cp01-25-1965 cITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS January 25, 1965 \4. CALL TO ORDER ,y2. INVOCATION - Rev. Mard 3. APPROVE MINUTES Regular Council Meeting - January 11, 1965 APPROVE BILLS CHIEF OF POLICE BRODERIUS - 7:45 P.M. THIRD AND FINAL READING - ORDINANCE NO. 26j (Airport) THIRD AND FINAL READING - ORDINANCE NO. 268 (Altmeyer - Otterness) ._.,..$.RDINANCE - Roe Avenue vacation OLD BUSINESS r (a. Workman's Compensation for Leo Pillatzki _..w -b. Snow Removal Ordinance L4. Sale of City owned property �A. No report on National Guard Armory U. NEW BUSINESS a. Establish Petty Cash Fund ENGINEER A. 1965 Street program - attached b. Proposed Truck Route Ordinance - attached This revised ordinance is submitted for the Council's considerations. It is suggested that any revisions be made prior to February 8, 1965 and that a first reading be given to a new ordinance at that time. c. Equipment specifications 12. ASSESSOR 1j. PLANNING MINUTES - attached a. Recommend approval for Special Permit - Variance for Smith -Douglass Co., Inc. for additinnal storage tank at Farmers Elevator Assn. b. Recommend approval for sign - Northland Cafe c. Tabled - application for sign from Plowman Motors RECREATION MINUTES - attached 1�. DITCH LIEN REPORT- attached INFORMATION $25,000 transfer from Utilities Commission on 12-31-64. ADJOURNMENT REGUKLAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS January 11, 1965 A Regular Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rolfe in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Invocation by Rev Goggin Members present: Aldermen Hanson, Fitzloff, Johnson, Stearns, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Wilson Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 28,1964. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be allowed and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Misc. - Drawer #2 Reimburse cash - y �r,+� 4.55 Esther's Supplies -Court, Police, Clerk 9.76 D. C. Hey Company Copycat paper 87.00 Albinson Map 1.03 Miller -Davis Company Clerk -• supplies 16.50 Farnhamts Storage boxes 15.04 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service /11 l;, �g� 122.25 Municipal Electric Plant Service & Police 145.21 Hutchinson Utilities Service 292.77 Municipal Water Dept. Service 36.25 Minn. Valley Testing Lab. Milk & Water analyses 202.02 Walter Rippe Plumbing inspections 105.60 Dan W. Huebert, M. D. Registering births & deaths 74.00 Aetna Life Insurance Co. Premium (monthly) 690.54 Harold A. Grams Agency Bumlding ins. prmium 12.00 American Linen Supply Co. Service -» Fire Dept. & City Hall 15.50 B. M. Stolpman Rubbish hauling -• Nov. & Dec. 10.00 Zila Hdwe. City Hall supplies 8.95 Hutchinson Shett Metal Works Repair City Hall boiler 60.50 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. Police car expense 57.80 Hoel Distributing Co. Police car expense, Fire Dept. 17.84 Meadets 66 Service Station Police car expense 274.31 Meadets 66 Service Station Police car expense 4.51 Popp Ts Hutchinson Cleaners Cleaning jail blankets 3.50 L & S Cafe Jail lunches 5.00 Motorola Communications Police dept. -• log books 10.80 Key Laboratories, Inc. Police X.dept. lab. analysis 10.40 Uniforms Unlimited Police uniform 24.95 Traf-0-Teria System, Inc. Parking tickets -• police dept. 79.75 Wallner Printing Co. _ Supplies -• police, judge 65.00 Gambles Battery » police car 18.95 The Hutchinson Leader Publications 18.38 Betker Construction Co. Lock for fire dept. 29.25 Magazine Publishing Division Fire Dept. -• subscription 13.00 Minnesota State Fire Dept. Assn. Fire Dept. -• dues 20.00 Robert T. Palmer Fire Dept. -• Dues , 7.00 Mankato Fire & Surety Co. Fire Dept. supplies 230.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Fire Dept. 5.84 Theophil Grunewaldt Dog Hours 39.10 Johnson Super Valu Dog Food 2.85 Simonson Lumber repair -- Annett house 1.09 Marvin Burghart Purchase of lots by city 3,,900.00 6,748.79 AIRPORT Misc. Drawer #2 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Erickson Contracting Inc. ����,, y.,��,,/�,�■tel ���� ROAD & BRIDGE Roger Telecky M3m George Richards Carl Baumetz Howard Johnson Walter Christenson Victor Schmidt Ira Braun James Hanson Misc. Drawer #2 Esther's Albinsbn Frank Motor Co. Meadts 66 Ser,/vice Station Plowmants Br=berg, Sorensen, & Olesen Hutchinson Oil Co. Simonson Lumber Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Hutchinson Utilities Municipal Electric Plant Albrecht Oil Co. Peterson Truck Ser,�viee Juul Contracting Co. Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works Zila Hdwe. Skelly }Ail Company Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Anderson Chemical Company Luxor Lighting Products Luxor Lighting Products Rockwell Mfg. Company WATER & SEWER Misc. Drawer #2 Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Telephone Co. Municipal Water Dept. Sharon Berwald Peterson Truck Stop Juul Contracting Co. Zila Hdwe. Hoelrs DirectX Service Red Owl Food Stores Twin City Testing & Eng. Minn. -Wise. Truck Lines Farm & Home Distributing Co. Coast to Coast Store 2 -- Reimburse cash toll calla Estimate No. 2 based on 90% 3.55 14.83 7.879.58_ 7,897.96 Labor 176.55 lktxx i Labor 183.15 ix5Uxx1i+x.:Rfi Labor 184.80 Labor » snow removal 23.4.0 Labor » snow removal 18.20 Labor .. snow removal 23.40 Labor 161.20 Sxmb Curb work » 14-2 Project 30.50 Reimburse cash 1.08 Supplies - engineers 3.11 Prints 1.84 Car supplies .. engineers 12.50 Gas » engineers= car 15.64 Towing cars -- snow removal 9.00 Diesel oil 50.24 Gas -» street dept. 198.98 Lumber for barricades 21.64 Service 10.17 Service 81.42 Service 1,131.98 Fuel oil 44.5.3 Expense - street dept. 208.50 Repairs -- catch basin, manhole, storm sewer 735.54 Labor on burner 2.00 Supplies 53.24 Motor oil 26.10 AxRAx - Street Dept. » repairs 72.63 Calcium Chloride 348.75 -Lamps 101.31 Lamps 56.39 Parking meter repairs 66.50 4,054.29 Reimburse cash Service Ser;vice Service Service Salary Supplies .. trucks Repairs waterlines Supp lie s Sewage test Purification si4ppleis Rep air s Supplies KXfi tk 8.65 1,292.57 93.78 23.55 132.25 103.5012y:k rye 16.15 269.16 5.90 2.37 1.29 90.00 freight 19.58 21.87 7.95 2,124.21' .. 3 .. LIQUOR STORE H. H. Lack Freight 192.31 New Ulm Grocery Co. Bags 11.40 Hutchinson Telephdkbe Co. Service 5.75 Estherts Tape 1.51 National Cash Register Co. Paper 23.87 Locher Bros. Beer 726.10 Premium Distributing Co. BeeriR9xARx 579.30 Otivia Bottling Co. Beer 307.80 Marsh Distributing Beer 535.95 Kaufmann Distributing Co. Beer 272.60 Cold Spring Beer 41.75 Ed. Philli s & Sons Co. Liquor 765.39 Lynn Johnsn Company Liquor 148.43 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 1,568.66 Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 752.33 Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 1,327.50 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 1,307.08 McKesson & Robbins Liquor 60.95 Old Peoria Company Inc. Liquor 323.36 Edo Phillips & Sons Liquor 773.41 Famous Brands Wine 333.23 Mid -West Wine Company Wine 84.93 Alderman Johnson made a motion to install a Mercury Vapor light at Highway #7 & Prospect Street. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $10,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund. Discussion of $125,000.00 Revenue Bonds for 1964 improvement projects. Attorney Schantzen informed the council these bonds are completed and ready for sale. Engineer Wilson reported two signs in violation of Ordinance No. 245. The city clerk was requested to notify these parties that they are violating this ordinance. Alderman Hanson introduced Ordinance No. 261/and moved its first reading. a ORDINANCE NO. 26�" AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, `0 .i 3srf. MCLEOD COUNTYij MINNESOTA (attached) A II3 Pay -t' Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson to introduce Ordinance No. 26?qfor its first reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 26?1 and it was declared passed on its first reading. Alderman Johnson introduced Ordinance No. 264� and moved its second reading. �] ORDINANCE NO. 2& AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA Alderman StearNavor econded the motion of Alderman Johnson to introduce Ordinance No. for its second reading. U on roll call,.all members present voted of Ordinance No. 26a'rand it was declared passed .,on its second reading. Alderman Fitzloff Introduced Ordinance No. 268 and moved its first reading. ORDINANCE N0. 268 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA 4 �► eY��- �' ®�` c r Yr e (attached) Alderman Hanson Seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff to introduce Ordinance No. 268 for its first reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 268, and it was declared passed on its first reading. Alderman Stearns introduced Ordinance No. 268 and moved its second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 268 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Stearns to introduce Ordinance No. 268 for its second reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 268, and it was declared passed on its second reading. Alderman Johnson made a motion to pay Leo Pillatzki the sum of $45.00 per week from December 16, 1964, for an x9ckR3=xA$kRx indeterminate period and in return have an agreement signed by Leo Pillatzki stating he will reimburse the city when he receives any proceeds from his workmans compensation. CITY OF HUTTCHINSON O F F I C E S AT 39 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Body 4 -door sedan 2. Color Black - first choice 3.- Engine - V8 325_ cu. in., or over, displacement to develop 2 2_H P. or over 4. Seats Heavy duty springs with foam rubber pad in front 5. Floor Mats Heavy duty front & rear & wheelbase of 116" or over 6. Electrical Heavy duty battery and 60 AMP alternator 7. Heater Airflow hot water 8. Transmission (2 speed or 3 speed) Automatic 9. Tires 7.10 X 15 4 ply 15X 5K wheels 10. Springs Heavy duty front & rear Heavy duty shock absorbers 11. Spot Light 4" face - left front mounted 12. Speedometer Calibrated to 2% - accuracy 13. Special Equipment 2 speed electric windshield wipers Oil filter E -Z eye windshield glass 14. Delivery Specify date N 0 T I C E Bids shall be made on the basis of accepting as a trade-in, the City of Hutchinson's present police patrol car, a 1963 4 -door Biscayne Chevrolet, License No. 2MB The unit to be traded in is available for inspection at th Police Department, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. 7a 0 CITY OF tILTTC HINSON ` Vinnewta OFF ICES AT 35 WASHINGTON AVE I'll WEST PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Body 4 -door sedan 2. Color Black - first choice 3. Engine - V8 380 cu. in., or over, displacement to develop 280 H.P. or over 4. Seats Heavy duty springs with foam rubber pad in front 5. Floor Mats Heavy duty front & rear & wheelbase of 116" or over 6. Electrical Heavy duty battery and 60 AMP alternator 7. Heater Airflow hot water 8. Transmission (2 speed or 3 speed) Automatic 9. Tires 7.10 X 15 4 ply 15X 5K wheels - or larger 10. Springs Heavy duty front & rear Heavy duty shock absorbers 11. Spot Light 4" face - left front mounted 12. Speedometer Calibrated to 2'/ accuracy 13. Special Equipment 2 speed electric windshield wipers Oil filter E -Z eye windshield glass 14. Delivery Specify date N 0 T I C E Bids shall be made on the basis of accepting as a trade-in, the City of Hutchinson's present police patrol car, a 1963 4 -door Biscayne Chevrolet, License No. 2MB The unit to be traded in is available for inspection at th Police Department, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. �/ , 0 Cif One 1x17ee di ix4 xis,a� eitsa ca , 11Qi5 _4s S Bids are tc? be madei f 3°ti f! T be 3cempari.ed by a ca*ii..� 10", of the amatin+t bzd, ui_dis will onl-Y by considered from dealers heavy equipment Laving kcal facilities La this area to service equipment aiid a. complete stock of parts. 3.CCEP7'1BU. , Ei:I__P^Eg Tj The following equip,.iont small be consi,' this bid openi.n-g: Ca.terpiller Model 922 Hough Model 60 Michigan Model 75A Seriel,s 11. The 1oAdlat-bid shall be the latest advertised standard model of the manufacturer, except as listed herein. All standard equipment listed in the maklufa.cturer's current literature shall be supplied as component parts of the loader. 4. ENGINE The follwing enginras shall be bid where an option exists: Bough laternational ;2, 3172 gasoline and GM 3-71 diesel Michigan Waukesha F283-3 gasoline and GM 4-53 diesel. 5. BUCKET The loader shall be equipped with a buck,�t with. an SAF rated capacity of 1 3/4 cubs yards. The bucket sbal1 r_ot be narrower than the mitside wid::b of. the Hi-res of the loa.dr,r, l:i addition, an extra set= of brackets shall be bid for corozertirg a 3 yard snow bucket to the machine being bl.;i, 5. '' [ ES be loader shall lie _,giLij)ped w'Ah standar! bz•az1G: tires. These tires 3hall be '1.4:00 x 24, 12 plv rated, 7. ;AB The reauraable all wa~at.i,er, heavy dutj-, premium quality cab shall be o: tee? =,3,_ fibcYplas.s cij .,tr:zctian, eiu-.;rped wish ;x ctebroster attachment, S ay _F_ty glass, ,wicvdshield w- tue s, :=_rid tv:✓1 i *etal doors. Literature on Cither cabs available shall lbe su'u't teed, t -t g(, .thccr with prices, The cab shall hat)r a X-R!LY :3100 flashing a`;aber .1?,9p mou_r,Led on the top. Acceptance of the bid on this item shall be optzonal., 3110 a' `.}is City Council's discre•- ti.cn, ��# `'. �.. li, ,.c • � .. s+:,. ',Y��.e�'�Il+�a...: wi.m.�at -� s.�... -_�-. - _ .. .,... -- . .... _ •.,. ,._ ..-y.ru..�..e , ,s... , ..,.. 11, 12. a s APR (�ti1.. i +5•". �xµ. 1•_�X � ,.ir'k'ia_h,,. i:7':i1?'..�.:i`^, .i:•1�•.ild ..a��" C."'.�l'i'?i3.�.%1, �I':."11tif_`:`'.'C".t:Rf�L�'?"3`VE'a�� n� $s Jt: 1 *it ►. :,all ce u r trRri 6e bidl for i f .,iPit71�' k'�t?1 1!'.e :>iei,.ctr rr .rll, ar,t.l:�d- with Eris a r -et price, � Tllt tl:it sil3ii be::c;iziTip e:1 with a 56 horsepoc+�.r� iY. _� :�•. 1'..a. 'et Y ..� ,.- 's ii f'�� c _ ..,. «'�d..if �...'4. ....�i. .}f t�'f+Y specifications on the exact model bid. Iron -submittal of these specifi- cations shall be cause for rejection of the bid, 13. WARRANTY The manufacturer's and dealer's warranties shall be sub�.tted with the proposal, 14. DELIVERY It is necessary that the end loader bF- delivered to the City of Hutchinson prior to March 221 1965. The rotary snow plow shall be delivered after April 1, 1965. The bi.dcier shat':. state in his proposal. the amount of time required for delivery, after award of the contract. 