces are on site and staff is satisfied with that.
Commissioner Johnston mentioned the arrangements made a few years
ago for Runnings who was using their parking lot for a greenhouse area.
In essence, Runnings had overflow parking with extra parking spaces
through the entire mall parking lot.
Discussion was held regarding a separate lot to the south of the church that
the church owns that could potentially be used in the future for parking if
the agreement with the high school was not renewed.
Mr. Jochum reviewed the landscaping plan and provided a drawing of the
proposed building. Mr. Jochum also reviewed lighting and signage.
Lastly, Mr. Jochum reviewed the storm water pond that is on site and is
adequate to address the needs of the runoff requirements in the shoreland
ordinance. Discussion was held regarding the technicalities of the pond.
Commissioner Lofdahl confirmed that a swale is put in place to buffer
residential properties from the church for runoff issues.
Mr. Jochum explained that a revised set of conditions was distributed due
to the applicant needing to cut into the street for the expansion.
Commissioner Lofdahl asked if the residential neighbors could drain their
sump pumps or rain garden into the applicant's pond or if that overwhelm
the pond. Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that would be between the
applicant and neighbors.
Commissioner Johnston clarified condition 3 in that unfinished precast
concrete will not be allowed.
Keith Heikes, 367 School Road SW, presented before the Commission.
Mr. Heikes explained that he has lived at his property for seven years and
has concerns of the holding pond. Mr. Heikes explained that the current
holding pond is very taxed and cannot hold to capacities currently. Mr.
Heikes does not wish for the condition to worsen due to the expansion.
Mr. Heikes explained that the area floods after 1.5 inches of rain. Mr.
Heikes asked if there any concerns related to mosquitos or safety
surrounding the pond. The Commission addressed safety concerns and the
fact that the majority of ponds in Hutchinson are not surrounded by a
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Mr. Exner addressed the ponding/flooding issues in the area. Mr. Exner
explained that there is an issue in the entire area beginning with the pipe
from Alan Street. Mr. Exner expressed that he feels the pond will better
define the area that the water is drained to. The deeper pond will account
for the additional runoff
Julie Olson, 404 Boulder Street, presented before the Commission. Ms.
Olson raised concerns with flooding issues during rain events. Ms. Olson
explained that at times the water stands for weeks. Ms. Olson also raised
concerns that if additional parking spaces are placed in the east lot that
will abut her backyard which may increase the flow.
It was suggested to add Condition No. 16, requiring that the pond be
increased in size if staff felt it necessary. Staff will work with the
applicant's engineer on appropriate sizing.
Ann Koons, Station 19 Architects, presented before the Commission. Ms.
Koons addressed the overflow parking agreement with the high school that
has worked well mainly due to the offpeak use. Ms. Koons also explained
that pre -cast concrete will not be used, and most likely the structure will
be brick or colored concrete. Ms. Koons spoke to the swale and the runoff
issues. An existing swale is being maintained and will remain in place. A
drain will be added near the east lot and be drained to the pond. There is
no issue with locating the pond further south to address drainage issues.
The pond will be designed to be able to hold appropriate runoff
Motion by Arndt, second by Johnston, to close public hearing at 6:14 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Fahey, second by Johnston, to approve CUP and site plan with
recommendations along with condition 16 that staff will work with
engineer to increase size of pond to accommodate water runoff Motion
carried unanimously.
Chair Hantge opened the public hearing at 6:15 p.m.
Mr. Jochum explained that the City had been approached by a business, a
trucking firm, to locate their corporate headquarters, warehouse and
maintenance area to the city. Current ordinance defines truck terminals
and allows them only in I-2 Districts. Staff is recommending that truck
terminals be allowed in I-1 Districts with a CUP. I-1 includes the
industrial park. The amendment to the ordinance seems to be sensible due
to the industrial park area and the amount of trucking used in Hutchinson
and this district. A CUP process would mitigate any potential issues
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related to a truck terminal business. The proposed amendment is to
simply add the term "truck terminals" to the ordinance.
Motion by Lofdahl, second by Fahey, to close public hearing at 6:20 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Lofdahl, second by Arndt, to approve the amended language to
include truck terminals in the I-1 District. Motion carried unanimously.
First reading of the ordinance will be on the March 25, 2015, Council
agenda with the second reading and adoption on the April 8, 2014,
Council agenda.
Chair Hantge opened the public hearing at 6:21 p.m.
Mr. Jochum explained that the public hearing had been left open at the last
Planning Commission meeting due to staff receiving feedback from the
DNR on the City's proposed amendments to the shoreland management
ordinance. The DNR's feedback is that the City cannot deviate from the
25% impervious coverage at this time. The DNR can dictate the shoreland
ordinance requirements through the DNR rulemaking process. Staff will
continue to discuss options for shoreland properties and will work with the
DNR as necessary in the future. Therefore, amendments to the ordinance
will not be considered at this time. Discussion was held regarding the tier
system used by the DNR in determining the percentage of impervious
surface required for each city.
Motion by Arndt, second by Johnston, to close public hearing at 6:27 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Hantge noted that the Planning Commission will be taking no action
on this item at this time.
Commissioner Lofdahl mentioned the Imagine Hutchinson regulatory
meeting that was held a couple of weeks ago and spoke to intoxicating
liquor being served in outside areas of restaurants. Attorney Sebora spoke
to the City requirements for serving liquor. Commissioner Lofdahl
mentioned liquor being served on the golf course. Commissioner Lofdahl
requested the City Council discuss this item sooner than later. He feels
that if liquor can be served on the golf course, it should be able to be
served outside in downtown.
Commissioner Johnston spoke to the MnDOT right of way requirements.
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A. Upcoming Meetings
Mr. Jochum noted that the Disabled American Veterans has submitted an
application for a building on 3rd Avenue and perhaps there will be an
application from Prince of Peace at the April Planning Commission
Motion by Arndt, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously.