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cp08-23-1965 c
ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 23, 1965 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. I. E. Kottke 3. APPROVE MINUTES Regular Meeting - August 9, 1965 4. APPROVE BILLLS 5. SAFETY COUNCIL - $50.00 Last Budget allowance - $125.00 in September, 1962 6. TRANSFER $25,000 from Sinking Funds #4 to Road & Bridge Fund 7. MOTION to appoint Auditing Firm for fiscal year 8. ENGINEER a. Storm Sever b. Specifications for Street Department Truck c. Report on petition for Street Lite- Bluff Street & 6th Avenue N.E. d. Petitions e. Building Permits 9. BE91N WORK ON ESTIMATE ON 1966 Budget for Tax Levy by October T Each Alderman and Department head should make an estimate for 1966 for their various departments. 10. REPORT ON BUILDING CODE 11. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - Attached Hearing on rezoning - August -30, 1965 - 7:30 P.M. 22, 23, 24 & 25 N'k of City 12. RECREATION MINUTES - Attached 13. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING August 9, 1965 A Regular Council meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Hanson in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Invocation by Rev. Felton. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Kost, Johnsen, Attorney Schantzen, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Member absent: Mayor Fitzloff Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings: Regular Meeting - July 26, 1965 Special Meeting - August 2, 1965 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be granted and cid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Municipal Electric Plant Power & Light 145.72 Hutchinson Utilities Service 4.80 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service & calls 114.60 Ralph Young Electric inspections 17.50 Walter Rippe Plumbing inspections 117.40 Mason Publishing Company Court supplies 20.00 Esther's Supplies 22.26 Panama Carbon Company Carbon paper 11.13 Citizens Insurance Agency Glass policy premium 29.00 The Hutchinson Leader Publications 370.80 League of Minn. Municip. Membership dues 299.00 Zeleny's Ben Franklin Supplies 5.87 Modern Office Supply Co. Supplies 10.61 American Legion Post (#96 Flag 5.60 American Linen Supply Co. Towel Service 18.50 Jerabek Machine Shop Police supplies, repairs 9.89 Key Laboratories Inc. Police - test 10.45 Charlie's One -Stop Service Gasoline - Holice - repairs 35.90 Zila Hdwe. Police Supplies 4.69 Klitzke Auto Body Police - repair 85.80 Meade's 66 Station Repairs - Police 9.55 Donnor Communications, Inc. Police - service 16.60 Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser & Thorsen Audit 2,406.00 Fire Extinguisher Sales & Serv. Recharging extinguishers- 24.50 Theophil Grunewaldt Dog hours 31.20 Minnesota Valley Testing Labs. July report 16.50 Shell Oil Company Gas 12.98 AMI Sewer Service - work at disposal plant 45.00 Charles J. Wilson _Flood Expense - flood 7.20 Plowman's Inc. Flood - car rent (for engineer) 200.00 Amarima ax2lFix American Pipe Company Cleaning sewers - flood 13,677.91 FLOOD DISASTER FUND To General Fund for flood expense paid To Road & Bridge Fund for gravel AIRPORT $ 17,780.32 $ 26,019.69 5,000.00 $ 31,019.69 Arnel Erickson Final estimate 3,119.76 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Gerald Fisher Labor 167.25 Roy Benton Labor 171.00 Roger Telecky Labor 210.00 George Richards babo3b-, 184.63 Carl Baumetz Labor 225.75 Simonson Lumber Company Engineers supplies 10.90 