15. PROPOSAL All blanks shall be completed e,i the Froposal. Failure to complete all blanks shall to cause for re ectiorh of a bid. �xµ. 1•_�X � ,.ir'k'ia_h,,. i:7':i1?'..�.:i`^, .i:•1�•.ild ..a��" C."'.�l'i'?i3.�.%1, �I':."11tif_`:`'.'C".t:Rf�L�'?"3`VE'a�� $s Jt: 1 *it ►. :,all ce u r trRri 6e bidl for i f .,iPit71�' k'�t?1 1!'.e :>iei,.ctr rr .rll, ar,t.l:�d- with Eris a r -et price, � Tllt tl:it sil3ii be::c;iziTip e:1 with a 56 horsepoc+�.r� ,:n7igAne, elet:.trir. gtarte4, -.ab co-ntrollad two i;ect-ion chute and battery. fjt '.she rotary sncw plow shall have stazidard side cutters of sufficient widtTa to cut as wide as the end loader. It shill be complete and ready for d_ installation on the end loader. �4, ,1.. TRADE-IN The City of Hutchinson has a Tractomotive TL -12 which will be u k; Lraded in on the equipinen'r. bid, A 1-1/8 cubic yard bucket shall be traded with this machine. A three cubic yard bucket owned by the City of Hutchinson will be retained and converted to the new loader. The trade-in value of: this machine shall. be spawn on each option bid. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS 'lhe bidder shall furnish complete detailed specifications on the exact model bid. Iron -submittal of these specifi- cations shall be cause for rejection of the bid, 13. WARRANTY The manufacturer's and dealer's warranties shall be sub�.tted with the proposal, 14. DELIVERY It is necessary that the end loader bF- delivered to the City of Hutchinson prior to March 221 1965. The rotary snow plow shall be delivered after April 1, 1965. The bi.dcier shat':. state in his proposal. the amount of time required for delivery, after award of the contract. 15. PROPOSAL All blanks shall be completed e,i the Froposal. Failure to complete all blanks shall to cause for re ectiorh of a bid. CONTOUR AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS February 8, 1965 Sometime ago the matter of contour and topography maps was discussed— The Mark Hurd Company was contacted and the work was discussed with them. A proposal has now been submitted by this company which allows the work to be programed over a period of years. Briefly, the proposal calls for taking aerial photos of the area and establishing ground control (elevations and distances) points to prepare for drawing the maps for $2;X00. Unit prices varying from $7.25 to $4.25 per acre are submitted for drawing the maps. The price depends upon the size of the area being mapped at a given time. That is, the larger the area, the lower the unit price. Attached is a drawing of the area proposed to be mapped. Of immedi- ate need to the City is Section 5, Hassan Valley, in which the Hutch Growth site is located. This is not needed for the Hutch Growth site, but rather for planning the sanitary and storm sewer systems for the entire area. Also, Section 1, Lynn Township, which covers the area of the Southwest Storm Sewer District and the area adjacent to the high school. Because we can expect this area to develop residentially in the near future, this section should be one of the first a=W0,.msppeW- The cost of the preliminary work for the entire area and mapping these two sections would be $7,640. An additional three sections could be mapped each year for $8,160. Thus in five year, the major portion of the area (14 sections) will be mapped. Over a period of years, a portion of this cost may be recovered by selling maps to subdividers at cost. The subdivision ordinance requires that contours be shown on the preliminary plat. A land surveyor cannot do this for less than $5.00 an acre and thus would probably prefer to purchase a map from the City. Most important however, would be the money saved by designing the sewer system to fit entire drainage area rather than only a portion of the area. It is recommended that this proposal be accepted. AREA try IAA PDR GOITTOUR d: TOPOCTWHi MAPPING i rl-3c> 30 29 1 "1 - Z 9 r N � — TRvNK M�Gi�r✓fa� Ell — Cov,vTy VAIG WO'H !i6 - a 9 r �4, ti ar 2 k CITY OF RUTCFIMSON FEBRUARY, 1965 - A 4C V c v A.. y �4 S: y rr ^{,�, J ♦ t �T �j y'!' it .3 y f ,.*;'� g �i ♦�i. . � ��ri � r , .r^.. y � C. i �t �, t 4 , .i ar �y.�. , t.4f.y,�,y,���,� $X .#�' { �A� i �y'��iF^iw �� ; �' � .�� v =�3..� '� ;r.TYa't ,i,�' * �`t��� � F wj�1�•.,: �1 •}r.ta<'y *. i }3 .. W 3,' �. r s siS n';���} -.j s : {�°' ..+ {4 t t • ' . t.i. '�' i ss ; ' '#T' j'. AFr{ ' • ta. COD x� � '� � E�'� �f. H 4'' •; �k_ .�, �. a.� ,:tr J.� ���' rr �" t+ � �, t%'tlkr�•- ir:.'' Y, ANORbiI+r,mCR :lit t``t r -� r"t r ,i .➢ �,r yn'f) '� i `#�!'�'-�'1�'��r �s�'ey4r iw+.7l;f.7co r#. a y V • } r 4 f '{• °* f .:t ^ afi .City C uric 1, `of thA . City O;Eflutcll xn*'00 : e r ^ k W REAS the Q3.ty' of H tcoins6ii �4�'t a L3 Tii that` s 3 'foflow in,4.4osix`i2 ianasL 1 g and .beincf '41, the`` .104 tY' i3 ' McLeod. and, state 4� The. NOrLhea i�rt2uart�exf*eon l3.c�+►nMip 1]��, t" } Raio. 30, ^exc,:e0tic t;th, r10h ' .,'Of wayQf Ninxve (,Qt ' Steat@ 1T"'a,cra�{..clj'jg�Wi •Nfjiis ��: Ptt1�', , the �t�►1..s do'scribed trae•ts �ri- dkt a pa�iitt', 'aaid bein§ int•0x� tion 'of t?�ie West r� .'< a�Q�d t tr7r`ti}}.���uaryyn�a of t{{e;74inraaotya:''S�Catey,'aoptan,:r, 7 v >'iEltl�"ti7t', of S`':owl, ':3 / thCe WEst+�iur. �kl-artg ,sated` tai h `flin,e of • tY��s �3a�cithe s ` Slu&7Gte ` ' ,+ ` ' ° i �'; �' „ ` 356. 4 feat -*hence noe k c harly ens` a Eine {u� ; { wyta�{'ailtl+�es�.rXx 7°t.bt',9gh,`, *gay, �.ia;,� > /©8th�c►e�a�exi 4,'lina=aa,al�,�t V J r i6 r.e} # }, �! t } 1�j t b+rt � "�+«►.� t .7�B O:E 5i4ia ifOit;1e4 st red r: th��Ce S¢,iti3E�t1g 011# irye dr l A With `the 8a id .Wc eterly. 15 fwot .rQ ight `'f. 4 730 '4 9 fleet ; "tl ce Easter on a izr . fpara l le i with, 'diet Nopcth l fie' o s �d i ortheatst QIUa e°x • ' ' `Eet t*d'the said hteatierly 76 foot right - thriceTorth along #aid right, of 00 td the- poiri't of..beginning, said :'Craf t }x Y$ t yr contain` °11 .10 ,a • cres . ALSO- excepting Beg'�ti,,.�, � ' g a point ,off the ,9eid wmotexly` 75 foot right lin of XinneS4Dtar State 'trunk Highway.' ,tJb` a 15 r. 93;x. feet South sof `the forth line of said eaa`t atter of vection I thence' W6s't�erl line'parallel with the Vor+th line of ;s'alxd Nr�x�l�-* f '„ east •Qua►rter,; 325. ffeetr; ttherice 5outher;l'lr:� a <�'�y� ;.� �`:��„ a-• r , para11e,1., with. the' said Weestgrly .75poetr1ght way liner`• ,603 1 -feet, thence Easterly on a: ltn+e Para -1161 with the North line of' said Wprtheast 'Quarter_325 feet °to the Said Westerly 75 .foot right'. of iaay line; thence Northerly along said right da of wary, line; 603.1 feet to the point of begigniric�, , t ' said: tract C'.xitei.:iAng 4:79 acres, more or 1>6rt' or. A'he 141.0 f east puaptor (A) of the•" ;Sout%r 7 easvt. Quafiter `t.� ;c> seCtsoriy3,c�whs�haa`.li£ North. R40ye ya ;'W$st,. ,Jocli4�o4: Cotin mitiiessota;, and morepe G .CtAOil;i��lcf'fbe f;all.c�►.s' r� � at a point dig tflrt� .line cif . Said orth8ast 4 r -f Quarter. "(NAY 000 t a"st Quarter ( �.) , said ,` On, point be nc •; tw er ction of the Westerly 75•; u ✓{ r , �`,� AZ foot ritj4 caf:'way,;rli .of Minnesota Stats {iighway•p `;'7'wih aid North- line W carkheast ' Quare r a ]y�yamA) t ,t�gy';4o�t est quarterY' � .,,p �then���rG} r y}v Aly, ".MMa Bt t. . a�.kf SV .. �,.il.�Itw i:Y: (ayr it ••• °°.���RRiiii f fff ' t " S' r+ r T �Lxu� au tR�' l diM�if', ��I � .Left.:. at axe• "a�g� ��'"/ , �� a `rA � ;� •�. �,r, jn is ,S+K} > " rid ♦ ' � M ,'r a es �... u r� r t h� 4 i. ' ,: , ;: � i Y {, � �.; R x T C * f i s+: q�{ < r ! a i 6 ♦ + 9 b. �'i p' K w I + ri i } 1 e'C'c '�/ � � =r, �4 t r• 3 t, °..".' r x... �• t .' �'gj1 r ,�� [r 1 - a '.1 F ;, �,�.�r w'.. �:�� {' ` + }`?�' t i S W t'+ 49C,,�'A%F"' �+ fi � :�` ' � � c rrta�;'�,{{ � ". x y�Ap� t.' st'•+�' icyy+ ;' C+� , � ! {jbs, *•� jj,4t � }}{� it #� � . �2 ,y; � k •k ,A �'/CWf A;X.! +4.'-s��.n. �M KEY t + �r �.�•f3i. u7 , 1., .Ip ��=:�:]d�I...�y� ri1:, IL:S .'+.F 117022' a distance of 743.17 feet; thence deflect left at an angle of 62038' and along a line parallel with the North line of� id Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Southeast Quarter () a distance of 915.20 feet to the said Westerly 75 foot right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 15; thence Northerly along said right of way 660.00 feet to the point of beginning. Tract contains 16.50 acres more or less. SECTION II. AND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson deems it desirable and in the best interest of the City of Hutchinson to annex the above described lands to the City of Hutchinson. SECTION III. NOW, THEREFORE, i3E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of. Hutchinson that the lands described above be and they hereby are annexed to the City of Hutchinson and from and after the date of passage of this Ordinance, said lands shall become a part and portion of the City of Hutchinson with the same force and effect as though originally a part of the City. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. ORDINANCE NO. 1- L, k AN ORDINANCE; ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, McLEEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson ordains: SECTION I. WHEREAS, Milton F. A1tmeyer and Sylvia Altmeyer are the owners of the following described lands lying and being in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, and described as follcws, to -wit: The South Seven (7) feet of the West One Hundred Seventy (170) feet of. Lot Seven (7) of the Auditor's plat of the Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Section One (1), Township One Hundred Six- teen North (1.16N), Range Thirty West (30W). WHEREAS, Junice A. Otterness is the owner of the following describEA lands lying and being in the County of McLeod,.State of Minnesota, and described as follows, to -wit: The North Ninety -Three (93) feet of the South One Hundred (100) feet of the West One Hundred Seventy (170) feet of. Lot Fifteen (15) of the Auditor's plat of the Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Section One (1), Township One Hundred Six- teen North (116N), Range Thirty West (30W). SECTION II. AND WHEREAS, said above described lands are completely surrounded by land within -the Municipal Limits of the City of Hutchinson and are so conditioned as properly to be subject to municipal government. SECTION III. AND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson deems it desirable and in the best interest of the City of Hutchinson to annex tRe above described lands to the City of Hutchinson. SECTION IV. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson that the lands described above be and they hereby are annexed to the City of Hutchinson and from and after the date of passage of this Ordinance, said lands shall become a part and portion of the City of Hutchinson with the same force and effect as though originally a part of the City. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall tz,ke effect and be in force from and after its publication. _ J - Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Johnson made a motion to have the Engineer drw up specifications for a Maintenance vehicle for the Water Department. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Johnson made a motion to retire Otto H. Rannow as recommended. Alderman Fitzloff seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Johnson made a motion to have the Engineer draw up specifications for a new end loader for the street department. Alderman Stearns seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. .lid#N�It9e%3EiriP:+�t#'�.'?k+•=^ ':; k f::s�t�'A�•Y:,'.d-�.. °:� �`4':r:W�,t•i�w�:'b:�F-t#'1�:fiie�Hh+r;��+.'�Ya�x.:•s:,•:Wq�*v+tlr�ts 3r+w�wr�'�.r:9E�c:+f . xaq. �wl�as�-maw x «atca�cw�� rte' • �': d ,:i:®fC!`J:►�IIW1.i�1llrki�dl�I 5Y9E3' •�i�"�i� . Parra mr-t ORDIWNCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TRUCK ROUTES AND SCHOOL BUS ROUTES WITHIN T11 E CORPORATE LIMITS OF 127HE CITY OF HUMUNSON The City Coiincil of the City of Hutchinson does ordain: SECTION I The owner of any motor vehicles having a weight in excess of 5 tons axle weight, whether leaded or unloaded, is hereby prohibited from driving the same upon or from passing over any street in the City of Hutchinson except such streets as, are rAxant i by this Ordinance designated as "Truck Routes" or "School Bus Routes." On streets which are designated as truck routes, the maximum allowable axle loading of any motor vehicle shall be 9 tons, except •as hereinafter. provided. On streets which are des.igx-iat,• d as school bus routes the maximum allowable axle loading shall_ :.,e 7 tons for school buses only. SECTION II The following streets are hereby designated as truck routes: (see attached list) SECTION III The City.Engineer shall maintain a current map showing all, truck routes. This map shall be filed in the City Clerkly office and a copy posted in the Police Department. SECTION IV This map shall designate the various streets by the following classifications: a. Unrestricted b. Subject to regulation by other governmental agencies. C. Restricted (by axle weight) d. School bus routes The City Council shall by resolution establish and alter the classification of the various streets. Whenever, the streets of the City of Hutchinson Si3i xY by reason of deterioration, rain, snow or other climatic conditions will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the use of vehicles Cc St Tr, L J. 01— V L j�veiiui? McLeod Avequ(' M a fifth Avenue NW main St re L, Fourth Aveilut' NW W,, S I, ?r(41 SI I,cC Fourth Avenue N F, i Trunk. Highway 7 ;tI'( Third Avenue NW We: t Pram,]D-) ��tj 'k 1: re t Second Av(3n'lf' NW Second Avenue' NE Main Street First Avenue NW Gj !,oe L- Adams Street First Avenue NE M,jin 1.12 block East of Monroe Washington Avenw, Ro Id Main Street rst Avepu(-� SW First Hassan Street T'i,rc,t Avenue Erie Street Lrecu Main 'Street Second Av(�,-lii,, Street East city lilnit,� Second :\venuo MIJII Street Main. Street Third %venuc rr;ljj�,I ill Street Hassan Street Third SE Main Ln street Huron Street Third �lvenuE� Si; 1: 1, i C, Street Ontario Street Fourth ^\veilll(' Ittiron Street Main Street 'I'th Avt iwi F L [,YlIn Road NI ,!0�treet' Adams Street rifth Avonw, DaIc �t-,,Cet Lynn Road JuIll Rorld Robert.,; Road Wast city LV I im DaIl-t `,treet jel'fer,;on Street Monroe Street ra i -r Avewii, Dale Street Main :street Linden Awlhic m, Ltreet Adams Street Oakland AV -1111c tin S - Ro;-'(] South city I inlits Roberts Road �;Clioo] Robert Road Second Avenue SW Lake Street South city 1-imits Second Avenue SW 1)uIe Street Juij-]- Road Firth Avenue SW Harrington Stru('L Ifigh-way 1-5 South Washington Avenue Lynn Road Third Avenue NW Fifth Avenue NW Water Street ,�(,Qojjd Avenue SW Washington Avenue Grove Street Washiii9t-on Avenue First Avenue NW Glen StreetTllip(i Avenue SW Second Avenue NW Franklin Street 11-1 South 4 Solith ci=ty Ma Ln Street Highway Ili-(,II%VLIV 17 South North city limits Main Street TI-lJ rd Avenue SE Second Avenue NE Hassan Street Jefferson Street Sol -I t t. city Limits rirFL Avenue NE Adams Street South city I ill,,[' -, First Avenue NE city limits Bluff Street First AVU1111(l NF,North St. Washington Avenue Monroe Street Second Aveinie First Avenue SE Erie Street Third Avenue ;�E Fair Grounds Second Avenue SIE Huron Street Second Avenue tiC Fourth Avenue NE Arch Street Alley - w(,: -;t of Main St- Third Avenue SW Second Avenue NW SE east of Main St. Third Avenue SE First Avenue east Of Main . I St. Washington Avenue First Avenue NE Washington Avenu(, east of' Monroe St. Firms Avenue SE A -M AN ORTINANCLu I -RUCK ROUTES, SF XTION IV -)CLL r pr-2nTjj._,S_pjj tller('of restrieted, C,*t:, (A (!viforc(� the I)r(-,- ji i. thereof (I e c:.i a L Ic SECTION and her( 1)y di V of C t Hut., 'L 1! 1 t 1;, SECTION V1_ (,urre))t rlliAp c, Lclij nsoll all F re(. t of tht, City. Owner shaIJ meall ztllv I . 1) (11, c0rjm1';­ A Y (J,1 L I MOCOV VCt­, ic' L,,' (].'I; LL'( J )r U_,;ed prim..'LIJal IV nings otlijj, 1)U, - L i . . 111(2.1.1_11 L11 .1"I'le' i0fl Wit', ,elf -propelled "ill"Cle 11 considor'IfAe Va1't- 01 weight or that of jt�. !-ad rer_.t(.(! ';!cl liv a towing vehicle. SECTION VII Adl; U.�Tlur of' a motor ',-( !-J('1( %'i0lat-ing the provisions oi, this ()rdi-Tianc(2 -&ihill-I upon (,k)riv_c, ' ")". 1,i' I'111Cd not more than $100.00 or be confined ill tjlc' Coulj,,,,- j,,jj I(jr 1104- 0 r L�o t h SECTION VIII The whole of oio iild Ord inance No. I' L: shall j:)e revoked and no longer 1 iti effe - SECTIQN !X This OrdincuICC :-;hclli lie in full force and effect Irom and after its putblication. .�'�c3'�`a�'�i$i l^r'A'i4dl�. ?M" (�+:+r�. e �-tii%F s:� *, _. � Y , , .' c .. Ir 3i" � ; . .::,� ; } : .. ... l Alai rriTi : ^:s!'; �blr':,':'- ,t�li '�(I.6.4:.F�cA •:; #-:1 '.('O'`�b �t ;%�'y� . �Y`o;a.m( z �, 1 .t )� � � Pad.: x)11 �h(� irpi till_ NVrovemenLs t.1_al.nln � tt dc'. Ch.i�.1.Ct. .t. C)t' ('t)Ii'• [rlll tLllli,)It - L?! 1)1.n1111111, ('•ii).L`_iL:- 1;1)LJ1:'oVellif'.Iltti .lOr' t.Il(' City U1 {hl "{1Llt (ill. Wfl-l", I_�•(_ (_1-1_irt in mvpluhm and reproduced _in -:;uirahl_( lt).cnl, e(pji(!n be :1`' , tim M; C;nmei l., with reenanwndat:i_On:- -rom elle? Capital. Tm- prO`���ments i e)_1' ,r !t i;. _.._.Il J' LN III:;r:lt..!_ fai til a . 1 iq Wrll'l so lry 1104 01 :1(io t y .,�) 1 +t_; , by Ci)«'7l„ui t'1 e c)it i'T, ,i,_�.�i�"✓ %tTli! ?• I '('. . ,, .. ,i' ,.:+ r, .'�. �7! :: ..:ib 1.)?`. .�1 - -1 ,'�-),..")iIPL);;Uil,. -`� 1...-U piF':, '1 _ MillUt`c i_Ilf' l'_f't LIiW£ o C DeCclrl})-.'1' _1_, .L9OII,'xe'r.'- rt&(I r t n d app, %'; ;i. Speoial Q,t'mi r #;t Q SIP �t11 lhjU filar-- Co. (Ippl.ii v lr _:.11-1 o Lc)r dl_t.2�)()%1) Cur.: }'' t 1.I c;J Yarns -v" Ellevator Assn. Ml_)tl.oll :va`, In Lde i)V 1,1-'-,d ')i"rl_ i):;- 1 a, -it2('t)r'.'_UC >1 10.mv Wilson. rhnt Lht, i, 1.1-Tij COt'0111 Lti `( (`UI)itl.,'S1,i> t 1'('. C i L` �. ..:P:` h1 It: !`n J "r'llI l '. t)(: R'- !`fi.L! � �..,.. ,,t,',I L't'1)f,L.�Ca,,l=llr..: 1.1j ti,ll .)I;iC`f'ii lljI)1'. i1�_:,)•:(�f_I t' ,'t`!`Ol.11tOCl niN vas Jil.lOM WWI, 11 )i hi - ,�! t - built. � L�c'l-- g i)I .1 )�.:.iIC','. .vt)• App t .._ t I_ : J 1 Nn. -3Ot. O'(11 N ,)mi nit :`lUt or• mi, a -,i<.'n li_ ?nd �tlerlUi: �;I? :-)r•rl }l:atitinTi t', ',.I;; �cl1)_l_'' l i711� I i 1'I_:Liilil;�F C(wi!'i;- at .`yil I1�.,.,�. by Itirry Hance:.)n, ,c:_) ld(,d 1)y re!(;1TtlllendS to the City Council I- lilt t h i L)einI I C o ;_,ra11t,ea. .: , �, p• Ci t 17[Igj.1 Ie(2r Char.I'.��, ,I. Wilson 1)resented a report o appor' it)n- roc'nt of county dibAi liens, (4gy attached. !Wcion was made 1)y I'l_oyd I{oel, s����t)nded by I)r. all 't Sctl�rler, t_11a0_ i_n the I'ul_urc wheil a s>_ibdivi<,.i.oil i:- i; l ,). tt cit i.11 rile C i. t r) L' Ilut::_I' i 1.:;• nl . Lilt' ti).lt,ci i.vider be requ :.red to !)e LJ t _i cr: the C)ulltti Hoard :_ole LWpurt`()11'lu'11t or pr(�sejlt and Tliture courlty ditch Claris to Whe L!"!.i DRIa]_ loot oi, t -O [)r -:i -or to approval _ of' tht_- I'C C` il_l1'('lil('il t t_U 1)(' Il%iI1Ca_`.' ' rClliiiTt L t:7.'eit::L V)' lV' mldiit;� it to by, :) �-smssim ans tli'. A (;Il the proposed 'gas MR; to the I1('w motel tel wusL of Hutctlinsom ,)r: Iliigii a_, i . t:h:LLl"Ti,`lt1 i. %lY.'.l. evil r�(Il_1('��tE ii :1_nfurmiit7.oI1 on progri`s`- 1)e Llig 111i:L'c t)i'. til(` 1IiEi:L`;%r,Lcil- Lt ); t))' 10ti'il.l.r;SM! OI'LWth ('ll`;t C1 1:i7f' Wilson reported tWO: this pr,!gr:.m L: under Study. A r(2 ' .^i_ .:ice 1)ee,eiiLaA 1)y the ('r_ito 1. L,j)rovemel;t:- Crn:uni t teu ()II . �Y`o;a.m( z �, 1 .t )� � � Pad.: x)11 �h(� irpi till_ NVrovemenLs t.1_al.nln � tt dc'. Ch.i�.1.Ct. .t. C)t' ('t)Ii'• [rlll tLllli,)It - L?! 1)1.n1111111, ('•ii).L`_iL:- 1;1)LJ1:'oVellif'.Iltti .lOr' t.Il(' City U1 {hl "{1Llt (ill. Wfl-l", I_�•(_ (_1-1_irt in mvpluhm and reproduced _in -:;uirahl_( lt).cnl, e(pji(!n be :1`' , tim M; C;nmei l., with reenanwndat:i_On:- -rom elle? Capital. Tm- prO`���ments :) �-smssim ans tli'. A (;Il the proposed 'gas MR; to the I1('w motel tel wusL of Hutctlinsom ,)r: Iliigii a_, i . t:h:LLl"Ti,`lt1 i. %lY.'.l. evil r�(Il_1('��tE ii :1_nfurmiit7.oI1 on progri`s`- 1)e Llig 111i:L'c t)i'. til(` 1IiEi:L`;%r,Lcil- Lt ); t))' 10ti'il.l.r;SM! OI'LWth ('ll`;t C1 1:i7f' Wilson reported tWO: this pr,!gr:.m L: under Study. .is I - ,-.,povtet�-, flarticlu, Larry Notill.'-n ('11, t:"Ik, Hu!:chinsuri Leader r chinson havc. stirred up eiiough intcret-,:t so tliat 11:.� un tht: growLti flur'- Leader is cons ideriig a !,end.nar, tentat-"vely set for late March, on future A Rutcbiii�,c,.Yi. Ile asked if thE' PILmr-d-agg Commissioc woul-0, cou- sidei- being co-sponsors of this ev--nt, along with the Chamber of Commerce_ Suggested par ti (--,ij.;Jnts have Ijc_:er city goverrviient rep rf,,;cnv--tt Ivc, s and Jim Hawks of Community Planners. Meeting adjourned at 9:':')0 P.M. 9 Pro '[-.il �-' � �,-:�r�s:r.�..�vw�.: �... .,. ��,,...,{.r...,K., ..,y,. ,:.-,.��n.xnaxr�evw.e�w:r• r. ,.< u�'lr�'-.n,sr�T:,..�.f�R� ...Tw'.�+tw�sq„ CITY OF HUTCHINSON C F F I C E S AT 35 WAS HINGTON AVENUE WEST M E M O R A N D U M TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: APPROTIONMENT OI' DTTC11 1,11"NS At the Planning Commission meet-i.11of11 i) ccmber 1'_1 , 1964, Mr. Floyd Hoel and the City Engineer, Charles J. '.