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cp08-09-1971 & cp07-26-1971 cAGENDA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 9, 1971 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION: REVEREND WALTER MARTH 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1971, SPECIAL MEETING JULY 29 & AUGUST 4, 1971 4. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS 8:00 P.M. BID OPENING: 71-04 SIDEWALK - PUBLICATION #1369 8:30 P.M. BID OPENING: 71-08 STORM SEWER - PUBLICATION #1368 NEW BUSINESS 5. OFFER TO PURCHASE CITY LOT 4, BLOCK 3, NYBERG'S 4TH ADTN. 6. DOBRATZ ASSESSMENT 7. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PARK AND RECREATION BOARD 8. CONSIDERATION OF PORTER SANITARY TRANSPORT 9. REFUSE AFFIDAVIT FOR*MRS. EDNA THRAN OLD BUSINESS 10. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE: GAYLE WICK 11• 2ND READING ORDINANCE 400: DOBRATZ CHAPEL REZONING 12.. 2ND READING ORDINANCE 401: 2ND AVE. S.E. THRU STREET 13- 2ND READING ORDINANCE 402: STOP SIGN MERRILL AT 4TH 14. DETERMINATION OF PROJECT 71-07: LEWIS AVENUE REPORTS TENTATIVE MODEL ORDINANCE FOR DUTCH ELM DISEASE CONTROL HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL REPORT PUBLISHED IN THE [11 ITCHIN(1-0I, 1 �11)ER, FRIDAY, 111'1 Y 30, 1971 AND ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1971 ail t;ie CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1971. PUBLICATION NO. 1368 ADVERTISEMENT FOR IIID';, PROJECT 71-08 STORM SEWER HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA JULY 27, 19 ,1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City Council of the City of Hutchinson will receive bids at the office of the City Clerk until 7:30 P.N., August 9, 1971 for the making of the following described local improvement under Minn. Stats., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111. The improvement of Third Avenue Southeast between Hassan Street and Adams Street by construction of storm sewer lines, manhole and catch basins according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. All bids shall be made on the proposal forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City Clerk for not less than 10 per cent. of the amount bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Clerk securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement or summary as to the work for which the bid is made. The City Council reserve's the right to reject all bids. Copies of the plans and specifications will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder upon a payment of $15,00. Bids will be opened and considered by the City Council at 8:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on August 9, 1971. Thomas E. Mea ley City Clerk PUBLISHED IN TIit, HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1971 AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN THR- SDAY, JULY 29, 1971 PUBLICATION NO. 1369 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PROJECT 71 -04 --SIDEWALK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City Council of the City of Hutchinson will receive bids at the office of the City Clerk until 7:30 P.M., August 9, 1971 for the making of the following described local im- provement under Minn. Stats., Sec. 429.011 to 429.111: The improvement of Second Avenue from the East line of Lot 25, Lynn Addition, to a point 33 feet West of the East line of Lot 27, Lynn Addition and on the South side of Second Avenue from the East line of Lot 31, Lynn Addition to Dale Street by installation of approximately 800 square feet of concrete sidewalk according to plans and specifi- cations on file in the office of the City Clerk. All bids shall be made on the proposal forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, payable to the order of the City Clerk for not less than 10 per cent of the amount bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Clerk securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement or summary as to the work for which the bid is made. The City Council reserves the right to reject all bids. Copies of the plans and specifications will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder upon a deposit of $15.00 to guarantee this safe return. Bids will be opened and considered by the City Council at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall�on August 9, 1971. Thomas E. Mealey City Clerk CITY OF li L FC HI NSON �t(iil11CCOfCt 55350 f OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST August 2, 1971 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council and Attorney FROM: Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Attached letter Gentlemen: We are holding Mr. Dobratz' check for $901.40. This being a policy matter I must have Council direction as to how to proceed. If the matter turns on question of law I would prefer that the City Attorney guide us. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Mea ley "� �obratz 3ufera! G'kapr' Since 1911 400 Glen Street HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 DONALD DOBRATZ CHAPEL DOUGLAS DOBRATZ Tel. 896-5895 Tel. 896-1415 Tel. 879-5945 For these several reasons I feel that a payment of the original assessment (of which D had never been made aware until last Ma* 25) of $401.40 is acceptable to us. However a renalty as outlined in your letter of May 25, 1971 infering 6 % simple interest totaling $1614.23 or the second choice given i.e. $4.50 per lineal foot (the present rate) totaling $1,388.25 is entirely unfair and un;iustifiable. Thank you for giving this matter careful consideration. 9e truly yours 'D�� 6 ')Okraiz 7zafera! Chap " Since 1911 400 Glen Street HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 DONALD DOBRATZ CHAPEL DOUGLAS DOBRATZ Tel. 896-5895 Tel. 896-1415 Tel. 879-5945 July 289 197 1 To the City Council P tcrinson Gentlenen: Enclosed f;nd my check for.-tQ01.40 as -ayment for sanitary sewer and water sssess?rentaFainst my,nrorerty T.ot 3 of Auditors Plat of NW- of gection 116 North, Range 30 West. I feel that any otherassessment is not fair or justifiable for several reasons. In 1961 the City of 'hztc�-,'nson needed additional property to rebuild Lake Street between =iecond and Lewis Ave. We were asked to donate the land they need for that Purpose. It was all taken from our property and none from across the street to the esst. We gave this with out cost to the city but with the -nderstanding that there would be no assessment forstreet, curb, sewer or water at that time or in the future. It is unfortunaire that the agreement apparently was only verbal. Secondly, I was never advised that there had been an assessment placed on this -ro-erty in 1960 as stated in the City Clerks Letter of Yzy. 25, 1P71. Incidently I think you will find that the sewer was laid in 1Q61 not 19h0. Then too, it has been brouEht to my attenion by legal advice that a municipality cannot begally collect a second time for sewer, water, street or similar proiects. You are aware, I am sure, that this sanitary sewer and water project was raid for by `)chool District #423 at least as far as the area ortside of the city limits of Hutchinson was concerned. The T:rorerty described above was st thQt title rart of the rural area. CITY OF HUTCHINSON .,U1111%e90f4 559.50 OFFICES AT 97 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST DATE: _-___August 3,_1971 --------------------------------- --- TD: _-___Thg_Hoxlorable_Ma.yor and Csuncil --------------------- -------------------------- SUBJECT: _________- --_SUBJECT:5_Q-t-E IS-ADJ-11QQrea.U9Z-DQazd-------- Gentlemen: The Park and Recreation Board at their regular meeting of Monday, August 2, 1971 recommended that all bids for cemetery holding vault be rejected and broad specs be drawn to call for proposals for a single floor storage unit only. They also recommended the reappointment of Don Falconer and Ward Haugen to three year terms on the board. Both seats are expired. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Mealey AFFIQAVIT I Mrs. Edna Thran am ovor 65 year$ of age, my income is less than $1,500 per year, and my equity in property does not exceed $159000 dollars. The standard charge of $2.60 for trash and refuse ser- vice would impose a financial hardship on se and I therefore ask reduction of the charge to $1. S IGU=z 2711,E — t.Q" ADDggSS• 553 Prospect Street — — — — — — Hutchinson, Minnesota �c 55350 x DEPARTIdENT OF THE ARMY St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers 1210 U.S. Post Office & Custom House St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 NCSED-PB SUBJECT: Status Reports TO: Interested Parties 27 July 1971 Inclosed are quarterly progress reports covering those studies of cencerr. to you under way in the St. Paul District. 1 J NARRATIVE STATUS REPOR`^ ON SECTION 205 PROJECT INVESTIGATION AND PRECONSTRUCTION PLANNING' - Project: South Fork of Crow River Month ending: 30 June 1971 at Hutchinson, Minn. (Upper Mississippi Region) Date submitted: 20 July 1971 District: St. Paul, Minn- Division: North Central Type of Study: Detailed Project Report 1- Authorization: Section 205 of the 1948 Flood Control Act, as amended. A brief reconnaissance report was prepared in accordance with ER 1165-2-12. Preparation of a detailed project report was authorized by OCE on 21 Feb- ruary 1966, Problems and Solutions under Consideration: Inadequate channel :apa- ci.ty of the South Fork of the Crow River causes flooding at Hutchinson, Minn. Improvements under consideration include channel enlargement with and without levee embankment- Recent planning with city officials lndi- :.ates a possibility of development of a cooperative plan of improvement teat would include utilizing a portion of street raise as a levee section. 3. Present Schedule: Date of Subm3 ssi.on Scheduled Actual By District Engineer 2 Apr 71 By Division Engineer 10 May 71 4; Progress to Date: Preliminary hydrologic studies have been completed. Topography on a recently constructed railroad spur along the west bank of the South Fork of the Crow River below the Burlington Northern Railway has been obtained. The new spur and other planned changes in land use by the city now require further consideration of a plan of improvement that would consist mainly of levees. A meeting has been held with city officials and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to discuss measures to mitigate loss from reduction in size of fish pond., Necessary design modifications have been completed. Present evaluations indicate the cost to provide an adequate degree of flood protection would be about $2 million. Study findings were submitted to NCD for review on 2 April 1971. On 18 May 1971, the Office, Chief of Engineers, concurred in the recommendation of the District Engineer that no further study of flood c3ntrol improvements for the South Fork of the Crow River at Hutchinson, Minn., be made at this time. Local interests and their congressionai representatives will be advised on this decision. 