02-10-2015 HUCMMINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Call to order —11:00 a.m. President Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Donna Luhring; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Dwight Bordson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Jeremy Carter. 1. Discuss an Early Retirement Incentive Program GM Carter explained after January's meeting when the Board requested to table this agenda item, he put together additional information to benchmark what early retirement incentive programs other organizations have offered. Those benchmarks show HUC is in the ballpark in comparison to organizations' offers. GM Carter explained the tables comparing three months of additional insurance versus the six months of additional insurance only reduces the payback by about two weeks. GM Carter addressed the concern made in the January regular commission meeting regarding succession planning explaining he is confident HUC management and employees are willing to work on making transition periods successful. GM Carter's recommended changes to the original early retirement incentive program presented in January's regular commission meeting is to chang : 1) Dates for notification deadline from March 31, 2015 to April 30, 2015; and 2) Dates for actual retirement from June 30, 2015 to on (or before) July 31, 2015. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Luhring, seconded by Secretary Girard to approve a one-time early retirement incentive program to include 6 months of additional employer -paid health insurance with a notice deadline to HUC of April 30, 2015. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Vice President Luhring to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. V�Z ez�tlll�_ Mark[Girard, Secretary ATTEST: WuAn�. Anthony Hanson, residen 1