cp07-22-1968 cITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 22, 1968 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Donald Sheffield 3. APPROVE MINUTES Regular Meeting July 8, 1968 4. APPROVE BILLS 5. SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING - Tom Horty and George Madsen 6. AMBULANCE SERVICE 7. CITY ENGINEER a) Petitions - Sewer on Main Street - 4th to 5th Avenues South b) Change Order - Sewer extension on item a) (Resolution required) c) Subdivision Agreement d) APWA meeting e) Slurry coat - Jorgenson Street f)- Freight loading on Third Avenue NW g) Standby generator for Dispatching h) Project 17-9 1) Resolution Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment 2) Presentation of Assessment Roll 3) Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessment (August 12) i) Building permits j) Water and sewer taps 8. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION - Robert R. & Harriet Roberts 9. FINAL PLAT - ROBERTS SECOND ADDITION 10. SAHR PROPERTY - Recommendation from Park Board 11. APPLICATION FOR CIGARETTE LICENSE - McLeod Co. Agr.. Assn. 12. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR SALE OF NON -INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR ON -SALE Mc Leod Co. Agr. Assn. 13. SALE OF BONDS - 1968-2 Parking Facilities Project 14. METHOD OF PAYMENT ON HOOK-UP CHARGES FOR WATER & SEWER 15. LOWELL OTTO PROPERTY CLEANUP 16. ORDINANCE RE PUBLIC NUISANCES 17. APPOINTMENT OF ALDERMAN TO COMPLETE TERM OF ALLEN TRAVAILLE 18. RESOLUTION COMMENDING ALLEN TRAVAILLE 19. REFERENDUM ON SWIMMING POOL 20. PLANNING COMMISSION - Minutes attached a) Application for Special Permit No. 852 - Canopy at Family Rexall Drug - 2 Main Street South b) Preliminary Plat - Southside Terrace - Engineer's report attached (Resolution to accept) c) Resignation of Lloyd Torgrimson - Resolution Commending d) Appointment of John Povolny to complete term of Lloyd Torgrimson e) Preliminary Plat - Peterson's Terrace - Engineer's report attached (Resolution to accept) f) Zoning of Parts of Lots 90 and 91 Lynn Addition - information only. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED - 2 - JULY 22, 1968 21. FINAL PLAT - MERICKEL'S TERRACE - Engineer's report attached 22. 1969-1970 BUDGET 23. AIRPORT COMMISSION - Minutes attached Recommendation for Referendum September 10, 1968 24. SAFETY COUNCIL - Minutes attached 25. BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME - Quarterly statement attached 26. BUDGET REPORT AS OF JUNE 30, 1968 - attached 27. REMINDER - Opening of bids on Phase II Waste Treatment Plant set for 2:00 Pi.M., Wednesday, July 24, 1968. 28. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS July 8, 1968 A RegulaV Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor DonrO. Kost in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Invocation by Rev. Donald Sheffield. Members present: Aldermen Alrick, Black, Linder, Travaille; Attorney Schantzen Engineer Priebe Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings: Regular Meeting Special Meeting June 24, 1968 June 26, 1968 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the bills be granted and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Theophil Grunewaldt Wm. Marquardt Luella Oklobzija Wayne Scott Harvey Daharsh Patricia Mange Loren Buske Ronald Kirchoff Al Cheney Gerald Hintz Donald Vorbeck Ralph Young Walter Rippe Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Telephone Co. Municipal Water Dept. The Hutchinson Leader Popp Rexall Drug Hutchinson Agency Modern Office Supply Co. IBM 4Blue Shield of Minnesota Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co. Standard Printing Co. St. Paul Stamp Works 3-M Business Products Sales Crow River Gift & Office Supply Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works American Linen Supply Co. Missouri Kansas Chemical Co. Culligan Water Conditioning Hutchinson Refuse Service Central Chemical Co. Rannow Electric Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Hager Jewelry McLeod Co. Treasurer Leef Bros. Hutchinson Business Service Uniforms Unlimited Traf-O-Teria System, Inc. Frank Motor Co. Panama -Beaver, Inc. Labor 67.20 Labor (Dispatching) 28.00 Labor (Dispatching) 4.2.00 Labor (Dispatching) 98.00 Labor (Dispatching) 119.00 Labor (Clerk's Office) 38.75 Overtime - Police Dept. 5.25 Overtime - Police Dept. 12.25 Overtime - Police Dept. 1.75 Overtime - Police Dept. 1.75 Overtime - Police Dept. 7.00 Electric Inspections 30.00 Plumbing Inspections 89'.45 Power & lights 129.47 Gas 14.15 Service & calls 177.56 Water & sewer 40.38 Publications 54.00 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 1.16 Fire Ins. added premium 64.00 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 5.31 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 12.00 Monthly Premium 839.63 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 9.04 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 11.25 Bicycle licenses 57.00 Supplies - Clerk's ofe. 103.44 Supplies - Police & Clerk's ofe. 20.83 Maintenance - City Hall 122.00 Towel service & rugs 11.75 Janitor supplies 70.80 Service - City Hall 12.00 Service - City Hall 18.00 Supplies - City Hall 37.45 Maintenance - City Hall 6.55 Supplies - City Hall 4.30 Sign - City Hall 4.50 Prisoner's Board 17.50 Service - Police Dept. 3.60 Service - Police Dept. 4.75 Uniforms & supplies - Police Dept. & Police Reserve 945.70 Supplies - Police Dept. 133.06 Maintenance - Police Dept. 23.40 Supplies - Police Dept. (Disp.) 11.94 Regular Council Proceedings - 2 - July 8, 1968 GENERAL FUND (continued) G. F. Nemitz's Sons Maintenance - Fire Dept. 45.00 Clifford Popp Expense - Fire Dept. 88.70 Arthur 0. Smith DRpense - Fire Dept. 130.34 Denler Truck Service Maintenance - Fire Dept. 172.25 M &bM Skelly Service Supplies - Fire Dept. 17.58 Fairway Foods Dog food 4.20 Ben R. Benjamin Supplies - dog pound 5.60 Ind. School District #423 Band concerts 1,000.00 Miller & Miller Est. No. 2- Police Station and Lockup 10,881:00 15,851.59 r PUBLIC SITES TRUST FUND Juul Contracting Co. Park Improvements 278.58 AihxxzkJcxQiix2xx RaNxAxime ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Ira Braun Labor - Street Dept. 14.40 Carl Baumetz Labor - Street Dept. 262.20 Elmer Paulsen Labor - Street Dept. 287.50 Ray R. Albrecht Labor - Street Dept. 226.00 Earl Alsleben Labor - Street Dept. 233.00 Glen Bartels Labor - Street Dept. 21.00 Wilbert Froemming - Labor - Street Dept. 28.00 Clifford Paulsen Labor - Street Dept. 28.00 Hutchinson Utilities Gas 6.46 Municipal Electtic Plant Power & lights 871.38 Municpal Water Dept. Water 14.35 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service & calls 27.661 The Hutchinson Leader Publications 37.40 Zila Hdwe. Supplies - Street Dept. 184.25 Popp Rexall Drug Supplies - engineers 6.19 Crow River Gift & Supply Supplies - engineers 6.71 Standard Oil Gas - engineers 11.87 Bob's Tire Service Maintenance - street dept. 8.47 Albrecht Oil Co. Gas & fuel oil - Street dept. 79.47 Plowman's Inc. Maintenance - street dept. 83.17 Bob's Shell Service Gas - street dept. 263.88 Denler Truck Service Maintenance - street dept. 16.40 Home Gas Co. Home gas 22.00 Atkinson Blacktop Service, Inc. MC -3 273.35 Michael Todd & Co. Equipment maintenance 316.20 Hall Equipment Inc. Equipment meaintenance 67.66 Hydrotex Industries Supplies - street dept. 90.20 W. H. Barber Oil Co. MC -800 642.10 Scientific Internatl. Research Supplies - street dept. 38.92 Grams Ins. Agency Ins. equipment premium 17.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Supplies 15.66 Frank & Rolfb Gravel 147.00 Simonson Lumber Supplies 12.41 Lyle Signs Inc. Signs & posts 109.72 Gopher Stamp & Die Co. Signs 9.10 Northern Culvert & Mfg. Co. Storm sewer repair supplies 2,135.71 Rockite Silo Inc. Supplies - parking meters 61.50 Don Harstad Co. Posts - parking meters 399.00 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Parking meters 425.60 Rieke -Carroll -Muller Assoc. Inc. Eng. fees - SW Storm Sewer 1,179.43 Regular Council Proceedings - 3 - July 8, 1968 SINKING FUND NO. 8 Rieke -Carroll -Muller Assoc. Inc. Eng. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Calls Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Est. WATER & SEWER FUND Mark Luedtke Stanford Hanson Municipal Water Dept. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson Utilities Zila Hdwe. The Hutchinson Leader Rieke -Carroll -Muller Assoc. Inc. Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works Watertower Paint & Repair Quadets Lyon Chemicals Inc. Feed -rite Contvols Inc. Abbott TV Crow Rivert.,Gift & Supply Hersey-,Sparling Meter Co. Hooker Chemical Corp. Sanfax Corp. Scientific Research Inc. Rannow Electbic Oimonson Lumber Co. G.T.C. Auto Parts 0. A. Bretzke & Son, Inc. Flexible Pipe Tool Co. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. SINKING FUND NO. 6 fees- Main St. re Main St. No. 1 - Main St. Labor Labor Water Service & calls Power & lights Gas Supplies Publications Eng. services Maintenance Maintenance - Maintenance Supplies New equipment Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Maintenance Supplies Supplies Grease - Water Storage per contract Equipment & supplies Maintenance Hutchinson Telephone Co. Calls Rieke -Carroll -Muller Assoc. Eng. fees Johnson Bros. Construction Co. Est. No. 9 Juul Contracting Co. Final estimate LIQUOR STORE Gordon Hakes Commissioner of Taxation Hutchinson Telephone Co. Municipal Water Dept. Zila Hdwe. LeRoy Plath Earl Sprengeler Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Lenneman Beverage Dist. Inc. Marsh Distributing Olivia Bottling Co. Premium Distributing Co. Locher Bros. Ed. Philllips & Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Liquor Store Sales tax Service & calls Water & sewer Supplies Install wall (per bid) Freight Beverages Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Liquor &xw:ixP. L4quor & wine 3,687.56 3.44- 83,205.26 86,896.26 84.00 84.00 132.25 37.46 1,214.60 16.22 27.24 5.49 302.42 3.55 660.00 132.24 310.85 2,099.00 2.00 7.31 37.40 28.75 93.65 136.08 21.08 9.87 6.34 10.30 1,036.86 101.65 6,600.52 1.50 519.60 9,737.73 15,287.69 25,546.52 19.20 944.70 18.50 3.88 2.75 335.00 104.98 119.55 1,489.95 2,416.60 435.45 1,889.80 1,947.52 844.59 660.82 Regular Council Meeting - 4 - July 8, 1968 Discussion of proposed ambulance service. Question was raised as to whether Boon Lake Township should be included for contribution and city rate on calls. Chief Engelhart stated only townships entirely within the fire protection telephone service area were included. Chief of Police Broderius is to be requested to call necessary meetings of the Ambulance Committee and representatives of the Township Boards to make further plans, with a view to the City taking over the service as of August 1, 1968. Frank Engelhart, Chief of Fire Department, requested that a parking place be reserved for the Fire Chief's car on Franklin Street west of the Red Owl building where he works so he may answer fire calls promptly and have required access to his car. Alderman Black made a motion that one parking space be reserved on Franklin Street by the Red Owl store for the Fire Chief's car, with the Chief of Police to install a reserved sign. Alderman nz1*4re* seconded the motion of Alderman Black, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Ted Hanson stated that the Fire Dept. wishes to go on record that they will take over the ambulance service until the new hospital is built, and that it is not to be considered a permanent arrangement. Mayor Kost pointed out that the hospital will not be ready to take over the service "as soon as it is built" inasmuch as they will not have the required qualified personnel available, but that the City realizes this is not a permanent arrangement for members of the Fire Department. He further stated they should probably plan on at least five years and suggested that personnel other than the Fire Dept. members may be interested and could train for qualification in the future. Aiidm mxxxJat.x.x3c Nine persons were -present for the final reading of the ordinance covering rezoning of Blocks 14, 15, 25 and 26 S 1/2 City. Mayor Kost asked if there were any objections to the rezoning as proposed. No objections were raised. Alderman Black introduced Ordinance No. 315 for its second and final reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 315 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 245 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (Blocks 14, 15, 25 -and 26, S 1/2 City) THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION_ I.. The following described real property is hereby rezoned from 11R-1" Single Family and Two Family Residential District to "B-3" General Business District: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Block 25 S 1/2 City All of Blocks 14, 15 and 26 S 1/2 City SECTION II. The following described real property is hereby rezoned from 11R-2" Multiple Family Residential District to "B-3" General Business District: Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 25, S 1/2 City SECTION III. The following described real property is hereby rezoned from "I-1" Industrial District to "B-311 General Business District: Lots 9 and 10, Block 25, S 1/2 City SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion to introduce Ordinance No. 315 for its second and final reading, and upon vote being taken all members presient voted Paye" and Ordinance No. 315 was declared passed and adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Regular Council Meeting - 5 - July 8, 1968 Discussion of proposed ordinance governing public nuisances. Alderman Black and Attorney Schantzen were requested to review the ordinance from Long Lake and adapt it to Hutchinson use, including abandoned houses or other buildings, and enforcement and penalty clauses. The City Clerk was requested to obtain from the League of Minn. Municipalities sample ordinances governing the discharge of firearms, air rifles, etc., within the corporate city limits. The City Clerk presented Change Order No. 1 for the addition to Burns Manor Nursing Home as approved by the architect,._ Nursing Home Board, and contractor_. Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2737 RESOLUTION COVERING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ON CONTRACT FOR ADDITION TO BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME WHEREAS, Th6 Nursing Home Board of the City of Hutchinson has recommended several changes in the construction contract for the addition to Burns Manor Nursing Home, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That Change Order No. 1 be prepared to cover changes as recom- mended, to -wit: a) Provide American Standard Kewanee Burner package complete with Standard UL accessories for forced draft firing with natural gas and number 2 oil, matched to Kewanee 7L284-FLGO Type C package boiler specified. Deduct $12015500. b) Make electrical changes necessary for the above substitution: Add $ 54.00. c) In lieu of 8000 gallon oil tank specified, provide 2000 gallon tank, installed as per specifications. Deduct $ 915.00 2. That the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign Change Order No. 1 on behalf of the City of Hutchinson, said change order to apply on the Contract held by Donell, Inc., for the construction of an addition to Burns Manor -Nursing Home. Alderman Travaille seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and :kkrxmmt-imxxwxxxjdRvi rRldxvx Resolution No. 2737 was declared adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Discussion of establishment of a policy for paid vacations for part-time employees, employed on an hourly basis. Alderman Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO 2738 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PAID VACATIONS FOR PART-TIME HOURLY EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary to establish a policy covering paid vacations for part-time hourly employees of the City of Hutchinson, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That a permanent part-time hourly employee, who, prior to May 1 of each year has accumulated 1500 hours of work, shall be entitled to a paid vacation equal to the average number of hours worked per week in that year, said year to be considered as being from May 1 to April 30. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That said paid vacation policy be effective as of May 1, 1968, for all those part-time hourly employees who have worked a minimum of 1500 hours in the year from May 1, 1967 to April 30, 1968. Regular Council Meeting - 6 - t July 8, 1968 Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and Resolution No. 2738 was declared adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Mayor Kost read a letter from Ed Seale requesting that he be granted an indeterminate leave of absence, without pay, from his duties as a member of the Police Department of the:City of -Hutchinson, effective July 1, 1968, such request made upon advice of his doctor. Alderman Linder made a motion that Mr. Seale's request be granted. Alderman Travaille seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Discussion of referendum on proposed capital improvements at municipal airport as considered by the Council at the time 1968-1969 budget adopted. The Airport Commission is to be requested to make a recommendation for action at the Council meeting of July 22, 1968. Alderman Linder made a motion that Tom Koeppen be appointed to the Airport Commission for a term to expire September 28, 1969, to complete the term of Kenneth Butler who has resigned, as recommended by the Airport Commission. Alderman Travaille seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Engineer Priebe reported the street light at the dead end of Milwaukee Avenue east of Merrill Street cannot be installed at the present time because the city has not been able to secure the required easement for the underground cable. The alternative is to wait until the storm sewer is installed. Engineer Priebe was requested to pass this information along to Harry Bingenheimer, property owner who inquired when the light would be installed. Engineer Priebe reported curbing has been installed on Franklin Street between Washington Avenue and First Avenue South, with an outlet provided for entrance to the driveway of Wigen Chevrolet. He further reported Mr. Wigen is parking cars in this driveway entrance. Attorney Schantzen was instructed to issue a complaint against Wigen Chevrolet for illegal parking of cars on Franklin Street, said complaint to be siigngd., by the Chief of Police. Engineer Priebe presented petitions for water and sewer taps for the following: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rannow (assessments paid) Lot 3 Aud. Plat Lot 28, Lynn Add. Martha M. Spiering :;(no assessment paid) S 1/2 Lot 2 and N 1/2 Lot 3 Block 8 Bonniwell's 2nd Addition Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that these petitions for water and sewer "ps be approved and permits issued, with fees to be paid by Mrs. Spiering as no assessments were previously paid. Engineer Priebe presented his written recommendation for final payment on Project 17-9 Street Improvement. Alderman Travaiiflle introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2739 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK (Project 17-9 Street Improvements) (attached) Alderman Black seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and Resolution No. 2739 was declared adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Thd City Clerk presented the written recommendation of the consultant engineers for final payment on the contract with Juul Contracting Co. for the SW Watermain, Project 17-6. RESOLUTION NO. 2739 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK (Project 17-9 Street Improvements) WHEREAS, pursuant to a written contract signed with the city on August 18, 1967 , Wm. Mueller & Sons of Hamburg, Minnesota has satisfactorily completed the improvement of STREET FROM TO Milwaukee Avenue Dale Street its west end Charles Street Lewis Avenue Roe Avenue Roe Avenue Larson Street Charles Street Southview Drive Linden Avenue its north end by subgrade preparation, base, bituminous mat and some curb and gutter, and Tenth Avenue NE Eleventh Avenue NE Elm Street by base preparation, bituminous mat and curb and gutter, and Goebel Street Milwaukee Avenue Its west end by gravel base, bituminous mat and curb and gutter, and the alleys in Blocks 42, 43 and 50, N 1/2 of City, and alleys in Blocks 8, 12, 13, 27, 28, 32 and 33, S 1/2 of City by removal of existing surface, base preparation, bituminous matland spe ial catch basins, MW in accordance with such contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the city clerk and mayor are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract, taking the contractor's receipt in full. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Regular Council Meeting - 7 - July 8, 1968 Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2740 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK (Southwest Watermain on Project 17-6) (attached) Alderman Travaille seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the Resolution No. 2740 was declared adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1968. Discussion of plaques'- for Waste Treatment Plant. The Council agreed plaque(s) should include names of present and previous Council members, with years of service indicated. Alderman Travaille made a motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be and hereby are authorized to sign Permit No. 68-502 with the State of Minnesota Dept. of Conservation for watermain crossing of the Crow River in connection with the work on Main Street, and further the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check in the amount of $1.00 as advance annual rental for the year 1968-1969. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Travaille, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "ayeT1 and the motion was declared carried. Engineer Priebe presented the bill from Johnson Bros. Construction Co. for boring the entrance to Apco, Swanson's Truck Stop in the amount of $11,480.00, with a recommendation that the bill be paid as $9,000.00, the amount paid to the Water & Sewer Fund as escrow by Victor Swanson. Alderman kinder made a motion that the Engineer's recommendation be accepted and the City Clerk be authorized to issue a check to Johnson Bros. Construction Co. as full payment for boring on sanitary sewer line to Swanson's Truck Stop, said check to be in the amount of $9000.00 as paid to the City in escrow by Victor L. Swanson, owner. Elderman Black seconded lthe motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following applications for building permits be approved and permits issued, as recommended by the City Engineer: No. 879 Elmer Merickel No. 880 Cecil Conquest No. 809 James J. Moran No. 881 Myron W. Johnson No. 877 Emil C. Svoboda No. 874 Mrs. Elenora Slyter No. 878 Douglas Yerks No. 876 Donell, Inc. Lot 10 Blk 1 Academy Acres House & garage Lot 1 Blk 2 Academy Acres House & garage 595 Prospect St. Garage 907 Lewis Ave. Demolish porch, erect stoop 735 Oak St. N. Steel tool shed 306 Monroe St. S. Add to garage 706 Brown St. S. Garage Addition to Burns Manor Nursing Home per 'bid, with fees and inspections to be waived. Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that the following water and sewer taps be allowed and permits issued: On Bldg. Permit No. 879 Elmer Merickel On B1dg.'Permit No. 880 Cecil Conquest On Bldg. Permit No. 876 Donell, Inc. - no fees Alderman Linder made a motion that the Mayor and Clerk be and hereby are authorized' to sign contracts on behalf of the City for the ensuing six months for the purchase of water meters from the Neptune Meter Co. Alderman Black seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken,.all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Alderman Black reported he has noted parking restrictions on Franklin Street are not being enforced and suggested that the parking meters be patrolled more often, if they are to be of use and effective. Alderman E made a motion that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Police Dept. and the Police Reserve for their effective and capable handling of traffic during the recent Water Carnival weekend. AildRman RESOLUTION NO. 2740 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK (Project 17-6 - Southwest Watermain) WHEREAS, pursuant to a written contract signed with the city on July 11, 1967, Juul Contracting Co. of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has satisfactorily completed the improvement of the Southwest portion of the South Half of the City of Hutchinson by the construction of water services by the installation of watermain in accordance with said contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the city clerk and mayor are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract, taking the contractorts receipt in full. Adopted by the City Council on this 8th day of July, 1968. Regular Council Meeting - 8 - July 8, 1968 Alderman Travaille seconded the motion of Alderman Black, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried. Mayor Kost reported receipt of a letter from the State of Minnesota stating the Corps•of Engineers will conduct a flood plain study in Hutchinson at no cost to the city. Engineer Priebe and Attorney Schantzen were requested to tollow up on the complaint of petitioners against the loading and unloading of freight cars on Third,Avenue NW to see what is being done by the trucking company and railroad. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION July 15, 1968 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clinton Tracy at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 15, 1968, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Members present: Chairman Tracy, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Gordon Bublitz, Leslie Linder, Ethne Stearns, Engineer Priebe. Mambers absent: Tom Cone, Cal Bonniwell, Lloyd Torgrimson Minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1968, were approved as read upon motion. APPLICATION_ FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 852. - Canopy at Rexall Family Drug. Motion was made by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the application of Rexall Farmily Drug for a canopy over the doorway on Washington Avenue be approved and permit issued, as recommended by the City Engineer. Motion carried. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 1123 - SOUTHSIDE TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT. Clinton Tracy opened the hearing on Publication No. 1123 - Preliminary Plat for Southside Terrace, as developed by Elmer Merickel_- at 7:45 P.M. Richard Schmidtbauer, adjoining property owner, was present for the hearing. Engineer Priebe presented his written report on the preliminary plat. Mr. Schmidtbauer stated the plat meets with his approval and he would be willing to give right-of-way for the service road. He further stated he would like to receive fill where the grade is out down to fill in low spots on his land. Chairman Tracy declared the hearing closed at 7:55 P.M. Dr. A. J. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Ethne Stearns, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat of Southside Terrace be approved as submitted, subject to corrections on the reports/f the Pla in Commission and City Engineer. Motion carried. o? the Secrear§ RESIGNATION OF LLOYD TORGRIMSON Chairman Tracy reported that Lloyd Torgrimson has submitted his resignation from the Planning Commission because of the pressure of business and his inability to attend meetings, effective immediately. Ethne Stearns made a motion that the resignation of Lloyd Torgrimson from the Planning Commission be accepted with regret and unanimous appreciation for the work he has done for the Commission. Motion seconded by Gordon Bublitz and carried on a unanimous vote. Leslie Linder made a motion that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that John Povolny be appointed to complete the unexpired term Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - July 15, 1968 of Lloyd Torgrimson on the Planning Commission (March 31, 1970.) Motion seconded by Gordon Bubl.itz and carried unanimously. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 1124 - PETERSON'S TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT Chairman Tracy opened the hearing on Publication No. 1124 - Preliminary Plat for Peterson's Terrace, as developed by Donald M. Peterson - at 8:15 P.M. Five persons were present for the hearing. Engineer Priebe presented his written report on the preliminary plat. William Dettman, owner of the S 66' Lot 6 Blk 3, N 1/2 City, questioned what would be done about drainage and the tiles from C.D. #18. Engineer Priebe stated this is not a registered lateral of C. D. #18. Lowell Otto questioned disposition of the abandoned house now located on his lot to the south of the proposed plat, stating this would shut him off from road, water and sewer services. Mr. Tracy referred Mr. Otto to the City Council concerning the house in question. Chairman Tracy declared the hearing closed at 8:35 P.M. (For action, see minutes at close of meeting.) REZONING AND PREZONING OF PARTS OF LOTS 90 AND 91 LYNN ADDITION. (Publ. 1114) Chairman Tracy opened discussion on Publication No. 1114 as tabled from the meeting of June 17, 1968. Present were LeRoy Majeski, petitioner; Warren Moe and Floyd Hoel represent- ing petitioners against the proposed zoning and prezoning; and Wayne Kenning, Larry Gilomen and Ray Forcier, residents of Hanson Trailer Court, who stated their approval and support of the proposed Mobile Home Park to be developed in the area under discussion. Engineer Priebe presented a colored layout of the area from Southview Court to Lynn Road and from the proposed extension of C.R. #77 to north of Linden Avenue, illustrating proposed development of the area and the Mobil Home Park. Warren Moe and Floyd Hoel emphasized objections to the proposed zoning on behalf of those who had signed the petition presented at the meeting of June 17, 1968. Engineer Priebe stated the State has forced Cities to realize they are going to be required to provide for Mobil Home Parks as the State is closing down trailer parks which do not meet State standards. Planning Commission members agreed the City has need of a Mobil Home Park, but location is the question in view of objections. Dr. A. J. Thompson made a motion that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Mr. Majeski's petition for zoning be denied because of objections of property owners and that the developer consider an alternate location. w Hutchinson Planning Commission - 3 - July 15, 1968 Chairman Tracy declared Dr. Thompson's motion dead for lack of a second. Dr. A. J. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Ethne Stearns, that action on the petition for zoning be tabled until the August meeting. Motion carried. PETERSON'S TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT (Publ. #1124) Leslie Linder made a motion, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat of Pete'rson's Terrace be approved as submitted, subject to corrections on the reports/of the Planning Commission and City Engineer. Motion carried. of the Secretary ZONING OF PARTS OF LOTS 90 and 91 LYNN ADDITION. Mr. Majeski reported he has checked for another location for his Mobil Home Park but land prices are out of line. FINAL PLAT SOUTHSIDE TERRACE. Engineer Priebe presented the plan for the Final Plat of Southside Terrace, together with his report on same. No action taken. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. Ethne Stearns, Secretary CITY OF HUTCHINSON ,A(th"enta 55350 OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST July 15, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council and Planning Commission Re: Engineer's Report Southside Terrace Developer: E. Merickel Gentlemen: I have examined the preliminary plat of Southside Terrace and it appears to meet all requirements for a desirable addition to the City of Hutchinson. The plat as presented is feasible and practical. The layout conforms to the proposed street and service drive proposed in this area. There is no sanitary sewer or water adjacent to this property for service. It will be necessary to construct sanitary sewer and watermains from the trunk lines constructed on Century Avenue this year. The estimated cost for watermain, sanitary sewer and permanent streets for the area are as follows: Sanitary Sewer: $ 9,200.00 Watermain: $ 8,050.00 Permanent Streets: $14,950.00 Storm Sewer: $ 2,300.00 The park requirement for land should be waived and in lieu a cash payment made. A twelve (12) foot utility and drainage easement centered on all, side and rear lot lines is necessary except the one adjacent to the trunk highway, as per Ordinance 235. Grading of the service road and Echo Road to subgrade will be re- quired subsequent to establishing grades and prior to utility installation. The construction of the sewer, water and service road by the City would not be possible prior to the 1969 construction season. The permit approved for the building on proposed Lot 1 of Block 1 of the proposed plat (Lot 8 of Block 1 of final plat) will have to be served by temporary sewer and water service, to be installed by the developer. This permit will not be issued until the developer submits a plan for said services. All parking and driving surfaces should be constructed of gravel base and bituminous surface. July 15, 1968 Page 2 Execution of a subdivision agreement between City and developer will be required prior to City signing the final plat. Yours truly, CITY OF HUTT/CHIINNSON Marlow V. Priebe City Engineer MVP:mdo CITY OF HUTCHINSON ,_MinM00 55350 OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST July 15, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council and Planning Commission Re: Engineer's Report Peterson's Terrace Developer: D. Peterson Gentlemen: I have examined the preliminary plat of Peterson's Terrace and it appears to meet all requirements for a desirable addition to the City of Hutchinson. The plat as presented is feasible and practical. Water and sanitary sewer is in the area and extensions can be made to provide service to the plat. The estimated cost for watermains, sanitary sewer and permanent streets for the area are as follows: Sanitary sewer: $ 3,200.00 Watermains: $ 3,000.00 Permanent streets: $ 6,000.00 The park requirement should be waived and in lieu a cash payment should -be made. A twelve (12) foot utility and drainage easement centered on all side and rear lot lines except the one adjacent to 6th Ave. N.E. as provided in Ordinance No. 235. Grading of Peterson Circle to subgrade will be required subsequent to establishing grades and prior to utility installation. The width of Peterson Circle is satisfactory inasmuch as it can be considered a "Marginal Access Street". The cul-de-sac, however, requires a 60 foot radius. Execution of a subdivision agreement between City and develpper will be required prior to City signing the final plat. Yours truly, CITY OF HUTCCH/INSON, Marlow V. Priebe MVP:mdo City Engineer CITY OF HUTCHINSON ,M61WO(O 55350 OFFICES AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST July 15, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council and Planning Commission Re: Final Plat of Southside Terrace Developer: E. Merickel Gentlemen: I have examined the Final Plat of Southside Terrace and find it in proper order with the exception of the easements. They should be changed from 5 feet to 6 feet. They also should be added to all side lot lines. A sewer and water plan to connect to the existing services on Grove Street is satisfactory. A permit from the Highway Department will be required. The developer will have to submit same to this office to enable us to make a copy for City files. I recommend approval of the Final Plat. Signing of same by the City will have to be done after a Subdivision Agreement is executed. Yours truly, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe City Engineer MVP:mdo HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION July 9, 1968 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bud Maynard at 7:30 P. M. Members present: Bud Maynard, Doug McGraw, Tom Koeppen, Victor Olesen, and City Engineer Marlow Priebe. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay the following bills: Leef Bros. State of Minn. McLeod Coop. Power Assn. Hutchinson Agency Hoyt Hardware Grams Agency Hutchinson Telelphone Co. City of Hutchinson Towel Service $ 8.56., T Hangar Payment 132.75 Electricity 24.53 Insurance on Hangar 103.00 Wax Applicator 1.39 Liability Insurance 146.68 Bill 9.99 Shop Rent-Apr-May-June375.00 A motion was made, seconded and approved that the figures the City Engineer had prepared be submitted to the voters of the City of Hutchinson at the Primary Election in September. A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn at 10:00 P. M. Secretary Victor A. Olesen N Hutchinson Sa_ety Council The Hutchinson safety Council met on June 24th, 196 at the Velvet Coach with 8 members pres,:nt. Ivieeting was opened with silent table prayer. It was moved by George ilahlgren, seconded by Helen hoot, that the minutes and treasurer's report be accepted. Carried. Chief of Police Broderius shaved the materials for the "Bring tEm Back Alivel' safety campaign. This campaign to start on the 4th of July and last until Labor Day. Larry Teskey thanked the council for the prizes provided for the Teen Ale Rodeo. A general discussion on traffic problems caused by the street con- struction took up the rest of the time. Meeting addourned. Florence Jarcho Secretary -Treasurer Treasurer's Report Bal. on hand 5/28/68 V60.07 no receipts no disbursements Bal. on hand 6/24/6$ x,60.07 4BURNS I.WR NURSIPIG HOME QUARTERLY STAMAENT APR. - MAY - JUNE - 1968 INCO&E: Resident - Room Board and Care --------------------$ 50v679.00 Meals--------------------------------------------- 33.00 Miscellaneous ------------------------------------- -.113 jo Total-$ 509825.10 OPERATING EXPENSESs Salariess Administration and Office -------------------------$ 2*216.15 Nursing ------------------------------------------- 169639.30 Dietary ------------------------------------------- 69517.13 Housekeeping -------------------------------------- 19472.55 Maintenance --------------------------- ----------- 19249.50 Laundry------------------------------------------- 857.55 Total-$ 288952.18 OTHER EXPENSES: Administrative and General -------------------- ---$ 39970.05 Plant Operation and Maintenance ----=-------------- 29366.98 Dietary ------------------------------------------- 69052.46 Laundry ------------------------------------------- 19552.04 Housekeeping -------------------------------------- 431.80 Nursing----------------------------- ------------- 971.88 Total-$ 150345.21 TOTAL _EXPENSES: ------------------------------------- $ _�.. 44,297.39 IMCME OVER EXPENSES: ------------------------------$ 60527.71 NON - OPERATING EXPENSES: Accrued Interest On Bonds -------------------------$ 39465.00 Accrued Payment On Bonds -------------------------- 2.499.60 $ 51964.60 Interest Income On Investments --------------------$ 180.00 $ 59784.60 r�r� ■rrrr -- ■rrr,rrrrr�' MR.M. 5 rrrrrr M, RleimR"RArNIrrr INIAN ONES some ■ENIS rrrrrr rr NININI r ■rrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr'r■ ■E - M irrrMO. - . - �!r�� � r��rlr■ r���lrrr■;r111�C�l�9�r�!_���rr�rr� ■©� �rrrr rrrrr�llCf."1l�Jrrrr�rr ■�J�C,��rr�r r��r�rr.���r��r`r■ :rye _ :.. �rr�rrrrrrr�rr� , ,��rrrrr�r■ ■�r � rrrrrr rirrrr rr� , - rrrrr M re�a� rrrrrr�rrr�r■►rm �. ��rrrrrr�r■ rrie� :. r�rr�r�rrr�rr�rrra �,�;!rrrr_r�rir rrm�� rrrrrr�rrr���r _ :�r�:rrrrrr�r■ ■r��� ■rrrr rr�rrr�rr����rr�rr�r■ rrrrrr�rrr�r■ rrrrrr�rrrrrr�rirrrrr■ 1001c,■rrrr rrrr��r��arrririr r� rrrrr■Rrrrrr rrrirrZrrrrr NONE! rrrr�rrrrrrrr!rrrr'rrrr�rr rrrrrrr�rrrrrr rirrrr�rrrrrr�rrr�r■ ■■ rrrr�r�rrrrr■ ■r�rrrrrrr�r�rrrr■ ■■ ■rrrr NEON ■rrrr.rrrrr OMEN on i r j ■rrrr rrrr; ■�r��r�r��ri NUMMIN ■�rr�rr�rr� N CITY OF HUTCHINSON SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL UND 13 MONTHS ENDED u r, e. 30, Iq 68 General Government Conservation of Health Public Buildings, Fire and Other Protection Organized Recreation Park, Refuse & Cemetery Police Protection Unallocated Expense Actual Prior Year 79,531.34 1,234.59 43.888.57 16,092.63 72,409.08 53,929.62 162,429.82 Actual Current Year to Date 370, /8 X07 je8 FA oil. 3f /8a''6o 98 %IVO7._6/ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 429,515.65 Y(o 36 ,1. 6:5 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS - ESTIMATED & ACTUAL ALL ENDED FUNDS .3 MONTHS kA n e Actual Actual Current RECEIPTS Prior Year Year,To Date General Fund 378,035.62 Road & Bridge Fund 227,044.66 y6. 4 �.?. SrZ Water & Sewer Fund 204,360.34 Sl, 4oS, 60 Library Fund 17,859.19 Sinking Fund # 1 - SE Storm Sewer 14,305.60 3,G.SO. Set. Sinking Fund # 2 - NE Storm Sewer 34,141.83 Zi 70 9 7� Sinking Fund # 3 - 1962 Curb & Gutter 8,807.75 79/, 6,5- .SSinking SinkingFund # 4 59,797.97 9.a9 Sinking Fund # 5 101,650.57 (v 043. 6 Sinking Fund # 6 1,876,590.46 3,21 3o7 4 �' Public Sites Trust Fund 32,790.04 30 Z,SO TOTAL RECEIPTS 2,955.384.03 ,1�� /( G3.?..27 DI8BURSEMENTS General Fund 429,515.65 53 Road & Bridge Fund 222,671.21 ,333 98. 145 Water & Sewer Fund 268,663.92 S9 836. 03 Library Fund 18,408.4060. S8 Sinking Fund # 1 - SE Storm Sewer 13,963.80 Sinking Fund # 2 - NE Storm Sewer 35,927.54 ---'—"-- Sinking Fund # 3 - 1962 Curb & Gutter 9,063.25 Sinking Fund # 4 58, 852.48 /.200 g. AZO Sinking Fund # 5 104,057.72 - Sinking Fund # 6 1,864,217.09 tj 14 Public Sites Trust Fund 20,717.23 6 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 3,046,058,29 SUMMARY - CURRM EXMVSE & CAPITAL OUTLAY General Fund Road & Bridge Fund Water & Sewer Fund SUB -TOTALS Library Sinking Fund # 1 Sinking Fund # 2 Sinking Fund # 3 Sinking Fund # 4 Sinking Fund # 5 Sinking Fund # 6 Public Sites Trust Fund =� SF*I: Teta % s Current Capital Outlay . •� 10 -- soo.000 9 5..5'353 Total * Paid out in like amounts CITY OF HUTCHINSON J „ Q 9 8 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total RECEIVED RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT - GENERAL FUND •1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date 301 General Property Taxes 78,318.39 78,318.39 124,316.00 124,316.00 71/ 74 99ft.9 G 3053 Special Assessments 23.03 23.03 - - /79,'10 'f0 311 Licenses Beverage 540.00 875.00 Theatre 100.00 100.00 Bowling 48.00 50.00 Pool Tables 5.00 5.00 Cigarettes 721.00 630.00 /4l 00 Auction 16.67 100.00 Taxi 12.00 6.00 Dog 106.50 100.00 ,:50, 4�0 Bicycle 72.00 125.00 /3 8. 00 Popcorn Stand 50.00 50.00 Milk 148.00 400.00 Roller Skating - - Garbage Hauling - - Other 5.00 1,824.17 10.00 2,451.00 9a 7. yo 312 Permits Building 3,824.50 1, 500.00 Excavating 6.00 10.00 Electric 202.50* 300.00* 75:0 a Plumbing 865.15* 650.00* R G 3. /0 Building Inspections 765.00* 750.00* .31.0.00 Water & Sewer Connections 141.00* 130.00* 00 Special Permits (Other) 100.00 100.00 0,0 Refuse Collection Franchise 7,296.00 13,200.15 7,296.00 10,736.00 /per ,a p -46-4 8� 320 Fines, Forfeits and Penalties Municipal Court Parking Fines 12,936.00 2,498.50 15,434.50 15,000.00 2,400.00 17,400.00 3aP.S: Sd 80 3. T3 jk a 3 330-332 Revenue from use of Property - Rents Building 210.00 25.00 f1S, d O House 595.00 575.00 X46,6 e Dump 200.00 200.00 /00.60 Liquor Store 500.00 2,505.00 - 800.00 00 * Paid out in like amounts CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total RECEIVED RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year GENERAL FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date 340 Revenue from other Agencies Per Capita - 32,400.00 State Liquor Tax 8,876.01 8,750.00 State Cigarette Tax 11,855.37 11,500.00 Mortgage Registry 1,369.88 1,500.00 Mobile Homes Registration & Taxation 818.56 1,000.00 - 22,919.82 - 55,150.00 350 Charges for Current Services Refuse Billing 2,158.00 2,000.00 0 0 Recreation 3,656.15 3,695.00 ,23 i3. 40 Cemetery Interments & Sales 11,227.00 10,000.00 ?790 910 Other 30.00 17,071.15 - 15 , 695.00 6-0- 390 Collections for Other Agencies Fire Dept. Relief Assn. (tax) 1,061.87* 1,100.00* Fire Dept. Relief Assn. (insurance) 3,982.73* 3,900.00* PERA 14,505.94* 22,426.00* �� 610. -.T6 Christmas Decorations 1,058.95* 2,000.00* 9 7/, /-6- sRefuse RefuseCollections 31,777.10* 33,100.00* 8. 0 7 7S Other - - - 52,386.59 - 62,526.00 ;z 0. 395 Refunds & Reimbursements Flood 19,479.80 - Other 14, 650.70 - 7811 79 Public Sites 8,460.88 - Road & Bridge Bond Issue - 50,000.00 So, c o 0 , e o Hospital 29,108.93** 71,700.31 - 50,000.00 So 78`11,7 ei 396 Transfers In Hutchinson Utilities 107,900.00 120,000.00 30,0 0 0.0 0 Liquor Store 22,000.00 60,000.00 Airport Shop Account 1,500.00 1,500.00 Unclassified 1,361.44 - - 132,761.44 - 181,500.00 *Paid out in like amounts **Delete from total GENERAL FUND (continued) Sub -Total General Fund Receipts **Delete From Total TOTAL GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Ii CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS TOTALS RECEIVED RECEIVED 1967-1968 1967-1968 407,144.55 29,108.93 378,035.62 TOTALS BUDGET BUDGET 1968-1969 1968-1969 520,574.00 520,574.00 Actual Current Year To Date 301 General Property Taxes 31,975.52 74,754.00 " 356. S,3 305 Special Assessments 2,808.96 1,160.00 313* Parking Meter Revenue 18,694.39 15,000.00 Y�? A. 7/ 343 Municipal State Aid Grants 18,971.97• 9,500.00 353 Charges for snow removal, street sweep- ing, engineering, sidewalk repairs, weeds 1,996.41 2,500.00 J". 0a 391 Sale of materials 699.90 - D !� 396 Transfers from other funds 148,335.21 15,000.00 Refunds and Reimbursements 3,331.36 - 5/y .5'f..39 Unclassified Receipts 230.94 - 417-06 - 227,044.66 - 117,914.00 TOTAL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND RECEIPTS 227 044.66 117,914.00 WATER AND SEWER FUND 3051-3 Special Assessments - water (Incl. Int.) 5,576.39 12,800.00 SG 331 Interest on investments 1,268.76 - 3721-2 Water Sales 81,512.96 95,000.00 3726 Meter repairs & tapping fees 246.63 100.00 ss.so 391 Sale of materials, deposit fees, misc, and refunds 8,151.72 2,600.00! O. 396 Utilities - Tr-ans.Sn 17,100.00 16,000.00 soo.00 3051-S Special Assessments - sewer (Incl. Int.) 3,413.30 Incl, in 3051-3 water 3721-S Sewer Charges 36,545.08 67,500.00 Jv.re,Iq 8 Total Current Year To Date 17 ,?o 2� 6 SB. S</ WATER AND SEWER FUND (continued) 3726-S Sewer tapping fees 396 Transfers in: S.F. # 5 General Fund Borrowina TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND RECEIPTS Totals include investments and/or change funds. LIBRARY FUND 301 Taxes 332 Rentals 344 Donations & Misc. 357 Fines 353 Resident cards 353.1 Non-resident cards PUBLIC SITES TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS TOTALS RECEIVED RECEIVED BUDGET 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 545.50 50,000.00 16,764.79 130.80 53.00 668.60 107.00 135.00 32,790.04 204,360.34 32.790.04 17,195.00 1,000.00 June 19a TOTALS Actual Total BUDGET Current Year Current Year 1968-1969 To Date To Date 194.000.00 3o /34.7.5- /'9/./9 1S.a0 0?7 0 0 18.19 30Z 6'0 30 L 3 I/, I'F3,.3 2 CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated GENERAL FUND 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT 401 MAYOR AND COUNCIL -10 Salaries 3,875.01 6,300.00 /S7S.oe '��1e2� 00 -23 Travel, Conference, Schools 547.69 600.00 .� 6 d•s�� 4z a/ SG -30 Supplies 9.30 20.00 ap,d 0 -49 Miscellaneous 20.00 -1,0,00 4,432.00 6,940.00 403 MUNICIPAL COURT -10 Salaries and Fees 4,641.50 5,000.00 lls-rx4r -20 Communications (Telephone & Postage) 128.63 100.00 ,9,.3.5 -21-39-3OPrinting & supplies 205.22 100.00 „6"0,7409.,2- -52 Capital Outlay - 25.00 ,IS: 00 Subscriptions, Memberships, Miscellaneous 62.67. 150.00 /,SO.ea- 5,038.02 5,375.00 J4/6,2, 0S- 404 ELECTIONS -10 Salaries 1,207.50 1,000.00 /000.40 -30 Supplies 404,09 100.00 /00.00 -40-49 Rent & Misc. 423.00 30.00 '30.00 2,034.59 1,130.00 //.3a .00 4051 CLERK -10-12 Salaries 8,778.20 10, 000.00 A.2z '77.9910 -20 Communications (Telephone & Postage) 1,161.88 1,000.00 J".67 67/,.33 -21 Printing and Publishing 48.00 1,300.00 /,1,60 /V? A06.6,40 -23 Travel, Conference, Schools 52.00 200.00 :?o 0,0 0 -24 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 427.14 300.00 900.06 -30 Office Supplies 2,088.43 3,000.00 g?d 78.2/ 9.7/. 79 -40 Rental, Copy Machine 270.00 360.00 -41 Insurance and bonds 16,735.77 17,500.00 -43 Subscriptions and Memberships 319.00 350.00 3.SO.GQ -45-46 PERA - Soc. Sec. 15,851.62* 22,426.00* .36.e -49 Miscellaneous 3.37 300.00 /A.9 2 3.61 -52 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 709.76 6,000.00 /a6.39 �823.1z� 46,445.17 62,736.00 Yads.,Z �_837z:1 General Government - Totals Forward :fzl. 7du %fo,,. ee�,�, 63 .3 *Estimated receipt in like amounts. CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS G'7 TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated GENERAL FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Totals Brought Forward �9419,78 4052-10 TREASURER - Salary and Supplies 350.00 350.00 - - 4053 ASSESSOR -10-12 Salaries 4,251.25 3,900.00 -20-30 Supplies & Communications 12,33 100.00 -23 Travel 33.10 - 4,296.68 4,000.00 /0 3.67 �29.3�_-43 4055-13 INDEPENDENT AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 366-6-.00 6 S.o o /.335. 0 0 406 LEGAL -10 Salaries 3,600.OD' 3,600.00 9oO.00 it%DO<OQ -13 Professional and Consultant Services - 1,000.00 /O Q o_o a -20-30 Supplies & Communications 15.52 200.00 -49 Miscellaneous - - 3, 615.52 4,800.00 903. ad ,-5 7, o o 407 CHARTER COMMISSION 1,145.70 1,145.70 - - 408 PLANNING -10 Salaries 6,010.34 5,500.00 (p�5.7S- 3G7'�A5' -13 Professional & Consultant Services 1,009.92 10,200.00 / ZOO. vo -23-49-21 Miscellaneous 53.40 50,00 S6,io !o,/O 7,073.66 15,750.00 / 88/. 9-4- /-5-- /3 STOTALS TOTALS- GENERAL GOVERNMENT 79,531.34 105731.p / f.j%'Q, /8 �� •3(p0, �i2 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FIRE & OTHER PROTECTION 409 CITY HALL -10-12 Salary - Janitor 4,332.85 4,300.00 //7L, oo ji�'y�ac -20 Communications 1.75 - -22 Utilities 2,280.65 2,500.00 d/917.89 -24 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment - 500.00 xj,.6(e -25 Maintenance & Repair of Building 684.35 3,000.00 /37. O/ G'7 in CITY OF HUTCH INSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS un c, I 9�p8 TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated GENERAL FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FIRE & OTHER PROTECTION 409 CITY HALL -38 Cleaning Supplies 519,43 700.00 49A Slo3.$O -39-4:' Miscellaneous & Supplies 335.12 200.00 zz-410 SO -41 Insurance 93.85 100.00 S/, 3j -51 Capital Outlay & Professional 2,337.10 50,000.00 /a /JVa,72 -52 Furniture - 500.00 -�sco, 04 TOTAL CITY HALL 10, 585.10 61, 800.00 /� �(p� lo,Z, �tlf -15713 38 411 POLICE PROTECTION -10 Salaries - Regular 40,687.32 49,700.00 12.775, 00 3�, gaS.ao -12 Salaries - Temporary 1,244.80 2,200.00 -20 Communications (Telephone & Postage) 543.26 500.00 '100-6317- -23 Travel, Conferences, Schools 105.50* 600.00 /5'8.7 7 4111 a3 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 1,588.96 1,300.00 to 54.2.8 7.?- -27 Board of Prisoners 197.31 450.00 5.00 00 -30 Office Supplies 525.89 600.00 41y qo 6Sa.10 -32 Auxiliary Police Equipment - 1,000.00 /000.00 -33 Gas, Oil, Grease 2,143.17 2,400.00 0 -38-39 Police Supplies 313.54 450.00 396.26 S3 -41 Insurance and Bonds 429,24 450.00 5 55: GENERAL FUND (continued) PUBLIC BUILDINGS. FIRE & OTHER PROTECTION 412 FIRE PROTECTION -39-49 Miscellaneous Supplies -41 Insurance -21-29-43 Miscellaneous -44 Interest -51 Capital Outlay - Buildings 635.00* Restricted Fund - truck -53 Capital Outlay - Equipment Actual Fire Dept. Relief Incl. in Disc-. .3Oo TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS 4131-10 Building Inspections 635.00* TOTALS 750.00* TOTALS Actual Total .3Oo EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 5,547.73 1, 905.00 -;1 70,0'0 �pS.,?D Fire Inspections / „LQ 90 805.44 480.00 1,000.00 70.0o 7'38.1/0 e a 115.00 80.00 2,180.00 O - 414 35.00 13.75 655.00 -10 Salaries - Regular - 5,000.00 5,000.00 -12 Salaries - Temporary 12,395.00 - 7'/08 26- S-39-49 1, 250.66* Supplies, Miscellaneous 5,000.00* 175.00 (p,Z.15 "0 29, 632.30 -53 19,115.00 - 525.00 413 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 4131-10 Building Inspections 635.00* 750.00* 3.55:00 .3Oo 4132-10 Plumbing Inspections 889.90* 650.00* .3/8'.95 .33/.0.5 4133-10 Electrical Inspections 150.00* 300.00* '30.00 -;1 70,0'0 4134-10 Fire Inspections 264.10 480.00 70.0o e TOTAL PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 1,939.00 2,180.00 7 7,9�g: 414 DISPATCHING -10 Salaries - Regular - 18,300.00 lg?8 0 -12 Salaries - Temporary - 7'/08 26- S-39-49 -39-49 Supplies, Miscellaneous - 175.00 (p,Z.15 "0 -53 Capital Outlay - Equipment - 525.00 587.5 ,5 TOTAL DISPATCHING - 19,000.00 a,7 0'l, 7 7/Tz.3 415 CIVIL DEFENSE 246.25 246.25 400.00 400.00 S5 S0 55 So 3�'S� SA 416 ANIMAL CONTROL 1,415.92 1,415.92 1,300.00 1,300.00 CIVIL AIR PATROL - Included in Airport Budget - - - - 417 SAFETY COUNCIL 70.00 70.00 125.00 125.00 /2 5,0 0 TOTALS - PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FIRE & OTHER PROTECTION 43L888.57 1M , 220.00 3 7 11 ORGANIZED RECREATION 4741 Administration CITY OF HUTCHINSON '�� -10-12 Salaries 2,315.00 2,425.00 STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS X.0 -20 Communications - telephone & postage 20.00 25.00 ' X5_0 0 TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total 1AL.38 -39-49 EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated GENERAL FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 442 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH /577. 2 j4 f097 7G 4742 Playgrounds -10 Salaries 180.50 300.00 1,000.00 /000,00 300.00 -30 Supplies 35.45 100.00 f.3..3Z -22 Utilities /o ca_ 0 0 -49 Miscellaneous (Monthly Health Tests) 1,018.64 1,000.00 Maintenance & repairs of equipment o?07,14 75.00 %99-157 73,75 -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldg. & grounds 1,234.59 1,400,00 /(p.85" R07�� // 9�.�5�- ORGANIZED RECREATION 4741 Administration -10-12 Salaries 2,315.00 2,425.00 X.0 -20 Communications - telephone & postage 20.00 25.00 X5_0 0 -30 Office Supplies 74.23 150.00 1AL.38 -39-49 Miscellaneous Supplies 28.90 75.00 /3S•6;2 (0 0 6A) -52 Capital Outlay 77.00 - 2,515.13 2,675.00 /577. 2 j4 f097 7G 4742 Playgrounds -10-12 Salaries 1,063.00 1,000.00 /000,00 -20 Communications - telephone & postage 121.64 100.00 f.3..3Z -22 Utilities 122.25 150.00 Of--oS -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 14.00 75.00 /.2 S 73,75 -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldg. & grounds 36.71 100.00 /(p.85" .3. -30 Office Supplies 6.50 - 0?. 73 , -39 Supplies 265.60 100.00 -40 Rent - - -41 Insurance 121.72 130.00 /.53. q/ -49 Miscellaneous 127.67 - -52 Capital Outlay - furniture & equipment 1,131.75 500.00 580,7* -54 Capital Outlay - other improvements 133.64 1,500.00 t[1 3,144.48 3,655.00 �33.'f`� .?8'.Z/. 45-6 4745 Skating Rinks -10-12 Salaries 1,227.10 720.00 'IaZ0.G0 -13 Professional - 250.00 -20 Communications - Telephone & Postage - - -22 Utilities 353.92 350.00 ,J-�. 99 ?93.0/ -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment - 100.00 0Q. 120 -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldgs. & grounds 100.52 50.00 /.`- -30-39 Supplies (incl, office supplies) 38.52 100.00 x.92. fz Olt GENERAL FUND (continued) ORGANIZED RECREATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 4745 Skating Rinks -41 Insurance 15.77 -49 Miscellaneous 91.50 -52 Capital Outlay - furniture & equipment 163.33 -54 Other improvements - capital outlay - 1,990.66 60.00 35.00 100.00 TOTALS Actual BUDGET Current Year 1968-1969 To Date 1,765.00 Total Current Year To Date Estimated Balance 4746 Swimming -10-12 Salaries 802.25 1,625.00 /954oa 1,94W. a o -13 Professional 1,689.50 1,100.00 //00.00 -22 Utilities - - -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 27.71 75.00 ?'S, 0 0 -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldgs. & grounds 1.75 100.00 /D 0.0 O -30-39 Supplies 75,75 25.00 31.2 -40 Rent 1,376,63 1,245.00 .0 O -41 Insurance 260.59 300.00 .6(.08 S6 o8 -49 Miscellaneous 7.85 50.00 0? l05 _ ,3S" -52 Capital Outlay -furniture & equipment 150.00 400.00 a o s;7V ..?G -54 Capital Outlay - other improvements - - 4,392.03 4,920.00 %?'/. 0 5- 9:!5'- 4747-A Baseball -10-12 Salaries 1,203.00 1,500.00 1180.00 -22 Utilities - - -24-25 Maintenance and repairs 27.90 135.00 000 -30-39 Supplies 508.65 175.00 /SB SS /6.�5 -49 Miscellaneous 175.00 150.00 -54 Capital Outlay 340,55 550.00 / S3S.S6 2,255.10 2,510.00 �,��. `%`T �dS7 G/ 4747-B Other Sports (Softball, Horseshoe, Foot- ball, Basketball, Wrestling, Golf) Salaries, Utilities, Repairs, Supplies 1,632.23 1,545.00) Furniture & Equipment 163.00 ) 35� 3� 1,795.23 1,545.00 l/�ID.66 TOTALS FOR RECREATION 16 17 , 070.00 46.9 8 7. -3 /i2.9�i2, li�i CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated GENERAL FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance PARKS AND CEMETERY 475 PARKS -10-12 Salaries 22,413.05 25,000.00 lo38S,8S /8/S' -20 Communications (telephone, postage) 68.70 100.00 If.q/ 9/.0p -22 Utilities 546.88 600.00 /,07.64(. 3 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 1,836.84 2,000.00 'fo /.!D /.s" o -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldgs. & grounds 268.14 500.00 6 -31 Small Tools 56.30 50.00 3.5. os -33 Gas, Oil & Grease 1,294.55 1,200.00 335'.6"!vf -38-39 Supplies 421.25 300.00 /04��/ /x,5;/9 -41 Insurance 398.71 525.00 114g /7 76 g -49 Miscellaneous 170.94 200.00 -50 Capital Outlay - Land (Riebe in Public Sites Trust Fund) - - -51 Capital Outlay - Buildings & Structures (NE Park) - 3,000.00 3000. so -53 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equipment 4,816.54 6,500.00 G Soo.Oa -55 Capital Outlay - Park & Beach, River Development - - -55 Capital Outlay - Trees 376.20 500.00 510 0.0 0 -54 Other Improvements 402.00 500.00 .?!go, 00 300.00 33,070.10 40,975.00 /6 489 REFUSE -81 Remittance of Revenue Collected 32,326.35* 33,000.00* 4/ ?6/•-W -99 Refuse Billing Adjustments 88.50 100.00 /8,O O 00 32,414.85 33,100.00 8/5 .75 14, 9� S 496 CEMETERY -10-12 Salaries 6,601.35 7,500.00 178SS'o 16'7/'i�50 -22 Utilities 13.20 50,00 Sb.0 a -24 Maintenance & repairs - equipment 44.63 300.00 J4 Z7_ _;z -25 Maintenance & repairs - .bldgs, structures 1.05 100.00 d o -26 Other improvements - Maintenance, repairs - - -31 Small Tools 13.85 50.00 150 -33 Gas, Oil, Grease 95.89 150.00 ?f A -If /a /. ZS -39 Supplies 117.04 75.00 3,50 7/ S0 -49 Miscellaneous, including rent 9.00 100.00 ��,5'p S SO GENERAL FUND (continued) PARKS AND CEMETERY 496 CEMETERY -41 Insurance -53 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equipment -54 Capital Outlay - other improvements TOTAL PARKS AND CEMETERY AND REFUSE CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date 28.12 6,924.13 72,409.08 50.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 12,375.00 86,450.00 Total Current Year To Date Estimated Balance 497 UNALLOCATED EXPENSE Current Expenses 2,354.67 1,000.00 +1-4 Refunds & Reimbursements 173.00 - Transfers to other funds 145,000.00 65,000.00 y�oo.00 !o% 000. oG Airport (wages, etc.) 120104.25 6,000.00 io8/.o0 00 Repair of Dam 1,797.90 - /116.(03 Christmas Decorations 1,000.00 2,000.00* /000.00 /�ao0.aO Contingencies - 15,600.00 70o.0o i 90 0. 0 0 TOTAL UNALLOCATED 162,429.82 89,600.00 70 9, S/ / O. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - GENERAL FUND 429,515.65 467,471.00 „^ t ROAD & BRIDGE CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 421 Engineering -10-12 Salaries 10,737.48 -13 Professional and Consultant Fees 538.22 -20 Communications - telephone and postage 143.29 -21 Printing & Publishing 27.45 -23 Travel, Conference, Schools 243.93 -24 Maintenance & repairs 167.03 -30-39 Supplies (including office supplies) 753.20 -41 Insurance 93.46 -33 Gas, Oil, Grease 80.79 -43 Subscriptions & memberships 7.00 -49 Miscellaneous 4.69 -53 Capital Outlay - 422 Streets and Alleys -10-12 Salaries 29,564.46 -13 Professional and Consultant Fees 3,337.07 -20 Communications - telephone and postage 121.47 -22 Utilities 1,438.35 -23 Travel, Conference, Schools 44.40 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 12,544.09 -25 Maintenance & repairs of bldgs & structures 39.73 -26 Maintenance & repairs of streets & alleys 18,987.70 -29 Other Contractual Services 79.00 -30-39 Maintenance supplies (incl. office supplies) 1,888.22 -21 Office Printing 165.85 -31 Small Tools 21.35 -33 Gas, oil, grease 3,751.64 -41 Insurance 1,222.28 -49 Miscellaneous 241.07 -40 Rent - 12,796.54 -52-53 Capital Outlay - equipment & machinery 10,610.63 -51-54-55 Improvements - Capital Outlay 96,560.21 180,617.52 423 Snow & Ice Removal 424 Traffic Signs and Signals 799.82 2,145.66 799.82 2,145.66 11,300.00 1,000.00 300.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 700.00 60.00 300.00 50.00 300.00 500.00 30,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 1,500.00 600.00 10,000.00 400.00 25,000.00 200.00 800.00 150.00 100.00 5,000.00 1,300.00 200.00 16,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 TOTALS Actual BUDGET Current Year 1968-1969 To Date .� �7, 6 .3.70 o. 77 7-5- 76 6 3 s 15,110.00 7663 F-6- .qsit, U 3o.a3 00 .2/3 /. /F 104,550.00 1,500.00 ad/ 5'/ Total Current Year To Date /:4 ,73y., 90 Estimated Balance /060.00 .Z 7-,2,1741 Isa. a o .30 X76.-53 So o T(, /,d0 o?� 7,, 77 s ao.0o 6S -8z/ /JS, 0 0 96.3s S/. .is mss 46 17 . CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTSzt.; TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated ROAD & BRIDGE (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 426 Street Lighting 12,228.85 12,228.85 20,000.00 20,000.00 20 7? !/ 3077. // /6, 9,7,249' 427 Parking Meters Parking Survey 3,000.00 - -24 Maintenance & repairs 579.78 300.00 y qs e? d OS -41-21 Insurance & Printing 120,71 135.00 4S,5:6S -/Z -49-39-22 Miscellaneous 11.46 25.00 /6:z'?. w /6 ns -50-53 Capital Outlay - Land 1,300.00 5,000.00* /S'oo.00 .3500, 00 5,011.95 5,460.00 3310,2, 3'r 010 9Z &&- 432 Storm Sewers -10 Salaries & Wages — P�o�css:oral 4,768.14 1,000.00 5"(Z O -20-26 Main ance & repairs 1,117.15 1,000.00 7z b', g- -54 -54 Capital Outlay 1,702.43 5,000.00 Sc�o v:o 0 7,587.72 7,000.00 �l'% 95 434 Refuse Collection and Disposal -10-12 Salaries - - -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment - - -39-49 Miscellaneous 560.40 600.00 5-9. 00 -33 Gas, Oil, Grease - - -52 Capital Outlay - - -41 Insurance 500.00 1,060.40 600.00 -f 435 Street Sanitation - - - - 436 Weed Eradication 49.40 49.40 100.00 100.00 /'` o 0 e 6.0 0 497 Unallocated 373.35 373.35 100.00 100.00 /66.00 TOTALS - ROAD AND BRIDGE 222,671.21 162,420.00 .33�jz 1o790oZ/.SS 17 . Zr' CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS • TOTALS TOTALS Actual Total EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated WATER & SEWER FUND 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 4821 Water - Wells and Tanks -22 Utilities 688.30 1,000.00 /'2 -5, 876.75 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 283.11 2,000.00 s.s6 /�! Qy y,l -26 Maintenance & repairs of wells 9,762.86 2,000.00 .Zo 0 a,0 0 -51 Capital Outlay - bldgs, plant & well 1,736.00 - -13 Professional, contractual, misc. 1,617.54 - 14,087.81 5,000.00 4822 Water - Power and Pumping -22 Electricity 13,765.80 25,000.00 d�L2 7 ar 94 72- -24 Maintenance & repairs 462,95 200.00 're 0.0a -33 Lubricants - 100.00 /00-= -49 Misce i ianeous - power 12.42 500.00 ,Sb O. on -53 Capital Outlay - 2,500.00 aS"o o . 0 0 14,241.17 28,300.00 -3-4- z g, 7W.7s 4823 Water - Purification -24-25-26 Maintenance & repairs 1,422.91 2,000.00 /SLX 136- l�So,G.s -39-49-r,2 Supplies 2,400.70 8,000.00 1 TSS3.S3 -53 Capital Outlay - 3,000.00 ,30 o 0. 