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cp07-12-1965 c
ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 12, 1965 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - 3. APPROVE MINUTES - Regular Meeting - June 28, 1965 4. APPROVE BILLS - S. RESOLUTION COMMENDING JACK POWERS 6. REPORT ON MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE 7. BIDS - Publication #937 - 8:00 P.M. (15-3 Street Improvement Project) 8. TRANSFER $252000 from General Fund to Road & Bridge Fund 9. APPLICATION FOR CIGARETTE LICENSE - Mr. Raymond Bartelt, Hutch Motel, 200 Park Avenue 10. PARK BOARD REPORT - Jake -Plowman Mill Pond Area 11. THIRD & FINAL READING ORDINANCE NO. 274 Rezoning lots 6, 7 and 8, Park Subdivision 12. PETITION FOR COUNCIL ACTION Open cistern at 955 Lewis Ave. 13. LARSON PLAT - Larson's Second Subdivision - Final approval 14. ENGINEER - a. Storm water problem in the area North of Washington Avenue and Jefferson Street. (Action requires Resolution) b. Resolution concurring with County Board revocation of Lynn Road as a County Highway c. Petitions d. Building Permits y I t•* ..c i 15. HEARING - Publication #938 - 9:30 P.M. 16. HEARING --Publication #939 - 10:00 P.M. ; (Selchow-Jorgenson) 17. I 1 - a. Robert Campbell, Auditor, will be at August 9 meeting. b. Fire Protection - letter attached. c. Crow River Project - letter attadhed. 18. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING June 28, 1965 A Regular Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Kost, Hanson,gJ0ffM, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Members absent: Alderman Johnson Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings: Regular Meeting - June 14, 1965 Board of Review Meeting - June 23, 1965 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be granted and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND H. A. Schimnowski E. J. Mattsfield Sandra DeMenge Oswald Publishing Co. Earl Fitzloff Myron Johnson W. A. Korngiebel Sidney L. Carlson Thoephil Grunewaldt Ben R. - Benjamin Alts Country Shop Hutchinson Fire'Dept. Leo Pillatzki Roger Insurance Agency - Regep insuiranee Age _. Joe Getz Clifford Paulsen Wilbert Froemming Plowman's Inc. ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Roy Benton Elmer Paulsen Clifford Paulsen Joe Getz Ira Braun George Richards Roger Telecky Carl Baumetz Theophil Grunewaldt Earl Waisanen Construction Bulletin Roger Insurance Agency The Hutchinson Leader State of Minn. Dept. of Highways Plowman's Inc. Hall Equipment Inc. Assist assessor 255.00 Assist assessor 234.00 Clerk of Court salary 108.88 Supplies 3- Clerk of Court 7.28 League of M.M. expense 73.02 League of M.M. expense 36.99 Fire Prevention Inspections 40.00 Building Inspections 155.00 Dog hours 28.60 Straw - dog pound 3.25 Repair - police car 5. SO Fire runs - June 87.50 Janitor - City Hall 112.00 Liability insurance - l i 1891.32 EA&bi ty In4uranee - Ree r. Putting up flags ±88. 58 2.60 Putting up flags 2.60 Putting up flags 3.20 Repair FLOOD 4.40 U3&X44 3151.72 Labor 207.00 Labor 40.30 Labor 19.50 Labor 26.00 Labor 70.20 Labor 215.25 Labor 233.63 Labor 189.00 Labor 15.60 Labor 161.20 Adv. 15-3 Street Project 10.00 Liability insurance 1891.32 Prints - Engineering dept. 6.00 Plowing snow per agreement 86.75 Street Dept. 5.87 Street Dpet. 83.80 3261.442 WATER & SEWER FUND John Hitzemann Jeffrey Hoeft Roger Insurance Agency Neptune Meter Company Addressograph-Multigraph Red Owl Food Store Midwest Badge & Novelty LIQUOR STORE Labor Labor Liability Insurance Water Meters Corp. Platesfor addressograph Towels Co. Inc. Decals Citizens Insurance Agency Arnold G. Klawitter Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Old Peoria Company Inc. Old Peoria Company Inc. Lynn Johnson Company Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Insurance Labor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor LigUor premium 40.95 61.75 327.98 993.00 3.40 1.29 99.21 1527.58 116.00 58.50 1128.34 1422.03 530.72 319.13 204.00 2317.63 787.07 253.61 -3 - Discussion of the Audit report for the period ending March 31, 1965. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the Auditor's report as presented. Application for a Cigarette License was presented by Raymond Plath for a period of seven months, accompanied by the proper fee of $7.00 at the Hutch Cafe, 122 Main Street South. Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant this b -ill. Discussion of the purchase of 8.6 acres for park pmo;,perty in the NE section of Hutchinson. Alderman Kost reported that the committee appointed by the Mayor at the last meeting had viewed this land and were in favor of the purchase for park purposes. Thereupon Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adopt&n: RESOLUTION NO. 2386 (attached) Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2386: Alderman Linder ??aye?? Alderman Hanson "aye'? Alderman Kost ??aye?? ??a"?? The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. Alderman Kost made a motion to proceed with the improvement of the Park property on 5th Ave NW by drainage tile, and that the Park Board be reim- bursed from the Public Sites fund for this improvement. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote, carried. Discussion on the sale of city owned property. Alderman Hanson made a motion to put ??For Sale" signs on city owned lots. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman -46e"t-, and upon vote, carried. Soh Alderman Kost introduced Ordinance No. 274 and moved its first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 274 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINN: The City Council of the City of Hutchinson ordains as follows: Section 1. That Section R-2 (Map) of Ordinance No. 245 be amended so that as amended same shall show as follows: The boundaries of these districts as shown on the map entitled ??City of Hutchinson Zoning Map?? which map is hereby made a part of this Ordinance, provided however, That Lots 6,7 & 8 Park Subdivision on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for McLeod County, Minnesota, and the some is hereby designated as and hereby made a part of that District of said City Zoning Map, rezoning from R-2 to B-3. Section II. Any person who shall violate or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject upon conviction thereof to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or imprisonment of not more than ninety (90) days for each offense. Each day that the violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost to introduce Ordinance No. 274 on its first reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor c Ordinance No. 274 and it was declared passed on its first reading. AiXbdXic 010 -4 - Alderman Hanson introduced Ordinance No. 274 and moved its second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 274 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINN: Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson to introduce Ordinance No. 274 on its second reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 274 and it was declared passed on its second reading. Engineer Wilson recommended that a street light be placed at the west end of the North River Park and that the light be turned off from November to April, as requested by petition at the June 14th meeting. Motion was made, seconded and carried to have this light installed as recommended. A petition,signed by six (6) property owners was presented, for local improvement by curb and gutter on the following street: Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Selchow Ave. A petition for local improvement for curb and gutter, base and blacktop, signed by 100 per cent property owners zxx±kRx was presented for the following street: Larson Street from Roberts Road to the South end. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer these petitions to the Engineer. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: Herbert Christensen - 756 Maple Street House and attached garage -Lot 6, Blk 3, Oak Park Herbert Christensen - 756 Maple Street House & attached garage -Lot 2, Blk 4, Oak Park Charles D. Carlson - 214 Grove Street South House & double garage - W 100 ft of Lot 3 of Riverview Subdiv of Lot 1, Lynn Addition Stanley W. Droege - 970 Jefferson Street South House & attached garage -S 901 of Lot 1 "G" Subdiv. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following water and sewer taps be granted: Herbert Christensen Herbert Christensen Charles D. Carlson Stanley W. Droege Milan L. Schmidt - 746 Glen Street South Additionon W side of house-Ldt 5, Blk 1�, Bonn Addition Wm Scherer -42 Lynn Road 2 car garage -N 661 of E 1101of Lot 7, Lynn Addition ving Kottke - 415 Monroe Street South Garage -Lot 2, Blk 47, Townsite of Hutchinson Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following building permits subject to Engineer approval: Fred Bitzer - 687 Bluff Street House & attached garage-Blk 1, Lot 6, Peterson School Leon Jaster - 526 Ontario Add to present garage-Blk 64, Lot 3 Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following water and sewer tap: Fred Bitzer Five Insurance agents each gave proposals to update and adjust the Medical Insurance coverage program for city employees. Mayor Fitzloff referred these proposals to Aldermen Kost and Hanson for a report. Discussion of the 1965 Street Improvement Project and made the decision to add the remainder of Jorgenson Street north to Hassan Street, the remainder of Selchow Ave east to Jefferson Street, and the block on Larson south of Roberts Road (100% petition) to the XNxXXKKX 1965 Street' Improvement Project. -5 - ll -� Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2387 U „ RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING The following voted agains t this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2388 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of Larson Street between Roberts Road and the south end of Larson Street by curb and gutter, grading, base construction, bituminous surfacing was duly presented to the City Council on the 28th day of June, 1965; and WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution No. 2387 adopted June 28, 1965, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the council on June 28, 1965; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINNESOTA: 1. The council finds and determines that said petition was signed by all owners of real property abutting, upon the street named as the location of the imp3 a improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council Resolution No, 2387 adopted June 28, 1965. 