�`i.1�,c;a, %veru requested to investigate the apportionment of ditch li-ens. It w..as suggested tll:it Harold Popp and Charles Bell be contacted relative to tltis matter. Harold Popp was unable to attend but suggested that Arnold Beneke b(; requested to attend the meeting due to this .familiarity with ditch .la,,vs. The meeting wa-; held on January 6, 196 , with the following people present: Charles Bell Flovd Hoel M. I). Schantrerl A. W. Bor)eke Charles J. Wilson Cuun ty C!jimnissioner Plann i_ng Comm City Attorney Attorilev at Law City l;ngineer The problem was discussed and state statutc-,were referred to. It was decided th,:at MSA 106.401, Apport Wivnent of Liens, set up a simple procedure for hiuidling this situation. The procedure requires the sub- divider to petition the Countv Board for apportionment of present and future 1 ieats Lo the} and i.viduaJ_ lots of the subdivision. The County Board wi13 then lituld a hearing, which will probably invo ivc, only the owners within a tract of 40 acres or. less. After the hearing an ''Order of Apportionment" is filed in the offieof the County Auditor and re- corded in the Register of Deeds' office. It is fe'Lt that no amendment to the present subdivision ordi- nance is necessary, but that the Planning Co;rmisslon sho»ld ascertain that this procedure has been fol -lowed prior to ,approving the final plat of a subdivision. County Ditcli 1-7 w,ts discussed also in relation to a future southwest storm sewer. Abandonment or diversion of County Ditch 17 may be difficult but should be possible at such time as a storm sewer is constructed in that area. copies to: City Clerk City Attorney Harold Popp Charles Bell A. W. Beneke City Counei.l Agenda kecrealion is vita /oil 9004 lilliI19 -- is nN HURL ! %� /0 lit I i I sr...•r,,---([1t(f !!l!!;Illt.Slili !.S it (�I!o /)!(l(•t' _ .. ... ......RECILLE 1 TIOr; .. ,.,• r,. jan,iary 13, 1965 ..., The necreati.or, at 7:3C P.M. at the Ivan Burt }come. Present were: Milt A? tTF>yer, J_.? V, -,„mans, Frank Broderius, Mrs. Cliff Ponp, ML11-ton 9r rkman, W_4711ir;n: Krusche1, Tvan :iurt and. Cede May. ; c nd b,, ;r o .:� �;; t. , _s- passed. anprove ��� the bil n -7o rembers of thr: Cumers ClIub werf- present: Mrs.Parentau and Mrs. 8erhke attended an -,i .iisc.zssed uses for $170.00 they had to put into the recreation program. Thfy were r1,3ven equifm,: nt catalog.es ror use by their cormittee- also Ivan Hurt offered to -resent a program relnti_ve to the Recreation Program here in Hutchinson. Th�3y rarerr +': 1 ocat ",.on of the existing playgrounds and given info=ati.on rel aty.vf? to i:h.<> Pian`' in development of these playgrounds in the near future. It waF- ; � T • ) farther discuss t-1is donation Um.th their group at th' 5 [lext mrn t• , •.'.-,�'�.'...,Y. the leader Was Dresent to take -a picture for F.R. use in tIle ln.e .ra ... �'.-�.. ].e ai• o A :41sCt).sS .re ,,ar?ing thr i,se of the public sites funds in the actual :,iay-rount's and the procurement of ad: itional grounlis. hurt :,resented a 1_'1r:':`_;.n- sh:-et which he h --,d set up and reported that he was working oriti, ti F .1 :i ineer on Petting some diagrams o.f tht_ e.dsting playground areas so t.h� t ±.1:F pr r- - plannirz.r c')uld be made for the 1965-5h year. His planning sheet is {-v to help set up and plan for the placement of equipment on the pl=:ygrounds r; thy: next year. This preliminary work`-vill be accomplished by the 'Playgro rnd S J,-co;uni.ttea- ;,,itrl to the board in April. Re: Volleyball: Mot_on by Kruschel. an;i second by broderi zs hint wr- provide two tr• pl,ies .'or t:i0 r:^:..irc^ i L('G7u- Volleyb111 ..lr'.^,-. ?n ".l E' '- lip t( 1fRS• Carried. Discussio• of 15.ic? wirt, r program Coll:;wt,'. `,jrt p: ported tlat th- Fami had fallen short of thy! ?oal o' 21_ _.l s -,l f as the part. He pointed out that thr s, rr_ Christmas plar'-'i n:- seasr^ i•7! :It stn-, 1 r' .•'r':1"i.ed. d that We WO'll SL'.T�nO: i It fr'O': tr:^ TE t j . 1 .r r sTc ar•';t :. i on • YOUTH RLCPFkT1Jt1 this t^o has r: _,r r J ,,..:tlon c^ +,, last year. Discussion pointed out that thy, c,r fact � E 1^lp _'t :n t- T by I).ri nkman that We add swiffirdrig to t:hf rTl[, tr-r ` " 't'E;.c i 1C as Gas:{e th all and wrestling and teat we p,.ovide fo- ti..i3 in t,<< e,.l.?g t the sane as we have provided for basketb!ll =ind wres 1!_;na- second !:,, 'ischel and rassod. For three years we have t.r' to makk the sw d,%-TLin�; support itself during the winter season by sel!in; ;ram. Agreed that we try to offer it so that Mr. Carlson can taBm those w}:o are _n',:;•ested and teach competitive swimming with the help of a varsity swimmer as we present the basketball and wrestling. Phe Tee Show for a,::rox- 90 youth will be Feb. 7th weather permitting. Hockey is in full bloom with Robert Backlund -and Robert Swanson showing much interest in working with this group- 'rimes are being scheduled at home and away. Recreation Board Meeting January 13, 1965-=-- -2- Discussion centered around the need to plan for some recreation for the Citizens at the Nursing Home. Mr. Jensgn will be contacted and some temporary planning will be done in the future. There is a need for the development of a Senior Citizens group during this coming year. Hurt reported that the Park aord or crew has done well on Snow Removal at the Rinks. Hurt also mentioned that the Sleigh is on the river f'or use ani that two groups have used this already. '?'he additional skatetile at the Warming Eouse has made great improvements and with a few more next year- this project ;rill be co:-!-,I.ete and will need no additions or improvements. Discussion was giver_ to the thermostat at the Reep Building and it was agreld that Hurt wou7_d contact Fred Roberts to try to direct the ducts to improve the heating in the office where the thermostat is located to save on fuel- as at time the main area is .ver heated. A report on all activities in the program will be compiled so that we can see where we need tc mqke a-' justmerts in the bu aget for the next year. Nurt, Fitzloff and May 1 -rill meet to et up a tear,--.,rary budget for the February meeting. Baseball was d:.sc.assed an -i Brinkman agreed to contact the American Legion so that some cooper -tion be made in this area in fieldidg a Legion Team thru the services of t.h- Recreation Progrwi :with financ--*-171 assistance fror. the Legion. He t'?'.rthei rofntEC out that `omc C:Jr`,' "'JerFtion was ;;-.veri to the addirg of a secorCd ad --,2t inEte u; c' tr. ' ass_. start--- this wot _'_C. gi'v'e us the opportLb-_ty to excF.an— so: r games ,: _i,h ot` r- to4�:.: and create hied: interest for the older group i.ho a.re crc,t:, i.n ; off some. Also, some discussion was offered regarding *= an organized finock backdrtball prograr during the summer evenings. Mary youth have done this on thei.- own but it could rea].J.; develop with some adult supervision. one perscr: asked il' we were supporting the City Bas}ketba].1 Group now playing at the Armoz-- it was reported that because of our past experiences with this group we(.'id not underwrite this group at all with respect to the armory. Meeting adjourned a•t 9:Lc' P.*'. r1enE Mayj PO-Pt:ry THE 4s`tAJW G. 'A Co. !u.*i�t°l".'tiX- :w':x^.i+S`ac�t;r:' .'•!;t!f-,.tss�s.� d%�.� F t 1ZiA-OZ1 Znd Serial �`o. ,r.___._ __- �'`�_ _ r9 <�_..____--•--_.... i?�ai� t3r,! .c 3...t._E. _ �_._._..._.._i{csc:r-.n r!+., r'!�. __ ' r Selling I�Fitrit)o.+flet.---_f �_' �_...�::_ � �" >C !' �_..._.__�._..AddresS_1_.�..�5._�_:. r Si.v;c:nrat Llistr;butor.yG�4:.� "PAYLOAUER" location: City_ '_'� � i n_int-'?—.-----.----...__ .--- --_. __.. ___.._._#`,tate._._ r 1L .'_i.:..._.._.__.....__ ............ r.. �1i+J7c G:- Application: (Foundry, Backfilling, Excavating, ete.)-------_�� _---.- • ___.._.....------ ._---- M aterial --.Material Handled: (Sand, Gravel, logs, Fertilizer, etc)-__._._. Tire Size ......... ..........