03-25-2015 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Donna Luhring; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Dwight Bordson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Jeremy Carter. 1. Approve Minutes of February 25, 2015 Regular Meeting The minutes of the February 25, 2015 regular meeting were reviewed. GM Carter noted to strike the word "Interim" in Agenda item #10. A motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the February 25, 2015 regular meeting minutes to include the amended change. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 2. Ratify Payment of Bills for February 2015 The February 2015 payables were discussed. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,706,780.71. (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Approve Financial Statements/Budget Year to Date GM Carter presented the February 2015 financial statements/budget year-to-date. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Vice President Luhring to approve the financial statements/budget year-to-date. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Review Policies GM Carter presented the policies, sections: • Meter Testing — Electric • Right -of -Way Clearing • Tree Removal or Trimming • Locating Customer's Underground Utilities - Electric No changes were recommended. 5. Review Exempt and Non -Exempt Employee Handbooks GM Carter presented exempt and non-exempt handbooks, sections: • Complaint/Grievance Procedures (Exempt Only) • Employee Conduct • Discipline No changes were recommended. After discussion, the Board recommended to update the title of Customer/Human Resources Manager to Human Resources Director in section Compliant/Grievance Procedures (Exempt Only). A motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve the Board recommended changes from the title Customer/Human Resources Manager to Human Resources Director in section Compliant/Grievance Procedures (Exempt Only). Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 6. Presentation on HUC's Conservation Improvement Program Nick Nelson, HUC Energy Conservation Administrator, gave a presentation on the 2015 Conservation Improvement Program. Information was based on the past three years of average financial reports. (Presentation attached.) 7. Approve One -Time Waiver of Disconnect/Reconnect Fees Initiated by an Agency Offering Financial Assistance GM Carter explained over the years, HUC has been approached to consider a one-time waiver in the disconnect/reconnect fees customers pay who need and/or seek financial assistance in paying monthly utility bills. To date, there has not been a program put into place to address this request. GM Carter recommends the Board consider for approval a one-time waiver program which HUC will monitor and evaluate on an annual basis with agencies providing feedback as part of the evaluation process. HUC would implement a $1,000 cap per agency in fee waivers (the most common agencies regionally would be Common Cup, Heartland, and McLeod County). A customer needing financial assistance would contact one of the agencies and the agency would determine if the customer meets the criteria for that agency to make the waiver requests to HUC for the disconnect fee ($40), the reconnect fee ($40) or both ($80). The Board discussed their concerns of implementing this program. Attorney Sebora stated the HUC by-laws already includes that customers can come before the Commission as a body to request fees be waived. After further discussion, the Board tabled this agenda item. 8. Approve Parallel Generation Contract for Genesis Salon GM Carter presented the Parallel Generation Contract for Genesis Salon for its solar generation project. The customer anticipates using all the solar energy on their site. Secretary Girard abstained as the applicant is a close personal friend of his. Commissioner Morrow abstained as well, as he has contracts with the customer and vendor. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Vice President Luhring to approve the Parallel Generation Contract for Genesis Salon. Motion was unanimously carried. (Contract attached.) 9. Approve Requisition #6223 — Coriolis Meters for Highway 212 Interconnect Station GM Carter presented Requisition #6223 for Coriolis meters for Highway 212 Interconnect Station. This is to correct the high and low flow problems with the current meters not catching these variances. 2 After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve Requisition #6223 — Coriolis Meters for Highway 212 Interconnect Station (Requisition attached.) 