5- Interagency Coordination: The project has been coordinated with the State of Minnesota and the city of Hutchinson. -0g1 1o;�- ,AUL 1911 00 S - a5 .... - o 6..Com lot Local interests would be required to provide the necessW Issaft and rights-of-way; hold and . saw the Federal &w- ernment free from dwdess maintain the project after completion; make changes to utilities, roads, and bridges; and prevent future encroach- ment of the flood-carrying capacity of the channel. esr - " a Tel"&* a 564.3011 OMCE OF THE CITY CLERK T1 -V of 61 eclat 804 Franklin Street GLENCOE, MINNESOTA 55336 July 23, 1971 Mr. Tom Mealey City Clerk of Hutchinson City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Tom, The Council discussed the -feasibility of Hutchinson and Glencoe employing one plumbing inspector for both municipalities. The Council expressed initial interest; however, since Glencoe has not employed a plumbing inspector prior or required a plumbing inspector other than the State Code, we are not to well informed in this area. Would it be possible to send us information what Hutchinson has done in the past or proposes for the future? Thank you. Yours very truly, City Council, City of Glencoe Lyle L. Winterfeldt, ity Clerk ti -'OL 1071 i a; RECEIVED ! 0) \sl�r<<!i A qks shl I �"4 314 Soc. Science Bldg. Univ. of Minnesota Mpla., Minn. 6545,5 Ph. 373.2321 Area 612 r"A f e FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS u LEAGUI,' OF MINNE'SOTA MUNICIPALITU'S AND MUNICIPAI, RI-TERENCE BUREAU 565 *299 *400 June 1, 1965 TVT-MVE MODEL ORDINANCE FOR DUTCH MY1 DISEkSE COMM 314 Socia:_ Science Building Univers il-y of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55�:55 TRITaTIVE MODEL 0RDI11NCF FOR DUTCH V111 DTS , SE CON" ROL Introduction June 1, 1965 The model ordinance draft contained in this memoran,turr is intended to provide the basis for a minimum Dutch Elm disease control ordinance for cities and villages. As with all model ordinances, it should not be copied bliu-11-y but rather should be reviewed in the light of el:isting conditions within the municipality and modified where necessary. T. air. Features of the Ordinance The ordinance contemplates the inauguration of a Dutch Elm disease program, utilizing both municipal resources and those of the Division of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture. Under the Plant Pest Sontrol Act, M.S.A. 18.022 and 18.48, as amended by Laws 1965, C. 323, municipalities are authorized to levy ta_� - s and e: -pend funds for this purpose upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Such a program should be carried out undFr the general supervision, cf the Commissioner exercised through the Division of Plant Industry. The ordinance, therefore, requires close cooperation between the municipality and the department. The ordinance treats Dutch Elm infestations as public nuisances and provides for their abatement in a number of wa;s ranging from summary abatement to abatement under the normal special assessment procedure. Procedures for protective spraying are also included. The responsibility for administering the program is placed on a municipal forester (who may be any existing officer or employee) who performs necessary inspec- tion, testing and treatment. In this connection, municipalities may wish to combing: the provisions of this ordinance with existing nuisance ordinances or with already existing and on-going programs of street tree care and maintenance. Financing the Dutch Elm program is left quite flexible by the ordinance. The cost of removal, trimming and spraying may be assessed, in the case of street trees against abutting property owners, paid from general revenue or from special funds produced by the 2 mill tax authorized by H.S.A. 18.022 or from any combination of these sources. Technical help in setting up a Dutch Elm disease program may be obtained from the Division of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, 670 State Office Buildint-:, St. Paul. Other helpful information is contained in the League publication: ".Dutc.: Elm Disease Menances Municipalities: A Program for Prevention" available from the League office on request. AN ORDINa •iCE n:.L,'" TIT?G TO TiE CONTROL AND PR 3VENTION OF DUTCH MAfi DISEASE WITHIN THE (CITY) (VILLAGE) OF Section 1. The (village) (city) council of ordains:1 Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The (city) (village) council of has determined that the health of the Elm trees within the municipal.limits is threatened by a fatal disease known as Dutch Elm disease. It has-'Pirt.her determined that the loss of Elm trees growing upon public and private property, would substantially depreciate the valie of property within the '(city) (village) and impair the safety, good order, general welfare and 'eonvenienp a of the public. It is, 'declared to be the -intention of the council to control and prevent the spread of this disease and this ordinance is enacted fop that purpose.2 Section -3: Forester. • Subd. 1. Position Created. (Alternste,#.) The position of forester is hereby created within the, •'department of the (ci.ty) (village). (Alternate #2) Position Created. The powers and duties of the (city) (village) forester as set forth in this ordinance are hereby conferred upon the (street 'connni.ssioner, engineer, park superintendent, etc. ).3 Subd. Z. Duties of- Forester. It is the duty of the forester to coordinate, undter thd. direction and; control of the. 'couiicil, all activities of the municipal- ity relating to the control and prevention of Dutch Elm disease. He shall recommend .to the council the details. of --a program for the control of Dutch Elm disease, and perform the duties incident to such a program adopted by the council. Section 4. }hitch Elm Disease Program: Subd. 1. It is the intention of the.council•of tp conduct a program of plant pest control pursuant to the authority;granted•by.' Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 18.022. This • program is direct&4 specifically at the control and elimination of Dutch 12m, disease fungus and elm bark beetles and is undertaken at the recommendation of the Commissioner of Agriculture. The (village) (city) forester shall act as coordinator between the Commissioner of Agriculture and the council in the conduct of this pro- gram. 4 Section 5. Nuisances Declared. Subd. 1. The following things are public nuisances whenever they may be found within the (city) (village) of 4. Any living or standing Elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch Elm disease fungus Ceratocystis Ulmi (Buisman) Moreau or which har- bors any of the elm bark beetles Scolytus 14ultistriatus (Eichh.) or H�ylurgopinus Rufipes (Marsh). B. any dead Elm tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stuups, fire- wood or other Elm material from which the bark has not been removed and burned. or sprayed with an effective Sm bark beetle insecticide. Subd. 2. Abatement. It is unlawful for any person to permit any public nuisance as defined in subdivision 1 to remain on any premises owned or controllea by him within the (city) (village) of._ �. Such nuisances may be abated in the manner prescribed by this ordinance. 5 Section 6. Inspection and Investigation. Subd. 1. Annual Inspection. The forester shall inspect all premises and places within the (city) (village) as often as practicable to determine whether any condition described in Section 5 of this ordinance exists thereon. He shall investigate all reported incidents of infestation by Dutch ELm fungus or elm bark beetles. Subd. 2. Entry on Private Premises. The forester or higduly authorized agem;- may enter upon private premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying 6 out any of the duties assigned him under this ordinance. Subd. 3. Diagnosis. The forester shall, upon finding conditions indicating Dutch Elm infestation, immediately send appropriate specimens or samples to the Commissioner of Agriculture for analysis, or take such other steps for diagnosis as may be recommended by the Commissioner. Erccept as provided in Section 8 no action • to remove infected trees or wood shall be taken until positive diagnosis of the disease has been made.? Section 7. Abatement of Dutch Elm Disease Nuisances. Subd. 1. In abating the nuisances defined in Section 5, the forester shall cause the infected tree or wood to be sprayed, removed, burned, or otherwise effectively treated so as to destroy and prevent as fully as possible the spread of Dutch Elm disease fungus and elm bark beetles. Such abatement procedures shall be carried out in accordance with current technical and expert opinions and plane as may be designated by the 8 Commissioner of Agriculture. Section 8. Procedure for Removal of Infected 'bees and Wood. Subd. 1. Whenever the forester finds with reasonable certainty that the infestation defined in Section 5 exists in any tree or wood in any public or private place in the (village) (city), he shall proceed as follows: A. If the forester finds that the danger of infestation of other elm trees is not imminent because of elm dormancy, he shall make a written report of his finding, to the council which shall proceed by (1) abating the nuisance as a public improve- ment under Minnesota Statutes Ch. 429 or (2) abating the nuisance as provided in Subd. 2 of this Section. B. If the forester -finds that danger of infestation of other elm trees is imminent, he shall notify the abutting property owner by certified mail that the nuisance will be abated within a specified time, not less than 5 days from the date of mailing of such notices The forester shall immediately report such action to t:. council, and after the expiration of the time limited by the notice he may abate the nuisance. Subd. 2. Upon receipt of the forester's report required by Subd. 1, part A, the council shall by resolution order the nuisance abated. Before action is taken on such resolution, the council shall publish notice of its intention to meet to consider taking action to abate the nuisance. This notice shall be mailed to affected property owners and published once no less than one week prior to such meeting. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting, the streets -14 - affected N affected, action proposed, the estimated cost of the abatement, and the propcsed bases of assessment, if any, of costs. At such hearing or adjournment thereof, the council shall hear property owners with reference to the scope and desirability of the proposed project. The council shall thereafter adopt a resolution confirm- ing the original resolution with such modifications as it considers desirable and provide for the doing of the work by day labor or by contract. Subd. 3. The forester shall keep a record of the costs of abatements done under this Section and shall report monthly to the (city) (village) clerk (or other appropriate officer) all work done for which assessments are to be made stating and certifying the description of the land, lots, parcels involved and the amount chargeable to each.9 Subd. L. On or before September 1 of each year the clerk shall list the total unpaid charges for each abatement against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attributable under this ordinance. The council may then spread the charges or any portion thereof against the property involved as a special assessment under Minnesota Statutes Sec. 129.101 and other pertinent statutes for certification to the county auditor and collection the following year along with current taxes.10 Section 9. Spraying Elm Trees. Subd. 1. Whenever the forester determines that any elm tree or elm wood within (city) (village) is infected with Dutch Elm fungus, he may spray all nearby high value elm trees, with an effective elm bark beetle destroying concentrate. Spraying activities authorized by this Section shall be conducted in accordance with technical and expert opinions and plans of the Commissioner of Agriculture and under the supervision of the Commissioner and his agents whenever possible. Subd. 2. The notice provisions of Section 8 apply to spraying operations , conducted under this Section. Section 10. Transporting Elm Wood Prohibited. %bd. 1. It is unlawful for any person to transport within the (city) (village) any bark -bearing elm wood without having obtained a permit from the forester. The forester shall grant .such permits only when the purposes of this ordinance will be served thereby. SAction 11. Interference Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or inter fere with t1k,forester or his agents while they are engaged in the performance of duties imposed by this ordinance. Section 12. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation who violates Sections 11 or 12 of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine of not to exceed $100 or imprisonment for 90 days, 11 Section 13. This ordinance is effective from and after its passage and publication. 12 Adopted by the Council this day of , 19 • Attest: er Mayor Published in on the day of , 19 ______,• -6- IiOt ES: 1. This ordaining clause is specified for villages; charters should be con- sulted for variations in particular cities. 2. A policy declaration of this sort adds nothing of legal significance to an ordinance. It is useful, however, in calling the attention of the public and the courts to the underlying consideration motivating the council. 3. The exact location of the forester in the municipalityts administrative framework is a matter for determination of individual councils. In most cases, the duties of the forester could be imposed on some present municipal employee or officer, such as a street commissioner, engineer, inspector, etc., or someone already having responsibility for tree planting and maintenance programs. One of the alternatives suggested here may be used by most smaller municipalities. 4. This section is necessary to clearly authorize the expenditure of munici- pal funds for this purpose and also to make available the special financing pro- visions of the Plant Pest Control Act. See M.S.A. 18.022, Subd. 21 3, and 4. it may be broadened to include other plant pests, such as oak wilt. 5. The basis for proceeding against Dutch Elm Disease under this ordinance is that the eyistence of the disease constitutes a public nuisance. The regulations embodied in the ordinance are specifically authorized by Laws 1965, C. 323. 6. Such inspections are authorized by Laws 1965, C. 323. A "private platen is defined by that statute as "any place other than a private home". 7. It is contemplated here that the Division of Plant Industry will be able to diagnose the disease relatively quickly and report back to the municipality. It may be that the Commissioner in serious cases may wish to take action himself under M.S.A. 18.18. If this happens no further municipal action is needed since the statute provides machinery for complete action by the Commissioner anywhere in the state, on both private and public property. Some ordinances of this type give the responsible official the authority to proceed in serious cases without notice tc the property owner. There is some risk in the procedure in that the forester may not make a correct diagnosis. Hence, the ordinance requires c onfirmat ion of the disease by the Commissioner. If this summary power of abatement is desired, the following phrase may be added to Section 7, Subd. 1 and Sec. 8, Subd. 1: C. If the forester finds with reasonable certainty that immediate action is required,to prevent the spread of the disease, he may proceed to abate the nuisance forthwith. He shall report such action immediately to the (city) (village) council and to the abutting property owner (or to the owner of the property where the nuisance is located.) S. This Section is intended to insure not only that abatement procedures are adequate but that they comply with the latest technical requirements of the Com- mission. See M.S.A. 18.022. 9. This Section is designed to utilize the -"current services" section of the Local Improvement Code, M.S.A. 429.101, as amended by Laws 1965, C. 323. 10.. The council may wish to establish a policy for sharing the cost of abate- ment with the abutting owner, e.g. municipal share 50%. property owner, 50%. This would be an appropriate place for such a statement. Also, the council may feel that no assessment of costs should be made. This should be expressed in a general policy statement embodied in this or a separate ordinance. v 11. yo penalty is attached to Section 4 (making the presence of the infected tree a nixisanee) since it is probably not desirable to invoke a criminal sanction to correct a condition over which thr property owner has no control. There is ample authority in the ordinance to remove the nuisance. 12. This section states what is in effect the law for villages. The council may wish to delay the effective date for a period after publication. Also, some city charters may require a number of readings and a delay in the effective date. If the charter provides for emergency enactments where such formalities are dis- pensed with, appropriate language should be added her©.. David J. Kennedy Staff Attorney AJn 6/1/65 MINUTES FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF HUTCHINSON, AUGUST 4, 1971, 11:30 A.M. Pursuant to proper call and notice from Mayor Kost the City Council met in special session at 11:30 A.M., Wednesday, August 4th, 1971. Present were Mayor Kost, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Black. Also, present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, Superintendent Ralph Young from Hutchinson Utilities Commission and Orville Kuikken, Gas Service Division. Mr. Young presented the Commission's proposal for modification of rate schedule for natural gas. Upon questioning by members -of the Council it was determined that the Utilities Commission had not increased rates to consumers since the inception of the Natural Gas Service and that increases from Northern Natural Gas , over the same span of years, have made a rate increase adjustment necessary. Detailed explanation of the various rates and classifications satisfied the questions of the Council and Alderman Black moved that the rate adjustments be approved. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and upon being put to vote all present voted "aye". Mayor Kost thereupon declared the motion passed. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:52 A.M. MINUTES FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF HUTCHINSON THURSDAY, JULY 29, 19719 10:00 A.M. Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. Present were Aldermen Black, Alrick and Mayor Kost. Absent were Aldermen Peterson and Linder. Also present Administrative Assistant Mealey. Proposals for Hospital, Surgical, Major Medical insurance were discussed. Proposals had been received from Woodmans Life and Accident Company, Blue Shield, Northwestern National Life, Travelers Insurance Company, Federated Mutual Insurance Company, Crown Life Insurance Company and two proposals from St. Paul companies, both identical through two agents. After comparison of benefits and cost, Alderman Black moved that the contract be entered into with Crown Life Insurance Company for the benefits as proposed except that hospital room and board maximum be increased to $50. per day for benefit calculations. Total benefit package to cost approximately $12.48 per single employee and $37.92 for family coverage and $3.90 per person for $2,500 medicate supplement for employees and dependents over age 65. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and upon being put to vote all present voted "aye". There were no "Nay" votes. The Mayor thereupon declared the motion passed and directed the City Clerk to draw a check for the initial premium payment and cause the insurance to be in force on August 1, 1971. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:38 A.M. 1959 Porter Sanitary Transport BUMPER AXLES LL 7511 KP t1 NOSE 2411— —10 48 33' WEIGHT ON TANDEM: IGROSS EMPTY WEIGHT: Make: Year: Capacity: Compartments: Shell Material: Insulation: Jacket Material: Heat: Bulkheads: Flashing: Walkway: Skirting: Ladder: Cabinets: Hose Carriers: Tire Carrier: Fifth Wheel: Porterville 1959 5300 One 304 Stainless Styrofoam Stainless Ste None Clean Bore None None Trim Each Side None None Yes Stationary Landing Legs: Single Speed Suspension: Trailmobile Brakes: Air Wheels: Spoke Steel Tires: 10:00 x 20 Piping: 3" Outlet Valve el Pump: Lights: ICC Paint: Skirting Only ICC Spec: Serial No: 1665 Customer No: Remarks: Unit in good condition. PRICE: LOCATION: BUTLER I BUTLER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Used Trailer Department 900 Sixth Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 U412 Phone: (Area 612)378-1100 fl% Form 2602 5-69 Printed in U.S.A. �0 � CITY OF HUTCHINSON (_MIRAC90ta 55350 OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST July 23, 1971 TO: Members HRA FROM: Executive Director SUBJECT: Proposal for leased housing Madames and Gentlemen: Mr. Tom Horty and Mr. Carl Elving have asked to present their proposal for leased low rent housing for the elderly at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, July 28th in the City Council Chamber. In order to expedite the process and complete our application for leased housing units, your Chairman, Rev. Thor Skeie has recommended that we reserve Monday, August 16th at 1:00 P.M. for hearing John Korngeible and his associates; Tuesday, August 17th at 1:00 P.M. for Haarstick-Lundgren and Associates and Tuesday, August 17th at 7:30 P.M. for Rieke, Carroll, Muller. I will notify these proposers of these times and dates and hope that we can have a quorum for every meeting. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Mealey TEM:br Copy to: City Council for information Fire Chief Building Inspector City Engineer ADMINISTRATION BLDG ST PAUL DOWNTOWN AIRPORT (HOLMAN FIELDI SAINT PAUL $5107 TELEPHONE, 222,4741 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT -OF AERONAUTICS June 15, 1971 City Council City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Gentlemen: Subject: State Aid for Airport Snow Removal and Maintenance Enclosed are three copies of a proposed form of resolution and the agreement for requesting state aid for maintaining your airport during all seasons of the year up to June 30, 1973. For snowplowing and maintenance during the year, the state will participate on -a 50 percent basis, not to exceed $1,500, for the cost of snowplowing, crack filling, mowing, rehabilitating runway lights and markers, and general maintenance of runways, taxiways, etc.; Under special conditions stipulated in the agreement, state participation would be increased to $2,000. Reimbursement will be based on actual cost records kept by the municipality. If you desire state assistance, please submit three copies of the agreement, with three copies of the resolution, to this office so state funds can be encumbered before any work is done_. An approved copy will be returned to you for your records. It is particularly important during the winter and spring seasons, or when hazardous conditions exist, to keep the air -traveling public informed of the status or condition of your airport. This is accomplished by notifying the nearest Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Station and this department. Sincerely yours, -'� Lawrence E. McCabe Commissioner of Aeronautics LEM:hk Enc. 0 RESOLUTION FOR STATE AID FOR SNOW REMOVAL AND MAINTENANCE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The mayor (and clerk) (is) (are) authorized to sign an agreement with the State of Minnesota for state aid for snow removal for the winter seasons of 1971-72 and 1972-73 and for state aid for other maintenance during any season up to June 30, 1973• The state will pay up to $2,000 under certain conditions for 50% of the cost of removing snow and for other maintenance. (Seal) ��-q a.� Passed this day of __ _r ,, 19 Attest: Municipality _ 1 Clerk ,I . AGREEMENT FOR STATE AID FOR -SNOW REMOVAL AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The State of Minnesota and _ agree as follows: w�Name of Municipality+� 1. The municipality will keep at least one paved runway, taxiway, and apron area, cleared of snow for safe use of aircraft using wheels. The paved runway shall be kept clear its full length and width, and snowbanks kept down so that aircraft wings will clear them, and runway and threshold lights will remain visible. 2. The municipality will maintain the runways in good order by performing maintenance work, -including but not limited to the following: a. Crack filling of surfaced runways, taxiways and aprons. b. Mowing grass on landing strips and around lights. c. Rehabilitating runway lights and landing strip markers. d. Replacing wind sock when necessary. 3. The state will reimburse the municipality for 50% of the actual snow removal and maintenance costs, but not to exceed $1,500 for a fiscal year. The maximum state participation will be increased to $2,000 if the snow- fall exceeds 15 inches in any one calendar month, or the snowfall for the season exceeds 24 inches above the average for the area. Explanatory: Average snowfall:is determined from climatological records of the U. S. Weather Bureau during the period from 1931 to 1956. Deter- mination of snowfall will be made from the monthly publication "Clima- tological Data" for Minnesota, and will be based on average monthly snowfall for each of nine divisions of the state. 4. The municipality will submit its costs to the Commissioner of Aeronautics on forms supplied by him. Costs shall be submitted to the Commissioner on or before August 1 for each fiscal ,year ending on June 30. No requests for reimbursement received after August 1 will be honored. SRM2 �I 5. This agreement is in effect for the winter seasons of 1971-72 and 1972-73 for snow removal, and up to June 30, 1973, for other maintenance. It may be terminated at any time on 30 days written notice by either party. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNESOTA Department of Administration By Title Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION By _ Spec. Assistant Attorney General Date SRM2 Municipality of By Title Title Date Department of Aeronautics By Title Date NOTICE TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON, McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, OF INJURY TO VANCE ZEHRINGER AND BETTY ZEHRINGER ON OR ABOUT JUNE 10, 1971, AT OR NEAR THE ALLEYWAY BEHIND THE HUTCHINSON HOTEL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY CLERK, CITY COUNCIL, CITY ENGINEER, DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND SEWERS, AND MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That on or about June 10, 1971, in a public alley located behind the Hutchinson Hotel property, between Washington Street and First Avenue Southwest in the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota, Vance Zehringer and Betty Zehringer, owners of the Hutchinson Hotel property, were injured when the City of Hutchinson or its agent caused a storm sewer connection to be damaged or blocked so as to force water to run under and into the present hotel structure. That at the approximate time of the injury alleged, the City was engaged in construction and repair of streets, alleyways and storm sewers which directly effects drainage of the Hutchinson Hotel property. That the City of Hutchinson, its agents or representatives, performed servic*4 in a negligent manner, thereby causing the drainage mechanisms of the Hutchinson Hotel property to become non-functional and thereby causing damage to the Hutchinson Hotel property and its superstructure. By reason of the negligence of the City of Hutchinson, its agent or representatives, said Vance Zehringer and Betty Zehringer were damaged thereby and continue to be damaged thereby by the non-functioning of private and municipal drainage systems. That as a result of these damages, Vance Zehringer and Betty Zehringer will be caused to make repairs on their own initiative to protect their property and adjoining property from collapse. By reason of the negligence of the City of Hutchinson, Vance Zehringer and Betty Zehringer have been permanently injured and shall continue to be injured in the sum of Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($50,000.00) Dollars. Whereby, Vance Zehringer and Betty Zehringer make demand upon the City of Hutchinson for damages in the sum of Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($50,000.00) Dollars. This Notice is given to the Mayor, City Clerk, City Council, City Engineer, Department of Streets and Sewers, andMuni tial_ W t� .i rt-mo^r in compliance with the requirements of M. S. A. 466.05, Subdivision 1. Dated at Hutchinson, Minnesota, this 9th day of July, 1971. VANCE ZEHRINGEK AND BRTTY ZEHRINGER Greggory y o Attorne V nce Zehringer and Betty ehringer Citizens Bank Building Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 t W CITY OF HUTCHINSON chi► wftow "350 Oii1Ct• AT 07 WAS"INOTON AYtNNt wttT M=E: ._1uay-8,r12Z------------------------------r----------- Mayor and Council w-rrrw--wr--.r -. ------------------r -------------- Administrative Assistant ---_--+-------------------------------- --------------- $UMM Recommendation of Police Civil Service Commission -..-�.----rr--r-rrr--r-rr-..--•+-----r- Gentlemen: Of the three candidates recommended for appointment on the attached memo, only James A. Brbdd remains -available. Chief Broderius and Mr. Brodd will be available in the Police Department at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, July 12 in case you would like to meet with them prior to the Council meeting. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Healey jl HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT FRANK BRODERIUS, CHIEF OF POLICE 31 Washington Avenue West HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 June 25, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Nutchinson, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Police Civil Service Commission of the City of Hutchinson wishes to recommend for possible appointment the following names for Police Patrolman for the City of Hutchinson Minnesota: 1, James A. Brodd, 988 Jefferson St., Hutchinsony with a score of 87.63. 2. David H. Nord, 626 Lynn Rd.7 Hutchinson, with a score of 87.63. 3• Dale G. Hansen, 336 Monroe St., Hutchinson, with a score of 80.00. The above scores are the combined scores of both the written and oral examinations. WGM:c1 Very truly yours, t)s I AAa�ozl� G W. G. Miskof44 Secretary Police Civil Service Commission Hutchinsong Minnesota REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 12, 1971 GENERAL FUND James Brodd Police Dispatch 198.00 Dorothy Hassman Police Dispatch 72.00 Irene O'Fallon Police Dispatch 112.50 Kenneth Root Police Dispatch 36.00 A. W. Asplin Police Reserve 10.00 James Brodd Police Reserve 5.00 Audley Jorgenson Police Reserve 53.00 Kenneth Krienke Police Reserve 8.00 J. B. Kummet Police Reserve 20.00 William Marquardt Police Reserve 8.00 Francis Murphy Police Reserve 15.00 Nathan Smutka Police Reserve 25.00 Bradley Havemeier Custodian Helper 20.00 Walter Rippe Plumbing Inspections 332.60 Don Kost Sub -Committee -Mankato 18.90 Richard Peterson League Conv.