3. Charles Wilson is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2388: Alderman Linder itayett Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Kost ttaye Tt The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965 PREPARATION OF REPORT v BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINNESOTA: 0 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of Larson Street between Roberts Road and the South end of Larson Street by Curb and Gutter, grading, d ) base construction,bituminous surfacing filed with the City Council on June 28, 3 19651 is hereby declared to be signed by all of the owners of property affected U) 00 thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minnesota Statutes, o Sec. 429.035. P� 0 d 2. Thepetition is hereby referred to the City Engineer, and he is instructed to re ort to the City Council with all convenient speed advising the City P(tcil in a preliminary way as to whether�it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvementas recommended. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2387: Alderman Kost ttayett Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Linder "aye" The following voted agains t this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2388 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of Larson Street between Roberts Road and the south end of Larson Street by curb and gutter, grading, base construction, bituminous surfacing was duly presented to the City Council on the 28th day of June, 1965; and WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution No. 2387 adopted June 28, 1965, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the council on June 28, 1965; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINNESOTA: 1. The council finds and determines that said petition was signed by all owners of real property abutting, upon the street named as the location of the imp3 a improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council Resolution No, 2387 adopted June 28, 1965. 3. Charles Wilson is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2388: Alderman Linder itayett Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Kost ttaye Tt The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965 MM Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2389 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Selchow Ave from Hassan Street to Jefferson Street and Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Selchow Ave by grading, base construction, curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing filed with the City Council on June 28,1965; DM and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minn. Stats., Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch 398, as amended), NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINN: That the proposed improvement be referred to the City Engineer for study and that he is _instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement i; feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2389: Alderman Linder Ttayett Alderman Hanson TTayeTt Alderman Kost ttayett The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2390 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS,pursuant to Resolulon42381 of the City Council adopted June 28, 1965, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the improvement of Selchow Ave from Hassan Street to Jefferson Street and Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Sel-chow Ave by grading, base construction, curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing and this report was received by the City Council on June 28, 1965. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINNESOTA: 1. The City Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutues, Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch 398, as amended) at an estimated total cost o f the improvement of $ 11,115.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 12th of July, 1965, in the City Hall at 10:00 P.M., and the city clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No.2390: Alderman Linder TTayeTt Alderman Hanson TTayeTt Alderman Kost Ttayiett The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. -7 - Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution adn moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2391 BE IT RESOLVED: That Agnes I. Monge, as Deputy City Clerk, be authorized to sign checks and other official documents during the vacation absence of the City Clerk. Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote b4fLng taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2391: Alderman Linder TtayeTT Alderman Hanson TtayeTT Alderman Kost Ttaye?? The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of June, 1965. Mayor Fitzloff read a letter of resignation QPM presented by Jack Powers from the Engineering Department effective July 1, 1965. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the resignation of Jack Powers effective July 1, 1965. Discussion on charges to be made for financing the operation of the dump. No action taken. Discussion of the budget for the current year. Alderman Hansonmade a motion to approve the budget as presented. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson and upon vote, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 12 Midnight. CITY OF HUTCHINSON IJ A1111lesota OFFICES AT 35 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST June 28, 1965 TO: City Council, City of Hutchinson FROM: Charles J. Wilson, City Engineer The undersigned Engineer, to whom the proposed improve- ment of Larson Street, Jorgenson Street, and Selchow Avenue has been referred, submits the attached report. It is recommended that Larson Street be fully improved and that a hearing be held on Jorgenson Street and Selchow Avenue improvements. The improvement of all streets is feasible and should be made as recommended. Charles Jy�on City Engineer Registration No. 6683 encl. x! I+l) W7 Nil ' 4f-"') June 28, 1965 Street Improvements - Report from Engineer 1. Streets Considered for Improvement Larson Street from Roberts Road to South end Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Selchow Avenue Selchow Avenue from Hassan Street Jefferson Street 2. Need for I_=r_ovement Petitions have been received by property owners on Larson Street and Jorgenson Street, requesting improvement. On Larson Street, property owners representing all of the affected properties signed a petition requesting curb and gutter and a permanent street. On Jorgenson Street, six property owners, representing 33% of the frontage, petitioned for curb and gutter only. The one -block portion of Selchow Avenue would be the only portion of this area left unimproved and should therefore be considered at this time so that it does not get left out in the future. 3. Description of Improvement a. Larson Street - In 1963 city forces graveled this portion of Larson Street. The subdivider was billed for 2 inches of gravel at a cost of $88.50. The city placed an additional six inches of gravel at no cost to the subdivider. This gravel base is approximately 24 feet wide and most of it is in good condition. Also in 1963, curb and gutter was installed in front of three of the properties. Improve- ment of this street would require some grading, augmenting the gravel base, curb and gutter, and bituminous surfacing. b. Jorgenson Street - This street was graded by city forces in 1962 and the city paid to have gravel hauled in. At this time, about 6 inches of gravel remains on the street. Adding additional base material will raise this street too high in relation to existing driveways. Therefore, it will be necessary to grade the street to the proper depth, salvaging the gravel presently in place and using it wherever possible. c._ Selchow Avenue - After curb and gutter was installed on this street, city forces graded the street and placed 8" of gravel in the street. This gravel is still in place. 4. Discussion Because all property owners on Larson Street signed the petition, this improvement does not require a hearing. It is recommended that this be added to Street Improvement Project 15-3, either as an addenda before the bid opening, or as a change order after the bid opening. The latter should be the easier of the two. With reference to Jorgenson Street, the following comments are made: There are many reaeons for improving a street. All of us are aware of these so no listing is necessary. There are a few points which should be noted with regard to these improvements. A road should be travelable in all sorts of weather. Access to adjacent homes must be provided for home owners, their guests and emergency vehicles. • Street Improvements - Report from Engineer - 2 - June 28, 1965 To provide this access, a good surface is necessary. Protection of this surface requires the removal of storm water. In urban areas storm sewer systems and curb and gutter provide the means for this removal. If an incomplete storm sewer system were installed, with some portion missing, the system would not function and it would not be an improvement. This may also be applied to a street system - specifically curb and gutter. If only an incomplete portion is installed, there is no full benefit. Installing only curb and gutter does not give a full benefit either. The only thing that it does is give the home owner a line and grade for improving his yard. It does not necessarily provide proper drainage . For example, it may be high so no street water will get to it. If it is low it will fill up with dirt and debris, be more susceptible to frost damage, and is a hazard to both pedestrians and cars. For these reasons, the costs of grading and installing gravel base are included in this report. 5. Estimated Cost of the Improvement a. Larson Street - Grading - estimated 1/3 of full cost Gravel Base - estimated 1/2 of full cost Bituminous surfacing Curb and Gutter b. Jorgenson Street - 1574 feet of frontage at $6.50 c. Selchow Avenue - 540 feet of frontage at $1.60 $ 348.00 937.