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cp06-28-1965 c
ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 28, 1965 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Willcox 3. APPROVE MINUTES - Regular meeting June 14, 1965 Board of Review June 23, 1965 4. APPROVE BILLS 5. ACCEPT AUDITOR'S REPORT 6. APPLICATION FOR CIGARETTE LICENSE Ray Plath 7. ENGINEER a. Report on dam b. Report on northeast park land c. Report on petition for light at N. RiverPark d. Petitions e. Building permits 8. INSURANCE REVIEW - 9:00 P.M. 9. BUDGET 10. RESOLUTION authorizing Deputy Clerk to sign checksandofficial documents during vacation absence of Clerk. 11. RECREATION COMMITTEE - minutes attached 12. PLANNING COMMISSION - minutes attached 13. AIRPORT COMMISSION - minutes attached 14. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS A Regular Council meeting was called to order By Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Invocation by Members present: Aldermen Kost, Hanson, Wilson, Treasurer Smith June 14, 1965 Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Rev Wagner Johnson, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings Regular Meeting - May 24,1965 Special Meeting - June 1, 1965 Special Meeting - May 27,1965 Special Meeting - June 2,1965 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be granted and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Oswald Publishing Co. Harold A. Grams Agency - Leo Pillatzki Central Chemical Co. Inc. Del Chemical Corporation American Linen Supply Co. Poppts Hutchinson Cleaners Haag Candy Co. Hutchinson Agency Inc. Aetna Life Ins. Company Indianhead Specialty Co. Inc. Charles J. Wilson Xerox Corporation Standard Printing Company Oswald Publishing Co. Imperial Supply Company The Hutchinson Leader Esther t s Gift Shop Wallner Printing Company Eli K. Jensen Uniforms Unlimited Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. Buckts Tire Shop Dougts Service Charlie's One -Stop Service Quinlan Publishing Co., Inc. Al's Country Shop Erickson Oil Products Hoel Distributing Co. J. H. Emerson Company Duo -Safety Ladder Corp. Hutchinson Wholesale Supply League of Minn. Municipalities Theophil Grunewaldt Johnson Super Value Hutchinson Telephone Company Hutchinson Utilities Clarence Lund Jr. Municipal Electric Plant Minnesota Valley Testing Labs. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Misc. Drawer #2 Hutchinson Fire Dept. Fred Sorensen Fuel & Farm Supply General Flood Supplies - Clerk of Court Premium - tressurerts bond Labor - city hall Cleaning supplies Cleaning supplies Towel service Laundry Cleaning supplies Insurance premium Monthly premium Adding machine paper Advance registration - League Of Minn. Municipalities meeting Rental of copy machine Office supplies Office supplies Office supplies Publications, etc. Supplies Supplies - election & police Temporary patrolman Uniforms - Gerald Hintz Oil change - police car Tire repair - police car Wheel align - police car Service - police cars Subscription - police dept. Service - police dept. Gas - police dept. Gas - fire dept; service - police Repairs - fire dept. Fire dept. Fire dept. Subscriptions for Planning Comm. Dog hours Dog food Service & calls Gas Service - fire dept. Power & light Report of May 14 Service & calls Reimbursement Equipment lost in flood Supplies - flood 15.58 50,. 00 7.00 21.52 56.98 18.50 .60 13.75 29.00 642.83 18.00 14.00 24.00 14.25 8.57 3.38 33.90 33.43 134.80 96.00 45.65 5.75 2.00 12.50 23.90 15.00 5.50 162.21 3.67 1.33 11.67 6.43 10.00 74.10 2.65 105.09 21.13 2.00 138.59 16.50 41.18 13.74 .90 314.55 3.80 GENERAL (continued) Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Zila Hdwe. Charles J. Wilson Rannow Electric Lowell Mackedanz Victor Schmidt A.M.I. Sewer Service Mrs. Wallace Erickson Wheeler Lumber Bridge AIRPORT General Flood Pump rental Supplies 4.18 Mileage & expense Repairs - disposal plant Driving - flood Drving truck - flood Cleaning sand - pipes, disposal plant - labor Flood & Supply Co. Materials for repair - 2nd Ave. bridge Lucille Smith Misc. Drawer #2 Hutchinson Telephone Company Construction Bulletin The Hutchinson Leader Gambles Popp Electric