10. Communication from the City Administrator City Administrator Jaunich reported: • Andy Reid has been appointed as the permanent finance director at the City. • A Council seat is open until April 4 for absentee ballots. • Council awarded the contract for automatic water meter reading replacement to start within the next couple months. 11. Division Reports Electric — Dan Lang • Performing routine maintenance this time of year. Electric — Dave Hunstad • Had our first major outage last month on the southwest part of town due to flooding. The issue has been resolved. • Starting April 6, HUC is taking part in the MMUA solar task force which is made up of member utilities. Finance — Jared Martig • $84,000 sales tax refund received. • Auditor to present at next month's regular commission meeting. • Jeremy Carter will finish reviewing draft audit this week. • LOGIS is no longer going to support Infinity.Link in customer service. All LOGIS cities attended alternative vendor demos. LOGIS has narrowed their selection to two new vendors and will be getting price quotes in the next couple weeks. More information will be available in the next couple months. Natural Gas — Ryan Ellenson • With the March 19 meeting and March 20 meeting in New Ulm, all damage prevention and CAER meetings are done which wraps up the public face-to- face meetings. • Relocating services for the Shady Ridge area. Surveying lines for road construction. • Reviewing all large customer accounts for any errors from the AMI system. • John Webster is at Midwest Energy Association conference this week. Electric — Randy Blake • The Wartsila field representatives worked with our mechanics on the overhaul of Unit 5. The unit is online again. 3 12. Legal Update Attorney Sebora thanked Dave Hunstad for participating in a hearing in response to a land owner which submitted a detachment request to the City for his land at the intersection of Highways 22 and 7. The land owner wants the land included back into the Hutchinson Township. Hunstad presented how this would affect HUC's service territory agreement. Unfinished Business • Discuss Separate Business Unit for Wholesale Business o GM Carter plans on presenting information to the Board in April. • Discuss Compensation Study o This item is on hold until mid -year. President Hanson asked if there were any updates on the early retirement incentive package. GM Carter reported two employees have formally replied they will not be accepting the package. New Business • Closed Session to Conduct the Nine -Month Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager President Hanson entertained a motion to go into closed session to conduct the nine-month performance review as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). A motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. Motion was unanimously carried. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 4:25 p.m. ATTEST: " O Anthony Hans n, President 4 Mark ZGGirard, Secretary Hutchinson Utilities Commission Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings General Manager Performance Appraisal Wednesday, March 25, 2015 On March 25, 2015, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission conducted a closed meeting for the nine-month performance appraisal for General Manager, Jeremy Carter. Individuals present included General Manager Jeremy Carter, Commission Members Donna Luhring, Mark Girard, Anthony Hanson, Monty Morrow, and Dwight Bordson, City Attorney Marc Sebora, and City of Hutchinson Human Resources Director Brenda Ewing. Mr. Carter exercised his right to close the proceedings to the public as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Luhring, second by Bordson to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 4:25 p.m. The Commission reviewed with Mr. Carter his performance for the nine-month period of employment which commenced on May 27, 2014. The review is required per the terms of the employment contract in place between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and General Manager Carter. President Hanson noted that the Commission is to provide Mr. Carter with direction and feedback regarding his performance to date and to provide guidance to advance the organization in the direction the Commission deems appropriate. Mr. Carter's performance was evaluated in the following areas: Organizational Management, Fiscal/Business Management, Program Development, Relationship & Communication with the Commission, Long -Range Planning, and Relationships with Public & Outside Organizations. The consensus of the Commission is that Mr. Carter's cumulative performance is meeting or exceeding expectations for the review period. Commission Bordson exited the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Motion by Luhring, second by Morrow, to open the closed proceedings. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission moved back to the open session at 5:24 p.m. Motion by Girard, second by Morrow, to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve the additional cost for the Unit 3 Turbocharger Overhaul. Motion unanimously carried. (Quote attached.) 10. Communication from the Interim Administrator City Administrator Jaunich reported: • The vacant City Council position deadline was yesterday with Bill Arndt being the only applicant. 11. Division Reports Electric — Dan Lang Nothing to report Electric — Dave Hunstad Nothing to report Finance.— Jared Martig • Nick Nelson will present on energy conservation next month. • Auditor will be presenting next month. • Received a couple business scam calls today. Natural Gas — John Webster • Met last Friday with a community that is interested in forming a municipal natural gas utility by this fall. They would be tapping into HUC's pipeline, contracting with HUC to provide transportation, commodity and operation and maintenance of the system. • Will be presenting a couple requisitions at the March commission meeting to purchase new metering for the Highway 212 station. • Assisting Randy Blake with greenhouse gas reports. Electric — Randy Blake • A capital expenditure project is being started at Plant 2 which will take about a month to complete. • MPCA visited yesterday with a surprise audit for emissions. The audit went well. 12. Legal Update Nothing to report Unfinished Business • Discuss Separate Business Unit for Wholesale Business o GM Carter plans on presenting information to the Board in April. • Discuss Compensation Study o GM Carter recommended putting the study on hold until mid -year. 3 COMPLAINT/GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE It is the Commission's policy to provide an equitable process which employees may use to advance complaints and grievances. An employee may grieve any alleged violation of a written or verbal policy or procedure, disciplinary action other than an oral reprimand, or unsafe practice. Prior to initiating a grievance, an employee must discuss the complaint with the immediate Supervisor. If the complaint cannot be resolved informally through such discussion with the Director, Manager or Supervisor, the employee may choose to file a written grievance. The grievance must be filed with the Human Resources Director within ten (10) working days after the incident -giving rise to the grievance. The Gus4erae 1114 -urn -An Relations Human Resources Director shall attempt to resolve the grievance and shall provide the employee a written response no later than five (5) working days following receipt of the grievance. If the employee is dissatisfied with the Ctisteraer,114u...a Relations Manage"', Human Resources Director's response, the employee may file the grievance with the General Manager within five (5) days of the Relations Manager' Human Resources Director's response. The General Manager shall attempt to resolve the complaint or grievance and shall provide the employee a written response not later than five (5) days following the receipt of the complaint. If dissatisfied with the General Manager's response, the employee may request a hearing on the grievance before the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission may choose to appoint an independent hearing officer to hear the grievance. An employee presenting a complaint or grievance shall not be subject to retaliation or reprisal. 17 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Ener Why Do We Have CIP? It is a cheaper alternative to building more power generating plants. Can save utilities money on infrastructure cost. The MN Government has made it a requirement of all utilities in the state to offer energy rebates. MN State Statute 216B.241. the sale of gas and 1.5 percent of its gross operating revenues from the sale of electricity, excluding gross operating revenues from electric and gas service provided in the state to large electric40 ' customer facilities. Each individual utility and association shall have an annual energy savings goal equivalent to 1.5 percent of gross annual retail energy sales unless modified by the commissioner under paragraph (d). The savings goals must be calculated based on the most recent three- year weather -normalized average. A utility or association may elect to carry forward energy savings in excess of 1.5 percent for a year to the succeeding three calendar years, except that savings from electric utility infrastructure projects allowed under paragraph (d) may be carried forward for five years. A particular energy savings can be used only for one year's goal. 2015 CIP Program CIP figures are based on the past average financial reports._ Programs have been revised to give a larger return on energy savings for the funds dispersed. 