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01-26-2015 SAM20150126Senior Advisory Board Minutes January 26, 2015 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Barb Peterson, Curt Dahl, Warren Schuft City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Judy Klawitter I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairperson Don Schroeder. II. Secretary's Report: The November 24th minutes were examined. Barb made a motion to approve the minutes and Curt seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that the giving program has now totaled over $4000. The upgrade of the sound system came to a total of $2670 and those funds were taken from the giving program. Curt made a motion to accept the report with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the Old Log Theater trip went off without any issues and that the venue has experienced some nice upgrades. This year began with a January 7th trip to the Plymouth Playhouse for "Branson on the Road". The next trip is scheduled to travel to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater on February 11th to see "Hello Dolly" and has 36 people registered. On March 19th we will visit Orchestra Hall for Rogers and Hammerstein's "Carousel" that includes a stop at Famous Dave's for lunch. This tour is sold out. The flowers are proving to be popular again as this coming spring's visit to the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts to view "Art in Bloom" is sold out. On May 2nd we will travel to the Minnesota History Center for "The Songs of the Hutchinson's", a tribute to the music of the Hutchinson brothers. In June we will head to the Black Bear Lodge in Baxter for lunch followed by a visit to the Akely Woodtick Theater for a musical comedy review. July brings with it a trip to Wadena for lunch and then on to the Douglas Lodge on Lake Itasca for a boat ride. The August tour has not been determined yet but a State Fair trip will be on tap in early September. In regard to the tours, Harriet made a motion that the gratuity given the bus driver not be paid directly by Julie during the tour. The motion was seconded by Curt and unanimously approved. Warren then made a motion which was seconded by Curt that a one dollar per person gratuity be included on the City bill. The motion passed. B. Update on Programs- The Buckuecker activity went well but they need to have the rules clarified on scoring. Some players use chips for scoring and others use paper so that will have to be clarified. Don will form a group to iron this out. The Fellowship Dinner is scheduled for tomorrow night. "100 Foot Journey" was this month's movie. "Changeling" was the bonus movie for January and will be shown again in February. V. Business A. Year in Review- September went through all the various activities that provide revenue for the Center from this past year. The concerts were one of the big winners with $4765 raised. Card sales and shotgun shell crafts were two other activities that topped the $1000 mark with $1223 and $1588 raised respectively. The revenues were enough to meet the fundraising goal for the year and pay for the coffee and internet fees. B. Church of Cash- The "Church of Cash" concert has been scheduled for April 18th at the Center. It will begin at 7:30pm. Mayor Gary Forcier has lined up ten sponsors at $100 each to cover the cost of the band. Tickets will be $15 in advance and $20 at the door. The cost for the band is $800. C. Other- Don and Curt proposed a potential craft for sale by making bird houses decorated with shotgun shells. Don would like to get some more men involved at the Center and he sees this as a way to get this accomplished. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:44 am with a second from Darlene. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 23rd at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary