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02-23-2015 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
February 23, 2015
Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Barb Peterson,
Curt Dahl, Warren Schuft, Judy Klawitter
City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith
Absent: none
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairperson Don Schroeder.
II. Secretary's Report: The January 26th minutes were examined. Warren made a
motion to approve the minutes and Judy seconded the motion. The motion was
III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported card sales totaling $174 , button sales of $65,
shotgun flag and wreath sales of $160. After paying for the sound system, the Giving
Program still has over $1600 in the account. Judy made a motion to accept the report
with a second from Harriet. The motion passed.
IV. Old Business
A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the trip to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater on
February 11th to see "Hello Dolly" had 36 people registered and turned out to be
an excellent production. On March 19th we will visit Orchestra Hall for Rogers
and Hammerstein's "Carousel" that includes a stop at Famous Dave's for lunch.
This tour is sold out. April brings a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts
to view "Art in Bloom" and a lunch stop at Murray's. This tour is also sold out.
On May 2nd we will travel to the Minnesota History Center for "The Songs of the
Hutchinson's", a tribute to the music of the Hutchinson brothers. The current
registration sits at 16 for this outing. In June we will head to the Black Bear
Lodge in Baxter for lunch followed by a visit to the Akeley Woodtick Theater for
a musical comedy review. July brings with it a trip to Wadena for lunch and then
on to the Douglas Lodge on Lake Itasca for a boat ride. The August tour is in the
development stage while a State Fair trip will be on tap in early September.
B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship Dinner is
scheduled for tomorrow night already has 40 registered. Broasted chicken will be
the main entree. "The Theory of Everything" was the movie for this past month
and proved to be popular with the audience. "The Judge" will be featured as the
March movie. The "Homesteading the Dream- Singing for the Cows" play drew
a large crowd and worked very well at the Event Center venue.
V. Business
A. March Dance- This old time dance will be March 24th and will not feature live
music. This is an attempt to provide an opportunity to dance without losing
money on each event.
B. Church of Cash Update- The Johnny Cash event held at the Winery drew a
sellout crowd so the board is hoping that will carry over to our show on April
18th. Don would like to get together a group to oversee the distribution of flyers
for this concert.
C. Magic Show- September threw out the idea of having a magician perform as a
different kind of entertainment for our senior audience. She has been contacted
by someone who would like to put on a show. She will come with more details
to the next meeting.
D. Board Elections- After some discussion the board unanimously selected Don
Schroeder to another term as chairperson of the Advisory Board. The remaining
positions of vice -chair, treasurer and secretary were voted on together as all
officers agreed to remain for another year. The vice -chair is Harriet Sturges, the
treasurer is Warren Schuft, and the secretary is John McRaith.
E. Other- Don mentioned that we may need to separate the card players and those
attending the monthly movies. The sound from each activity is distracting those
involved in the other program.
VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:18 am with a second from Barb.
The motion passed.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 23rd at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary