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cp05-24-1965 c
ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 24, 1965 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - REV. TRAVAILLE 3. APPROVE MINUTES Regular Meeting - May 10, 1965 Special Meeting - May 12, 1965 Special Meeting- May 19, 1965 Special Meeting - May 20, 1965 4. APPROVE BILLS 5. MR. HEIDECKER - 8:30 P.M. Interest in Lot 5, Park Subdivision 6. FLEET INSURANCE BIDS - 8:30 P.M. - Publication No. 934 7. STREET OIL BIDS - 9:00 P.M. - Publication No. 933 8. MR. CHARLES SWENSEN - 9:30 P.M. Labor Union #49 9. 1919GINEER JA. 1965 Street Project - 15-3 B. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning ___'C. 1965 Sewer & Mater Project 15-4 ,/D. Bluff Street Bridge Repairs Report on Third Avenue S.W. tL Report on Fifth Avenue N.W. `U//• ;-Petitions Building Permits 10. COMPLAINTS A. Clarence Dettman - .506 Franklin Street S. Junk and sales business B. Albin Krueger - 530 Glen & Division Empty house - trees overhanging sidewalk and yard not cared for. 11. BUILDING CODE - COMMERCIAL �2. LIGHTS FOR BASEBALL FIELD 13. REPORT ON DAM - (See Planning Commission Minutes) �14. DUMP CONTROL & OPERATION 15. INFORMATION Board of Review - June 23, 1965 - Wednesday, 4:30 P.M. It is very important to attend this meeting. Real estate is considered every other year. Will"not be considered this year. League of Minnesota Municipalities Meeting - Morghead - June 16, 17, & 18, 196 Womans Club letter Memorial Day Parade - Check on time and place to meet 16. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - attached Rezoning lot 6, 7 and 8, Park Subdivision from R-2 to B-3. 17. RECREATION MINUTES - attached 18. NURSING HOME MINUTES to May 4 - attached Information on Burns Manor 19. ADJOURNMENT Recap of Funds 3-31-61 to 3-31-65 3-31-61 General 241,512.21 Water & Sewer 90,809.08 Road & Bridge 11,534.73 3-31-62 General 239,173.10 Water & Sewer 14,170.76 Road & Bridge 76,043.97 3-31-63 General 87,819.04 Water & Sewer 2,548.53 Road & Bridge 2,667.22 3-31-64 General 128,003.32 Water & Sewer 33,417.30 Road & Bridge (71,731.45) 3-31-65 General 196,323.53 Water & Sewer 40,464.97 Road & Bridge (185,930.44) REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS May 10, 1965 A Regular Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Rolfe in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:00 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Hanson, Fitzloff, Johnson, Stearns, Attorney Schantzen, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings: Regular Meeting - April 26, 1965 Special Meeting - April 28, 1965 - Canvass primary votes Special Meeting - April 30, 1965 - Building permits Speical Meeting - May 5, 1965 - Canvass votes - General Election Special Meeting - May 6, 1965 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be approved and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Citizens Insurance Agency Zeleny's Ben Franklin Aetna Life Insurance Co. The Hutchinson Leader Helga R. Nielsen, Dep. Reg. Standard Printing Co. Esther's Leo Pillatzki B. M. Stolpman Key Laboratories, Inc. Plowman's Inc. Charlies One -Stop Service Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. Hoel Distributing Co. Helga R. Nielsen, Dep. Reg. Frank Engelhart Hutchinson Fire Department Hoels' Northern States Supply Inc. American Linen Supply Co. Minnesota Valley Testing Labs. Hutchinson Utilities Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson Telephone Co. Theophil Grunewaldt Johnson Super Value Wilbert Froemming Joe Getz Stanley Lorence Clifford Paulsen Leo Pillatzki Emil Wilke Jeffrey Hoeft AIRPORT Hutchinson Telephone Co. Charlene Anderson Premiums - trucks 32.00 Supplies 1.56 Monthly premium 642.83 Publications 110.26 License Plates 2.25 Stamped envelopes 64.60 Supplies 18.81 Labor - City Hall 22.37 Rubbish service 10.00 Tests - Police Dept. 30.45 Towing cars (snowbirds) 4.50 Equipment repair & service 19.82 Equipment repair & service 42.55 Service - Police Dept. 15.13 Car & truck records book 85.00 Expense to state fire school 56.26 Fire Runs 63.00 Expense - Fire Dept. 7.74 Oxygen 4.00 Service 13.50 Water test 16.50 Service 172.10 Service 175.85 Service 123.61 Dog hours 49.40 Dog food 2.29 Labor - flood 102.00 Labor - flood 88.40 Labor - flood 58.50 Labor - flood 81.90 Labor - flood 115.60 Labor - flood 76.70 Labor (& mileage) - flood 60.57 2372.34 Toll calls 2.58 Typing 11.25 13.83 ROAD & BUDGE Klwaitter?s Mobil Station Gas -» engineers(& service) 41.15 Larry Notman Camera - engineers 40.00 Hutchinson Leader Prints 10.00 Wylie Texaco Service Gas ., engineers 10.64 Hall Equipment Inc. Equipment ;repairs 101.41 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Equipment repairs 24.79 9A:ixRR Atkinson Blacktop Service Blacktop 551.38 Hutchinson Utilities Service 88.04 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service 29.51 Municipal Electric Plant Service 901.22 Zila Hdwe. Supplies 13.76 Howard Johnson Labor 161.70 Roy Benton Labor 164.45 Roger Telecky Labor 187.28 George Richards Labor 179.03 Carl Baumetz Labor 188.93 Ira 2xxa Braun Labor 41.60 Cliff Betker Repair sidewalk at armory 231.80 2966.69 WATER & SEWER Sharon Berwald Salary 103.50 Helga R. Nielsen, Dept. Reg. License for truck RSU 2.50 Farm & Home Distributing Co. coupling 1.74 Hayden -Murphy Equipment Co. Blower 189.00 Red Owl Food Stores Supplies 2.49 Lyon Chemicals Inc. Purification supplies a2:R:i 256.48 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Supplies .35 Wigen Chevrolet Co. Bumper for truck 25.00 Hutchinson Utilities Service 55.18 Municipal Electric Plant Supplies 1350.45 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service 29.55 Esther2s Supplies 1.57 Famous Brands Inc. Liquor 2017.81 LIQUOR STORE The Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service 5.75 New Ulm Grocery Co. Bagsx 19.05 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Co. Examination of inventory 295.00 Locher Bros. Beer 924.40 Premium Distributing Co. Beer 587.00 Olivia Bottling Co. Beer:29.x.SL9 267.55 Marhh Distributing Beer j(507.45 Kaufmann Distributing Co. Beer 421.05 Cold Spring Brewing Co. Beer 54.00 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 1506.55 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 848.36 Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 812.34 Famous Brands Inc. Liquor 715.66 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 758.48 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 239.10 Lynn Johnson Company, Inc. Liquor 206.67 -3 - Robert Calton and Fred Helmer, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were present to discuss the rebuilding of the dam and removing silt from the millpond. Mr. Calton explained he had toured the flood area after the 1952 flood. He recommended changes below the dam at that time to take care of high water. He stated that the clearing and snagging project would not have prevented the 1965 flood problem. No action was taken in 1965 because permission could not be obtained from all property owners to proceed with the necessary work on their lands. Mr. Calton informed the council the Army Corps of Engineers were lin4ted in giving help for flood control. For any project such as building roads and bridges, expenses must be paid locally. As a result of a meeting at Delano, a local congressman will request a review of a Corps report on preventative measures. Mr Calton stated his personal opinion was that a flood the size of 1965, water could not be stored in the area above the dam. He also feels control structures on drainage ditches will not solve flood problems. Mr. Calton recommended: Replacement of the dam at once with sufficient capacity to withstand a flood similiar to 1965. He state this construction would cost a "pretty good piece of money". Purchase houses in the flood area an have a park in this area. Widen the �XXK the North side � across from Simonson Lumber Co. The U.S.Corp of Army Engineers can spend up to $2,500.00 on studies on small projects and can do flood control work up to $100,000.00 on cleaning and snagging projects. Mayor Rolfe had previously submitted a letter requesting a preliminary study of the river downstream from the dam. It was agreed the City Engineer would take cross-sections at various points selected by the Cgpps of Engineers for study and report. Mayor Rolfe asked Mr. Calton to thank the Armey Corp of Engineers for the help the City of Hutchinson received during the recent flood. Alderman Fitzloff made a motion to correct the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 28, 1965 to read as follows: "Alderman Fitzloff made a motion to accept the recommendations of the Airport Commissionto enter into a contract for a period of one year with R. Krantz, as operator of the Municipal Airport, and to ..1-111uild 6 or 8 hangars optional at the descretion of the City Council". Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Fitzloff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2364 WHEREAS, Ned Stearns, Alderman for the City of Hutchinson is retiring from his job as a public servant for our city, and WHEREAS, this individual has devoted time and talent to the service to the City of Hutchinson at little personal reward to himself. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Hutchinson does hereby commend and thank Ned Stearns for his service and help on the City Council and appreciates the work done on behalf of the City. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this REsolution No.2364: Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Johnson ttayett Alderman Fitzloff ttayett The following voted agains this resolution : None Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1965. Mayor Rolfe thanked the members of the coancil for their cooperation and help during the past year. -4 - Municipal Judge Hassenstab, a qualified and acting notary public swore in the newly elected officials: i Mayor - Leonard Johnson - 2 years Alderman - Don 0. Kost - 2 years Alderman - Myron W. Johnson - 2 years City Clerk - Lida E. Rolander - 1 year Treasurer - Leslie 0. Smith - 1 year Assessor - George W. Keenan, Sr. - 2 years Motion was made, seconded and carried that Earl Fitzloff be nominated to the Office of Vice President of the Council to be known as "Acting Mayor" for the ensuing, -year, during the absence of the Mayor. Upon count of the ballot, Mayor Johnson declared Earl Fitzloff "Acting Mayor" for the ensuing year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the duties of the several depart- ments of the Council be assigned as follows: Supt. of Public Bldgs. & Fire Protection - Don 0. Kost Supt. of Street & Alleys - Earl Fitzloff Supt. of Water Works & Sanitary Sewer -Myron,% Johnson Supt. of Acc't. Finances, Health & Sanitation - Harry R. Hanson Motion was made, seconded and carried that the time and place respectively of the regular bi-monthly Council meetings be at 7:30 P.M. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the Council Chambers. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Hutchinson Leader be designated as the Official newspaper for the ensuing year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Ministerial Association be asked,to furnish one of their members as a representative to open the Regular Council Meetings with scripture and prayer. Motion was made, seconded and carried to allow $1,000.00 for the annual summer Band Concerts to be held on Tuesday nights. Alderman Fitzloff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2365 APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF OF POLICE BE IT RESOLVED: That Frank Broderius be re -appointed as Chief of Police of the City of Hutchinson for a period of one year. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2365: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1965. Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2366 HIRING LEGAL COUNSEL AND COMPENSATION FOR HIM BE IT RESOLVED: That M. D. Schantzen be hired as City Attorney at a retainer fee of $300.00 per month for routine legal work of attending Council meetings, reviewing minutes, work on resolutions, and ordinances, and attending public hearings, and other usual and ordinary legal services. -5 - Matters such as appearances in District Court, Condemnation prdceedings, appearances before administrative agencies and other services not usually conducted in the normal course of city business will be billed as extra legal services. Other services not usually conducted in the normal course of city business will be billed as extra legal service. Alderman Fitzloff seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this Resolution No. 2366: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1965. Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2367 APPOINTMENT OF CITY ENGINEER BE IT RESOLVED: That Charles J. Wilson be appointed as City Engineer of the City of Hutchinson for a period of one year, beginning May 1, 1965. Alderman Fitzloff seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2367: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted againstf:k:i this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of May, 1965. Alderman Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2368 RESOLUTION APPOINTING HEALTH OFFICERS BE IT RESOLVED: That the following named persons be and hereby are employed by the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota at the following rates of salarkes and according to the schddule respectfully, until ifurther notice: Dr. Dan Huebert Health Officer $100.00 per year Dr. George Smith Board of Health No Compensatinn Dr. B. P. Wrbitzky Board of Health No Compensation Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt the above resolution and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this Resolution No. 2368: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1965. Aldermda Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2369 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITOREIS BE IT RESOLVED: That the following named banks which are authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and they hereby are designated depositories of the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, by the City Council of said City, for the term commencing the 10th day of May, 1965 for 1 year. Citizans Banks, Hutchinson, Minnesota and the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota, upon the terms and conditions following to -wit: That this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota to modify, vacate, or revoke the same accordingly to law and also subject to any depository agreement executed or to be executed pursuant to Sec. 118:01 Minnesota Statutes of 1945, and that said depositord.6s shill pay on demand all deposits there in subject to payment on demand, and BE IT RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in each of said banks in a special fund known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands, and the City Treasurer shall maintain an equal amount of monies in deposit at each of said banks at all times. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this a resolution be delivered to the City Treasurer and each of the banks so designated. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote. being taken, the following voted in favor of this Resolution No. 2369: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1965. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Harry R. Hanson as representative of the City Council to the Planning Commission for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson appointed Myron Johnson as representative of the City Council to the Safety Council for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Earl Fitiloff as representative of the XXXXXXXXEN owe City Council to the Recreation Board for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson appointed Don Kost as ex -officio representative of the City Council to the Nursing Home Board for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Harry R. Hanson as representative of the City Council to the Airport Commission for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson appointed Earl Fitzloff as representative of the City Council to the Park Board for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed the following: Building Ins Rector - Sidney Carlson Plumbing Inspector - Walter Rippe Electrical Inspector- Ralph Young -7 - Motion was made, seconded and carried that these appointments be and hereby are ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Walter Korngiebel as Fire Marshall for the ensuing year with fees not to exceed $40.00 a month. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Grace Sanstead as Secretary of the Park Board for a period of one year. Motion wa+iade, seconded and carried that this appoint- ment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Agnes Monge as Secretary of the Planning Commission for a period of one year. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Harlow Jennings to the Police Commission for a period of three years. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Mayor Johnson re -appointed Eric Smith as Civil Defense Director for a period of one year -f allowing $300.00 for postage and supplies. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Discussion on street repairing. Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the 1965 Street Repair program as presented by Engineer Wilson. Motion was made, seconded and carried to advertise for bids for 65, gallons of street oil; bids to be opened at 9:00 P.M. on May 24, 1965. Eric, -Smith, local Civil Defense Director, was present to inform the council of the severe weather warning system. The storms will be broadcast by radio and if severe, Civil Defense sirens. Motion was made, seconded and carried to advertise for bids for Fleet Insurance of City Vehicles and Comprehensive Liability. (General-Automobiel). Combined or separately as to Comprehensive General Liability and General Auto & Fleet Insurance; bids to be opened at 8:30 P.M., May 24, 1965. Engineer Wilson presented the proposed plans and estimate for the signal lights for Highways 7, 15 & 22. Alderman Fitzloff made a motion to approve the estimate for plans for the signal lights for Highway ?7, 15 & 22. Alderman seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff and upon vote, carried. A petition was presented by Grace Lutheran Church requesting a "No Parking" zone in front of Grace Lutheran Church for a distance of 70 fett. Alderman Fitzloff made a motion that "No Parking" signs be put up as requested and the same hours as the other churches. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff and upon vote, carried. A petition was presented requesting action be taken in regard to stagnant water and weeds growing in summer months on lot 15 facing Third Avenue S.W. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer this petition to the Engineer. A petition was presented requesting action be taken on a drainage problem from the water shed of the property owned and occupied by the Seven Day Advent Academy. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer this petition to the Engineer. Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following building permits: Nels Rasmussen - 666 Jefferson Street So. Additinn to house Lloyd Schlueter - 108 Oakland Avenue Addition to house Howard Vlcek - 728 Fourth Avenue S.W. Porch Tom Konietzko - 758 Juul Road Family room, addition Edward Kelly -15 11th Avenue N. Garage Church of St. Anastasia - 400 Lake Street Build rectory (Part Aud 16-17, 22-23) Spencer Beytien - 825 Oak Street House and double garage Lot 12 & E24' of lot 11 & W 5' of Lot 13, Aud Plat of Subdivision of lot 40, Lynn Add. to City of Hutchinson. Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following building permit subject to Engineer approval: Louis Tasche - 715 Main Street So. Addition to house Motion was made, seconded and carried to deny the following permit: Maynard Kaufman - 435 Huron Street So. Build extension on warehouse - Linden and Merrill Avenue Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following water and sewer taps be granted: St. Anastasia Spencer Beytien Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2370 WHEREAS, Ford A. Rolfe, Jr., Mayor for the City of Hutchinson is retiring from his job as a public servant for ,;our city, and WHEREAS, this individual has devoted time=and talent to the service to the City of Hutchinson at little personal rewarA to himself. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Hutchinson does hereby commend and thank Ford A. Rolfe, Jr. for his service and help on the City Council and appreciatesthe work done on behalf of the City. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this Resolution No. 2370: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 11:35 P.M. SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS May 12, 1965 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson in the Council Chambers at the hour of 4:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Kost, Fitzloff, Hanson, Johnson, Attorney Schantzen Members absent: . None Chief of Police Broderius present to discuss clothing allottment for the patrolmen. Motion was made, seconded and carried to allow $100.00 per year for each patrolman for clothing allowance. Alderman Fitzloff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2371 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSATION BE IT RESOLVED: That the following named persons be and hereby are employed by the City of Hutchinson and their salaries be according to the schedule and on file in the Office of the City Clerk: Lida Ro'lander City Clerk $415.00 Effie Thomas Bookkeeper 290.00 Agnes+- Monge Deputy Clerk 275.00 Sharon Berwald Clerk -Typist 240.00 Harvey Thompson Sup't. Water Dept. 450.00 Clyde Drahos Sup't. Disposal Plant 415.00 Harold Ulrich Custodian -City Hall 375.00 Water Dept. Asst. Frank Broderius Chief of Police 500.00 Ed Seale Asst. Chief of Police 475.00 William W. Wegner Patrolman 425.00 Donald Vorbeck Patrolman 425.00 Howard Beck Patroln 42$:00 Charles F. Krantz Patrolman 390.00 Donald Hassenstab Municipal Judge 300.00 Sandra DeMenge Clerk of Municipal Court 1.30 hr. Ivan Hurt Recreation Director 170.00 M. D. Schantzen City Attorney 300.00 Ray Fitzloff Mechanic, Fire Dept. 40.00 Walter Rippe Plumbing Inpsector Feen Sidney Carlson Building Inspector Fees Ralph Young Electrical Inspector Fees Walter Korngiebel Fire Inspector 40.00 (not to exeee Olivar Ames Manager, Liquor Store --490.00 Frank Rahn Assistant, Liquor Store 300.00 John P. Busch Bookkeeper, Liquor Store 75.00 Barbara Whittenberg Librarian 260.00 Gail Thovson Librarian 250.00 J. Arthur Peterson Custodian, Library 100.00 Theophil Grunewaldt Dog Catcher 1.30 hr. Geo. Keenan Assessor 150.00 Fred Roberts Supt. Park Board, Cemetery 490.00 (includes Public Buildings weed inspect: Arthur Clapp Cemetery 100.00 Edw. A. Ondrachek Cemetery 275.00 Otto Rannow Cemetery Leo Pillatzki Park Board Wilbert Froemming Park Board Extra help Park Board & Cemetery Grace Sanstead Secretary, Park Board Harry Otto Street Superintendent Carl Baumetz Street Department George Richards Street Department Roger Telecky Street Department Rjay.-Benton Street Department ($1.65 after 6 months) Extra help Street Department Snow Removal • night. cr$w Otto Runke Dump Caretaker Charles J. Wilson City Engimeer. Jack Powers Asst. City Engineer 1.30 hr. 1.75 hr. 1.60 hr. 1.30 hr. 10.00 mo. 460.00 1.75 hr. 1.75 hr. 1.75 hr. 1.50 hr. 1.31$ hr. 1.3.5 hr. :y 185.00 10,300.00 490.00 Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this Resolution No. 2371: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of May, 1965. Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2372 ALL SALARIED PERSONNEL TO BE PAID ON THE 10th and 25th OFx:BACH MONTH EFFEQMVE MAY 1, 1965 Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of this resolution No. 2372: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Fitzloff "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of May, 1965. Alderman Hanson made a motion to authorize payment to Aetna Life Insurance Co. in the amount of $20.90, an error on April 1, 1965 bill. Alderman Fitzloff seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson and upon vote being taken cairied. Alderman Kost made a motion to invest $88,000 Bond Issue in Treasury Bills. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost and upon vote being taken carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 6:15 P.M. SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS May 19, 1965 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson in the Council Chambers at the hour of 4:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Kost, Fitzloff, Hanson, Johnson, Engineer Wilson, Deputy Clerk Monge Members absent: Atty Schantzen Discussion on payment of bills for the recent flood. Alderman Kost made a motion to pay the 40010OLbills as follows: (list attached) Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits HKXK be granted: Rev I. E. Kottke - 536 Franklin House & attached garage - Part of Lots 75, Lynn Addition James L. Reid - Rt. #1 House & attached garage - Lot 20, Oak Park 2nd Addition Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following water and sewer taps: Rev I. E. Kottke James Reid Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Treasurer be paid a salary of $400.00 for the ensuing year. Alderman troduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2373 BE IT RESOLVED that the City enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways for the following purposes, to -wit: To revise the existing traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 7 (4th Avenue North) at its intersection with Trunk Highway No. 15 (Main Street North) and to provide State maintenance of the traffic signal controllers on Trunk Highways in the City, all in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 54622M, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Alderman0Johnson seconded the motion of to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2373: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson TTayeTT Alderman Fitzloff TTayeTT Alderman M. Johnson TTayeTT The follwoing voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of May, 1965. GENERAL FUND Levi Haapala & Sons Inc. J. & J. Feed Service Munson Feed Company Trojan Seed Company Gopher Bag Company Knigge Roofing & Sheet Metal Sandbags 1500 Sandbags 5000 Sandbags 350 Sandbags 4200 Sandbags 17500 Sandbags 8000 36,550 (Plus 225 from Silver Lake F.D. included in their bill and 1000 from Marty's Roofing - No Charge.) Lakeland Asphalt Inc. Frank & Rolfe Erickson Contracting, Inc. Juu1 Contracting Co. Dassel Fire Dppt. Carl 0. F. Christensen Silver Lake Fire Dept. Buck's Tire Shop Wallace Crandall Hutchinson Mfg. & Sales Inc. Rannow Electric R. H. Felska & Son Garage Peterson Truck Service Plowman's Inc. Municipal Electric Plant Eric A. Smith, C.D. Director Arthur Ardolf Lowell Mackedanz Erickson Oil Products Brinkman Studio Zila Hardware Popp Rexall Drug Albrecht Oil Co. Stearnswood Gamble Store Hutchinson Oil Co. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Leo's Electronic Service Simonson Lumber Sorensens Fuel & Farm Supply Fleet Tractor Stores, Inc. Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating Rockite Silo Inc. Hutchinson Farmers Union: Coop. Brunberg Sorensen & Oleson S & L Stores Meade's 66 Station Downtown Standard Wylie Texaco Service Hoels Sears, Roebuck & Co. Hi -Way Standard ROAD AND BRIDGE Leo's Electronic Service Peterson Truck Service Buck's Tire Shop Wylie Texaco Service Rental of Trucks (3) Rental of Loader Rental of Equipment Rental of Equipment Rental of Pumping Equip. Rental of Equipment Rental of Equipment & sandb Repair equipment Repair equipment Repair of equipment Repair of equipment Repair of equipment Repair of equipment Repair of equipment Repair -white way at north end of bridge Mileage Gas - borrowed truck Gas - borrowed truck Gas, flashlight battery Film finishing Supplies Film Gas Polyethylene, poles, lumber Shovels, batteries Kerosene for flares Batteries Expense on walkie-talkie Supplies Wheelbarrows Twine and wire Sump Pump Rock, mix, staves, tile Gas for payloader Kerosene for flares Supplies Gas & supplies Gas & supplies Gas & oil Gas, oil, supplies Pump and life jackets Gas - rented truck Tape Recorder & reels Repair equipment Repair equipment Gas & Oil Flood Other 150.00 65.00 21.00 599.50 2725.00 480.00 1244.50 443.50 1369.20 361.12 36.00 500:00 ags 32.00 208.20 7.00 22.15 4.00 9.50 55.91 630.69 45.19 163.16 13.88 11.13 6.03 9.23 23.15 36.08 2.80 2.10 43.93 956.02 34.59 4.80 9.00 8.20 10.79 21.43 80.00 5.99 39.00 74.68 11.31 57.49 .78 119.31 5.80 14s -e4-137. oy 392.17 193.23 146.24 12.19 11,60 .68 $ 36.33 31.35 34.95 86.72 153.66 WATER & SEWER Zila Hardware Wrenches & gloves 4.45 Downtown Standard Gas 10.60 15.05 SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS May 20, 1965 A Special Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Kost, Fitzloff, Hanson, Johnson, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Members absent: None Also present: Ken Butler of the Airport Commission Mayor Johnson called for bids for Airport Hangar Construction, Publication No. 932. There were four (4) bids. (List attached) Alderman Fitzloff made a motion to table these bids for further study. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff and upon vote, carried. Discussion on bids. Alderman Kost made a motion to reject all bids for Airport Hangar Construction Publication No. 932. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote, carried. Alderman Fitzloff made a motion to instruct Engineer Wilson to revise plans for Airport Hangars and advertise for bids with the following alternatives. 1. 20 lbs./sq. ft. vs. 40 lbs/sq, ft. roof design 2. Bituminous surfaced floor vs. concrete floor. 3. 6 place tee hangar vs. 8 place tee hangar. on June 14, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Fitzloff and upon vote, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:35 P.M. El 15-2 HANGAR CONSTRUCTION Bid Opening - May 20, 1965 - 7:30 P.M. 8 -Unit 6 -Unit 8 -Unit Electrical Electrical Delete General General' Steel 8 -Unit 6 -Unit Heat Only Only All Work Peterson Construction Co. Route 2 $ 31,550.00 .Hutchinson, Minnesota * Swenco Steel Products, Inc. 7101 Hwy. 65 N.E. $ 31,276.00 $ 24,445.00 $ 36,112.00 $ 2,220.00 $ 2,095.00 $ 295.00 _. Minneapolis, Minnesota Lester's Inc. Lester Prairie $ 28,975.00 $ 23,000.00 Minnesota Popp Electric 875 Grove Street S. -- $ 2,735.00 $ 2,630.00 $ 335.00 Hutchinson, Minnesota * Also 6 -Unit Steel Construction - $29,035.00 All bids rejected - ;° Plans to be revised and readvertised Reopen Bids on June 14, 1965 at i 8:00 P.M. El HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to opder by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M. Monday, May 17, 1965, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd Hoel, Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. J! Thompson and Engineer Jack Powers. Absent were Lloyd Torgrimson and Harry Hanson. Minutes of the meetings of April 19 and April 22 were read and approved. Minutes of the special meeting of May 4 were approved after the variance application number for Hutchinson Creamery Assn. was corrected from 395 392. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 406 - Rev. I. E. Kottke - home at 715 Milwaukke. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Commission recommends to the City Council that this application for variance in set- back requirements on the west side be denied. Motion carried. Louis Waller was present to state that he wished to plat lots east of Waller's Subdivision (block two) so that he could sell some of the lots. It was pointed out that although the layout of the lots as previously submitted was satisfactory, a survey would have to be made at this time to show topography,,drainage, sewer and water facilities, etc. Mr. Waller was asked to contact surveyors to proceed with the necessary work and to prepare a preliminary plat for this land. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 931. Rezoning lots 6, 7 and 8, Park Subdivision, from R-2 multiple family residential zone to B-3 general business. Mr. Carlson opened the hearing at 8:30 P.M. Present from the area property owners was Merritt Jensen. Discussion. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Dr. Schafer, that Commission recommends to the City Council that lots 6, 7 and 8 of Park Subdivision, City of Hutchinson, be rezoned from R-2 to B-3. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF MILL POND AND DAM SITUATION. After a discussion of the mill- pond and the broken dam, the Planning Commission felt it would like to make a strong recommendation to the Mayor and City Council that quick action be taken to start replacement of the dam, and that in the interest of good planning -steps be taken to improve the area above and below the dam to make them greater assets to the Community of Hutchinson for the present and the future. This would be in line with the Community Facilities Plan as pre- sented to the City Council by the Associated Planners in July 1959. A discussion of the following items is pertinent: 1. The replacement of the dam is essential for proper sewerage treatment and controlled water flow in months of low rain fall. 2. Improvement of the channel below the dam, the site of the present dump to aid in the quick runoff of future high water periods. 3. Deny any additional building in the flood plain areas as estab- lished in the zoning ordinance. X Oxr"F 0 xrR� Hutchinson Planning Commission -2- May -17, 1965 4. Improvement of the river bottom above the dam for swimming enjoyment and safety and for safer boat navigation. 5. Improvement of the area between the north side of the river and the railroad tracks for park, recreation and tourist area. Interest in and a desire to help along these lines has been expressed by some and perhaps others could be interested. 1. The Mayor and City Council - Final Authority 2. The Planning Commission - Planning 3. The Park Board - Parks and Campsites 4. The Recreation Board - Playgrounds 5. The Chamber of Commerce - For Tourist Promotion 6. The Junior Chamber of Commerce - Water Carnival 7. The Crow River Boating Club - Water Safety 8. The Gopher Campfire Club - Sanctuary and Game Reserve 9. The Optimist Club - Playground Equipment It is understood that this program will take much time, money and work; but the Planning Commission feels now is the time to start the work and with a complete plan, work for its eventual completion. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION. Clinton Tracy stated that the Utilities Commission has an opportunity to purchase a wedge-shaped piece of land near Goebel Fixture Company on South Dale Street, and that they will be needing land in this area for a sub -station, with possibly one transformer. The 'sub -station would be self-contained and the grounds would be landscaped and maintained as in a residential area. This report was given to the Commission as a matter of information, although it njay be a matter of years before the work is begun. REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 245. Tabled until a later date when necessary information is available. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. A. J. Thompson, Secretary xr•�n � � 1 xrr. Recteation is ictal Dir"W Aeara ckairmrie'•"""� M. E. J. MAY Sacralary tECAEATION COMMITTEESr f sammar Program— �//' Joa Yeumam, lorry / naygraand.— i Milron Alhnoyar, Mn. QKhrd Papp, && Earl FiMoff F.. WProgram— hank Srodariur,W Krardnl Swimming— , Dr. Wm. Mbkoff, MAm •E.rinkman Dr. !. 1. May, Earl Rfcloff 1 Church League D HU Boating " rr Playgrounds N s Z ' Toss Svv� ,ming ..-o ast� lot 500CI livi(45 �000W Rutckinson is a RECREATION BOARD MEEETING: May 12, 1.965 A regular Recreation Board meeting was held at the Recreation Building at 7:30 P.F4.. Members present included: ISilton Altmeyer, Larry Graf, Joe Youmans, Hilt Brinkman, Earl Fitzloff_, Ivan Hurt and Gene May, Mrs. Popp called that she was unable to attend. Motion by Altmeyer, second by Brinkman and carried that the bills read for the month be approved and paid,. Hurt reported that he had written to the School for use. of the Iligh School Pool for the summer swim program and that Supt. Knutson had informed him that his requests had been granted. He further pointed out that he met with Mr. Peterson and made arrangements for starting the program June 14th if at all possible and that it would be extended into the month of August as long as possible. It was also agreed that we would try to carry out a 7 day a week program if the needs of the community would support the program.-- Hurt reported that this information had been released to the Leader and that the additional information on the program would be released later. Discussion also centered around the development Ob a baseball field at the High School site -and it was agreed that we help support this project so that it might be. available for baseball in tte summer recreation program. At a meeting of the Boat Club on Tuesday evening Howard Popp was elected as presidett, acid Terry Ernst was re- elected as Becretary-Treasurer. Hurt reported that he.. would serve this group to help organize and promote-the- cleaning romote the_cleaning up and improving of the River Area so that what ever this group does it will be to support any action taken by the city authorities. Playground equipment purchased by the Newcomer's Club had. been ordered and the Optimist group had selected a good variety of equipment for the River Park, Fred Roberts and Hurt were to meet with Robert Backlund to establish a plan for the placement of this equipment in the -near future. A Softball Schedule forthe Church Softball League along with Rules for the League was presented to the group to show that one steps were taken to ogranize this group fOr the purpose of eliminating misunderstandings later during the season. It is hoped that more will be done along this line next year. Also, groups from bbth the.: City and Church Leagues were working on the fi8lds on Tuesday evening-. --,,r lighted field is completed 5ooCJ Place to live RECREATION BOARD MEEETING: May 12, 1.965 A regular Recreation Board meeting was held at the Recreation Building at 7:30 P.F4.. Members present included: ISilton Altmeyer, Larry Graf, Joe Youmans, Hilt Brinkman, Earl Fitzloff_, Ivan Hurt and Gene May, Mrs. Popp called that she was unable to attend. Motion by Altmeyer, second by Brinkman and carried that the bills read for the month be approved and paid,. Hurt reported that he had written to the School for use. of the Iligh School Pool for the summer swim program and that Supt. Knutson had informed him that his requests had been granted. He further pointed out that he met with Mr. Peterson and made arrangements for starting the program June 14th if at all possible and that it would be extended into the month of August as long as possible. It was also agreed that we would try to carry out a 7 day a week program if the needs of the community would support the program.-- Hurt reported that this information had been released to the Leader and that the additional information on the program would be released later. Discussion also centered around the development Ob a baseball field at the High School site -and it was agreed that we help support this project so that it might be. available for baseball in tte summer recreation program. At a meeting of the Boat Club on Tuesday evening Howard Popp was elected as presidett, acid Terry Ernst was re- elected as Becretary-Treasurer. Hurt reported that he.. would serve this group to help organize and promote-the- cleaning romote the_cleaning up and improving of the River Area so that what ever this group does it will be to support any action taken by the city authorities. Playground equipment purchased by the Newcomer's Club had. been ordered and the Optimist group had selected a good variety of equipment for the River Park, Fred Roberts and Hurt were to meet with Robert Backlund to establish a plan for the placement of this equipment in the -near future. A Softball Schedule forthe Church Softball League along with Rules for the League was presented to the group to show that one steps were taken to ogranize this group fOr the purpose of eliminating misunderstandings later during the season. It is hoped that more will be done along this line next year. Also, groups from bbth the.: City and Church Leagues were working on the fi8lds on Tuesday evening-. --,,r lighted field is completed Recteation is vital lot lqoo� ooffiofflo IVAN_HURT'7 ... a0 fiatc6tson is a qooc� Place to live City Remedoe Dhearor I beard Chalraun-"""'N__ SDR. E. J. MAY S&cnftr RECREATION / RlCREATION COMMITT!!Sr t Summer Proyrom— f Jou YeumenI. forty 0-1 NeyOroundr— ,� Milton Altmeyer, Mm. 11%rd Popp, Ead Fite Wlnter P=_ gk' Fronk Smderfor, Wm�Kmchel SWlmmin, L Dr. Wm, MbIWIT, MRt, m" r"kmen Egvipmmf— Dr. R 1. Moy, Earl FlMoff� r ?_ Parks �s Church League R _ Boating Playgrounds 'f,dCrossSvc' -ing May Minutes 1965 Cont'd.-- and League play will begin in May 17th. Bill Stibal is President of the Church League and Gary Esping is Pres- ident of the City League. Motion by Earl Fitzloff , second by Larry Graf and carried that Hurt send representative to the Summer Training Institute for Playground Leaders at Mankato June:18th. All shirt for baseball had been inventortbed and this year's order had been placed with the Gopher Athletic Supply as before at a cost of 95¢ per shirt. Letter of thanks had been sent to the Jaycees who had helped in taking down the Hockey Rink to save on work required of the Park Board crew. Hurt reported that all arrangements had been made for the Teen Age dance, which had been discussed andplanned at the April meeting. It was a private dance with advance sale of tickets only- the same as it had been when sponsor- ed before on the night of the Junior - Senior Banquet,. Optimists had agreed to serve as chaperonnes and arrangements had been made to have the police at the dance when it was over at 11:30 P.M. to control traffic, etc., F, Because; of a misunderstanding it was necessary to have the posters printed over. Hurt reported that as Recretion Director he was not interested in promoting a Teen Age Dance at the County Fair. A si§n reading " Alcoholic Bevnrages Prohibited in this Park had been ordered for the River Park Softball Field. Ivan Hurt asked to have a committee named at the next meeting to serve to obtain a replacement for the recreation director.. No further business the meeting adj r ed at 9:30 P.M. Ge T y, Se etary- HUTCHINSON NURSING HC;;E BOARD SPECIAL ,MEETING - The Nursing Home Board met Thursday January 14, 1965 at City Hall at 10s00 A. M, with Pres, Cone presiding. The following members being presents Cones Zeleny$ Braun, Mills, Lees Jensen. The purpose of t,e meeting was to view and decide upon drapery material. Samples were shown by Dick Hayek, Lintex representative. Due to the limited selection only two patterns were decided upon. The Board adjourned and went to Burns Manor after the meeting to check on construction progress. Respectfully submitted: Francis Jensen, Secretary NURSING HOI.IE BOARD MEETING The Nursing Home Board of the City of Hutchinson met at 7:30 P. M. January 18, 1965 at the City Hall with Pres. Cone presiding. Members present were Tom Cone, Helen Zeleny, Helga Nielson, Milan Braun, L. D. Mills, Elmer Lee, Ned Stearns, Francis Jensen. Helga Nielson moved, seconded by L. D. 17ills that in line with the ordinance establishing the Nursing Home Board (ordinance no. 252) the Superintendent be named as secretary. Motion carried. After some discussion on the light fixtures in the coffee room of Burns Manor the Supt. was instructed to check with the electrician as to more suitable fixtures which will meet with the approval of the Board. Milan Braun stated that he has a typewriter which he would make available to the Home. Helen Zeleny moved and L.D. Mills seconded that the Board accept Mr. Braun's generous offer. Motion carried. After discussion pretaining to an adding machine Pres. Cone instructed the Supte to check with local suppliers as to make, price, etc. After looking at drapery material, final selections were made and Pres. Cone would notify architects as to the selection. Various necessary forms such as: resident application blanks, employee application forms, resident admission records, medical history forms, nurse's record and progress notes, and medication and treatment records were looked at and studied. On motion by Tip Mills, seconded by Helga Nielson that all necessary forms be printed locally and as needed. Motion carried. After some discussion as to employee wages and resident rates the following motion was made by Helga Nielson and seconded by Helen Zeleny that the Supt. make a survey of area Nursing Homes as to their employee wages and resident rate structure -and make necessary recommendations to the Board. Motion carried. On motion by Tip Mills, seconded by Milan Braun and carried the following resolution was passed, to wit: Resolved: that the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota be directed to sell in the sum of thirty thousand and no/100 dollars ($302000) United States Treasury Notes held by said bank for the Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home and place the monies in the checking account of Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home for the purpose of payment of current accounts. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Secretary. NURSING HOME BOARD MEETING The Nursing Home Board of the city of Hutchinson met at 4:30 PDA January 27, 1965 at the City Hall with Pres. Cone presiding. Members present were Tom Cone, Mrs. Zeleny, Mrs. Nielson, Milan Braun, Tip Mills, Elmer Lee, Francis Jensen. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and after a correction as to the proper wording of ordinance 252, were approved. A review of the employee wage structure of the various Nursing Homes in the area and Hutchinson Community Hispital was presented by the Supt. and upon motion by Mir. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Nielson, and carried the following starting wage schedule was adipted: RN's -------------- $2.00 per hour. LPN'S------------- 1.50 per hour. Nurse aides, dishwashers, laundry workers, maids, - $1.00 per hour First cook-------- 1.50 per hour Second cook------- 1.25 per hour Orderly----------- 1.25 per hour Maintenance man--- 1.75 per hour Supervisory nurse's salary will depend on her exp--�riences. After discussing county welfare residents rates and also area Nursing Home rates the following motion was made by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Nielson, and carried that the residents rates start at $160, per month with charges for additional services as required. A person wishing to be alone in a double room would pay $300.00 per month. After a discussion pretaining to light fixtures in room 123 the following motion was made by Mrs. Nielson, seconded by D1xs. Zeleny, and carried that two Virden fixtures - number SP 1895 - be installed in room 123 in lieu of the flourescent fixtures originally specified, with the flourescent fixtures to be retained and installed in basement laundry provided the cost isn't prohibitive. Pres. Cone would request change order and submit to board for approval. On motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Mrs. Nielson, and carried the following bills were approved for payment: McLeod Plumbing, Heating, and Electric -------------------- $3330.00 Erickson Contracting, Inc.-------------------------------- 162.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co.---------------------------------- 9.58 Francis Jensen, Milage------------------------------------ 14.17 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Secretary NURSING HC:!E BOARD 1,4 -STING --- FEB. 109, 1965 The Nursing Home Board for the city of Hutchinson, met February 10, 1965 at the City Hall at 4:00 PM with Pres. Cone presiding. The following members were present: Cone, Zeleny, Nielson, Braun, Mills, Lee, Stearns, Jensen. Also present were insurance men Madsen, Mikulecky, and Grams. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were presented and on motion by Mrs. Nielson, seconded by Mrs. Zeleny, and carried they were approved for payment: Hutchinson She^t Metal ',Yorks-----------------------$ 39235.50 Luhman Construction, Inc.-------------------------- 209047.26 Hutchinson Telephone Co.--------------------------- 7.15 n of "----------------------------- lo49 Standard Printing Co.------------------------------ 94,35 Esther's Gift and Stationery Shop------------------ 9.00 Patch and Erickson, Inc.--------------------------- 321.92 The subject of the Burns Manor Nursing Home Memorial Book was brought up and Mrs. Zeleny stated she would get the book up to date by opening date. Mr. Mills also stated that brochures will also be completed by open house time. Various aspects of insurance coverage were discussed by insurance men Mikulecty, Madsen, and Grams. They will obtain several plans and present to the board at a later date for approval. Dividers between corrider and lounge area were brought up for discussion and bids from various cabinet shops will be obtained in accordance with original specifications of the building. On motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Braun, and carried that a Stromberg No. 14 Time Recorder with two card racks and 1000 time cards be purchased for a total price of $195.40. Mrs. Zeleny moved, seconded by Mrs. Nielson, and carried that one Lindsay water softener model - 2-Cf2-225 in the amount of $931.50 be purchased at the present time, provided that after talking with Mr. Ranzau of Tri -County Water Conditioning Co. it is determined that this equipment has a large enough capacity for our needs until a laundry is installed and that service would be adequate. On motion by Mrs. Zeleny, seconded by Mr. Mills, and carried that tile be laid on floors in the storeroom and service entrance room for the sum Of $ 80.00. There being no further business, meeting adjourned. Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Secretary NURSIING HOME BOARD SPECIAL J�IfzETING -- FEB.241 1965 The Nursing Home Board of the city of Hutchinson met for a special meeting at City Hall on February 24, 1965 with President Cone presiding. Members present were: Cone, Mrs. Nielson, Mrs. Zeleny, Mills, Braun, Stearns, and Jensen. On motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Nielson, and carried that the bill of Lakeland Asphalt Co. for gravel in the am.:unt of $92.50 be allowed and paid. Motion made by Mrs. Zeleny, seconded by Mir. Braun, and carried that change order number E-2, in regard to 2 Virden fixtures to replace original flourescent fixtures in room 123 for the amount of $59.509 with the 2 flourescent fixtures to be retained but uninstalled be accepted. The bids for dividers were reviewed. Of the 4 bids received, Amundson's bid was lowest, however, upon investigation his bid did not include finishing or the two electrical outlets. Goebel's bid of $380.00 did include finishing but not the outlets. However, with the estimated cost of $35.00 to $40.00 for the outlets his bid was condiderably lower than the rest. On motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Nr. Mills and carried that Goebel's bid be accepted. Doors for the linen closets were discussed, the opinion being that bi-fold doors would be most suitable. The price of installation and finishing will be obtained. On motion by Mrs. Nielson, seconded by Mor. Mills, and carried the following resolution was passed - Resolved: that the First National Bank of Hutchinson, P,,innesota be directed to sell in the sum of thirty t":ousand and 00/000 follars ($30,000) United States Treasury Notes held by said bank for the Burns Manor 1,4unicipal Nursing Home on or about March 9, 1965 and place the monies in the checkinD ac;punt of Burns IManor Municipal Nursing Home for the purpose of payment of current accounts. After a discussion on the two telephone systems proposed for Burns Manor, Mir* Mills moved, seconded by Mors. Nielson, and carried that the revised policy be adopted. Laundry equipment was discussed briefly and prices for the largest domistic washers and dryers will be obtained for consideration. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 6;10 PM Respectfully submitted, Francis Jensen, Secretary NURSING HOME BOARD MEETING -- MARCH 12, 1965 The Nursing Home Board for the city of Hutchinson., met March 12, 1965 at Burns Manor with Pres. Cone presiding. The following members were present: Cone, Mrs. Zeleny, Airs, Neilson, Braun, Lee, and Jensen. The minutes of the previous regular meeting and also of the special meeting helf Feb. 24, 1965 were read and approved as read: The following bills were presented: Hutchinson Telephone Company ---------------------- $ 11.14 Standard Printing Company------------------------- 3.50 Esther's Gift and Stationery Shop----------------- 14.90 The Hutchinson Leader----------------------------- 4.40 Luhman Construction Co.