rarm & Home Distributing Simonson number H. C. Kerkow ROAD & .,BRIDGE Bookkeeping Reimbursement Toll calls Publication - hangars Publication - hangars Supplies Service, hooking up gas pumps Co. Tie downs Supplies Weed cutting Carl Baumetz Labor Roy Benton Labor Ira Braun Labor George Richards -Labor Roger Telecky Labor Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service & calls Municipal Electric Plant Power & light Hutchinson Utilities Gas Hoels4 Direct Service Gas - engineering dept. Esther?s Gift Shop Supplies - engineers xxxmawEngineers - supplies Misc. Drawer No. 2 ---�"' Simonson Lumber Company Supplies E. W. Lippw4m, M.D. Physical exam. - Roy Benton Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. Reflectorized paint Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co. Pipe for street signs Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. Supplies Hoelst Direct Service Gas - street dept. Rockite Silo Inc. Drain the Zila Hdwe. Supplies Peterson Truck Service Repairs ]A runberg, Sorensen & Oleson Oil Co. Kerosene for flares, diesel Automotive Supply Inc. Drill Atkinson Blacktop Service Blacktop Del Chemical Corporation Equipment repair Buck t s Tire Shop Tire s3ma€p. Construction Bulletin Publication W. C. Hatsch Signs for Bluff St. bridge Sorensents Fuel & Farm Supply Coal for steamer 185.00 14.72 3.30 52.42 22.50 20.70 140.00 35.10 297.78 $ 3,051.63 4.80 2.00 1.61 17.60 21.38 1.80 988.75 22.35 15.65 21.00 1,096.94 105.00 93.00 58.50 84.00 99.75 24.97 825.78 12.71 12.53 4.30 8.40 10.10 10.00 158.75 1.00 4.02 239.58 8.46 3.90 142.60 fuel 89.16 110.00 865.70 74.12 352.15 5.20 9.50 50.62 3,458.80 WATER & SEWER Hutchinson Telephone Co. Hutchinson Utilities MunAcipal Electric Plant Misc. Drawer #2 Klawitterts Mobil Station Zila Hdwe. Shell Oil Company Lyon Chemicals Inc. Merman Koehler Wk1-ttrr Bacon Fred Sorensen Fuel & Farm Charles J. Wilson Clyde Drahos American Water Works Assn. Standard Printing Company Neptune Meter Company Joe Knaff Shoe Repair Shop Flexible Pipe Tool Company Skelly Oil Company Service & calls Gas Power & light Reimbursement Gas Supp lie s Gas Purification supplies Reading water meters Reading water meters Supply Supplies - north well Mileage &xaxpx = Mileage & expense Decals for equipment Water statements Meter for resale (Car wash) Supplies Repair & maintenance Twin City Testing & Engineering LIQUOR STORE Wallner Printing Co. Liquor Control Commissioner Hutchinson Telephone Co. Peterson -Madsen Agency H. H. Lack Cold Spring Beer Kaufmann Distributing Co. Marsh Dist7ibuting Olivia Bottling Co. Prwmlum Distributing Co. Locher Bros. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Ed. Phillips & Sons McKesson & Robbins Griggs, Cooper & Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Lynn Johnson Company, Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Mid -west Wine Co., Inc. Yuel oil Monthly test Office supplies Annual fee Service & calls Insurance premium Freight BL eer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Wkika Wine & liquor Wine & liquor Wine 23.55 36.29 1,342.55 2.90 36.48 32.06 42.45 255.58 1-43;00 105.30 5.15 18.90 47.50 3.00 244.30 72.12 10.00 292xiii 83.48 90.00 2,911.87 24.50 10.00 5.75 36.00 89.04 . 63.20 365.95 712.30 372.85 808.65 1041.30 2302.20 578.11 929.66 692.41 1294.34 1322.00 294.20 1091.74 148.76 836.70 40.70 317.26 -4 - Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2382 WHEREAS, Leonard G. Johnson has resigned as Mayor of the City of Hutchinson an Junel, 1965, and WHEREAS, this individual devoted time and talent to the service of the City of Hutchinson at little personal reward to himself NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Hutchinsnn does hereby commend and thank Leonard G. Johnson for the service and help to the City of Hutchinson. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2382: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of June, 1965. Mayor Fitzloff appointed Leslie d Linder as Alderman to fill the unexpiredo� Earl Fitzloff. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. City Attorney Schantzen swore in Leslie Linder as Alderman for the unexpired term of Alderma n. Mayor Fitzloff referred to a letter from School District No. 423 regarding the question of Storm Sewer drainage over private property. A temporary agreement had been entered into until the SW Storm Sewer district was completed. Engineer Wilson reported there have been no additional connections to this storm sewer system. Mayor Fitzloff called for bids Publication # 935 for Hangars for the Airport at 8:00 P.M. There were three bids. (List attached) Alderman Kost made a motion to accept the bid of Swenco Steel Products, Minneapolis, Minnesota as low bid for the steelconstruction, in the amount of $26,668.00, and Popp Electric, Hutchinson, Minnesota as law bid for the electric construction in the amount of $1,586.00. Alderman Johnson seconded the � of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. Five members of the Crow River Boat Club were present with Howard Popp as spokesman. They offered their help to clean up the river area before the dam is replaced. Mayor Fitzloff thanked the group for thier interest, and explained any activity would have to be cleared with the conservation department. Motion was made, seconded and carried to have the City Attorney investigate the necessary procedure to remove rocks etc. from the river bed. Engineer Wilson reported on firms that could help to advise on procedure in repairing the damage from the flood in the area of the dam. Alderman Kost made a motion to have Engineer Wilson contact McCombs & Hanson, Buffalo, Minnesota for negotiations and research on a percentage fee for a preliminary report. Engineer Wilson reported on an offer to sell 8.6 acres of land to the city in the NE area of the city. This land would be used for park and playground for this area. Mayor Fitzloff appointed Alderman Linder, Kost, and Hanson to investigate the purchase of this land, and report at the next Council meeting. Mayor Fitzloff appointed Leslie Linder as Supt. of Streets and Alleys. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified a nd confirmed. - Discussion on hiring two men for cleaning sanitary and storm sewers. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID SECURITY BID TABULATION 15-2 HANGAR CONSTRUCTION (REVISED) BIDS OPENED 8:00 P.M., JUNE 142 1965 LESTER'S INC. SWENCO STEEL POPP ELECTRIC Lester Prairie Minneapolis Hutchinson C.C. $3,299.00 B.B. 10% B.B. 10% ITEM NO. NAME e 1. General construction for 8 unit tee hangar (exclusive of electrical construction) $ 32,990.00 $ 29,678.00 - Ia. Delete for construction of trussed roof support as shown on page 5 of the plans 686.00 - - lb. Delete for construction of an asphalt floor in the hangar and storeroom in lieu of concrete 4,805.00 3,010.00 - TOTAL FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION IF DELETIONS ARE CHOSEN 27,499.00 26,668.00 - 2. Alternate G -I. General construction for 6 unit tee hangar (exclusive of electrical construction) $ 25,950.00 $ 23,862.00 - 2a. Delete for construction of trussed roof support as shown on page 5 of the plans 513.00 - - c I} 2b. Delete for construction of an asphalt floor in the hangar and storeroom in lieu of concrete 3,690.00 2,374.00 TOTAL FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION IF DELETIONS ARE CHOSEN 21,747.00 21,488.00 - 3. Electrical construction for 8 unit tee hangar and office space - 2,220.00 1,586.00 4. Alternate E-1. Electrical construction for 6 unit tee hangar and office space 2,095.00 1,448.00 5. Alternate E-2. Deletion of all electrical heating requirements - 295.00 1,220.00 Alderman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 2383 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on May 24, 1965, the city engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of the following streets by grading, base construction, curb and gutter, and bituminous surfacing: STREET FROM Hassan Street.- Oakland Avenue Griffin Avenue -- Main Street Northwoods Avenue Maple Street Maple Street College Avenue Oak Lane Jorgenson Street Hillcrest Road College Avenue Water Street 4th Avenue N.W. Franklin Street 2nd Avenue S.W. Third Avenue S.W. Franklin Street Alley, East of Main Street Washington Avenue Bluff Street Crow River Tenth Avenue Elm Street Jorgenson Street Century Avenue Selchow Avenue Jorgenson Street TO Selchow Avenue Maple Street - East End Northwoods Avenue End End 5th Avenue N.W. Third Avenue S.W. Hassan Street First Avenue N.E. Highway 7 Eleventh Avenue N.E. Selchow Avenue Hassan Street and has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minn: 1. Such Plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made apart hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The city clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for 21 days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the council at 8 P.M. on July 12, 1965, in the council chambers of the city hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Alderman4w�e�seconded the motion to adopt said Resolution. i Adopted by the City Council this %(r�-,Z�4day of 19 �-�. -5 - Motion was made, seconded and carried that Resolution No. 2375 adopted by the Council at the regular meeting of May 24th,1965 be amended to read "a public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on they -12th day of July, 1965 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 9:30 P.M.". Discussion of the 1965 Street Improvement Program. Thereupon Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2383 (attached) Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2383: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted agains t this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of June, 1965. Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2384 (attached) Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to tdopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of R solution No. 2384: A petition,for a street light at the west end of the parking area at the North River Park was presented by Ivan Hurt, Recreation Director. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer this petition to the Engineer. A petition to tap on to the Storm Sewer at 936 Hassan Street ,signed by Kenneth L. Tenney was presented. Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant this tap. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: Elden Willard - 469 Prospect Street House & attached garage - Lot 1, Blk 1, Willards Subdivision Dea n E. Hanson - 665 Hillcrest Road House & attached garage - Lot 7, Woodhill Subdivision Elmer Merichel - 956 Thomas Ave House & attached garage - Lot 10, Aud Plat, Blk 6, N' H. A. Jennings - 589 Hassan Street Penthouse bedroom - Bonniwells 2nd Subdiv., 16,Lot 10, Blk 1 Carl E. Moehring - 147 Washington Ave E Addition to present building - N' of City, beginning at a point 46' E of SW corner of 5, then N 80'; E 30'; S 80' & W 30' & 10 ft between Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following water and sewer taps be granted: Elden Willard Dean E. Hanson Elmer Merichel Discussion of stock piling gravel. Mayor Fitzloff requested Alderman Linder to check on the amount of gravel that would be needed and if 5,000 yards would be sufficient. lto.a 1*Mayor Fitzloff gave information regarding a letter and bill presented by George Suess 736 Ivy Lane. The problem began when his sewer backed up in his basement in 1963. Mr. Suess stated he had been paying sewer charges to the city since he purchased his house, and was not aware he was not connected to the city sanitary sewer system until this sewer trouble developed. He felt this was not fair to him. Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2384 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the following streets: STREET Hassan Street Griffin Ave Northwoods Ave Maple St Oak Lane -Adillcrest Road Water Street FROM Oakland Avenue Main St Maple St College Ave Jorgenson St College Ave 4th Ave NW TO Selchow Ave. Maple St East End Northwoods Ave. End End 5th Ave NW by grading, base construction, bituminous surfacing, and curb and gutter and to improve Third Ave SW from Lynn Road West to the end (west); and to assess the benefited property for all or a partion of the cost of the improvement, pusuant to Minn. Stats., Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. 398, as amended), NOW THEREFORE, BE -IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Chai-les Wilson, for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion tb adopt said Resolution. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 1965. -6 - Alderman Johnson made a motion to pay Mr. Suess $23.40 for st" gewer connection charge and that the city feels they have no liability on the balance of his claim for his bill as the result of the sewer trouble in 1963. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Mayor Fitzloff requested the clerk contact the Airport Commission and ask them to include the Civil Air Patrol budget with the Airport budget. Motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $8,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund. Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant permission to the Franklin Street Baptist Church to hold hymn singlP� in the Public Square for four Sunday nights beginning July 25, 1965. Mayor Fitzloff appointed Alderman Kost as representative of the council to the Park Board and Recreation Board. Motion was made, seconded and carried that this appointment be and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2385 BE IT RESOLVED that the City enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways for the following purposes, to -wit: to provide for construction by the City of Hutchinson of Trunk Highway No. 7 pavement widening at Main Street intersection, and payment by the State to the City of the estimated'cost of such trunk highway improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to execute such agreement. Alderman Kost seconded the motion t6 adopt said resolution and upon vote , the following voted in favor of REsolution No. 2385: Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of June, 1965. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 11:15 P.M. BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING June 23, 1965 A meeting of the Board of Review was called to order by Mayor tzrin the Assessors Office at 4:30 P.M, Members present: Aldermen Linder, Hanson Members absent: Aldermen Kost, Johnson Also present: Wesley Abrams, County Assessor and George Keenan,Sr. City Assessor Three property owners were interviewed personally to discuss their taxes. City Assessor Keenan presented his records which were discussed. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Board of Review Meeting adjourn at 6:00 PQM. Recteation IVAN HURT City Recreotion Director Board Chauman DR. E. J. MAY Secretory ..v' yy� RE-CREATION COMMITTEES, Summer Program— ).. Youmom, Larry Graf Playgrounds- - Milton Altmeyer, Mrs. Clifford Popp, _ Earl Fit:le f Wint.r P.S. — Frank Broderiuh Wm, Knnchel Swi D, W.. Wm. Miskoff, Milton Brinkman Equipment— Dr. E. J. May, Earl Fitzloff I Parks Church League R11 EIC EMU! Boating C err; 1 Pla}'grounds ig oital lot 5001 U01350 -1W.0 ••• aO fiatckiuson is a 5oo� Place tG lioe JLi; �t iU: RD_ June 23, 1965 A regular �Iecreatibn Board .,.ee'L1ihg was held at the Recreation Building at 700 P.T.. i_embers present were. i,irs. Cliff Popp, P:ilt Altmeyer, Joe Youmans, Larry Graf, Ivan hurt, and Gene 1,Ay. Motion by Altmeyer, second by Youmans and carried to pay the bills read for the month of June. T;otion by hrs. Popp, second by Graf, that the necessary orders to pay the recreation personnel be drawn up during the summer months so that recreation supervisors and assistants by paid each two weeks as we had done last year. ?.otion carried. The same hourly wages would be paid those working with the wim program as in 196//+ and other wages would continue as they were approved for the month of June. Hurt again pointed out that he wanted to appoint a committee from the Recreation Board to again serve to investigate the possibility of providing a replacement for the tccreation Director on a part time basis or the establishment of a full time director. To do so he felt it was only fair to the board andthe city to investigate the types of programs in towns the size of Hutchinson. This he would do in the immediate future by contacting the I.iinnesota Recreation Association and by making a survey in the state. It was pointed out that the recreation and Park float had won a thrid place aid that the park crew had done a fine job in setting up the float so that the playground personnel could decorate it. Hurt reported that he had been getting much of the repair work done during the past few !mays— as it rained and took the men from their routine axed regular work. It was pointed out that arrangements had been made for the placement of eq#pment on the playground in the Cemetry Park and the Southview park. Also, it was pointed out that much progress has been made in the procurement of an 8z area park and playground in K.E. Hutchinson. $11 programs were reported to be in full swims with registration for sriim;ning ..ii down a little. Junior L fe saving, A, andAdults will again fill out the program at thepool. Sunday swimming will be tried this week end on an experimental basis. Hurt pointed outthat he would meet with the*im Corvmitte and study the area at the Tall Pond so that the necessary repairs could be made in that area duringthe low water. He reported that members of the Boat Club had attended the last City Council meeting. No further business the meeting L- d at 9:00 P.1" _y uec e ry �1\ HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 21, 1965, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd Hoel, Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. J. Thompson and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent were Harry Hanson and Lloyd Torgrimson. Minutes of the meeting of May 17 were read and approved with the following addition and correction: Addition - p. 2, line 10 - Hutchinson Woman's Club. Correction - p.l, item 2 under "Discussion of Mill Pond and Dam Situation", to read "Improvement of the channel below the dam to the site, etc." LOUIS WALLER, Preliminary Plat, Block 2 east of Waller's Subdivision. No action was taken inasmuch as the preliminary plat as presented did not contain all necessary information and should be referred back to Mr. Waller's engineer. The Planning Commission was informed of the Council's negotiations with Elmer Merickel for park land north of Northwoods Ave. and east of Elm Street. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. A. J. Thompson, Secretary. 6-15-65 HUTCHINSON AIRPORT C0121i!SSION- IMINUTES June 10th, 8'O'clock- City Hall The meeting was called to order by the chairman Ken Butler. Present at the meeting was Jim Hanson, Tom Savage, Richard Peterson. j Ken Butler stated that it is expected that the State Department of Aeronautics will arrive approximately at 9 A. M. for a preliminary approval towards the licensing of the Hutchinson Municipal Airport. Chairman Butler is requesting of the radio station and the local paper to be present for public news releases to be given to the public. Bills were presented by chaff n-. an Butler that had been incurred "in getting the Airport ready for inspection. Gambles, $1.80 for keys and locks; Farm & Home Store, .',2.35 for chains for tie downs; Simon - j son's Lumber Company, X15.65 for paint; H. Kirchoff,,$21.00 for mow- ing grass. Motion was made by Savage, seconded by Hanson and passed j to pay these bills. Electrical bills were discussed; the Popp electrical bid was checked. The motion for the approval for the bid of Popp Electric was made by Tom Savage, seconded by Jim Hanson, and motion was passed. i i Ramp markers were discussed and the approval was given for these markers to be installed. Discussion was made regarding the telephone installion. Discussion was made regarding the Operators contract. Motion for adjournment was made, and the meeting was adjourned. Signed- Ild chard J. Peterson Acting Secretary no mime EMIN! NIMME mom- -i re���riir�a®.r�rrr�r�r:rri��;rr ,., ..��®e��rrc� • rllriSEEN lltrri IMMIN Niru! IMINIMr llrmERI SMI ■MIIN NEW MIlIMMIMI IMMIN MIMM rrrrrr M. wamm ml ©ommim©: : ■UNN ■��-;�;�rrrr�llrritrrrrrr�llri���rrrr��rr�rirr�nr ■r : , � ��rr!■ll��rr��irrr��irrirrrrrr�rrr�r�r�rrrrm�r ■��m°■��ii■ri�r��i i��r'r��i'���ifl�C�m' oil ■111.■��rl�rr r!!i lrll r�rrli�ir.lrr ■rrrr■t!!!!rr'rrrr�i�rr�rrir'rrrr�rir I ■!O! ■�ri'll�� rrrr lr�i-iri�l���lr ■l��ri �irrri�i�rri!!rrrrrr �r�irr irrirr�r�rr:�rrr�r� EWEN MEMO MOEN MOWN rommervivOmmommimmomi! r�rr�r�rrirr ll�r��irrrr�,ll��rrllri��rri�r r�rrrr ■EE■ OMEN irNi'lIMIN MUNr ■IMMI MIMMIN Oarri NEON SEEN IMrrrii IMMI SIMIN r rrriIirMI! ■iNIMMIA rirr mars MI!!■ MOWN ■r!l ■r IMMIRIrrrr SEEN MONSOONS M EN MI IMMIR MMIN rININIKENININ BMWs ■iris moms MINIM ENINIS Mom NEON ONES ■IMiriMOENNEONliriillr� '��' Film ON a■�i�w�waww MMIM,MIMMR 001IMMINIMMIN MINIMMINIMEN MWFINIMMIN mmoommo MINIONIMININ MMMUMMMUMME, own 11IMM, mismon �MMMMIMMM 3 M M ME M IMINIMMISM-18" 10 IM IMME :ism imm OMINOUSNESS ONSIMMINIMMIS PMROMIMMME, MIMMIN-Mommon x MA MIII 17.1"M M M M I M-1 � U "I knom AM MOORE- 110MOSSOMIUMM Me -- rrr� rrr■ rrrr'rrrr rrrr; �rrrrrrrr rrrr r� :�' rr�� ■rr■ ■r �rrrel���rrrrr rr�r�� r�rrir rrr��rrrrrr rrrrr� rrrirs ■■re���rrrrfr rrrr�� rir�rr ���� ���� ���� ■rrrr 'NMI O- R rrrr rfi`�� i rrMEr 'r©l�7� rrrr ■rFlJ,���rrr: rr���,rrrr�r rrrr■ rr ur�rrr��rrr■rrr�rrr■ ■r�r�■ ��rrrm��rrr■rr�rrr�w rrrrr■ ''rel ' • rrrr �� , c, WPM I mmmimimma iii Now ftmmm I'rrrt rrr■ ■err rw:jolt m �rrrrrrrr■ ■rr■ rr�mr l rrr�r�rr'rrr��rrr' ��C��r�rr'r�1�37�rrrr' r���rr�r'rrr� �rrr MENSOMMINNIONMENIMMIS rrm� rrrli��rrrr��rir�rr ��� ■rrrrr.rrrc�a� rrrrrr rr�� ■rrrr rr�r�� r�rr�� r�■��r�rrrr�rr� r�rr�i; �rrr'r�rrrr rrrr�r r�rrrr�. ©. -: � rrrr rrrr rrrr mmutommm ■rwal; SIMME rerrr rrrrr r�rr��r ■ir�r MMN'NMMN rrirr wMrr �rr�rr� rrrr ■rrrr mo rrrrr SIrrrr owns OMMIS p" , P.M uMMIS son, RMF ■NIMS. rrrr �rrri■ �rrr�� rrrr �Sr V Y11MV Actual_ Estimated urrent Year Estimated Prior Year urrent Year to Date Balance ■MIRMINISIO■■ own. . 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RUM= owl ffill ■■m- - AMINE ■■W!9'■■IN ■!�lA��I■■■■'■■ �;■■■ ■■.■■■,■M■■■,■m■■■ ■■■�■ 2 ■■■■i■� Int■ icy - : , ,- . �■rr■■■����i'.��'■i■■,. ��r�f��t�I■�irr■■f! Total Disbursements Professional Fees 1 I■i■r�rr�■r■�■■I■rr�f■i■�■r :..RepairsI�■■■I■■r■ ■■■SO ■!r■■■ Bookbinding I■oi� ■■■■ ■r7�!.■■■■ Miscellaneousoffice Supplies e NMI Books and Periodicals Library!■■i�■■■■ ■rid ■r■■ BM MI■■MEMMM■ OMMO I yurniture and Equipment Total Disbursements (�i■�r��'�i■r�■�ii■�■�Wrrir�■ WMMMOOMMMUMM IN; ■rr■'■�■r�■ I■r■■■■r■r■I■rrr, 1:0 MIMM ME MINIM I■■�r■■■■■■■,■rr�■r i■■■■I■r�r;■rrr ■r■■! 1011t �;■■■■i CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL D BURSEMENTS ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND MONTHS ENDED / S Actual Actual Estimated Current Yea Estimat'6d B861smr- Professional and Consultant- M MM MI■ M M■ ■MME M M M Communications Trayel Conferences - Schools Maintenance and Repairs Engineering supplies Miscellaneous - Engineering Streets and All WN01 wKwi IMMi1: ro esslon an ons ee Communications 8 Travel - Conferences - Schools /a Maintenance and Repairs Equipment Buildings and �tructures Streets and Alleys / SS Other Contractual Services Maintenance Supplies a 6j- mall Tools C Gas Oil and Grease o Insurance and Bonds Subscriptions and Memberships Miscellaneous - Streets /s!5 Capital Outlay Equipment / /6 Improvements Snov and Ice Removal 595 Traffic Sigas and Signals a / Street Lighting ,2 1,54 Parking Meters Maintenance and Repairs Ca ital Outlay Storm Severs 5/ Maintenance and Repairs Y 79 Capital Outlay 40 Refuse Collection and Disposal Salaries Maintenance and Repairs - Equipment 3 Miscellaneous - Refuse Collection �ba r. Street Sanitatio 'z } Weed Eradication / 41 Total Disbursements WN01 wKwi IMMi1: NO No m i■ m 'EMMMIMMOMITMir■s MIN■■■ ■■iMORI i■I■ MI■■MMI ■INeONFR,■■■ IN Actual, Estiniated • . : O . e EE = �NrNW! NaW�lMON■O■ OONOIiN Co2lection System.rrrONr !nr!■ rriir !ll�i, NON■ �!!i MlNr NOON■ NMON mown ■!!! OMME, NWW,'�lNNO MNNN mown rWlr� ■ONION■ ■N�Olr ■i�Ilr . . - , NOlN!!WN MOO -• !lON. : 01�' �'WE.01!!! MOWN liir rrr■ ■M!■ ■!N■ ■�Nr! .. - NNNN'NNW■ ■N!■ ■WON : = - � = 'NNWC} ■!W■ rir� iiia .. �' ■ ri MnTravel - Conferences Schools Maintenance and Repairs � T- NNNN�N!!■ ■ONN' NNON�MWWM�lONNi �NrNN'Nr��!NOrN NNO! r!!r N!!O lNNi'MOOr!!!! �ilNi MlNM�NN�N 'iN!■ ■N!!'!lON� ONON'MOO--NNNN'. NNOIN�li�i■!■ ■�■NNO ONrr lrNNN'NOIOr NOI�NN !lr�NWi MNOM!!!! 5 MOM in mmmAmmm-mmmN !m Im- MS Immm rmnIn,-I'm i mommmmummm N■NN NrNO!■ ■MOMEN NCO mm ommm ■ANON NOS MNKNIN INN NOO■ ■! ONNr lNN�ii101�■■ !! O!r NNi�NNNM !! ■Nrr ■O�i�i�N�!■Nr !rN ■erg ilii! iiir.�r N!!