Soiltest Inc. Engineer supplies for testing 151.94 Twin City Testing & Eng. Lab. Engineering supplies 6.50 Zila Hdwe. Supplies 10.45 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Repair 38.51 Rosco Manufacturing Co. Repair equipment 64.21 Michael Todd & Company Repair equipment 122.57 Buck's Tire Shop Tires & tire repair 180.85 Peterson Truck Service Equipment Repair 373.50 Hoelst DS Station Gas, repairs 19.43 Hutchinson Farmers Uncion Coop Dil. Gas 6.64 Northside 66 Gas 286.57 Hutchinson Utilities Service 5.80 Senske and Lawrenz Constr. Asphalt 4,808.20 Munigipal Electric Plant Service 824.55 Hutchinson Telephone Company Service & calls 22.50 A. A. Jorgenson Repair - snow plow 4.00 Jerabek Machine Shop RepairsE7 45.40 Lystadis Extermination at dump 145.00 Albrecht Oil Co. Diesel fuel - dump xiRxa ?7.12 8,123.27 Hardrives Inc. Estimate No. 1 - Project 15-3 6,633.90 14,757.17 WATER & SEWER Hutchinson Utilities Service 34.85 Municipal Electric Plant Prower & lights 907.90 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service & calls 23.55 John C. Hitzemann Labor - cleaning sewers 134.55 Jeffrey Hoeft Labor - cleaning sewers 133.70 American Pipe Cleaning Co. Television of san. sewers 231.90 Downtown Standard Gas , oil 8.20 Zila Hdwe. Supplies 44.06 HoelsT DS Station Gas, etc. 54.59 C. H. Stocking Repair - disposal plant 120.69 Peterson Truck Service Battery charge 2.00 Twin City Testing & Eng. Lab. July test 90.00 Red Owl Food Stores Paper towels 1.52 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Plates 6.00 Hach Chemical Company Supplies 10.17 Hoffman Plbg. & Htg. Repair 8.97 Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. Supplies 22.66 1,835.31 LIQUOR STORE 5.75 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Service 123.46 H. H. Lack Freight New Ulm Grocery Co. Paper sacks 15.48 Cold Spring Brewing Co. Beer 84.50 783.90 Pedleyts Distributing Co. Beer 937.50 Marsh Distributing Beer 494.85 Olivia Bottling Co. Beer 1,216.00 Premium Distributing Co. Beer 1,914.70 Locher Bros Griggs, Cooper & Co. Beer Liquor & wine 2,222.31 Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 1,557.27 Famous Brands, Inc. Liquor 495.73 1,006.03 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 41.06 Old Peoria Company, Inc. Liquor 378.14 McKesson & Robbins Liquor 127.59 Lynn Johnson Compan6, Inc. Liquor 1,771.96 Griggs, Cooper & Co. Inc. Liquor 693.28 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor -4 - Fire Chief Eng!dhart was present to ask permission to take a fire truck to Cedar Mills on August 16, 1965 to test a well for pressure. Permission was granted. The following application for "ON SALE" beer license beginning August 1, 1965 accompanied by the proper fee of $50.00 was presented. Hutchinson Jaycees - Hutchinson Municipal Airport (Airport Dedication) The Airport Commission recommended granting this license. Alderman Kost made a motion to grant the above application for a license to the Hutchinson Jaycees for the Hutchinson Municipal Airport dedication, provided they have proper insurance coverage. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost and upon vote being taken, carried. Acting Mayor Hanson called for bids Publication No. 943 - Water and KNEW Sanitary Sewer Project 15-5. There were three bids. BIDDER BID BOND AMOUNT H. De Cathelineau & Son 10% $34,126.00 Spicer, Minn. M. J. Jacobs & Sons 10% 34,758.50 Bird Island, Minn. Juul Contracting Co. 10% 31,219.00 Hutchinson,, Minn. These bids were referred to the Engineer. Alderman Kost made a motion to act on the request of the O.E.P. by starting negotiations with the Minnesota Department of Conservation for the transfer of title of ownership of the dam to the City of Hutchinson, so the city can retain the O.E.P. Funds allocated for improvement and rebuilding of the dam. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $5,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund. Motion was made, seconded and carried t -o transfer $3,119.76 from the General Fund to the Airport Fund. A petition was received for local improvement for permanent street and curb and gutter on Sherwood Street between Jorgenson Street and 327' West of Jorgenson St. signed by three property owners. Thereupon Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2404 RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of Sherwood Street between Jorgenson Street and 327 feet west of Jorgenson Street by grading, base, bituminous surface, curb and gutter, filed with the council on August 12, 1965, is hereby declared to be signed by all property owners affected thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minn. Stats., 429.035. -5- 2. The petition is hereby referred to Charles Wilson and he;is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whetherit it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement,as recommended. Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon vote, the L:: following voted in favor of Resolution No 2404: Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of August, 1965. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2405 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of Sherwood Street between Jorgenson Street and 327 feet west of Jorgenson Street by grading , base, bituminous surface, Curb and gutter, was duly presented to the city council on the 12th day of August, 1965; and WHEREAS, pursuant toAresolution of XX the council adopted August 12, 1965, a report has been prepared by Charles Wilson with reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the council on August 12, 1965; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON,MINNESOTA: 1. The council finds and determines that said petition was signed by all owners of real property abutting upon the street named as the location of the improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted August 12, 1965. 3. Charles Wilson is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2406: Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted agains t h$is resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of August, 1965. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: Stearnswood Inc. - 3rd Ave NW Addition to present building Elmer Merickel - 956 Thomas Ave House & attached garage - Lot 2, Blk 1, Peterson Addition Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following water and sewer tap be granted: Elmer Merickel Attorney Don Comer was present representing property owners on the west side of Franklin Street. He said he had been requested to come to the council in regard to the widening of Franklin Street. He stated the proper.ty owners were very reluctant to lose the trees on this street and also objected to paying for :F a new street for the use of public fiew parking space. 