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 $ 5,885.00 $10,231.00 $ 864.00 Total cost $16,980.00 Fire Underwriters Bureau MINNESOTA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA 12 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 332-7401 — AREA CODE 612 O.A.BERGERSON W.C.FREITAG Manager U. B. M A G N U S O N Assistant Managers June 30, 1965 Mr. Leonard G. Johnson, Mayor Box 106 Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Sir: Fire Protection Classification Hutchinson, Minnesota A representative of this office visited Hutchinson last month to review the fire protection facilities and bring our records up to date concerning such features as the water distribution system, fire department, fire alarm fa- cilities, building construction ordinances, etc. At that time it was men- tioned to you that while the fire insurance rates for Hutchinson are presently based on the favorable Class 6 grading, the municipal fire protection facil- ities available are deficient for this classification and for the past several years have actually graded Class 7. Recommendations have been furnished to municipal officials on several occasions in the past by which certain deficiencies might be corrected and the level of fire protection necessary to justify continuation of Class 6 might be attained. These recommendations where adopted have succeeded in improving the level of rel- ative fire protection available to the city at each of our resurveys. An evalu- ation of our latest information indicates that the city is now within a few points of attaining the Class 6 grading level. To reattain Class 6 and firmly establish Hutchinson within that class, we offer the following suggestions: 1. Adopt and provide for proper enforcement of more complete and modern regu- lations pertaining to building construction. A building code such as the abbreviated edition of the National Building Code, properly enforced, should prove to be an indispensable tool to the city in providing for rea- sonable safety to life and property. 2. A Fire Prevention Bureau under the direction of the fire chief should be formally organized, with a full system of records maintained. 3. A program for a new 12 -inch feeder line in the water system to the south to reinforce the smaller mains has been planned and completion of this is recommended. Mr. Leonard G. Johnson - 2 - Hutchinson has made excellent progress in the past toward reattaining Class b and if the above suggestions can be adopted, this goal would be realized. When this has been accomplished, it will only be necessary to establish a pro- gram for strengthening and reinforcing of the fire defense facilities to keep pace with the normal growth of the city and the regular replacing of equipment before it becomes obsolete. If this office can be of any assistance in providing additional information concerning the above suggestions or any other feature of the fire defense fa- cilities for Hutchinson, we will be pleased to help in any way possible. Yours very truly, R. L. Melberg Engineering Department RLM : LM ANCHER NELSEN COMMITTEES: HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2D DISTRICT COUNTIES; EARTH /yMURRAYw��-, /yy OFFICE: NICOLLET CARVE CARVER NOBLES 1'1 i'$'BA Qg4� 19��� y 7�y fY SWI.// j` 67 the �LIL S L(, t tato Room COTTONWOOD PIPESTONE LANGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. EO FARiBJACKS ULT ROCK JACKSON SCOTT -per htA q�b A g� A�$rA '�4Y}zX ii {3�.+L V µa+vR''LL iLa Nt ivLA�r TELEPHONE. 225-2472 LESUEUR SIBLEY Cl MCLEOD WASECA MARTIN WATONWAN July 1, 1965 Honorable Earl Fitzloff Mayor of the City of Hutchinson 35 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Earl: Thank you for your recent letter in regard to the proposed Crow River project. I have referred the letter to Mr. Roman H. Koenings, Regional Director of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You should re- ceive a reply from him directly. For your interest I aur enclosing several pamphlets published by government and private agencies which deal generally with recreation projects. As you will note, there are many possible sources of assistance. I believe that after some preliminary investigations, Mr. Koenings will be able to tell you the Crow River project qualifies for assis- tance and if so, what the most profitable approach would be. Please be sure and keep me advised as to the pro= gress of your inquiry. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. With best personal regards, Sincerely yours, r l L A, Ancher Nelsen Member of Congress AN:cs enclosures (5) 1&7q6 llra C -O 6,37,1 76.95. 167,18 /ytoc° �aCOo ?,?97. 14, 00 4 �nlGa 576° /!7s7 `/y.6-0 /67'x'/ 16750 �Ilta ayes ayy� le. G37o �3/z /la�56 /6Y8c S6.7a 3a.00 1675, 4voo 14 39.60 iS.So 16&79 763 /o Son 166 10&q -y/ 166 GSb o 7,7.53 `f So 'a'`/o `397'�O X6767 1&7q6 llra C -O 6,37,1 76.95. /66 Ol/ 16 756 8a� i66s/' 576° /!7s7 `/y.6-0 /GG 5c 50ro /1a75y 3875 /Gf✓dG dyca 1&76r ?AS 1G66� �35<�v /676o 4voo 14 lsav /67/0l iS.So 16&79 763 /o Son 166 10&q -y/ 166 j6716 dzGo9 1GG 4� 5a�� 16766 'a'`/o `397'�O X6767 (0.a° 167/5 /Sfi!yf° e6769 /G.o.6o /6 770 ° 19g 7s 11-117 /677., /0-Z6 1C� 7 3 7G y 1677 ,ASo� 797 7C I � 8 i3 r,a 16773 1�7y 3c yy 1677`( ��ya 1,39c.3d 1&776 1vc-0,/ /�77a 155 G J&r 76 16 77 9 88 80 /l X35 /odd S' t56,, 7677,1 7a.9y /L, 737 70.33 1&738 &-W-5 !(c7g� ld°o 1&7Vo ado 1b79.2 717.,/0 /1.71// 16711-�( , /do.00 16715 3a%.9� A 1(o 7q-!5 /nv vo 6$56.57 1&7q6 llra C -O 6,37,1 76.95. 6 3 88 6a Q?° 70 a 9. /o � ya 7 X3.90 G�a9 I�G,E3 F{35 / �9/•3� 41,75 15/3 y S/. 7S b5/t/o `397'�O �55�•07 .133,1 '1,335 y3�G 5<3 37' x/33 8 X33 9 &-17 98 'fay/ X3('75 Q?° 70 a 9. /o �yLvt,�i' G � Slo. 57 la 6 s o LG •V .O I ql 71 lad N5, V 7 7/° a.9/ //v, 35c, (-7 J /3 a79.,s7 (orf. 54 &s6 /. /a JOo73.,�/ /a7 a�f.5a / S . © 0 N -C t 7lQ_f� 1 7,a/7.7� • /Slog o / 9• S� loZ, 7 ill , SO a �cry t