--------------------------- 80.00 to R it----------------------------- 5396022 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works---------------------- 1594.80 On motion by Mrs. Neilson, seconded by Milan Braun and carried these bills were approved for payment and also McLeod Electric upon receipt of bill. The checking account balance was reported to be $ 29,971.23. After reviewing the bids for an automatic washer and dryer, Milan Braun made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Zeleny and carried that the lowest bid be accepted which was the bid of the Gamble Store for a Whirlpool washer and dryer for the amount of $ 293.15 plus freight charges. After a short discussion on the divider viall to be installed by Goebel's it was decided to install plastic at various openings in the wallo The laundry proposals were studied and after a discussion on leasing versus ownership of linens, Mrs. Neilson made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Zeleny and carried that we enter into a lease agreement with G. & K Laundry with the understanding that they (G&K Laundry) will purchase our linen inventory at invoice price and service Burns Manor with a satisfactory quality and amount pf linens at all time. The subject of employee vacation policy was brought up for discussion and the following policy was adopted: one week paid vacation after one full years employment and two weeks paid vacation after two years employment for all full time employees. Mrs. Zeleny showed the design and plans of the altar, which is to be donated by the Fitzloff familyo Mrs. Zeleny also showed several patterns of floor carpeting that the Women's Club is thinking about installing in the lounge area. There being no further business the meeting adjournedo Attest: Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Secretary NURSING HOME BOARD M -PE TING -- APRIL 143, 1965 The Nursing Home Board for the city of Hutchinson, met April 140 1965 at Burns Manor Fursing Home with President Cone presiding. The following members were present: Cone, Mrs. Neilson, Braun, Mills, Lee, and Jensen. The minutes of t:,,e previous regular meeting held March 12, 1965 were read and approved as read. The following bills were presented and approved for payment: State of Minnesota - Division of Boiler Inspection -- S 2.00 Leef Bros.------------------------------------------- 15.35 Anderson Chemical Co.-------------------------------- 43.75 Hagen Office Equipment, Inc.------------------------- 100.00 Coast to Coast Stores-------------------------------- 16.99 Citizens Ins. Agency--------------------------------- 1780.00 Tri - County Water Conditioning---------------------- 931.50 of n to it ---------------------- 40.00 Minn. - t"lis. Truck Lines, Inc.----------------------- 3.25 HaagCandy Co---------------------------------------- 222.00 Hutchinson Telephone Go* ----------------------------- 14.36 FrancisJensen------------------------------------- 5.20 Dayton Company--------------------------------------- 1816.80 Lintex Corporation----------------------------------- 2537.55 N It ----------------------------------- 11879.48 Nominations were called for the offices of President and Vice - President. Milan Braun nominated Tom Cone as president and Tip Mills as Vice -President. The meeting was then turned over to the Secretary and additional nominations were called for. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Neilson moved, seconded by Milan Braun and carried that the Secretary be instructed to cast an unanimous ballet for these nominations. The financial reports for year ending Mlarch 31, 1965 were studied and upon motion by Milan Braun, seconded by Mrs. Neilson, and carried these reports be accepted as presented and submit to council subject to approval by Auditors. Samples of bedspreads from a local supplier were looked at with no action being taken. Mr. Braun will contact another supplier for additional smaples and prices. Samples of door numbers from Larson Engraving of St. Peter were looked at and further study was recommended. Doors for the linen closets was discussed and the Supt. was instructed to have Amundson Cabinet Shop order same and install as soon as possible. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Respectively submitted$ Francis Jensen, Sec. Attests SPECIAL MEETING OF NURSI?ZG H0 ,E BOARD APRIL 30, 1965 The Nursing Home Board for t',:e city of Hutchinson, met for a special meeting April 30, 1965 with Pres. Cone presiding. Mlembers present were Cone, Airs. Zeleny, Braun, Mills, Lee, and Jensen. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility of installing T. V. Antenna leads in cable to all rooms. The cost of theis installation is very high due to the special lead in wire needed. Additional study was decided upon with the cost of a temporary antenna to be obtained. Additional furnishings such as bed rails, convalescent chairs, by Mills, seconded by Braun and carried the Supt. be authorized to purchase additional furnishings as needed. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Sec. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NURSING HOME BOARD - May 4, 1965 The Nursing Home Board for the city of Hutchinson met for a special meeting May 4, 1965 at Burns Manor with Pres. Cone presiding. Members present were Cone, Mrs. Zeleny, Mills, Braun, and Jensen. The Board studied and discussed a bid from McLeod Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Co. for the installation and furnishing of a complete T.V. Antenna system for Burns Manor in the amount of $ 695.00 which includes cable to all wings, for future individual room connections, and to include two connections now. Any individual room connections done now would cost $ 10.75 and any done in the future at $ 12.75. Mr. Mills had information on installation and approximate cost from another contractor from St. Cloud. After a discussion Mills made the motion, seconded by Braun, and carried that McLeod Plumbing, Heating, & Electrical's bid be accepted with two T. V. outlets to be installed in the lounge area instead of one. The possibility of a divider in the coffee room was brought up, possibly a planter and display case combination. No action taken. Mrs. Zelenybrought up the subjects of carpeting and fire place. The cost of a gas log for the fire place was to be obtained from the gas company. Mr. Mills moved, seconded by Braun, and carried that the Nursing Home Board will be most happy to accept the donation of a carpet if the Women's Club wished to donate same, subject to the approval of the Board. Mrs. Zeleny made the following motion which was seconded by Mills and carried that the City Council be asked to provide a mercury vapor street light on the existing pole in front of the home. After a short discussion on the policy of the beauty shop it was decided that a small charge be made to the residents for services rendered to them for the purpose of replenishing supplies. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: Respectively submitted, Francis Jensen, Sec. A RY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS / mnw. AR F.mT)F,n /Yn . : /, �%- .� i e alanc� Transrers Cash and. rans ers a ante — Receipts Investments P from Total Disbursements to Total Cash and Invng 4 T=:ism D,,rin, PPriod Other Fwid.s Recei is During Period Other Funds Disbursement esstlments ;y. ND General i (� ,3a�63 /iS Band. ? Lib rary gg f / 61,7 A a Soo 3 Road and- Bridge '� i ������� � -:.n.� ;esuer 5 �3 .- .SLZL JJ? 93 04S a( {pWa,t-or 50 e baa 3 0 o a 80 8 5 Gia i�/ 96 r9 A e.4 �iJ a 0 OGG ¢ t t- YLic.c'¢ j7u-i .-.,,�...-..:_..,...._� �,.�.�.r.,...,,.:a •,...-.....a., . � � �s.,.' t � � ,oma... .,.. � 0apl�i i _ ammo - ,•am,..e.- I luta : ; f I ! ! ► ! ! 1OMEN 1 • fl 1 ! q` • -Current Estimated Year• -. -_''Estimated !. Balance Fund -Schedule _____aeneral -d Band Fund - Schedule 2-i l■■s■�� MINI■I■■■■j■■■■I Library Ism,■■rl■■welimim■■I I■■r■ ■®■■i■■■■!■MINE Road and Bridge Fund - Schedulei 1' .1 ■r®■I/MMINA ■■■IMMERSE� Water and Sewer Fund - Schedule 5 ism MIKE IMMAIMMEM { . IMM �■■��I■lri■�I■■■■�■ jNOMMON 01100111110 ■■r■(■■r■I■■■■ i■�',.�■■I�■■■i■■■■I (��■ ■MMIMMr/1■■tBand ■■ General Fund Schedule 6 Fund 1► --Schedule 7 I/■■r ■■■l/fir/I■■�■ I I�■■ri�■■■rl■I■�■r■i■�■r�l 1 Water ... Sewer Fund - Schedule 2D l■�Irl■r■r■lrrll■s�■r{ 1, - �.� - !■l9�®(■■■■I■■■■lam■■■ I■■r■Ir■■■{t■■r{■�■r off M • - I/�C{�■■■I■r■■I■■■ Ir■■/1�■rrl�■■/Ir■ r 1 I■r■�I■� �■■s�■t■r■■r1■I■■■■ Total Disbursements AMAM I I■■M■�■■■■i■■■ ■■M i ,SUMMARY .. ,. AND CAPITAL4 ■■I■■■�I■■r�l�■�■ - . - - .. t■■■■1�����lr©�/ dam[® Efibrary FundRoad It■��Ir■�!!I■■■■I■�� and Bridge Fund iWater and Sewer Fund1/�■/l�l�JII/��1��� I■r■■�I■me�mi�rr�1�■r� J MONTHS DIDED 1 l & '/ _ 6-5 Actual Actual. Estimated Curent YeaEstimated Prior Year Current Year o' ISat� alance General Property Taxes Special Assessments T icenses - Permit s Fines Forfeits and Penalties evenve fromLTseof Monev and I Revenue from Other Agencies Shared Licenses Grants from Other Governments Charges for Current Services Cemetery Other Other Receipts Sale of Property Revenues Collected for Other A encies Refunds and Reimbursements r, - Total Receipts 4L 3 -nTl, OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL RECEIPT MONTHS ENDED Actual,' Prior. Year Actual Estimated urrent Year 'urrent Year to `hSaW s Estimated Balance BAND FUND S(!HEDIgA 2 General Property Taxes Other Total Receipts LIBRARY FUND S HED 3 General Property Taxes Rentals 91 r Donations Miscellaneous - Library Finesell- 1/ IR01 /_111 s�I Total ReceiptsIROAD #HED AND BRIDGE FUND 1 L__ `1t Gei rat g rope y Taxe �/ ,5 0 11 Special Assessments G �} Parking Meter Revenue Y3 1 •'%� =i Snow Removal Charges Sale of Materials — Interest `✓"""``�`'•`� ��� 97 Refunds and Other` a Total Recei is , 5 (,30 WATER AND SEWER FUND S HED ,5 Water S ecial Assessments and Ta ir- FeF�.