0 0 3,823.61 13,000.00 14,6B 4824 Water - Distribution (Mains) -10-12 Salaries 7,489.25 10,000.00 75- 66- - -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 844.98 600.00 J?.3 3,4_ -3-6 (.S? -26 Maintenance & repairs of mains 2,241.98 2,000.00 /03.9/ If T6. /9 -31 Small tools 28.05 100.00 3�..I5 /o%SS" -33 Gas, oil, grease 363.41 300.00 /&X y8 -39-49 Misc. supplies & 994,67 300.00 93./9 -53 Capital Outlay - equipment - 1,000.00 /000.00 -54 Capital Outlay - mains 8,392,00 3,000.00* 3 o o e.0 0 20, 354.34 17,300.00 +(/S6- 77 -f 3 4825 Water - Administrative and General -10-12 Salaries & wages 6,936.70 10,000.00 ©9u.50 7 T 7,SO -13A Engineering 6,473.86 5,000.00 /3�/, 7S 36/S.ag: -20 Communications - telephone & postage 473.96 300.00 8,3,�K9 OT16.15/ -21 Printing & publishing, subscriptions 103.55 300.00 /-1.02 .716,80 Zr' 147' CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual Totals EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated WATER & SEWER FUND (continued) 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 4825 Water - Administrative and General -22 Utilities 453.00 600.00 +11a4196.7 -S -23 Travel, conference, schools 388.47 800.00 GSS. ?Z -24-25 Maintenance & repairs 168.96 800.00 ,5; oo . 7'9.5:0 0 -30 Office Supplies 511.06 500.00 /ps:gb -414.oZ0 -31 Small tools - 100.00 1070,00 -33 Gas, oil, grease - 150.00 /SO. 0 0 -38 Cleaning - 100.00 led .0 a -40 -41 Rent Insurance - 325.72 - - 353, OS 353. QS -44 Interest 857.25 2,000.00 a70 00. 00 -45 -W-39-49 PERA Misce laneous rcCZ CA - 156.50 - 11000.00 ss -80 Refund of Meter Deposits 700.00 1,500.00 10.00/3#-e.00 Special Assessments Refund - - -52-53 Capital Outlay - 11000.00 eo 0 0.0 0 -60 Debt Redemption 15,000.00 15,000.00 ,*.5'000, 00 -83 Purchase of Material for Resale 3,953.88 2,000.00 A7.a00.00 Billing Adjustment 1,750.20 350.00 ia.a 337.73 38,253.11 41,500.00 S'o37. S� �6�y6.7.4L( TOTALS - WATER 4841 Sewer - Collection System (Mains) -10-12 Salaries 951.00 8,000.00 7d /8. 00 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 38.60 1,000.00 /O 9.¢9 S -26 Maintenance & repairs of mains 350.48 3,000.00 ?z -31 Small tools - 100.00 lva.no -39 General supplies 1,135.70 300.00 3ew-00 -33 Gas, oil, grease 38.94 300.00 no -40 Rent - 100.00 /OfJ.00 -53 Capital Outlay - equipment - 2,000.00 .2000.00 -54 Capital Outlay - mains 20,439.53 3,000,00* 3 00a,00 -13 Engineering - 5,000.00 S"0nn, n n -23 Travel, conference, schools - 800.00 ka_QO 22,954.25 23,600.00 147' WATER & SEWER FUND (continued) CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 4842 Sewer - Disposal Plant -10-12 Salaries 12,287.50 10,000.00 -13 Engineering - 5,000.00 -20 Communications - telephone & postage 102.51 100.00 -22 Power & light 3,302.05 9,000.00 -23 Travel, conference, schools 275.00 800.00 -24 Maintenance & repairs of equipment 1,340.48 1,000.00 -25 Maintenance & repairs of buildings 10.00 500.00 -26 Other improvements - 500.00 -31 Small tools 36.24 100.00 -33 Gas, oil, grease 262.32 300.00 -41 Insurance 169.82 175.00 -44 Intei st - - -38-39-49 Miscellaneous 1,026.20 1,500.00 -40 Rent 30.00 100.00 -51 Capital Outlay - buildings - 500.00 -53 Capital Outlay - equipment 800.00 500.00 -54 Capit4.l Outlay - mains - - -60 Debt Redemption - - Sewer Billing Adjustments 870.51 100.00 TOTALS - SEWER Transfer Out TOTALS - WATER AND SEWER FUND 20,512.63 43,466.88 TOTALS Actual Totals BUDGET Current Year Current Year Estimated 1968-1969 To Date To Date Balance 30,175.00 3 ia6.5 0 70 /. 5'S moi. zG 67,117 11f,zo /O./3 134, 437.00 134, 437.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 Ail, 64;c (.3 1t4 e. S. G 3 268.663.92 253,875.00 sr"6. 03 Public Sites 20,717.23 20,717.23 - - 3,vJ 8,Y J6?,Af Ciil OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS TOTALS TOTALS Actual EXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET BUDGET Current Year LIBRARY FUND 1967-1968 1967-1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 To Date 462 -10-12 -20 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -30 -38 -39 -41 -49 -52 Salaries Communications - telephone & postage Utilities Travel, conference, schools Maintenance & repairs - equipment Maintenance & repairs - buildings Bookbinding Office Supplies Cleaning Supplies Books & periodicals Insurance Miscellaneous Capital Outlay - Furniture & Equipment Totals Current Year Estimated To Date Balance 11, 260.90 11, 800.00 a 9a j-, 6 9 9111.51 206.89 100.00 61,, 19 3J'.91 1,589.12 1,400.00 J%7-41/2 /d7A-1-7- 87- - 100.00 a3.7p 76.30 14.70 200.00 Xoo,00 303.49 700.00 619.1/9 43 7.1 S/ 185.67 350.00 9/ M RS8 3L 446.43 500.00 tic/. ,lam, ,3'S1f.St 42.96 100.00 9,00 d. Do 4,181.16 4,000.00 Bo,Z 3-3 , 23.41 25.00 3�.24' 153.67 175.00 .5.'00 - 250.00 18,408.40 19,700.00 -a.S$ CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCEWULZ 11 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 1 Months Ended 8 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 1 Months Ended I AMZZ S;V194f Actual Prior Estimated I Actual Current Estimated Year I Current Year Year to Date Balance Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1980 Bonds Payable interest — Debt Service Construction Coats Total Disbursements A 1 13194 NOMINEE .-iMEN.ONE! ■�■I■..■iMEM .■. .-■�I■■■■I■-.■... 777 f ROME t . �� ■■■■;■M �... • ... ZM1 . / �I■■■■�■.MMI... IN■■■I■IMERNE. EMINEEMIMM MINNIE MINI■ ■E"M ME MINE ..■■ ■■■■ ■..■I.. - CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 1 Months Ended I AMZZ S;V194f Actual Prior Estimated I Actual Current Estimated Year I Current Year Year to Date Balance Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1980 Bonds Payable interest — Debt Service Construction Coats Total Disbursements A 1 13194 K CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCEMUIZ 1 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 2 3 Months Ended 30 6 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Sinking Fund No. 2 —1980 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costs Total Disbursements �.� _Months Ended 8 Actual Prior I Estimated I Actual Current Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance /1*3 Actual Prior i� Estimated Year Current Year Actual Current ., Year to �' Sinking ■.■■i,.■■■i...■I... Special Assessments — Collected by City �i INN Special Assessments — Collected by County ����i■��■ OEM mom mom mom ONE �.CTt�■■� �..�IM.. m�in. o ■NE 101e , -, I ZE110■ CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Sinking Fund No. 2 —1980 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costs Total Disbursements �.� _Months Ended 8 Actual Prior I Estimated I Actual Current Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance /1*3 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCHEDULE is Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Months Ended ( / a CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Months Ended 11--111196- 8 Actual Prior' Estimated I Actual Current I Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Coats Total Disbursements MEMO • , I�N �MIN . Y ��l�I Elm ME ■ 0 _ MIN moil, No IN MINIINWIM NN E ■ MININEM 0 MORE INIMEMININE '..■■■■■■I...■I..- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Months Ended 11--111196- 8 Actual Prior' Estimated I Actual Current I Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Coats Total Disbursements SCHEDULE 14 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 4 3 Months EndedA�&"8' CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 Months Ended / i T Actual Prior Year Estimated Actual Current Date:: . Sinking Fund No. 4 — 1%5 ENE j MENII 0M 1 Special Assessments — Collected by City MISR ffll 1119j, immom INN "m Ar'111 Special Assessments — Collected by County ON ENE M M11 0 M limmem, minHolo..■ 022 .-■■I■■■.I..oul.■- ■.- EM MIN MINIM P -MIN -10000 .MEN-1 I■■■■I■.N- �I17 I.-■■I.■.■I■..■I...■ .-■■.■■■I■..■I... ���M ■ EMIME1M1■IO1M1M1 01111inn, 01 ffil SEMI CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 Months Ended / i iEstimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date I j ON ENE M M 022 .-■■I■■■.I..oul.■- ���M ■ EMIME1M1■IO1M1M1 SCHEDULE 16 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 5 3 Months Ended CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 5 Months Ended Aaz, 30 1916.V Actual Prior Estimated Year Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 6-1966 i0 I LQ 0i"' OWN "i'M 96 ONINE IMMENSE Bonds Payable Special Assessments — Collected by City Interest — Debt Service Special Assessments — Collected by County iN!!!!lI■���I��� Construction Costs e A- Q O o 3 • • I.MJ '; 11110 ■■■sL.-■L.. Cotal Disbursements 14 OS CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 5 Months Ended Aaz, 30 1916.V Actual Prior Estimated Year Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 6-1966 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costs e A- Q O o 3 Cotal Disbursements 14 OS CITY OF H U T C H I N S O N SCHEDULE 1i Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 4 Months Ended 9�C,2,:u Ug CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. __Months Ended 3� ONE '10.10■i■■■■I■�NMIPROEM � 1010■ ■0■■ ■1001■1■1 XTAYWAUM ■ ■N ■M M ■i■■■1■0m■ 1010■■I■■.■ No 1010.■ �lffil IMMENSE NINE • ■■� �loom ■■■■I■M"." 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