2015 programs are tailored to emphasize the most efficient energy upgrades, and allow for larger energy return per rebate. Residential rebates have been adjusted better ratio of incentive to product cost. Rebates for commercial and industrial will be s e through a prescriptive program, and an expanded custom, rebate program. Greater emphasis on commercial/industrial lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, specialized equipment and motors and controls. Commercial/industrial custom rebates, will be paid on a $300/kW saved rate. This year we have added lighting rebates to the residential program due to requests from customers. Applications for rebates must be filled out completely, 2014 CIP Electric Goal Energy savings goal. VVCLL — T5VTUIV11 1XVV11 `LiWIV VVCLl — T,(JVa7,JTe7 11VV1.1f Actual = 3,117,024 KWH HUC was at 72% of the KWH goal !` Power savings go 11 Goal = 928.5 KW (2 Goal ="9 $' Actual = 374.85 KW HUC was at 41 % of the KW goal 2014 CIP Gas Goal 'Goal = 236,000 Therms (20 15 Goal = 235,700 Therms) Actual = 46,463.8 Therms HUC was at 20% of the Therms aoaL, Low Income: Low Income will be handled by Heartland Community Action Agency to provide services under the Federal Dept. of Energy's "Weatherization Assistance Program", and "Energy Star Appliances". HUC will work with Habitat for Humanity in assisting them with "Ener Star" appliances and weatherization on housing projects. The Low Income Agencies are to provide a comprehensive the energy measures implemented for each residence. CIP Marken.g Plan.,.,.:.. 2015x.. Continue to build and maintain a positive relationship with RUC's customers and the community. �yy - Continue to inform HUC's customers of our activities and programs. Improve public relations through effective communications and public awareness. cs - 1) Education (ads, radio spots, articles, presentations, and energy conservation tips) 2) Have customers use HUC's website to get information and rebate applications. 3) Contractors play a vital role also with informing customers of rebate options. 6 Contract for Parallel Generation Facilities (Greater than 40 M) This contract is entered into March 13, 2015 , by Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter called "Utility") and Genesis Salon and Enso Spa (hereafter called "Customer") RECITALS Per MN Statute 216B.1611, the Utility shall request the following information for interconnection of distributed renewable generation. 1) The name plate capacity of the facility 80 (kW) 2) The pre -incentive installed cost of the generating facility $240,000.00 3) The energy source of the facility Solar (Solar, Wind, etc.) 4) Location of the facility 238 Main St South Hutchinson MN The Customer is prepared to generate electricity in parallel with the Utility. The Customer meets the requirements of the Utility's rules on parallel generation and any technical standards for interconnection the Utility has established that are authorized by those rules. The Utility is obligated under Federal and Minnesota law to interconnect with the Customer and to purchase electricity offered for sale by the Customer. AGREEMENTS The Customer and the Utility agree: 1. The Utility shall sell electricity to the Customer under the rate schedule in force for the class of customer to which the Customer belongs. 2. Payment per KWH for energy delivered to the Utility, in excess of energy used by the Customer. $ .057/KWH see #3, Rate, Hutchinson Utilities Commission Parallel Generation (Greater than 40 kW) — Net Energy Billing policy. 3. The rates for sale and purchase of electricity may change over the time this contract is in force, due to actions of the Utility. The Customer and the Utility agree that sales and purchases shall be made under the rates in effect each month during the time this contract is in force. 1 4. The Customer must operate its electric generating facilities within any rules, regulations, and policies adopted by the Utility, which provide reasonable technical connection and operating specifications for the customer (Hutchinson Utility Commission's rules and regulations applicable to parallel generation are attached). 