-Mpls. 65.16 Thomas Mealey HUD -Chicago 8.70 World Travel Tickets-Chicago-Skeie&Mealey 140.00 Ronald McGraw Traffic Court Seminar -New York 300.00 Mason Publishing Co. Law Books 20.00 Keefe, Schantzen & Bradford Services Rendered 288.00 Harold Schmeling June Car Expenses 110.00 George B. Fredreickson G-enerator-Burns Manor -Arden Hills 36.00 Tnd. School Dist. #423 Work Study Program 62.10 Quades, Tnc. Maintenance -Bldg. 6.50 Zila Hardware Supplies 6.25 Stearnswood, Inc. Supplies 6.10 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Maintenance -Bldg. 15.95 Floor Care Supply Co. Supplies 80.15 Coast to Coast Stores Supplies 26.41 American Linen Supply Co. Monthly Services 17.85 Leef Bros. Monthly Services 19.50 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 160.10 Hutchinson Utilities Utilities 26.64 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 295.39 Cash Drawer #4 Postage 28.28 Hutchinson Leader Publications 107.10 U. S. Leasing Rental -Burroughs Acct Machine 337.76 Persian Office Machines Rental -Typewriter 25.00 Allen Office Supply Office Supplies 2.60 U. S. Postmaster Postage -M. Vehicle 35.00 Farmers Elevator Ass'n Dog Food 5.34 Ben. Benjamin Straw 5.10 Junkers Sanitation Service June Services 6,203.30 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - July 12, 1971 GENERAL FUND (cont) Minn. Valley Tesiing Labs. Testing 163.00 State Treasurer-PERA Employer Contribution 2,092.63 State Tressurer-Soc. Sec. Employer Contribution 2,438.32 Blue Shipld of Minnesota July Coverage 1,559.69 McLeod Co. Treas. Board of Prisoners 7.50 Standard Printing Co. Supplies 103.85 City of Minneapolis Board of Prisoners 180.00 Family Rexall Drug Supplies 58.79 Northern Automotive Maintenance -Police Car 16.50 Traf-O-Teria System, Inc. Office Supplies -Police Dept. 145.00 Gambles Maintenance -Police 26.95 Rite -Way Auto Wash Car Washing 9.00 Frank Motor Co. Maintenance -Police 83.85 Larsen Communications Radio Repair 107.30 Uniforms Unlimited Police Uniforms 24.85 Oswald Publishing Co. Office Supplies -Police 6.05 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Sheriff's Teletype 80.35 Henke's Cafe Prisoners Meals 15.20 State of Minnesota Notarial Bond-Oklobzija 10.00 Grams Insurance Agency Notary Bond 8.00 Instrumentation Services Inc. Police Radio Repair 92.96 Neil Jensen Drug Workshop -Marshall 102.06 International City Management Ass'n Membership Dues 78.50 Standard Oil Co. Police Gas 335.66 Wally's Tire Center Repairs -Police 100.50 17,220.79 PARK DEPT. Brian Dobberstein Labor 188.00 Ed Westpahl Labor 198.00 Norman Wright Labor 164.50 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 11.83 Hutchinson Utilities Utilities 11.75 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 131.00 Quades Inc. Repairs 185.60 Rutz Plumbing & Heating Repairs 4.75 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Repairs 62.52 G. F. Nemitz' Sons Maintenance 3.50 0. A. Bretzke & Son Inc. Maintenance 67.09 Felska's Auto Machine Service Repairs 317.36 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - July 12, 1971 PARK DEPT. (cont Schramm Implement Maintenance 205.23 Stearnswood, Inc. Maintenance 23.50 Sorensen Farm Supply Post Hole Auger 216.44 Simonson Lumber Co. Supplies 51.51 A. A. Jorgenson Repairs 140.50 Roy's Tire Service Repairs 16.50 Zila Hardware Supplies 33.54 Hutchinson Manufacturing Portable Bleachers 500.00 Rockite Silo Inc. Supplies 41.75 Wally's Tire Center Repairs 13.75 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Supplies 4.50 Jerabek Machine Shop Repairs 271.80 Ind. School Dist. #423 Work Study Program 83.80 Hutchinson Leader Publications 12.50 Standard Oil Co. June Gas 341.24 3,302.46 CEMETERY Thomas Nemitz Labor 133.00 Everts Oil Co. Gas 4.55 Felska's Auto Machine Service Maintenance 19.99 Hutchinson Leader Publications 33.00 A. A. Jorgenson Repairs 3.00 Standard Oil Co. Gas 59.72 253.26 RECREATION Dave Mooney Labor 320.00 Marty Ogren Labor 50.00 Scott Powers Labor 50.00 Jill Prihoda Labor 120.00 Tom Tapper Labor 270.00 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 25.85 Hutchinson Utilites Utilities 5.75 Allen Office Supply File Folders 11.79 Roderick Keith Car Expense 34,30 Stearnswood, Inc. Building Materials 11.28 J. C. Penny Co. Supplies 14.16 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - July 12, 1971 RECREATION DEPT. (cont) Gager's Handicraft Supplies 73.88 Family Rexall Drug Supplies 4.91 Quades Inc. Supplies 14.14 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 31.89 Hutchinson Drug, Inc. Supplies 9.28 Zila Hardware Supplies 12.75 Star Surplus Store Duffle Gas 7.47 Gopher Athletic Supply Co. Football Jersey 6.20 1,073.65 ROAD AND BRIDGE Richard Jensen Labor 182.25 Brian Dobberstein Labor 8.00 John Fluhrer Labor 24.50 Russ Hurt Labor 16.00 Roger Lambert Labor 94.00 William Priebe Labor 138.25 G. T. C. Auto Parts Repairs 1.24 Jerabek Machine Shop Maintenance 248.98 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Repairs 24.97 Hall Equipment Inc. Repairs & Maintenance 72.79 Meeker Sand & Gravel Gravel 32.05 Plowman's Inc. Maintenance & Repairs 355.63 Wigen Chevrolet Co. Maintenancr 32.20 Simonson Lumber Co. Supplies 23.34 Rockite Silo Inc. Concrete 30.75 Stearnswood, Inc. Supplies 3.95 Mork Communications Radio Repair 13.50 Family Rexall Drug Supplies 1.18 Albinson Office Supplies 31.30 Atkinson Blacktop Blacktop 399.03 Zila Hardware Supplies 21.15 Hutchinson Leader Publications 153.00 Cash Drawer #4 Reimbursement .70 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 36.38 Hutchinson Utilities Utilities 10.50 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 1,318.19 Chapin Publishing Co. Publications 12.90 Ziegler, Inc. Rental -Caterpillar 300.00 Northern States Supply Inc. Supplies 7.95 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - .duly 12, 1971 ROAD AND BRDIGE (cont) Electric Motor Co. Maintenance 23.90 Culligan Water Conditioning Salt 8.00 Michael Todd & Co. Maintenance & Repairs 350.44 Albrecht Oil Co. Gas 10.18 Roy's Tire Service Repairs 14.00 Wesco Steel Co. Grader Blades 189.64 0. A. Bretzke & Son, Inc. Repairs 7.09 Standard Oil Co. Gas 542.76 Richards Oil Co. Asphalt 792.43 Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist Advancement -Projects 18,623.21 Juul Contracting Co. Advancement -Projects 3,425.40 27,591.71 WATER AND SEWER William Karl Labor 160.00 Michael Tucker Labor 80.00 Standard Oil Co. Gas 214.68 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 3,535.50 Hutchinson Utilities Utilities 22.58 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 50.64 Cash Drawer #4 Postage .52 Coast to Coast Stores Supplies 41.81 Feed -Rite Controls, Inc. Supplies 15.80 G. T. C. Auto Parts Supplies .80 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Repairs .88 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Repairs 16.08 Hawkins Chemical Inc. Chlorine 297.58 McLeod Co. Landfill June Services 4.00 Power -Process Inc. Repairs 52.50 Rannow Electric Maintenance 68.01 Rutz Plumbing & Heating Repairs 4.40 Zila Hardware Supplies 4.00 Standard Printing Co. Office Supplies 39.80 Minn-Wis. Truck Lines, Inc. Freight 6.36 Wigen Chevrolet Co. Maintenance & Repairs 88.70 Lynde Co. Supplies 75.00 Waterous Co. Maintenance 80.50 Quades Inc. Maintenance 9.50 4,869.64 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 6 - July 12, 1971 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 1,026.17 Famous Brands Liquor 28.91 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Liquor 979.58 Old Peoria Co. Liquor 1,133.45 Ed Phillips & Sons Liquor 801.82 Junkers Sanitation Service June Service 14.00 Rannow Electric Maintenance 12.50 Superior Products Supplies 145.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Communications 23.45 Municipal Electric Plant Utilities 181.20 Hutchinson Utilities Utilities 1,80 Quades, Inc. Maintenance .60 Earl Sprengler Freight 203.49 Gordon Hakes Labor 112.10 Harry Emans Labor 106.40 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Coca-Cola 195.85 Seven -Up Bottling Co. Seven -Up 51.75 Lenneman Beverage Dist. Inc. Beer 5,851.10 Marsh Distributing Co. Beer 5,050.80 Olivia Bottling Co. Beer 984.90 Premium Distributing Co. Beer 3,343.30 Locher Bros. Beer 1,240.80 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. Liquor 1,733.16 Johnson Bros. Liquor Co. Liquor 367.63 Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 706.46 Municipal Liquor Stores Assn Membership Dues 35.00 24,431.22 OFF STREET PARKING Kemper Tree Service Tree Removal 100.00 SINKING FUND # 7 Hutchinson Leader Publications 29.70 SINKING FUND # 11 Rieke, Carroll, Muller Professional Services 1,287.28 Juul Contracting Co. Estimate # 7 6,931.89 Hutchinson Leader Publications 20.40 8,239.57 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 7 - July 12, 1971 SINKING FUND # 1 Hutchinson Leader Publications 6.30 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 12, 1971 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Kost. Pastor Swarthout delivered the invocation. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Black, and Alrick, and Mayor Kost. Absent: Alderman Peterson. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe, Attorney Schantzen. * The current bills were presented and studied. Alderman Black moved that the bills be approved as presented with the exception of the travel expense presented by Judge McGraw and further that this amount be adjusted to the amount budgeted. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. (List Attached) Mayor Kost announced that he wished to appoint Ward Haugen to the vacancy on the Park and Recreation Board with approval of the Council. Alderman Black moved that the appointment be confirmed by thA: Council, Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A form of resolution for state aid for snow removal received from the State of Minnesota Department of Aeronautics was considered and determined to be routine. There- upon Alderman Linder introduced Resolution No. 4066 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4066 BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign an agreement with the State of Minnesota for state aid for snow removal for the winter seasons of 1971-72 and 1972-73 and for state aid for other maintenance ,during any season up to June 30, 1973. The state will pay up to $2,000 under certain conditions for 50% of the cost of removing snow and for other maintenance. Passed this 12th day of July, 1971. A petition for street improvement by residents of Lewis Avenue resulting from the hearing on Assessment Roll No. 37 was received and considered. The petition was signed by Ronald Horswell and Gary Esping whose properties would be assessed for this short strip of street. Discussion disclosed that the remaining property owners had verbally expressed no objection to the improvement but that there are two properties outside the City limits. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to contact these people concerning the possibility of annexation in order that the assessment might be made equitable. Pending final determination, Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION N0. 4067 DECLARING ADEQOF ITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT PROJECT 0 - LEWIS AVENUE SW (TEXT ACHED) * Minutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1971 were approved as presented on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Linder REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - JULY 12, 1971 It was then determined that a hearing should be held to best determine how to proceed with the work on Lewis Avenue, whereupon Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4068 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON PROJECT 71-09 - LEWIS AVENUE STREET PROJECT (TEXT ATTACHED) At 7:45 P.M. Mayor Kost called for bids received on the Lyndale Avenue portion of Project 71-02 Street improvement. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported one bid received from Duininick Bros. & Gilchrist of Olivia and opened the bid. Engineer Priebe read the bid as follows: Cashier's Check in the amount of $1,100 enclosed as bid security; Total amount of bid: $10,527.95• Engineer Priebe then advised the Council that upon examination the bid is found to be in order and the amount of bid in keeping with current costs. Alderman Linder then moved that the following resolution be adopted. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION N0. 