-_---_..__..___......_...__..---.---_-____--..____.___.__._Tire Type (Hard Rock, High Flotation, Queket Size ....... e^ tip Y -..._..---.--------------.---.---.- __ Bucket Type (Tine, Snow, Special Equipmenti (Snowplow, Backhoe, Side Boom, ....... The following checks were performed on the above "PAYLOADER" on the date of this nipo-1. LEVEL CHECKS: (Indicate ok, low, high) Wow r... -........ `moi.!..... .----. Engine Coil--_--._�1'``____._.._. Air Cleaner__._.._G. :..._._.... Fina', Llrrres....... _---..._. Batterias_..Converter...... _.._..l!�:..._.._.. i:iifere•�tfals...s�.�: ----. __ Hydruuf:c i',esirv_ir__w /'t! -_-•-_- Moster Brake Cylinder..._. ..._....... _. FRUSLIRE CFiECIK.St !Record presrure at low idle and high idle', Enj fna Uil:.___ _.__to...._s'ssS�_.�. Converter:....._... __._ --tc, Trrnsmfssion Clutch Pack Pressure: K+ with Forward Pack Engaged b. with Reverse Pack Engaged 1st ._l..f_..__..._to.....1._.G___. 2nd_.4 ...... 3nd...1-Si??.__._to._._...1..? _. rrd -.4V-0 ..--_-to.......L' L K 3rd ....1 rd _..._.ta__..1='J Main Hydraulic System ... .___.-Z-5D bS. Boom Circuit ---... ... .._....... to. _'...!._:.._.._. Bucket Circuit .._.-_. _._.---_t04(1..6.j�L_ /bS Steering Booster .... ..... ............ to Steering Clutches ----------- -�,,,__to__.. _.� Accumulator SShock Absorber) Pressure ...... _____.._. Tire Pressure: Front, R.__��13-._L _._�-�_.._ Rear, R.._.,_5 ......... L_ >i;NGlN11 RPM: a. High ............. b. Converter Stall ............ --._.._._...__.....__......_.__-- ... ..... The following linkage, engine, and torque adjustments were required; (control levers, brakes, clutch, carbur-gio,, injection pump, tappets, cylinder, oil looks) Is the "PAYLOAbER" baing oparated and maintained in the manner prescribed in the Operotor's Mar. �i4'_ l' Do the OpFr ators and Maintenan"s crows fully understand and practice Preventive Moin4•Gvance?. • �: � •��I�.Lisp:Y___.�ie�!�'r='�SC:._t�.�':�i... L-�'x':...":.�1a'��.diS.C_ . ` � °V�- ' jam' ..�'3".'.�,j1� /�i�.t•,.�'d_ �,c���� �-. U" flee rewtne side for Owner's and Dost' rfL� tors` arvisenten`s cc►ritirg®n"a. r stir L! (i•, ..tr car Uwr►�e's I"`.�7��fee�!..�..fillE'�aey'7'.. .y., .- --- --. _.%he[ked byr�!(w/•!�q't✓ G�i,„�_jr�..,�,�"<Z,er�'f. !'�{�.S,i,C.trl?. '�'.•... / tie ,� _ _ - _ ..._. __JOA 1i s ,c: 063uibi (Owners C*PY) 14UTCkUN'8f>N MUNICIPAL. UQT, OR IHSPENSAI'LY COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT r,� For t)la Pe ioci lam: de.: __!l_" t -_1 � 1_ 2_(. D, 4 f II� Enr tha Month of _ U �" !e For the Gqq, .3 s-Idcnth Period Ended -- - - - _ p - -- - — This Year Last year This Year Last Yaxr RAI.F 5 Less Discounts Allowed Ne:sa'aa I 10Y7, A , COST OF SATYS Ihventoty-Beginning Purchases 51 p �!o I �, , Less Invent -Endin 0ty g I - I ,J 0 N -__-Cost of Merchandise Sold----- ----------- ;a I GROSS PROM -- - If- j I _ y +_iceI�yq; `� I H� OPERATING EXPENSE'S Selling -�- - - - --t- ! I ^� - - 1 i Salaries ) O � s® ILIr:0_ --- ---- --I _ —_ Freight and Hauling Taxes and Licences I - —tl!713!- _ O-- p 7.a Advertising ! Supplies oil44P 74 114 1, Light and Telephone. Rent Repatra QO 00 t-3ooloo— �i Oil �d �O 1 I ----i Maintenance Supplies Insurance # C)epreciation ' -- - - - —t � - -- -- — r - r + Q Administrative Cleriral Supplies ()tTxre Supplies —_ -_— -- ------ Fidelity 13r+nd Premiums Miscellaneous Legal and Accounting - - - I — -- Tohl Operating Expenses I 3 31 / , 1 19,4 ic7z,rr ON oIRATIoxSd NON_OPF.RNrING INCOME Cash Diacauntrr Rrxeivcd3 Y3 1 I - ver - (Short) _ _ ._ - ri} 37JI .1!5,1 if e0h of aiCOME FOR PERIOD� s ! I e I c 3 L ± ! 1 � �� j(![.:''tl44. ss i,o� j�'."6v�'t'1<� rt ��!3 �r!F!!Ka j ?I"-✓t•� m(t �' t i� t J p Y �� ! �t i'�-r „j9i Yj •f. ,.y 1+H 1:`�'i ,�,�AM �r+C t. k; q� T.. 3 M .. . . j. '_: 3:; i r" IRLrMHUMSON" MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSAE'.-r COMPARAT,VE BALANCE SHEET Am 1. 19 4.3_ and 19 End of Current Month I En of Frcceehug Fiscal Year CURRENT ASSI'M Cash in Bank Cash on Haud 7 T 42 Inventory -:Merchandise Total Current Assets FIXED ASL Eurniture and Equipment Offwe Equipment Leb6 kesenres for Depreciation Total Fixed Assets D;preciated Value TOTAL ASSETS -8 ?17 1-0 -44 -J ilk LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS C'MRREN'T ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SURPLU Balance - Net Income for the Period Less Contributions to City Balance - �9-4 Y Oda -q�l I TVrAL LIABIIXITES and SURPLUS LC T'i:I. L-NRON MUNICIPAL 1140OR D"SPENBARY 0PE'.RAT',NGr PEf�'CCFENTAGES '5 i Fort.I)33 i2Y'IrNj 13rjclen-.._.�ft'�t C '_-� � _,.-� _ kilt �x:ar ro s.ft:v Net Sales C:,nt .)f Marctuandwe . yid GrC,jy Prof t 1,11tt rating Expenses _ofit an (:2crations Noc Operating Income "Ie I,,co a tar the Period ' �� • It fY it lnreutory as lv wkdowcs of :Markups Breakage P trcbase9 Less Sales at Retail Hook Inventory as at 1138 _ ArAual Inventory Count I'x/� % Diffecencr RETAII. INVENTORY CONTROL i I � 1 eat tc Date ate 's I �} f 1.7Aif r.,i`o u+ c 4 ± , dos -i_ _-- -- -� --- �— --' I w st b* s ttJf t a v{ h c 's 7t_ l 14 4-cct. )4 Ir A x twit t, fir$t�`r K. Halp5ce - rang a rans ers ce - InCash and Receipts from Total Disbursements to Total Cash and Duria Perio Other Funds Recei s Duni Period Other Funds Disbursement Ing�ats NONE Oman NOME SOME 001100 ■MIN■ ■MM■ ■INI� ■ ®® ■M®® ■IMi■■ ■0033 ■MME MEMO Momma ■mma ■r®■■EE■ SEEN MOON SOME NONE MOWN MEMO r©EM NORM NONE ■®0M M1010, w ■M11Mm em�;� ■®acs. ■MMm ON1011 0101010,0110MM ■rsM®;m0110m 10�®m OWN ©MME ■MIrIM ■IMMI��MIM®'se�®m mMINIs MMMT SM, MM ■MIMM NOME NOON ■®Ns ■MINI■ NOME MINIM® ONr-M ■e®M ■IMMIN ■t1■ ■MINf NOON NEON 1001MI M-MBRE ■��m ���■ ���� �®gym ���m���s ■®�®�����t ■IMMIN NONE 10101010'210101 MONO ■NINIM1'01101010 ■IMON OMEN ■IMMI■ ■EN■ ■INIMMIANIMMIN ���� ���� ���■ MEMO ■IMMI■ ■IMMIN'NIMMIN NONE NEON NONE MEMO NONE NOME ■E11001:010110■ ■100110 MEMO ■OEN IMMIM101'101001■ MOWN NEON ■IMMIN MEMO ■1t■ ■IMMI■ ■INIMM NIMH■ MOWN ■EW■ NOON 0001 ■NO■ ■E!■ NONE ■OMIN IMIMI■ SEEN 0011010 NONE ■NO■ NEON 01010110,10101010 NONE ■OE■ NONE MEMO MOWN NEON MEMO NOME SOME MEMO ■ONO MEMS IMMIMINAMO■ ■MMIN MINI■ MOON NONE MOON ■MIMIMI NONE NEON ■IMMIUMMIMI■ NEON NONE ■IMMIROtNI■ NOME soon 0011010.001001 ■MMI■ owns NOME 0010 ■■■■ SEEN NEON NONE soon SEEN @101001OEM OMIN tt■s■ ■ ■MMES low OEM ■novas ■ i■r mom MOM MOM [1 ■ om�■I■ ■ ■■■EMIr SUMMER ■ ■0■■■■ ■ ■MONS, I■ SSSS INUMMKI ■rrr rrlrr MINNIM,■rrrrrrrrr rrrr MINNIM rr�rr ■rrrrr rrrr IMMIMMINNIN ■rrr�rrr■ ■rrr rrr■ ■rrr�rrrr` ■rrrrrrrrr■ ■rrr-rrrr. ■rrrra rrrr�■ ■r�rer�rrrr■ ■rrrr rrrrrr �rrr rrrr ■rrr rrrrrr 0 MEN Emma ■rrrrr MINSIM, ■�rrrr erirrr; ■rrr rrrr ■rrr rrrr� ■rrr rr�r err■ rrrr, r�rrrrrrrrrr� ■r�r�■ s�rrr■ SIMMINIMMIN ■■�� 0101■■ 0101■■ 0101■■ ■ Special Assessments & Fee • X11 of Sever Charges ..: !■■sir■ ■■■■�■ rior =MIN Actuai Year ■■����■r Actual Estimated 1,urrent Yee! ■ �ii�i -. �� , ,,� C Miscel-l&neous Sewer Revenues■■rte: , ■�■■r■ ■MME ■■■NON ■ �■■■■■■ a■�i a SIMMONS ■l�1i�A�1 t■■■ EENNEI■ MINION ���� t■■■ ■ ■■■r 10100 0 MIER • : 7't_®M� NOW !®_®' i ■ MINN ■..