5. The Customer will operate its electric generating facilities so that they conform to the national, state, and local electric and safety codes, and will be responsible for the costs of conformance. 6. The Customer is responsible for the actual, reasonable costs of interconnection which are estimated to be $ 40.00 The customer shall pay the Utility in this manner: 7. The Customer shall provide the Utility reasonable access to its property and electric generating facilities in the event the configurations of those facilities do not permit disconnection or testing from the Utility's side of the interconnection. If the Utility enters the Customer's property, the Utility shall remain responsible for its personnel. 8. The Utility may discontinue providing electricity to the Customer during a system emergency. The Utility shall not discriminate against the Customer when it discontinues providing electricity or when it resumes providing electricity. 9. The Utility may discontinue purchasing electricity from the Customer when necessary for the Utility to construct, install, maintain, replace, remove, investigate, or inspect equipment or facilities within its electrical system. The Utility shall notify the Customer prior to discontinuing the purchase of electricity in this manner: Email 10. The customer shall keep in force a policy of liability insurance, of at least $1 Million, against personal or property damage to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's system, equipment and personnel arising from the installation, interconnection, and operation of customer's generating facility and shall provide annual proof of the insurance to the Utility with said policy specifically naming the Hutchinson Utilities Commission as an insured. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utility from all claims whatsoever arising from customer's generating system. 11. This contract becomes effective when signed by the Customer and the Utility. This contract will remain in force until either the Customer or the Utility provides written notice to the other that the contract is canceled. This contract shall be canceled 30 days after notice is given. 12. This contract does not serve as an approval of the Customer's generating system for planning, zoning or permit purposes. The Customer shall have the 2 responsibility to obtain proper approval and permits from the City of Hutchinson or other governmental entities pertaining to the construction and operation of the Customer's generating system. 13. This contract contains all the agreements made between the Customer and the Utility. The Customer and the Utility are not responsible for any agreements other than those stated in this contract. THE CUSTOMER AND THE UTILITY HAVE READ THIS CONTRACT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. AS EVIDENCE OF THEIR AGREEMENT, THEY HAVE EACH SIGNED THIS CONTRACT BELOW ON THE DATE WRITTEN AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS CONTRACT. Customer �41— �' "• �?A- HUT HINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION By 4 -L4 --P,- 01-0t4 By OM�60M -�. Date: �- -L, Is Date: 3 LS # <- 3 REQUISITION 006223 THE NATURAL GAS DIVISION OF HUTCHINSON UTILITIES RECOMMENDS THAT THE ABOVE REQUISITION BE AWARDED TO MICRO -MOTION INC. MICRO MOTION METERS CURRENTLY INSTALLED AT: NEW ULM INTERCONNECT STATION FAIRFAX INTERCONNECT STATION HUC STATION # 1 HUC STATION #2 HUC STATION #2 - SYSTEM METER HUC PRESENTLY OWNS PROGRAMMING EQUIPMENT FOR MICRO MOTION METERS. MICRO MOTION METERS HAVE SMART METER VERIFICATION; A COMPREHENSIVE IN-LINE TEST THAT CAN BE RUN TO VERIFY METER OPERATING PERFORMANCE. HUC'S ENGINEERING MANAGER HAS 1 1 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PROGRAMMING AND TROUBLESHOOTING MICRO MOTION METERS. Low FLOW METER (42 SCFH - 5,200 SCFH) CMFSO 1 OM ELITE CORIOLIS METER (0. 