Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
March 2, 2015
Members present were Don DeMeyer, John Rodeberg, Chad Czmowski, Marsha Anderson,
Elizabeth Hanninen-Scharn, and Jim Waldron. Also present were Dolf Moon, Sharon Armstrong,
September Jacobson, John McRaith, and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.
A motion was made by Chad Czmowski and seconded by Marsha Anderson to approve the minutes
dated February 2, 2015. The board unanimously agreed.
2014 - 2015 annual reports were given by:
Mary Haugen — Facilities
• The refrigeration system at the Civic Arena was replaced.
• With the new refrigeration system, electrical costs have been reduced 15%.
Sharon Armstrong — Community Education
• Scheduling of the school facilities is now being done through a facility
scheduling program.
September Jacobson — Event Center
• Due to cold weather in 2014, there were numerous cancellations and
postponements of events.
• Adaptive Recreation will be scheduling activities during the summer months
due to cancellations that occur during the winter because of cold weather.
John McRaith — Recreation Programs
• With donated money from the community, all football helmets (200) were
• In 2015, there will be two portable 120 -foot water slides that will be available
on specified dates at Rocket Hill.
Members in attendance were given detailed written copies of the reports.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm on a motion by John Rodeberg and seconded by Jim
Waldron. The next meeting will be April 6, 2015 at 5:15pm.