■�� area"R.snow ■■ ParkinE Meter Revenue Removal Charges,�""' Sale of Materials�■■�1&;■■N■IitSHE�■■ OMEN 01,01 ■ ■ �■�r � ■SEE'ME■■W&'. MIN ■ No Refunds and .. �■■r ■■■�I1 ■■r■i■■ Total■Rll�f'i■■■ ■��l!.!i■�■■ ■ �• �- ■■■■ t■■r ■■■■ ■ED- I:1911 iL11 I and Tapping_ie;'!NMM2,0MN@N1NMWPJ:0 INS ---Special -Assessments Collections on Sales and 1001100101001001020KNOWN WON Regular Charges Customer Servii■■dJ� ■ ■i■■!�!�!! ■t ■ r .7 Meter Sales . !■NOME 0100001■■NINE ■ mo ■ Revenue from Other Agencies0101■■ 0101■■ 0101■■ 0101■■ ■ Municipal ElectriPlant ■®®3� 0101■■ ■■�1®! 0101 ■ ■ Miscellaneous Water Revenues 0101®! ■■If�l ■ti!l�1�! ■■�■ ■I ■■�� 0101■■ 0101■■ 0101■■ ■ Special Assessments & Fee Sever Charges ..: !■■sir■ ■■■■�■ ■■�r■■ e■■r�■ ■ Customer ■r® ■■■�■■ 0101■■ ■■�■■ ■ Miscel-l&neous Sewer Revenues■■rte: , ■�■■r■ ■MME ■■■NON ■ TotalReceipts ■l�1i�A�1 t■■■ EENNEI■ MINION ���� t■■■ ■ ■■■r 10100 0 IN SOMME SOMME m.--. ■ ■MON■ SOMME ■ ■MME. ■ MORMONS loom mom _ GENERAL FUND MONTHS ENDED ,-r Ac Actual Estimated urrent Yea Estimated Prior Year u.rrent Year to Date al ce or and Council p a -c a -e Travel - Conferences - Schools Supplies Miscellaneous X iS c fi�rr_ SGC c �nici al Court 7.7 Salaries and Fees Contractual Services { ti A6 ` Supplies y Y Lect ions Salaries Supplies Jerk alarie Communications Printing and Publishing Travel - Conferences - Schools �� ui mente- Maintenance & Repair of Equipment- Re -c office Su lies office Insurance uu ance and Bonds ' c3 ` S Subscriptions and Memberships n P.E.R.A. /1 LS i oo a Miscellaneous - Clerk 65 cc, bi `a ARM M!ssi.�■.sem SalarieAssessor MEMO VIP SEE s Professional Professional & Consultant Service Small Tools — Gas • Oil and rirtase -- u; cnnl l nrranuw .. C - Capital Out Total Disbursements ONE MINE WREMOSMOMW MEMO ONE MORMINIM WEINER!1R omit G YY • :IY •: STATEMENT OF / AND ACTUAL DISBUR1�1_ ----------- Sheet • OF HEALTH GENERAL FUNDi / • , Actual Actual Estimated • j Current Yea t WIN FWIE TotalCONSERVATION Disbursements ■OMS SI MMS IMMIU■M!I!'■ MIM j! Maintenance and . _ .: �■■WW!0WW®'■■=j'N■i`�' W ■ .. _ 1■■rr ■MMM.0mm- S ■■■WK ■ Insurance Fire Protection I■■■■i■r■�e rr■ir ■r■�■■ ■ I - I■■��'■�®lel ■■�� ■■Fn'!� ■ Coxmminications - MaintenanceTravel and ..::ferences Irr■�rl■■■e■�■r■wr ■rr■ ■ Small .. Ier■�,rr■■r r■ieilrr ., r Gas, Oil and Grease Miscellaneous Su Miscellaneous - Fire Fire Department Relief - ■■ems■,�w��i�■�®rw�r�;r� � .:: �rww� �®®mIU®®���■■rra�� � Inspection1: Ii■ir■ ■rte■ ■■■■�■ ew■r■ --Protective Building Inspection Fees Plumbing,Ins22ction FeesI■i■r� ■rr� . ■�■wr ■rr • 1- = .:. I■rw: ,�r■�w®■■war ■■�� e Animal .. �■■® ■■ice! • • ■■® ■■C'?VA� ij NMI UMPM, �'0■!-MM �r■�■■�■r■■�■�r�a�� OMS NNNIR' P E ■rte STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED ANBD ACTUAL DISBURSEM'.RTS Sheet. 4 GE NUUL FVND MONTHS ENDED Actual Actual Estimated urrent Year Estimated Pri e r ren e r -to-Date Balance ORGANIZED RECREATION Administration S Jo 14...= :.lot=►■■rim■;r■�r��r■i■r■� --, r rr� .. -�r■rr;rr�rlr■■rr!■re� BuildingsSupplies ►�ir��!ir■�����rri'�■ri r Capitalmiscel�r■�■r■ r■rrr■rrlrr ■r■rr ■ ... �,■rrr ■�r■r rrrrr■■r���� I■■rr■ ■r■r■ rrr■■ ■r --Playgrounds_ '_-_�rrrr�r■c �■■r-'■rrro M and Repairs ..,,, .: ��■rrr■r■r�r -maintenance ■ r■r�rc �r■r�r�BEEN RrOWN■eF�� � .. - : - - irrrr�rrr� ir■r■rr�■®r®►rlrrrS�■r�. r■rr r0Killtv a �r■r�r■umothr��r■r® !I Capital Outlay �and err Building qrQunds :.: - ..:Impi■ri■r ONSO■N@rrrr MiscellaneousMainten6ance Swimming ,rrr■rr ■Ire r■rrl�■rr II . . BuildingsSupplies ►�ir��!ir■�����rri'�■ri :.:.Miscell i■■rr��■r�� r■�■rrirrir�� ■ ..,,, .: ��■rrr■r■r�r �rl■ir���r■rr ■ r■r�rc �r■r�r�BEEN RrOWN■eF�� � - - Re`p'"a'iz_Lt_ ir■r■rr�■®r®►rlrrrS�■r�. a �and Building qrQunds MiscellaneousMainten6ance Swimming ,rrr■rr ■Ire r■rrl�■rr Capital other Improvements rr IMMIKE i ■rr�r®■rre� .;ri�INKii®� ■■nr�� ■ ■rr�el�,rrr�®�■rs�■�r■®�■ Maintenance::....: i■■ i'■■ir��rr■r■ rrrf A : Outlay ■rr■ ■r®� ■■rrr■ r■il�� ■ �■�r■�■ �r ■ rr■riii'iirrii�i Other tional _ .. ►■r®r:■r ■ tri :. .: �r■r®■ err®r■�r� irri■ri iTotal _ Disbursements x ,I'■MNo 000M. Iii LSI 2.01 MOM OMMI t,- MIMS■ maim MMI■ ■MUMS ■MMM MINION MMMM ■■■■ Actual Actual, Estimated urrent YeaA E I. �Irior Yee6r Lurrent. -Year ---tp-natfb-- MOM 0 M M In 0 M""Affl, 0 M ffn g 0 Conferences - Schools IMME, IMMMM, mom, Lce and Repairs���� ��r� ���r ■ IVA =V a M-- r ■ WOOM mff.mm LLI m L'If rMMO N 'r■MIRr 1i■012 ■ ■ ■■w"■MMM MORMONS MMEEMIMIR MWEIMMM11-7. MMM ■■ M@ I��ir�r�i��■■i■i ■■frr■ I��MG'J I/:'�I/ �mmtlp�. MROMMES MIAMMSM RRSWIMEM MIM EMMEM MO OMME'. MEAMMSM M■ ■MME ■ �r� MMME ■ M ■-ME■ mm, M5 ■mm5 ■mmv 0mIm, .Z MROMM..-MM.M ` I '� I.T. ■mm® ■oMTMIM RIM, M■ ■MMO OMrr OMME Actual ff Estimated 1: Prior Year urrent Year• ■rr�'rrlr■ ■rr■ is ■r■�rr �■r®r ■r��■■ ■r■�rrs■�rrrs■�■■� Nowlin nomeommolon ■�rr� rrrr ■rr■ r■ MMMMMMM MMMMMMM ■ars ■■r■■� ■�■■■r�,■■ ■r�®�.■r�er�� ■r�r ,., ■r� IOWAN 0111010001 MmmI011 ■r■■■ 0000■■■ rr�■r MMMM EMME'SwIlIMT, No looms 101001006 @War.1011 r■r�er�r■®r�rr�e�.. �� ::::::�i .tri ��ii.i� @WWI SIMMMOMMEM. ■■rr■ ■■0000■■ ■r�� lowma-omme 5M MMMMMMMMMMMM I MCF11MM"11MIMTJ ��r■r■■r ■rr�■■ ■rr■ 64 0 SMIMEMMENSOMME AMMEMMMEMMMM [MMMINSIMMINSomms IMMOMMIMMEMMI'Mmms 110MMOMMOMMEMME IMMMMEMMEMMMO FMWaR� M-01 - Y{ CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCHEDULE 11 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 1 Sinking Fund No. 1 --- 1960 Special Assessments -- Collected by City Spectral Assessments — Collected by Count Interest Total Receipts ---- -Y-_Months Ended au4 — _-2I 11?6 `f CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No, 1 _. _-Months Ended1i4C�-,V2 J1 Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date -- Estimated Balance — Sinking Fund No. i --- 1960 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Coats — Total Hisbursemente------------------ - S tg7 �S 5 JI -IS--- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund. No. 2 Months Endedzzi! Actual Prior Estimated Actual Current Year Current Year Year to Date SCHEDULE 12 Sinking Fund No. 2 -- 1960 Special Assessments — Collected by City ,� (, 06 Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest ` i 77 .F3 Total Receipts CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 -----!—Months Ended 1A1e-fL-21Ldz-1,) �9G Actual Prior Estimated Actual Current Year Current Year Year to Date Sinking Fund No. 2 — 1960 Bonds Payable interest — Debt Service Construction Costs -------- --- --------- ----------- ���-ce IAcc Total Disbursements d I I C// I %..S 7001,10 971175 Estimated Balance Estimated Balance a CITY OF 6-1 t.J i C H I N- O N SCHEDULE 2s Statement c)f Estimated and Ac-tual Receipts ,, s Sidewalk Improvement �9E�2 Curb, Gutter and.S d -----�----Months Ended Actual Prior Estimated Actual Current Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance X962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement lSnecial Assessments — Collected. by City-- 4ecial Aesessments --- Collected by County �nterrst i 'E3ozrowing __-- -- (Total Receipts __- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual hisbursements 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement _--Months Ended_ Actual Prior Estimated Actual Current Estimated Year Current Year Year to Date Balance .1961 Curb, Gutter and 'sidewalk Improvement Bonds Payable c e+C u o_ r1 V --------- - -- - - lnterest -- Debt Service /S Construction Costa { - _-- ---- - -- - ---- Total Disbursements