10" METER) - $8,519.00 2400S MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER - $3,513.00 HIGH FLOW METER (5,200 SCFH - 84,000 SCFH) CMFS050M ELITE CORIOLIS METER (0.50" METER) - $8,959.00 2400S MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER - $3,513.00 MOUNTING BRACKET FOR CMFS050 METER - $294.00 MOUNTING BRACKET FOR CMFSO 10 METER INCLUDED. SALES TAX - $1,704.86 MICRO MOTION INC. - $26,502.86 WORK ORDER 61501 - INTERCONNECT STATION: LAFAYETTE/HANSKA/HIGHWAY 212 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: MICRO MOTION INC Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 006223 7070 WINCHESTER CIRCLE BOULDER, CO 80301-3501 Phone: 952-475-0067 Fax: 952-475-2779 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Q Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 1 1 (000-00000) 04/30/2015 1073690100 61501 8,519.00 Each 8,519.00 Line Remarks: CMFS010M319J1A2ECZZ, SENSOR, CMFS010M, ELITE Meter CMFS010, Peak Performance Coriolis Meter, 316L Stainless Steel, Standard Pressure, Standard Temperature, Standard Finish, Process Connestions: #8 VCO 316/316L Swagelok Compatible Fitting 1/2 -inch 316 NPT Female Adapter, Case Options: Standard Case with Mounting Bracket, Electronics Interface: For Extended Integral Mount 2400S Transmitter, Conduit Connections: No Gland, Approvals: CSA: Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, D, Language: English Installation Manual, Calibration Options: 0.10% Mass Flow and 0.002 g/cc Density Calibration, Measurement Application Software: No, Factory Options: Standard Product. Proposal #460747-2, Item #1.1, Tag: Highway 212 Interconnect Station - Run #1 2 1 (000-00000) 04/30/2015 1073690100 61501 3,513.00 Each 3,513.00 Line Remarks: 2400SIAl 1 B2EZCZ, TRANSMITTER, 2400S, Micro Motion 2400S Coriolis MVD Multivariable Transmitter, Integral Mount. Integral Mount Transmitter, Polyurethane -Painted Aluminum, One mA Output, One Configurable (18 to 100 VDC and 85 to 265 VAC, Self Switching), Compression Screw Terminals for 10 Terminations, Dual Line Display for Process Variables and Totalizer Reset, 1/2 -Inch NPT Conduit connection - No Gland, CSA Class I Div 2 Approvals, English Installation and Configuration Manuals, Software Options 1: Standard Product, Software Options 2: Meter Verification Software, Factory Options: Standard Product. Proposal #460747-2, Item #1.37, Tag: Highway 212 Interconnect Station - Run #1 Page 1 of 3 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: MICRO MOTION INC Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 006223 7070 WINCHESTER CIRCLE BOULDER, CO 80301-3501 Phone: 952-475-0067 Fax: 952-475-2779 175 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Q Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 3 1 (000-00000) 04/30/2015 1073690100 61501 8,959.00 Each 8,959.00 Line Remarks: CMFS050M319NOA2EKZZ, SENSOR, CMFS050M, ELITE Meter CMFS050M, Peak Performance Coriolis Meter, 316L Stainless Steel, Standard Pressure, Standard Temperature, Standard Finish, Process Connections: #8 VCO 316/316L Swagelok Compatible Fitting 1/2 -Inch NPT Female Adapter, Case Options: Standard Case, Electronics Interface: For Integral Mount 2400S Transmitter, Conduit connections: No Gland, Approvals: CSA: Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D, Language: English Installation Manual, Calibration Options: 0.10% Mass Flow and 0.0005 g/cc Density Calibration Liquid, Measurement Application Software: No Measurement Application Software, Factory Options: Standard product. Proposal #460747-2, Item #2.1, Tag: Highway 212 Interconnect Station - Run #2 4 1 (000-00000) 04/30/2015 1073690100 61501 3,513.00 Each 3,513.00 Line Remarks: 2400SIAl1 B2EZCZ, TRANSMITTER, 2400S, Micro Motion 2400S Coriolis MVD Multivariable Transmitter, Integral Mount, Mounting/Housing: Integral Mount Transmitter, Polyurethane -Painted Aluminum, Outputs & Power Supply: One mA, one Configurable (18 to 100 VDC and 85 to 265 VAC, Self Switching), 10 Terminations: Compression Screw Terminals, Display: Dual Line Display for process Variables and Totalizer Reset, Conduit Connections: 1/2 -Inch NPT - No Gland, Approvals: CSA Class I, Div. 2, Language: English Installation Manual and English Configuration Manual, Software Options 1: Standard Product, Software Options 2: Meter Verification Software, Factory Options: Standard Product. Proposal #460747-2, Item #2.21, Taq: Highway 212 Interconnect Station - Run #2. Page 2 of 3 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUISITION FORM Supplier: MICRO MOTION INC Ship To: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Requisition No. 006223 7070 WINCHESTER CIRCLE 175 MICHIGAN ST SE BOULDER, CO 80301-3501 HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone: 952-475-0067 Phone: 320-587-4746 Fax: 952-475-2779 Fax: 320-587-4721 Item # Q Part Num. Description Request Date Acct # WO # Unit Price Per Item Total 5 1 (000-00000) 04/30/2015 1073690100 61501 294.00 Each 294.00 Line Remarks: ETOITEMZX_24006, Wall Mounting Bracket for CMFS025, CMFSO40 and CMFS050. Proposal #460747-2, Item #3.0, Tag: Highway 212 Interconnect Station - Run #2. Requisitioned By: WEBSTER, JOHN Sales Tax 1,704.86 Special Charges 0.00 Total 26,502.86 Date: 03/04/2015 Approved By: Date: Page 3 of 3