�ilNi OlNNilN NNl!NOION■ , "1'i,,s+�-t�,r"+'ii��y „ ,}a#'`•� ik;i rrik.'r. CITY OF HUTCHINSON SCHEDULE 11 Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 1 -MonthsEnded Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1960 Actual Prior Year 6 g� 3 07,z Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Special Assessments — Collected by City Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest 3 3 a Total Receipts CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 1 MonthsEnded S Actual Prior Estimated Actual Current Year Current Year Year to Date Sinking Fund No. 1 — 1960 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costs Total Disbursements N I 3 kei 9 Estimated Balance i«, a--iF''"j';, r4��4.S aiS,,y 34 ?i`''-�£•l;".' Citi \ gin¢: ri,.r;,.r �3};i1. y� '{ � I• R �,.'or .L a•f h ♦ �. �•�-ra d .� �-' �. .� .in; �.. . •fT. i,4 rl�,�%��� k:�� �d�y �'r .%:•r1f�Y .�1,�:�}.,� ,r Ty tey ';•. , \,. n / ! � ' � ,.. ,, .'',, 'Z,yT-S{��.;'"rq�/r �3,�' iYy�� '4i\ p�i�••�: �v r Y'�,�.k: twee �'rW,e�'�n Y�r i aya••' I`r�a�#��• �"�.�';""? , e •!h'ii�Fri .'.w2 r . �•:- jJy`�j[ t14'w yr"'r UA SCHEDUIZ 12 o0 CITY OF H U TC H I N S O N Assessments — Collected by CitySpecial Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 2 — 1960Special UA Bonds Payable o0 n Assessments — Collected by CitySpecial Interest — Debt Service / S Assessments — Collected by County Construction Costs Interest 5/ Total Disbursements J1-7k&A: Total Receipts A 1/41174 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 2 Months Ended Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 2 — 1960 Bonds Payable o0 n Interest — Debt Service / S Construction Costs Total Disbursements J1-7k&A: .�„ ♦fr\'.w .- _. :3 Y,`vvtR� YC%�'i�'r.. •..J��mIT..w�. `f-Y.}:�STn�r �h. 'hh. ltti���r.r My. ,,�� SCHEDVL19 14 " . CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts 1962 Curs, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Y' s oZ Months Ended b f" f: CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements I 62 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Ana- 3v, t� � 3 Months Ended S 1982 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Cost# Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance IM Curb, (cutter and Sidewalk Improvement Speelal Assessments — Collected by City a D a Special Assessments — Collected by County A° Interest . o Y Borrowim r7Y M Total Disbursem 5 S f 7SJ Total Receipts 3 f ,v CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements I 62 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Ana- 3v, t� � 3 Months Ended S 1982 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Cost# Actual Prior Year 711 L�5 Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance A° Y r7Y M Total Disbursem 5 S f 7SJ {"s U, tCe i! ...�,,'i u�Y ¢•Y .•. fax t a.r. . iti:v• l' IA •"f 3 � . � •�i t�iy•� �`.7�iy'�• s i•� "��{' i. �?' S; �'• Actual Current Year to Date .:t- Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 - .k-. i Air .#SY - f �. i � 1 ; � � ='�e.c �• �� • P � .- - .. . �#n :. iP'�{'7•�n„ nV, 4y;�'6�s�� ��•. a't bac{lna .i•�pyi;•.x,*#r}{'fW;.'•'`;^+`t SCHEDULE 14 �0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Receipts Sinking Fund No. 4 L ___Months Ended/ zls CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 a' Months Ended Actual Prior Year Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costa Estimated Actual Current Estimated Current Year Year to Date Balance O Total Disbursements H I I I 11 I I I II 16 7 16 4.?I 30 II I 1 1 2•'F w!�"!ek" Alt Actual Prior Year Estimated Current Year Actual Current Year to Date Estimated Balance Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 Special Assessments — Collected by City �0 3 /�3 L Special Assessments — Collected by County Interest of 9 Total Receipts p 3 302 8 �e i 33 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Statement of Estimated and Actual Disbursements Sinking Fund No. 4 a' Months Ended Actual Prior Year Sinking Fund No. 4 —1965 Bonds Payable Interest — Debt Service Construction Costa Estimated Actual Current Estimated Current Year Year to Date Balance O Total Disbursements H I I I 11 I I I II 16 7 16 4.?I 30 II I 1 1 2•'F w!�"!ek" Alt