10 Discussion of the Franklin Street portion of the Street Project. Alderman Linder made a motion to drop the block on Franklin Street between 2nd Ave and 3rd Ave from the 1965 Street Project. Acting Mayor Hanson opened the hearing at 9:30 P.M. Publicatinn No. 942 for Water and Sanitary Sewer Project No. 15-5. There were two property owners present. The questions at the hearing concerned the assessment policy which was explained by Engineer Wilson. Engineer Wilson explained the need to complete the installation of sewer and water mains before permanent streets are completed. Hearing closed. Motion was made, seconded and carried to table the bids received for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Project 15-5. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:50 P.M. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION A special meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Monday, August ;0, 1965, for,the purpose of hearing on Publication No. 945, rezoning certain lots in Hutchinson as listed in the Publication. Present .were Charles Carlson, Harry Hanson, A. J. Thompson, Clinton Tracy, Curt Schafer, Lloyd Torgrimson, and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent was Floyd Hoe]. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 945 Chairman Charleti Carlson opened the hearing at 7:30 P.M. About -20- persons were present. Wm. Holmquist, on behalf' of himself and Orville Ho.lmcfuist, as property, owners, stated their purpose in requesting rezoning of lots 4 and 5, Blk 22, N 1/2 City and lot 1, Blk 24, N.1/2 City, from R-1_ residential to 11-3 general business, believing that such rezoning will be beneficial to the area because of increased property values, water and sewer services, etc. Mr. Carlson explained the Planning Commissions reasons for including all of blocks 22, 23, 24 and 25 in the rezoning. Richard Peterson stated that as a real estate man, fie has had inquiries concerning property in this area, if it is zoned 13-3. Eloi Hamre, Secretary of the Civic and Commerce Association, presented a statement from the C & C (copies distributed to the Planning Commission) endorsing the proposed rezoning. Questions were raised by several of the property owners involved. No serious objections were presented. }-Tearing closed at 8:05 P.M. Mr. Carlson explained to those present that the Planning Commission'WOuld, make a recommendation to the City Council, but that the Council has -final authority for action on rezoning requests. A petition was presented by Or. Holmquist, signed by property owners invot -Id, orl behalf of the rezoning. Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that thc.Plan-nin,, Commission recommends to the City Council that the following lots be rezoned from K-1 to B-3: Blocks 22, 24, 25 N 1/2 City; BIr-ek 23, except lot 2, N ], City; and that the fo-llowIng lot be rezoned from B-1 to B-3: Lot 2, Bloc;k 2;. N 1/2 City (Chapmants Grocery). Minion carried. V, t; Meeting adjourned at 8:.15 P.M.f�Z-�c- A. J. `l'hodipson, Secrett,try Recteatiott cs vital Gt--- y y IVAN HURT Dir�cror -f -,aft ufc��t�L�G1�L �s . a oo� Place to live Cay R.crwhon Board Choir n DR. E. 1. MAY S.",ary RAcre tion, - " y —ting F` Boer- `1. y _oe } q:,�ts,,. Welnesday 1 O' , Al . 18th. RECREATION COMMITTEES: S—, P"m.- ,oa Yauman,, La rry Graf -`o r;� mn - [T _ i_ar et-ln + � :� P o _ Recreation Boarc A was held at th. Recreation ►Iayg o�nd.-- _�? 1 di - a t 7:30 P.:. We iresdcty. Milmn Altmeyor, Mr.. Clifford P.PP, ' Earl Fihloff WP.-kPllrod or, Wm.. Rrurchd 1, f'inbers nresl�nt invluGed: Joe ''ou_^�ans, William Krischel, Larry Graf , swimming- Ivan Hurt ?nd Nene Lay. P'z�. Pe > and rn lilt Altmeyer called indicating Dr. Wm. MIA.Ff, Millon S,inkmon Enaa�^N- that the -.r vcul.d be, unable to attend. - Dr. E. J. May. Earl Fif l ff 1,otior. b Yo•Anans* second by nruschPl and carried that the attached • C[ bills be allowed. +4R Eurt report.e:i on the Swim Program at the Peal— showingthat: Aegistratior, for inst} action was up 'rot., to 581. Receipts for recreational swimming was up from x,520.31 to **711.57 Receipts for Instructional cwimmiag was up Crom 1404.25 to 1471`.00 Instruction iwi m ho rs increased fro,-: 5230 to 6500 Total swiir,,i periods from ,.10 to 516 t l,arrli 1A!,;:.lf• i•ln swi;u hours from 9812 to 11, 266 One additional weer: cMec. swimming was added-- Also Rec. swimming was offered Sat P.1,. -4 and Sunday P.!•.. 1-4. ry,: B � Hurt •ro§Dorted that he had been working with the Jaycees on the develop— Nib �Ni�iJ i+1 ment of another playground. All other programs had ended and that Fool. -ball will soon be offered Boating for the boys. He reported that he and Jake Plowman are completing a survey furor which he had been given by i-iayor Fitzloff. The Form has :o do with the hecreational areas at the river andit ishoped that it will help obtain funds an' means to get the river ba k in usable cor..ition for our citizens. a No further business the meeting 0_uvped at 8:30 P.ir.. Gene , Secre ry Red (r!(,w� �NITSIII:iIi,: III' TI: lilN I'I.,� II)N The regular mue t i ri: of l',c C, mimission was called to order by Chit i rw, ,rn Cha tic C�1 r 1 ; .,: Monday, August 16, 1.965, in the COLHIC i i Cltawbev, , rtt City Ila I 1 . ,E nt were Charles' Carlson, Floyd Hoel, Cunt �;,_�!i a l er , 1.,!,,yd ; i, _ Tracy, A. J. Thompson, and City Eng.inc-er Chane:, l� i_l on. Absent 1_:rry Hanson. Minutes of Lhe m(�et irn(_, o; ,iu,ly L'), L965, r ;ad and approved. REQUEST FOR REZONIN(;. Mr. WLlliam and Mr. Orrvi1 Le Holmquist were present to request rezoning on lot 11 and 5. 131k 22_ N 1 2 City, and lot 1, Blk 211, N 1/2 City, frcmi [1-1 res i deist i al to 13-3 geiie r.+ , !Aus:iness. They also pre- sented a petit i ,n t hev had c i i uu l.ated amuntr( ,idents adjacent to these lots indicating .r 1 avur-,able reaction to the vc.r,orling. They stated that the potential use f()r Iot L of Blk 20 is a dti ,,c• -_Ln hamburger stand and this fact had been presented to property owners along with the petition. Discussion by the Planning Co-imission. Motion was made by Lloyd Torgrimsuri, seconded ley Curt Schafer, that the Planning Commission init_iatus proceedings to r,_zone all of blocks 22, 23, 24 and 25 N 1/2 City from present zoning to B -i, general business, and that a hearing .for this purpose be held at 7:30 P.M., Monday, August 30, 1965, in the City Hall Council chambers. Motion carried. FROEMMING LAND SURVEY. Present for the discussion and explanation were Mr. Russlie Froemming, p.t.-operty owner, and Richard 7,avoral, Joe Pokorny, Donn Ulrich, and Ernest Pull,rabek of the Hasan Valley Township Board. Discussion. It was decided that no decision could be reached or recommend- ation made on this proposed plat until land surveys of the property involved make provision for street continuati+_,ns from O;tk Park Addition and Oak.Park 2nd Addition. Members of the Hassan Valley Town Board stated that no building permits would be issued south of Century Ave. until this is done. Mr. Froemming, Mr. ZavoraL, Mr. James Reid, and Mr. Gene Hyman Sr. (602 E. Elm St., Menominee, Wisc.) will be requested to attend the regular meeting on September 2G, 1965, to discuss the 'problem further. Meeting adjourned at 8:115 P.M. A. J. Thompson, Secretary mmmmimm-m mmm ow"Nolommommo PON m --m m--olm-m mmmil--o o-- ■MM,,'0mm000 m9m, MMMMIMMMMEEN M-11 IN WE M , NOW W fimma 0 ir�rriwrrr r� ��rrrl�rrr'rr Irr�r'rrrrl'rr err ! �irr -- C: 'err 'worn �rri� rr ���r�rr�wrrrrrr ���■�rw� www■ ��■�� rr�rrr rrr��rr�r rr►rrrr�rrr��rrrr l Rio , ,OMM- MEM,I' � E� rir�rrrrrrrrr�r rrr�rr MR INEI MININKrr■Nrr rir�rrrrr��rrrrw�■ rrr 1 rr!r�rr r■ ■rr■ ■r r��rrrrw��r�r� rrrrr ��irrrrlrrrr'rrrr �rrrrr!rr�r'�rrr�� ��irrrr'rr ' ��'rrl�Rl MMMM �J!rrrr rllE� MinmPM, , M. amen PRAWN i■m!!!'