4069 ACCEPTING BID - LYNDALE AVENUE PROJECT 71-02 (TEXT ATTACHED) The Safety Council's recommendation to maintain the "no parking" sign in front of the Franklin Street Baptist Church was discussed at some length, as well as the problem of traffic congestion in the vicinity of all the churches on Sunday mornings. Alderman Black moved that the Safety Council's recommendation be approved and that the Chief of Police be directed to enforce the no parking regulation in front of all the churches. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. An extensive discussion was held concerning the Safety Council's recommendation for preventing further injuries caused by children climbing the fence at the airport and being cut on the sharp wire protruding above and along the top of the fence. The concensus was that the fence represents a safety device to prevent major injury by aircraft and that it is parental or adult responsibility to keep children from climbing the fence. Alderman Black moved that the fence be left as it is. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. In accordance with publication 1361, Mayor Kost called for the opening of bids received for bulk fuel for the City. Administrative Assistant Mealey opened the bids which were found to be as follows: Skelley Oil Co. Cert Ck.: $200 Regular: 15.6 per gal plus tax St. Paul, Mn Diesel: 14.6 " " It " Standard Oil Co. B.B.: $203.38 Regular: 14.88 Kansas City, Mo. Diesel: 13.09 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - JULY 12, 1971 The bids having been found to be in order, Alderman Linder moved that the bid be awarded to the Standard Oil Company. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. As advertised in Publication No. 1362, Mayor Kost then called for Bids received on the Cemetery Holding Vault. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented the bids which were found to be as follows: (Bid tabulation attached) Alderman Black moved that the bids be referred to the Park and Recreation Board for recommendation. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Vance Zehringer, owner of the Hutch Hotel appeared before the Council to request that some provision be made to prevent water from backing up into his building as a result of construction damage. There was considerable discussion as to the possible cause and the nature of the backup. Mr. Zehringer contends that a storm sewer connection has been damaged or blocked forcing water to run under and into the building. Engineer Priebe and Attorney Schantzen were directed to explore the situation and report to the Council. It was agreed to hold a special meeting if necessary. In accordance with Publication No. 1363, mayor Kost called to order Public Hearing on Project 71-08, Storm sewer project at Third and Jefferson. Approximately 11 persons were present for the hearing. One person stated that he was afraid that it would create a worse drainage problem for him. Two others stated that they have not had any trouble. The considerable problem at the Madson Peterson Building was explained to them. Mayor Kost inquired whether there were any objections to continuing with the project. Three persons were opposed. The hearing was declared closed at 9:03 P.M on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick. Mr. Gary Wetherall appeared before the Council to present his request for permission to construct a Grain Leg for storage in the process of transshipment of grain and possibly fertilizer behind the Coop and stated that it would be approximately 55' high. He stated that the Railroad wants to build this structure and that it would help alleviate some of the problems of odor and other unpleasantness in the vicinity. Mayor Kost stated that anything he can do to help alleviate the problem would be very much appreciated. Wetherall explained that he works on a 6 month contract with the Railroad so he would be requesting a permit for that period of time initially, and that he has no plans to present at this time but will bring them in for approval by the Building Official as soon as they are available. Alderman Black moved that the permit be granted, subject to approval of the Building Inspector and Attorney. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Tom Harstad for Rockwell Meters was present to report on his meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Parking Comittee. They had approved his proposal as follows: purchase 72 10 -hour meters including 4 spare meters and 5 12 -minute meters including 1 spare meter for a total of 77 meters on a trade-in basis at $58.00 each complete including trade-in allowance on the old Model H meters for a total price of $4,466. During the course of discussion, it was determined that it would be necessary to budget money for replacement of old cases. The Parking Committee's recommendation that the hours on the meters be made uniform was discussed. Mr. Harstad advised that the price for replacement plates would be 35¢ each. Alderman Alrick moved that the proposal be accepted and that the plates be changed to read "9 to 5 daily except Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M." Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. BID TABULATION CITY OF HUTS'iINSON PROJECT: CEMETERY HOLDING VAULT DATE: JULY 12, 1971 BIDDER SURETY ALTERNATE 1 ALTERNATE ?A ALTRRNATE ?R TMAL DAMMANN CONSTRUCTION CO. LESTER PRAIRIE CERT. CHECK $ 1,500 -$1,6pp.49 43,889.09 -;4,922.23 $23,081.23 PINSKE BROS GAYIARD SPANCRETE MIDWEST OSSEO MILLER & MILLER HVTC HINSON BID BOND 5% -$23,789.00 -$21,554.00 -$19,549.00 $25,834.00 STEABNSWOOD INC. HUTCHINSON CLIFF BE'Tm HUTCHMSON HUTCH SHEET METAL HUTCHINSON ,fvv 4o6-7 RESOLUTION ORDERING OF REPORT ON IMPR WHEREAS, it is propsed to impr Larson Street west for 350 feet by;f� curb and gutter and to assess the b ne portion of the cost of the improvement, Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. PREPARATION 7 OVEMENT� ve Lew Ave South from base, surfacing and ted roperty for all or a pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 398, as amended), NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to the City Engineer, Marlow Priebe, for study and that he is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of July, 1971. mayor CITY OF HUTCHINSON ,..Mi1Ine90ta 55350 OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST RESOLUTION NO. 4070 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE�CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Goebel Fixture Company is hereby commended for its community spirit and cooperation with the City of Hutchinson for its community spirit and cooparation with the City and for its generous contributions to the welfare and beautification of the community and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Council does thank the Goebel Fixture Company on behalf of the citizens of the City for the donation of park benches for public use. Adopted this 12th day of July, 1971. Kost , or Attest: i 40mas. Mealey, City Clerk REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - JULY 12, 1971 Chief Broderius presented a proposal for installation of a closed circuit TV training center to be placed in the squad room . The programs are broadcast on Channel 2 and taped on cassettes for distribution and replay as required. The program is funded by a grant from the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control and presented through the facilities of M.E.T., Inc. There are a total of 22 video tape cassettes and the only cost to the City would be approximately $60.00 for wiring the room. After some discussion and consideration, Alderman Black moved that the Chief be authorized to proceed with the program. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Park Superintendent Roberts and Park and Recreation Board Chairman Daggett were present for presentation of a plan for a_ recreation area at Second Avenue SE and Ontario Street. Superintendent Roberts spoke to the Council,_first, about the park benches donated to the City by the Goebel Fixture Company_ and expressed his appreciation for the gift. The Council unanimously agreed that this was a very fine gesture and much appreciated by all. Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4070 COMMENDING GOEBEL FIXTURE COMPANY (TEXT ATTACHED) Chairman Daggett and Superintendent Roberts then presented drawings of the recreation area and plans for a warming house to be constructed at the site. After due deliberation Al&rman Black moved that the Park and Recreation Board and Superintendent Roberts be directed to prepare specifications in conjunction with the Building Official for the proposed warming house to be financed from the Public Sites Trust Fund. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Engineer Priebe reported on the status of Well No. 1 which has a -broken pump and explained that the broken shaft has fallen into the well and every effort is being made to get it out. He recommended that a four year maintenance program be undertaken stating that there has been little or no maintenance since the wells were installed. He further recommended that No. 3 well be checked for reserve water supply. Extensive discussion followed at the termination of which Alderman Black -introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4071 DECLARING EMERGENCY AND DIRECTING CONSTRUCTION OF NEW WATER WELL (TEXT ATTACHED) Engineer Priebe presented a request for authority to purchase a new printer for the Department stating that $800.00 was budgeted for this item and with a trade-in he can get one for $765.00. Alderman Black moved the purchase be authorized. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - July 12, 1971 Mayor-Kost called for conclusion on the hearing on Project 71-08, storm sewer improve- ment. It was the concensus that the work is necessary and the three objections were in a minority of those heard. Thereupon Alderman Black introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 4072 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS - PROJECT 71-08 - STORM SEWER (TEXT ATTACHED) Administrative Assistant Mealey reported receipt of a letter from Hutchinson Federal Savings & Loan Association with a reminder that a bill has been passed authorizing political subdivisions to deposit public funds in Savings and Loan Assiciations. The interest is restricted on such deposits to the same rate that the commercial banks pay. They are able to accept up to $20,000 per account if from a different fund at the rate of 4 y2% on a regular savings account and 5 3/4% on a certificate account. After due deliberation, Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried to wit: RESOLUTION NO. 4073 DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY HUTCHINSON FEDERAL SAVINGS & WAN ASSOCIATION (TEXT ATTACHED) Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a request for authorization to purchase a fireproof, explosion proof legal size file cabinet for storage of assessment records at the termination of the reassessment of the City at a cost of approximately $350.00. Alderman Black moved the purchase be authorized, Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported that the ground floor renter of the Bergs house has moved. Attorney Schantzen was directed to draw a lease in preparation for a new renter at between $100 and 110 per month and Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to search out a renter. There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Kost declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 0 AGENDA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JULY 26, 1971 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION: REVEREND THOR SKEIE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1971 4. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS i'll S , 5. INVESTMENTS - f � p®O - OK.c� /�-,✓ 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: LEWIS AVENUE IMPROVEMENT - PROJECT 71-09 L a (� NEW BUSINESS 6` /. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION: MYRON ZIEMER 7. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS OLD BUSINESS G.� • PROJECT 71-04: SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT - SUBMISSION OF PLANS P PROJECT 71-08: STORM SEWER 3RD AVE SE - SUBMISSION OF PLANS Y ' ,1�6. RECOMMENDATIONS OF POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REPORTS A MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT: 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30 12. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT: PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30 APPLICATIONS DANCE PERMIT: JAYCEES - JULY 22 - ARMORY )4. CRAZY DAY PERMIT: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE �5. CIGARETTE LICENSE: MC LEOD CO. AGRICULTURE ASSOCIATION 16. DANCE PERMIT: JAYCEES - AUGUST 16 - ARMORY 17. ON -SALE 3.2 LICENSE: MC LEOD CO. AGRICULTURE ASSOCIATION * CIGARETTE LICENSE: MC LEOD CO. AGRICULTURE ASSOCIATION 19. SPECIAL PERMITS: BEN SHAIN- DISPLAY PIANOS & ORGANS AT SUPER VALUE CONSTRUCT & OPERATE CAR WASH & GAS STATION - W. G. UNGLAUB ADJOURNMENT NOTES: JAMES BROD WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE POLICE SQUAD ROOM AT 7:00 FOR A MEETING WITH ANY COUNCILMEN WHO SO DESIRE, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING: 10:00 AM, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 26, 1971 Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were: Aldermen Peterson, Linder, Black and Alrick. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe, and Attorney Schantzen. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 1971 having been reviewed they were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Alrick. The bills were reviewed and approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Linder, second by Alderman Alrick and carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented the following investments for approval: S.F. 7: $18,000 -balance from sale of property to Vocational School S.F. 5: 15,700 -matured principal and interest to be reinvested S.F. 6: 33,500 -balance on hand to debt retirement Off Street Parking: $40,000 matured principal and interest Municipal Liquor Store: $8,000 revenue - to General Fund S.F. 10: $10,178 - revenue to debt retirement Alderman Black moved that the investments be allowed as presented. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. A petition for annexation was received from Myron Zeimer whose property abuts the City in the Highland Park area. Alderman Linder moved that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission and that a pre zoning hearing be set for 8:00 P.M.; Monday; August 16, 1971. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pellinen were present to introduce their foreign exchange "son" from Indonesia to the Mayor and Council. Sigt Suwito presented the Mayor with a miniature banner on a small wooden stand along with greetings from the Mayor of his home town. Mayor Kost welcomed him on behalf of the City, its officials and residents and wished him a pleasant stay. The following recommendations were made by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of July 19 and Special meeting of July 22, 1971: 1. A request was received from Richwalks, Inc. to construct a parking lot on the GO Center premises because of the need for additional off-street parking in that area. At the same time, Richard Larson presented a request to move the house immediately to the north of the GO Center to Prospect Street, Lot 7 plus West 12 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, N Half City. A petition from the proposed neighbors stating that they have no objection to the move was also submitted, containing 19 signatures. It was determined that the GO Center property was appropriately zoned in 1967 and that parking facilities had been planned at that time, but never executed. Therefore it is recommended that Council approve both the house move and installation of off- street parking facilities, with the stipulation that the house be provided with new storms, screens, storm doors, approved lap siding and roof added as required by the Building Official. Alderman Black moved that the Planning Commissions recommendations be approved, subject to compliance with Building Official's requirements. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. P.EGULAR COUNCTL MEETTNG GENERAL FUND July 26, 1971 James Brodd Police Reserve '13.00 Audley Jorgenson Police Reserve 81.00 James Brodd Police Dispatch 198.00 Dorothy Hassman Police Dispatch 54.00 Harold Synstelien Electrical Tnspections 91.50 Don Kost Mayor's Mtg-Mpls 18.25 Thomas E. Mealey Workshop -Mankato 6.00 The Typewriter Shop Repair & Supplies 30.15 The Hutchinson Telephone Co. Tnstallation-Appraisers 14.05 Kurth Foods Supplies 28.95 Marty's Roofing Co. City Hall Repair 160.00 Gerhart Zerwas Labor -City Hall 140.25 Ind. School Dist. #423 Work Study Program 7.20 Culligan Water Conditioning August Service 5.00 Hutchinson Community Hospital Blood Alcohol Tests 16.00 Merson Uniform Co. Police Clothing 2.00 Neil Jensen Crime Lab -St. Paul 21.40 Frank Broderius Crime Comm. Mtg.-Owatonna 24.80 S. A. Nies Supplies 15.00 Coyer & Akins Fire Hose 570.00 Leo's Electronic Service Fire Dept. Repairs 9.00 Gamble Store Fire Dept. Tools 59.11' Charles Stombaugh Firemen's Con. 87.00 Lee's Apco Fire Dept. Gas 12.48 Hutchinson Fire Dept. Fire Runs 137.50 Lloyd Schlueter Firemen Training 6.00 Minneapolis -,Oxygen Co. Fire Dept. Maintenance 22.00 Grams Tnsurance Agency Liability Premium 14,306.00 Hutch Sheet Metal Refund -Vault Plans & Specs. 15.00 Deutsch Apts. Rent -Motor Vehicle Office 100.00 16,250.64 PARK DEPT_ Brian Dobberstien Labor 206.00 John Bluhrer Labor 16.00 William Priebe Labor 108.50 Ed Westpahl Labor 188.00 Norman Wright Labor 176.75 Kurth Foods Supplies 4.59 Tnd. School Dist. #423 Work Study Program 31.20 731.04 A 'REGULAR COUNC?L_ MEETING - 2 - July 26, 1971 CEMETERY DEPT. Thomas Nemitz Labor 134.75 Tnd. School Dist. #423 Work Study Program 24.40 159.15 RECREATION DEPT. Tamara Brandt Labor 379.75 Judy Bretzke Labor 60.00 Steve Chernausek Labor 423.75 Janet Hoel Labor 60.00 Ted May Labor 130.50 Dave Mooney Labor 240.00 Marty Ogren Labor 50.00 Scott Powers Labor 50.00 Jill Prihoda Labor 120.00 Tom Tapper Labor 180.00 Jerry Carlson Labor 125.00 Joe Miscavage Labor 16.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Rent -Senior Citizens 150.00 Tnd. School Dist. #423 Summer Band Program 1,000.00 2,985.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Richard Jensen Labor 209.25 Russ Hurt Labor 186.00 Richards Oil Co. Street Oil 1,542.95 Minnesota -Wisconsin Truck Lines, Tnc. Freight 10.86 Kurth Foods Supplies 16.32 1, 965.38 WATER AND SEWER FUND William Karl Labor 160.00 Michael Tucker Labor 108.00 Minnesota -Wisconsin Truck Lines Freight 6.36 Finley E. Mix Professional Services 220.00 494.36 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG - 3 - July 26, 1971 MUNICIPAL LIOUOR STORE New Ulm Grocery Supplies 27.51 Coast to Coast Store First Aid Kit 5.99 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Tnc. Liquor 2,310.29 Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 1,215.47 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Tnc. Liquor 1,063.33 Johnson Bros. Liquor Co. Liquor 294.93 McKesson Liquor Co. Liquor 533.98 Old Peoria Co. Tnc. Liquor 339.65 Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 919.60 New Ulm Grocery Co. Supplies 10.20 Ed Hoerner August Rent 400.00 7,120.97 PUBLIC STTES TRUST FUND Laurel L. Olson Appraisal of City Lot 50.00 OFF STREET PARKING Rockwell Mfg. Co. Sidewalk Flanges 179.82 John C. Gregor Cleaning Parking Meters 40.00 First National Bank Bond Tnterest 1,750.00 Citizen Bank & Trust Co. Payment & Tnterest on Bonds 61,750.00 Mrs. Hilda Berg August Contract Payment 136.00 8,855.82 STNKING FUND # 5 Citizens Bank & Trust Bond Tnterest 946.88 STNKTNG FUND # 11 Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist 1970-1 Part TT 32,353.38 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - July 26, 1971 2. A proposal was received from Hutchinson Cold Storage, Inc. to remodel the office area on the second floor of their building for use as a dormitory for students of the Vocational School. Approval of the proposal was recommended in accordance with the Building Official's specifications. Alderman Linder moved that the recommendation be approved with the stipulation that the remodeling of the building meet the Building Code standards as outlined by the Building Official. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. 3. Mr. W. G. Unglaub presented a request to move the house he owns adjacent to the Shell Station on Highway 7 West to Prospect Street near the Northside Grocery. He also presented a petition signed by 17 property owners at the prospective site stating that they have no objection to tie move. In the space to be vacated by the house, he proposes to install an automatic car wash in conjunction with the filling station for which he presented application for a permit. The Building Official recommended that the house move be approved with the stipulation that it be provided with new storms, storm doors, screens, approved lap siding and roof, and that the deteriorated cornices be replaced and painted. He further recommended that a written agreement be required stating that all exposed work be completed within 45 working days after the house is in place at the proposed site. Alderman Black moved that the house move be approved in accordance with the stipulations set forth by the Building Official. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Peterson moved that the proposed car wash installation be approved. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. 