� 0 3 Collections on Sales and Regular Charges Customer Service a , c 6 4I 1 ' a'r c �0 I Meter Sales Borrowing Meter Deposits to�f3 0"', {� ^" • I! Interest i i8 i,' (! Revenue from Other Agencies Municipal Electric Plant i5 0o c 1 Miscellaneous Water Revenues v �+ ,Xd Totals - Water iaa rY 53�;� ` r /, %'6 , Sewer Special Assessments & Tapping Fees Sewer Charges - Collections 3 q�{(, Customer Services ��(-- Miscellaneous Sewer Revenues Totals - Sewers Fo� Total Receipts? 1� rTmy M MM`PTF nN SCHEL'i: c> i SIARY OF ESTIMATED AND ACTIT.�I, DIS�3I,�tSEM 3TS Sheet 1 GENERAL PTRTD / MONTHS ENDED iyGy� Act-uasl..' Estimated Prior Year i{,urrent 'Year Actual rent Year o 11 ate Estimated Balance r General Government Schedule 6 Sheet 2 /� a,j {� ;Conservation of Healthy Schedule 6, Sheet 3 1Public Buildings, Fire and Other Protection - Schedule 6, Sheet 3 ?V iso i ,Or anized Recreation I Schedule 6, Sheet 4 J, Parks and Cemetery Schedule 6 Sheet 5 Police Protection Schedule 6, Sheet 6 6VUnallocateaExpense �i Schedule 6 Sheet 6 j� Total Disbursements / A li I i i �f D IL ll IL IT I JI 9 sC STATEMENT OF ESTIPSATED AIND ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS Sheet GKTERAL FUND _ MONTHS ENDED z ys 4 - /"6 Actual }! Actual Estimatedurr�ent Year Estimated Prior Year urrent Year O`D�.t'� Balance ' I'rE�TFRAL GOVERNMENT � I 1 � , �I� Mayor and Council Salaries Travel - Conferences - Schools ii Supplies �� 8'"sillI � 4 �j Miscellaneous ii Municipal Court Salarie s and Fees Contractual Services Supplies ,n-u�.0 %%c�,Q�� �/� I,�€'{�,hh Elections Salaries Supplies Clerk Salaries 3 �,i (d Communications ' y<5 1597el Printing and Publishing //71'� it Travel - Conferences - Schools a r Maintenance & Repair of Equipment Office Supplies Insurance and Bonds j; Subscriptions and Memberships— P.E.R.A. Miscellaneous - Clerk r Capital Outla �� Office E uitiment Treasurer - Salary Assessor ala c 7 i. _!I �I /�a !JSu 's lies Independent Auditing and Accounting ,3 ,�',� ; q5i' Le al Salary Y!Y� Supplies is; d�:" `S cc _ G ris n :io ro ria 1 to e es % 3t t""c✓a�.-Y.• � , I of iGS a� G' }! Planning Salaries 4./ c5 er, "i Professional & Consultant Services Small Tools Gas. Oil and Grease g Miscellaneous !� d Capital Outlay Equipment i Total Disbursements ; /3, %cf' STATEMENT OF'ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS Sheet 3 GENERAL FUND- 1 MONTHS ENDED ry ctual ' Prior Year Ac ual Estimated reht�ea: Current Year to Date Estimated Balance CONSERVATION OF HEALTH Salaries Su plies �. �. •; 'MisQe1l=eo3as Fesalhbu?fig, Ci r Total Disbursements • rR 3 I PUBLIC BUILDINGS FIRE AND OTHER PROTE12 ON City Hall Sala -Janitor Utilities <t: '57%' Maintenance and Repair E Equipment Building CleaninR Su lies Insurance anital Outlay Land ,"c c , _M Buildings Furniture and Equipment Totals Fire Protection S Communications 'r 4 Travel - Conferences - Schools' Maintenance and Repairs Building Equipment '�5 ' ":z ' is it Small Tools Gas Oil and Grease Cleaning -�� Miscellaneous Supplies Insurance•-. 1� d r . ` • .. Miscellaneous -Fire { Fire Department Relief Capital .Outlay Buildings r--- Equipment Totals Protective Inspection Building Inspection Fees,.. Plumbing Inspection Fees Armory Civil Defense r•5,/, v , ' Animal Control Total Disbursements t i !� Act rio r Estimated "u rent Year -. - -. Balance CEMETERY ■■IVON ■(MIN ■■1 -Maintenance ■.■,■!■■®mal■■■■ and Builaings-anaGrounasWOMEN ■■ ■■■l■f■■■4■■■ -Gas,- Oiland Grease-, EIMM Miscellaneous ■(■■Oa■■�■ _ . 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Miscellaneous -Engineering �; „'s� q Streets and Alle`s— s It Salaries Professional and Consultant Fees -1# !O (r Communications . Travel - Conferences - Schools Maintenance and Repairs' Equipment Buildings and Structures Streets and Alleys Other Contractual ServicesI— Maintenance Supplies or Small Tools Gas Oil and Grease lInsurance and Bonds-- Subscriptions and Memberships — ` Miscellaneous - Streets I Capital Outlay ' Equipment Improvements , !' ; t i'. f = r: ' 'fC " ' 4 1 Snow and Ice Removal Traffic signs and Signals =' G' `r�-`� -7SIO Street Li htin i? i.5 r " I �' ' 9' Parking Meters Maintenance and Repairs Capital OutlayA Storm. ewers •' Salaries =d Wages Maintenance and Repairs Capital Outlay PT Refuse Collection and Disposal }--= .Salaries Maintenance and Repairs - Equipment =•�:-.:! Miscellaneous - Refuse Collection Street Sanitation I Weed Eradication i %'•' : ' Total Disbursements 11 -EMT-; fill, (TTY QP ?,'T-7r-RTNSOid SCHEDULE 1� Sheet 1 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED APED ACTUAL. DISBURSEMENTS WATER AND SEWER- Flum / MONTHS ENDED /��Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year /� �Actual Ciir`fe�nn � yea to Date Estimated Balance I Water Wells and Tanks • !� Maintenance and Repairs IL Equipment Wells. /!I�i ' j4 3j Capital Outla Buildin s and Plant IL Power and PumpingJi I� iElectricity Maintenance and Repairs �;I IRS ^C Labricants Miscellaneous - Power Ca ital Outlay-15tx%= Purification Maintenance and Re airs Supplies '% /i L �4 Distribution Salaries Too } Le '�-- Maintenance and Repairs Equipment Mains 3 -Y4? Small Tools st 1 Gas Oil and Creasey ✓~y t s P� Capital Outlay Equipment s ,� Mains 41 1 Administrative and General Salaries and Wages '4.5d Engineering______ 9 e6' !, • v 1 Other Professional Fees Communications Printing and Publishing 4,7 r -a~ ;� yS,� 5~s' �•2,:. Utilities r Travel - Co ferences - Schools 4W y"11 Maintenance and Repairs Gas, Oil and GreaseS!4 Cleaning LI Insurance and Bonds Interest ���' D II' 5/ Refund 'of Meter Deposits �� Ial Capital Outla 3,}7� '�� ° Billing Adjustments Debt RedemptionE. n �w'=i' I�-- Totals - Carried forward �'4 +�y ` ww" 1 W SNOW J1 s SCHEDU R, _L0 CITY 01- EIT,T`=TNS )II STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED ATE) ACTUAL DISBUIRSEVEETS Sheet MONTHS ENDED -z-aaf, Estimated c - .A'� Prior Ye'ar ,urrent'Year ILTotals Brought forward Re ua Year to Date Estimated Balance Se-aer Collection System Salaries D 01I 17H -Equi-oment Mains F, C��pital Outla-_ Equipment it IL I -Mains S"'.r'�Ie6� "I Disposal Plant Engineering _t7316 4.3 Power and Light Travel - conferences -`Schools Maintenance and Re pairs Equipment . Buildings J Z Insurance ILI Tiiterest Miscellaneous Plant k./.. 6 i i v< Capital Outlay .1,2uipment e T)Ebt Eedemotijn IL6 5 -7 t, i-_- — — — — - Totals Total Disbursements 0_; -jr 7 CITY OF HUTCHIi� SON SCHEDULE 11 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 1 Months Ended CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 1 , 1 / Months Ended G f' t %r'0 . y Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1960 Special Assessments — Collected by City 7 e. G Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest ifs c Construction Costs Total Receipts �� .i .?,j CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 1 , 1 / Months Ended G f' t %r'0 . y C) 'If prior Af Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1960 Bonds Payable 7 e. G Interest — Debt Service ifs c Construction Costs Total Disbursements a/ .� C) CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCHEDULE 12 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended ` ✓' i L' `� �' 1965 CITY CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended a 12 , c l %C S �QActua1 Arior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 2 — 1960 Special Assessments — Collected by City Special Assessments — Collected by County J-313. ,yl Interest �� o Construction Costs Total Receipts o 7 - CITY CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended a 12 , c l %C S 1 ctual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 2 — 1960 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service 5 Construction Costs Total Disbursements L� �. ,� 5 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Act 1962 Curb Gutter and S- Actual Recei is � sidewalk Improvement Months Ended 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improveme. Special Assessments — Collected by City Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest Borrowing Total Receipts J y�c�ual �r or Year Estimated Actual Current Current Year Year to Date 0 Statement ofECIT OF HUTCHINSON Estimated and Actual isbursements 162 Curb/ Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Months Ended SCHEDULE 13 Estimated Balance Estimated Year Actual Current Estimated 1962 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Current Year Year to Date Balance Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service 6 a 7 n Construction Costs - Total Disbursements SCHEDULE 14 CITY OF I✓IUTC--iINSON Statement of Estimated ar�d Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 4 ' Months Ended �� �' Gb CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 Months Ended( i Ij'9� -aal`I'rior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 Special Assessments — Collected by City 4 j„ `% j ^ > Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest Total Receipts �� �G CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 Months Ended( 1k,1tual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costs Total Disbursements �� �G