�T■mfMI ■'■MM ■■ ME ■■■ M -, 'rte , , , , - ■mme ■memol; 2 ■■pm, On mmrAin 0■m1 V ■■M, . �■■� ■■mac I� ■■ ., i■■� ■■ITm ■ 0�1.....L�li■!1�'11� ■■11R� ra, W, m, "MISM. , , PIE, EMMSEMPIM, m ■ rrirr ®rl rRAM 717 MEOW rrri rr!rr rrrr rr'rrrrirrr rr'rrrr'rrr mmimmmm"Im, Fri rr�rrrrrr� ��rrJ�l, .Irr rr!rrrrrrr Ism �rr Actual 3 jurrent Yeav stim D=x to e - FY InsurancePolice plies and BondsSubscriptions ►■r�■r�r■■rr ■■ ■■�a�� Miscellaneous I�■�r� r■rr "11r11■9"T ■■Ee�l�l Capital!■■■■ ■r■■!■■■■!■rrr Ir■■rr■■■Ir■rr ■rr■� Total Disbursement MWIRPAW"O", REAM MMA ".r M, ■, HERE MOO ■err ■i■ 10 Rim MEN Ali■ ■m ■m ■ 'mm Sm ■w ■m 121AM C=A ■ m CITY OF HLITGHTNSON 9CHSDtiI� STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL DISBURSEEIITS Sheet GENERAL FUND MONTHS ENDED 3 b S Actual Actual Estimated Lurrent Year Estimated Administration Communications Office S4 Miscellaneous - Administration Capital outla.v s IS6 AMMiN MME EMIR EMMMI i la Proveme ,■�■r.■�■.■.�■��■■.�.�.■�.■��■ MEW ��fiitenance and Repairs it��i■�fii�iir�i�i��rriif�!1 Building an4 Grounds I Miscellaneous 111!1 . Capital.i�rr�� rlrr�� �rir��►� Other „.. - „- .: sirr�r�rr�r�rlrrrirrrlwr� salaries i��l. • irr� rrl rel' '� - .: miscellaneous Baseball ��r�r�rirlr�� rlrrrr rr�e� i Capital : i■■�rri�rr�irrirr r��9,111 Other Recreational Activities Current Expenses - i��r�«rrr��;rrrrr�■rri� I' YY • a V :••1 • . STATEMENT OF I i _ I EI 1�1; e • 'i 1 Actual8. Prior. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH IAct ,: - to -Date ■■r■■Rrr■■■R■MON mown Total Disbursements Salary Janitor NOW 12 ■■r' ... '■■ VAI!, ■ORMIT ;�rr■■r Fire Protection11 ■■��■■ ■■�■i■�■■�■■■ INN MW rare ■r�� ■r��■■r Communications Mal Travel - ferences ii Maintenance and Repairs �r■rr■r�■■■�■■ ■�■■■r ■i■■■■ OWES WIN Gas, Oil :.. Grease!■■rye a■■r■arr�* ■�■�r� Miggellaaeous-Suppliesir■ro■■■ . ,jai■: r�■rs Fire Department Relief ------ Capital Outlay Totals Protective Inspec• I■■■rlar■�■ir■ral'■a■■ Building Inspection Fees Civil Defense rr■r■r■r ri■r r■■rR® Total Disbursements i Of ■■■rrir®®�I■©�fr!■m®� mNMI mm_. M.1 0 0 IN 0 IN M. Alm m NMI' MINIMM. WIMMIUM-mm a� RAINIMM. ROOM MORRIS MINE MOSIMMISOMMORMISM m MT-,I!NMNMII FIE, ! ION, R-Irs"MI mi MIMM, MIMPM, FROM w Min In, MR m MITAMP, MY W. Mm"INCIMMKI f Imp". 911001ml IMIUMMS MIMMINAMIMME Off Immaxams a MIN AM ran"Own Rm ton In= MOM MI EMFE MOMMM MIUMM ra'rmm ■ MMMOMMKOMM ■■�.,�■- .-m MMOMMMSEM ■■■AMMS■W- 1 MOT SAM nglli■■■■' MIMM, TAMM■ ■!rm! rrrr i'�i■rrr� ■'■R1►1lM. ■ OOM r■ ±■■��r■ ■�rr�,er■r RammAwl"', Tin ME �■■■rr �rr� ■�rrrr l Refunds and Reimbursements 11 183 7 -. VA -MN'N MOONS MMIKE MEED ■ MMKIN ■ ■- INN i■ -. ANN ANN S . - S M - ANN ME ME ME ME N OM.O' REMEEN INAMM . ■ OMME ■ OMME General Fund Scnedu- 1i■INA Min AMOMNI■MUlm !�IM■MNI ! I■��MI■■��!/■OO/I■■OM1 Band Fund Schedule f■■■■IMM■■i■MOS■!MMMNi SOMBOMMO IMMOREMM■Sm. M, ItIMMENROMMMKOMMORlli Library Fund Schedule 3! NNIMMON !■MMM.■■�■i■■ ■i■�■■ Road and B .: .. Schedule 4i■�1Mm!■�■■!■� !Z!■■�� Water- - .. 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