4. The public hearing concerning the rezoning of the Dobratz Chapel property from R-1 to R-2 (Lot 1, block 53, S 'fit City) brought forth no objections to the rezoning and was therefore recommended for approval. Alderman Linder then introduced Ordinance No. 400, Rezoning Lot 1, Block 53, South Half City (Dobratz Chapel property) from R-1 to R-2 and moved its adoption on first reading. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. 5. John Jorgenson Presented a request to sell the cabinet shop located on Highway 7 West at the South shore of Campbell Lake for use in the same capacity. This request was found to be in accordance with provisions of the zoning ordinance and approval was recommended. Alderman Linder moved that the sale be approved as a continuance of non conforming use; Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. Engineer Priebe submitted plans and specifications for Project 71-04, Sidewalk improvement on Second Avenue SW. After review and stipulation by Alderman Black that the large tree at the intersection of 2d Avenue and Dale be preserved Alderman Linder introduced Resolution No. 4074 and moved its adoption. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4074 PROJECT 71-04, SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT , APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (TEXT ATTACHED) RESOLUTION No. 4074 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORURING ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT 71-04, SIDEWALK IMPROVENOT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on June 28, 1971, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Second Avenue from the East line of Lot 25, Iornn Addition to a point 33 feet West of the East line of Lot 27 Iornm Addition together with an extension of sidewalk on the South side of Second Avenue from the East line of Lot 31, Lynn Addition to Dale Street; all by installation of sidewalk , and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THERMRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITZ COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby appcved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for 2 days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 8:30 P.M. on August 9, 1971 in the Council chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered. unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10% of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 26th day of July, 1971. Don Eo st ,or o"s E. Nealey, City Clerk t RESOLUTION N0. 4075 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS _ PROJECT 71-08, STORM SEWER WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on July 12, 1971 the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improve- ment of Third Avenue Southeast between Hassan and Adams Streets by construction of storm sewer lines, manhole and catch basins and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WfCHINSOK, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bide upon the making of such improvement under such improvement under such approved plane and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for two days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 8:00 P.M. on August 9, 1971 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10% of the amount'of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 26th day of July, 1971. It REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - JULY 26, 1971 Engineer Priebe then presented the plans and specifications for Project 71-08 for consideration. After due deliberation, Alderman Black introduced Resolution No. 4075 and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4075 PROJECT 71-08, STORM SEWER INSTALLATION, THIRD AVENUE SE APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (TEXT ATTACHED) The Police Civil Service Commission's recommendation was acknowledged by Mayor Kost who announced appointment of James A. Brodd to the Police Department subject to Council concurrence. Alderman Black moved that the appointment be confirmed, Alder- man Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey submitted a 12 -month report for the period ending June 30 from the Motor Vehicle Department and a recommendation that Ron Smahel be commended for the manner in which he has handled the office through the bulk of the past year. He stated that he has had many favorable comments from dealers and general public concerning the efficiency, courtesy and speed with which almost all transactions have been handled and more particularly, other comments mentioning Ron's willingness to serve at all hours without regard to his own convenience. Mayor Kost stated that he concurs with the report and Directed Administrative Assistant Mealey to write a letter of commendation. Administrative Assistant Mealey then reported that the girls in the Clerk's office have suggested that the Motor Vehicle Office be removed to the Bergs House which the City owns at 34 Franklin Street South. He recommended the move since the present rental agent has asked that the space be vacated for expansion of the McCombs Knutson office., and pointed out the financial feasibility of so using the City owned property. Discussion on the subject brought forth the further suggestion that space not needed by the Motor Vehicle Registration might be used for such space requirements as the Scoial security representative, Veterans Service Officer, Food Stamps etc. thereby alleviating the increasing demand for space in City Hall. Alderman Peterson moved that the ground floor apartment of the Bergs House be given over to Motor Vehicle Registration and such other purposes as deemed suitable. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. At 8:00 P.M. Mayor Kost called to order public hearing on Project 71-09, Lewis Avenue street improvement as advertised in publication no. 1366. Three property owners, D. Schutz, M. Kohls and D. Wesloh were present. Discussion centered around methods of assessing property owners not within the City limits. No conclusion was reached, and Mayor Kost asked those present to consider the matter privately and advise him or Administrative Assistant Mealey of their decision. He also stated that if there were further questions or if they wished another meeting, that would be arranged. Alderman Black moved the hearing be adjourned at 8:35 P.M. The following applications were received: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - JULY 26, 1971 Dance Permit: Jaycees, July 22 at the Armory and August 16 at the Armory Approved on motion by Alderman Alrick, seconded by Alderman Black Crazy Day Permit to sell merchandise on sidewalks in the central business district: July 2$. Approved on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Linder Cigarette License: McLeod Co. Agriculture Association Approved on motion by Alderman Peterson, second by Alderman Black On -Sale 3.2 License: McLeod Co. Agriculture Association Approved on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Peterson Special Permit: Ben Shain - to display pianos and organs at Super Value Market on the street. Approved on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Linder Alderman Linder presented a recommendation from the Safety Council that Second Avenue SE from Adams to its Easterly termination be made a through street. After due deliberation and clarification, Alderman Black introduced Ordinance No. 401 and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried whereupon said ordinance was declared passed on its first reading. The Safety Council's recommendation for a stop sign at Fourth on Merrill occasi oned discussion of the need for stop signs at other locations as well as the need for more through streets such as Fifth Avenue from Lynn Road to Dale Street. At the conclusion of the discussion, Alderman Peterson introduced Ordinance No. 402 regulating traffic on Merrill Street at Fourth Avenue SW and moved its adoption. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried whereupon said ordinance was declared adopted upon its first reading. Alderman Peterson then moved that the Safety Council be directed to make a review of the traffic system throughout the City and present its recommendations. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Linder presented several questions of blind corners in the City, specifically Fair and Adams, NE corner where a high shrub creates a traffic hazard. Discussion revealed similar bad corners at Lake and Osgood, Lake and Roberts Road. Alderman Black moved that the Engineer be directed to investigate these corners in cooperation with Superintendent Roberts and determine whether the trees and/or shrubs are on private property and in the event that they are, negotiate with the property owner for removal or adequate trimming for good safety., Motion was seconded and carried. Alderman Linder reported that the Safety Council also recommended that the alley downtown from the River to 4th Avenue SW be made one way. Discussion of several methods was held at the conclusion of which Alderman Black moved that the matter be referred to Engineer Priebe and the Chief of Police for recommendation. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. 2 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - JULY 26, 1971 Engineer Priebe's report on the water problem at the Hutch Hotel was considered. It was found that a large hole exists under the new sidewalk and recommended that a section of the walk be removed, the line repaired and the sidewalk replaced. It was moved and seconded that the work be accomplished and a settlement be negotiated with Mr. Zehringer, owner of the Hotel. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a report concerning the accounting machine in the City Clerk's office recounting the mechanical difficulties experienced with it over the past several years. He outlined a proposal to make a study of our applications draw a report indicating the degree of justification, aid with the design of program tapes and forms and oversee the installation if justified,; . by Mr. Charles Rolando of Anderson, Helgeson, Leiser and Thorsen at a cost of approximately $500. He further requested authority to commission the study. A brief discussion followed and Alderman Black moved that the expenditure be authorized. Alderman Linder seconded the motion and it was carried. Mayor Kost announced receipt of recommendation from the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for reappointment of J. Harold Beytien to a regular five year term of office as Commissioner, effective August 11, 1971 and stated that he is pleased to make such appointment subject to Council confirmation. Alderman Linder moved that the reappointment be confirmed. Alderman Black seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, Aldermen Peterson, Linder, Black and Alrick voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Council, Alderman Black moved that the meeting be adjourned, Alderman Linder seconded the motion and the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:55 P.M.