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cp10-11-1965 c
ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING October 11, 1965 Vl- CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. INVOCATION - Rev. Pelzer fI/,. APPROVE MINUTES I/ THIRD READING ORDINANCE NO. 276 (College Ave.) / FRANK BRODERIUS - 7:45 P.M. Regular meeting September 27, 1965 Special meeting October 7, 1965 APPROVE BILLS MILL LEVY ENGINEER a. Report on Street lights - 3rd Avenue S.W. b. Report on Water & Sewer mains on Milwaukee Ave. to Dale St. C. Building Permits 9. RECOMMENDED STREET LIGHTS ON SOUTH MAIN ST. - attached 10. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - Special Meeting (attached) -- 11. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS September 27, 1965 A Regular council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder,Kost, Hanson, Johnson, Attorney Schantzen, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the following meetings: Regular koxxxii Meeting - September 13, 1965 Special gommRii Meeting - September 20, 1965 Special knxxvtt Meeting - September 27, 1965 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be granted and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Sandra J. DeMenge Oswald Publishing Co. Delbert Klabunde Roger Blubm Ralph Neumann Ted Hanson Dale McLain Sheldon Nies Richard Popp Hutchinson Fire Dept. W. A. Korngiebel Misc. Dash Drawer #2 Theophil Grunewaldt Leo Pillatzki Kurthts Foods Clayton Skoog S & L Stores Citizens Insurance Agency Harold A. Grams Agency Albinson Thermo -Fax Sales Inc. McCombs & Hansen ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Roy Benton Gerald Fisher George Richards Roger Telecky Carl-Baumetz Earl Waisanen Misc. Cash Drawer #2 Municipal Electric Plant Plowman's Inc. Betker Construction Co. Hall Equipment Inc. Unimasco, Inc. Wm. Yaeck Senske & Lawrenz Const. Co. Anderson Chemical Co. Bullert Washed Sand & Gravel Labor Supplies - Clerk of Court Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Expense - rescue meeting Sept. fire runs Fire Prevention Inspections Reimbursement Dog hours Janitor - city hall Supplies - city hall Repair - liquore s ore it Carpeting strips city all Insurance premium Insurance premium Supplies for city maps Yeowiee Rental fee & supplies - Engineering fee - dam Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Reimbursement Work on street lights Repair equipment Rent of equipment for repair Equipment repair Equipment Hot Mix Asphalt Bituminous Mix Chloride for Streets Sand & Gravel 84.50 19.17 51.67 6.70 5.25 27.80 28.45 26.87 27.32 98.00 40.00 8.17 55.90 36.75 14.30 45.00 28.05 570.00 358.00 15.49 66.96 399.55 $ 2,013.90 93.00 Lfv2c00 178.50 204.75 210.00 68.00 11.24 180.09 19.92 10.00 168.33 98.06 1292.50 4803.00 647.50 290.72 $ 8437.61 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT Jefferey Hoeft Labor - cleaning sewers 77.00 John Hitzemann Labor - cleaning sewers 71.50 Earl Waisanen Labor 15-5- Project 3.20 Herman Koehler Reading meters 140.40 Standard Printing Company Billing cards 248.30 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. Root saw for cleaning sewers 21.92 Home Gas Co., Inc. Gas for disposal plant 30.00 Skelly Oil Co. Oil for pumps, etc. 27.00 Layne -Minnesota Co. Repairing at water frt plant 425.26 Lyon Chemicals Co. Purification supplies 200.96 $ 1245.54 SINKING FUND NO. 1 First National Bank of Minneapolis Storm Sewer 2185.50 1962 CURB & GUTTER FUND or SINKING FUND NO. 3 first National Bank of Minneapolis 1962 Curb & Gutter 5259.25 LIQUOR STORE The National Cash Register Co. Paper Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor McKesson & Robbins Liquor Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor Ed. Philllps & Sons Co. Liquor Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor Famous Brands, Inc. Liquor for machaines 20.28 895.03 1923.64 195.70 1022.62 828.50 1319.16 1077.72 -3— Alderman -3—Alderman Linder introduced XWXXTXMMXXXXXXXNX Ordinance No. 275 for its third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 275 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 245 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson hereby ordains: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from "R-11, Single Family and Two Family Residential District, to 11B-31', General Business District: Blocks 22, 24 and 25 of the North Half (N�) of the City of Hutchinson and Block 23, except Lot 2 of the North Half (N'k) of the City of Hutchinson. The following described real property is hereby rezoned from "B-11', Neighborhood Business, to "B-311, General Business District: Blocks 22,24 and 25 of the North Half (Nz) of the City of Hutchinson and Block 23, Except Lot 2 of the North Half (Nk) of the City of Hutchinson. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Linder to introduce Ordinance No. 275 for its third and final reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 275 and it was declared passed on its third and final reading. Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: GRP- C -E NO,. 2407 BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Airport Commission City of Hutchinson are authorized to sign an agreement with the State of Minnesota for state aid for snow removal at the minicipal airport for the winter seasons 1956-66 and 1966-67. The state will pay up to $250 a year for 50% of the cost of removing snow from one or more runways. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being akin, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2407: Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Hanson "aye" Alderman Kost "aye" Alderman Johnson "aye" The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 1965. McComb of McComb & Hanson was present to discuss plans for building the dam. After discussion it was decided to proceed with proposal #2 rather than have stop logs according to proposal # 1. Alderman Linder made a motion to proceed with proposal #2 for rebuilding the { dam, without the walkway and side control. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being t aken, carried. Mayor Fitzloff called for bids at 8:00 P.M. Publication No. 947. for truck for ,�Ireet Deep&rtme ere we two ids. BIDDER CERT. CK Bob Plowman $225.00 Frank Motor Company 225.00 AMOUNT BID $3781.00 4389.50 Alderman Hanson made a motion to accept the bid of Bob Plowman as low bid. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson, and upon vote being taken, carried. -4 - Ken Butler, Chairman of the Airport Commission presented the proposed budget for 1966-67, and proposed plans for the coming year. Mr. Brad Ameluxen, county welfare director, was present to explain a letter received by Mayor Fitzloff requesting a resolution endorsing the three -county poverty act. Alderman Hanson made a motion to disapprove the request to pass this resolution and return'unsigned. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Mr Harold McCoy and George Harrison were present to discuss their building permit for McCarthTys Drive -In on Fourth Ave NW. Alderman Hanson made a motion that the following building permit be granted: Harold J. McCoy & George Harrison - 135 Glen St N McCarthy's Drive -In - Lot 1, Blk 24, N2 City of Hutchinson Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Engineer Wilson reported on a petition for street lights on Jorgenson St South. He recommended placing street lights at the following intersections on Jorgenson Street: Sherwood, Oak Lane, Centuey Ave Motion was made, seconded and carried to install lights at the recommended intersections on Jorgenson St. A petition was presented for a street light on Third Ave SW between Lynn Road and Pishney Lane, signed by five property owners. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer this petition to the engineer. A petition was presented for sewer and water extension on Milwaukee Ave to Dale Street, signed by two property owners. Motion was made, seconded and carried to refer this petition to the engineer. Alderman Hanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2408 (attached) Alderman Kost seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2408: Alderman Linder rrayerr Alderman Hanson rraye TT Alderman Kost rrayerr Alderman Johnson 'Tayet' The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 1965. Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2409 (attached) Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2409: Alderman Linder TTayeTT Alderman Hanson 'TayerT Alderman Kost 'Taye rT Alderman Johnson "aye Tr The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 1965. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: -5 - Elmer Merickel - 1025 Sherwood Ave House & attached garage - Lot 7, Oak Park 2nd Addition Elmer Merickel - 1025 Sherwood Ave House & attached garage - Lot 3, Peterson Addition Russell Dunning - 605 Juul Road Garage - Lot 1, Harrington Subdiv. Stanley Kosel - 515 lst Ave SE Garage Fred Bitzer - 687 Bluff St Garage Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following water and sewer taps be granted: Elmer Merickel Elmer Merickel Motion was made, 'seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: Frank Janousek - 26 Jefferson St N Commercial building - N 10 ft of S 20 ft of Lot 10, Blk 49 Wm Janousek - Hutchinson, Route # 2 Commercial building - S 10 ft of N z of S 20 ft of Lot 10, Blk 49 The council strongly recommendadthe two permits be constructed at the same time. Motion was made, seconded and carried to deny the following application: LeRoy Posusta - 647 Oak St Porch and two upstairs rooms water Motion was made, seconded and carried to grant the following tapping permit: Fred Hartwig - 23 Main Street N in the amount of $15.00 Discussion of a retaining wall built in the street right-of-way on the east side of H. C. Christians building on Bluff Street. Motion was made, seconded and carried to have City Attorney Schantzen write the owner, Mr. Fred Sorensfh, asking to have this wall removed. Discussion on the rebuilding of the dam. Motion was made, seconded and carried to instruct City Attorney Schantzen to contact the Conservation Department in regard to ownership of the dam, obtaining Federal disaster funds, and M= liabilities in case of damage as a result of water level changes. Alderman KXKXM introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Kost RESOLUTION NO. 2410 WHEREAS, on December 3, 1963, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson passed a resolution levying taxes for the payment of $450,000.00 Nursing Home Bonds of 1965; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 1963, said Resolution was filed with the County Auditor of McLeod County authorizing said auditor to make the necessary tax levy to meet the obligation of said bond issue; and WHEREAS, during the year 1966, there will be an interest payment due on said bond issue in the amount of $14,270.00; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that there are sufficient funds available to enable the City of Hutchinson to meet said interest payment in the amount of $141270.00 during the year 1966 without levying an ad valorem tax to raise said funds. NOW THEREFORE, The County Auditor of McLeod County is hereby instructed not to levy an ad valorem tax on the property of the City of Hutchinson for the purpose of raising funds to meet the interest payment of $14,270.00 due in the year 1966 on the City of Hutchinson Nursing Home Bonds and :in lieu thereof; the City of Hutchinson will provide said sum of $14,270.00 to meet said obligation from funds here and now available in the Nursing Home Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon vote, the following voted in favor of REsolution No.2410: Alderman Linder TTayett Alderman Hanson TT aye TT Alderman Kost Ttaye tt Alderman Johnson TTayeTT The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 1965. Alderman Hanson introduced Ordinance No. 276 for its first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 276 A AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THROUGH STREET IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND PROVIDING PENALITIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF The City Council of the City of Hutchinson ordains as follows: SECTION I. Beginning at the west end of College Avenue at its junction with North Main Street, and thence extending Easterly through and along said College Avenue to its Junction with Hillcrest Road is hereby declared, established and lay made a through street. SECTION II. No vehicle shall enter into or upon the said street herein designated as through street without first coming to a full stop before entering into or upon any portion of said designated through street. SECTION III. Any person driving or entering into or upon said through street with any vehicle without first having come to a full stop before entering,the same, shall, upon conviction of such offense be fined not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) or imprisonment in the County Jail for not more that ninety (90) days. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson $M§XKXKXKMX to introduce Ordinance No. 276 for its first reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 276 and -it was declared passed on its first reading. Alderman Johnson introduced Ordinance No. 276 for its second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 276 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THROUGH ATP,THROUGH STREET IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson to introduce Ordinance No. 276 for its second reading. Upon roll call, allmembers present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 276 and it was declared passed on its second reading. SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS October 7, 1965 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers atthe hour of 8:00 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Kost, Hanson, Johnson, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Member absent: City Attorney Schantzen Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following building permits be granted: Brunberg & Oleson Oil Co. - 305 Bluff St Office building - 3rd Ave NW, Blk 28, N- of City of Hutchinson Martin Prieve - 555 - 5th Ave NE Garage & closet - N1 of City - Wz of N Aud Subdiv of Blk 5 Martin Prieve - 555 - 5th Ave NE Move garage from 555 - 5th Ave NE to 606 Bluff Street Motion was made, seconded and carried to authorize the city clerk to write to the firm of Anderson, Hglgeson, Lieser & Thorson, Certified public accountants and engage them to audit the city books, for the fiscal year 1965-66. Discussion on the Water Pollution Control Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Alderman Johnson made a motion to send Engineer Wilson to the Water Pollution Convention and advance $200.00 for registration and transportation, Alderman Hanson =xAaxxx= seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Hanson made a motion to authorize Eric Smith, Civil Defense director to present bills for gas used for attending out of town Civil Defense meetings, and for use locally. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. 1'- h u %=r %=r ,,--,c & ..• h r�� r p,w,w G A -✓O 0 K 3 y-....< <ic.✓r 0 /SEG o.ss-mss ..O t s7 a�6� v ,Q,op G c. �� w, D E K A. C-,-*CZ� a 'eE At- BOGS mG O i..iCAOcsc&-P- *� dc- e- ,G 400 C. C,*"Ooav rCat- .c�owc-E ... ..,*-,P. 0, .0 4wAtAr- 1%. G"�✓4�wS' dw r Sa �.✓ .� s^`T� X10 El1L�-rl�I it &WAr&_AVV_AVnff *a JL�r7"j Z' Qd �,•..► .err rr► let, ew��+ r r odow AN 0& dF s is s1 s T Agip► /4 • aw-e, --q— PLANNING COMMISSION A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 12:45 P.M. Friday, October 8, 1965, at Carlson Pharmacy. Present were Charles Carlson, Clinton Tracy, Floyd Hoel and Roger Josephson, Assistant Engineer. Absent were Lloyd Torgrimson, Curtis Schafer, A. J. Thompson, and Harry Hanson. APPLICATION FOR VARIAN_C_E NO. 47.8_ - Farmers Elevator Assn., Lot 1, Blk 44 - for 6 steel bins. Farmers Elevator requested a variance in side -yard set -back and floor -area ratio on their building permit application No. 473. Motion made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Commission recommends to the City Council that this application for variance be granted. Carried. (Inasmuch as Mr. Torgrimson and Dr. Schafer had checked the site but were unable to be present at the meeting, they had given their previous approval of this motion..) Meeting adjourned at 1:10 P.M. Charles Carlson Secretary Pro Tem i/�fl. 5 %•.50 "7'406 /,So 70 3p {Soo i7o�47 ;foo /701/-? 'i<000 / 7o544 Move 70 55 �o 70 9S 6.70 / 7/ d7 �000 /7 -?s6 a7.�'o 17113 •(7 70 17199 ZW-5 "7'406 /,So / 7 07 14.fv /7.7/s 6638 / 74 33 a 77.10 /74Jt /SPo /7A,3S /o,00 /7-411/ 7f,.33 /70f /p 17 /P0 669b ,79,5A Move P/ ,�SBoo 17-114 S7000 / 7-249 N510( /72Y9 Y50 / 7a 5o z fo-5 / U5, /00 ,79,5A Move ,7a 53 S/67 /7 ? 6.70 7455 Sas /7 -?s6 a7.�'o 3y9.�-6 d9y?. 17.�o esyg, .73 z0, ?9 7,58 17asy i7a(oo /y�76a X741 7a.6� ,7465 �7a67 ,7-? �7a69 Ia 7/ 7-37x 17,473 /7z7,� /7,773 / 7a74 17-777 /7a78 IN 79 / 7-� I/ 7a 8a ,7a 83 e4 -?A "Ig97 1?/•9z , 7a b/ b 53.30 A11198 '1 A,S.a4 ,7A 9s / sq. y° 46.87 4988 `f9•`�8 658 8�:/s X000 d 9y8 /oa.ao 59� /�a• 98 3y9.�-6 d9y?. 17.�o esyg, bi o 79.0 3 .3cc e 5(c 10 66 0o i80.oq •3.75 Zcy•.�8 �� bd°A /oa•o 8 •z/ l��ta�� w . 64,03 / ("r 44146 Icr-o 660 9�0 �yy.9a yqs.2 /coo bbo S /z9a.5o �•o% �MS� Soo /060 5r�o3.oa y9a oo c�,f 66 /Coo X300 ,f�rx foo (0608 a9o.7- i 17-36 0 66 9 3t� b o ,x.66930.00 �f�77 66 /o X00.70 IN I{� 90 ` /. %0 iao 6s �� 3 l 3o p0 �0 3•S� ,5 d 7- �, z o Y 4,069 ,7a 83 e4 -?A "Ig97 1?/•9z , 7a b/ b 53.30 A11198 '1 A,S.a4 ,7A 9s / sq. y° qq?9 4o0'96 /7a 86 154.30 /Soo ? Si. Y(o �7a�7 a8/•off y9o/ YS. 110 �3,55..51 'f sod 69.30 �afo mil d / X5.50 /96a (f v &uzu �6 5a S9. ? s 548.6-2 ,Wv" �d�i (1799. 99 96a l /.a.srd/ W.4 jy BSS. �o 5.3 go*da 790 Als• PS ,i - X314. 38 1 538oY.-z4' 194 5R s9 a5 tvz ao y•3d Gl/�,�5� a� a•?•d'o a� 9as�s 790 Als• PS ,i - X314. 38 1 538oY.-z4' HUTTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY OPERATING PERCENTAGES For the Period Ended ed ` 30 " y '' � k Kl For the Month of IFor the� Period EndedI 1 i � �M■■ !■■ 1� ■■!■■■ ! ill i 1111', Imo■ I.�( �.�©■ I-I M M■■01iffil -0 i Bill Profit on Operadow Non -Operating Income ■■ r■ I ■■■i■■■■ �� ■ Elm■ ■IE■■■ I�� �I It■ �Ir■■■ i �i� It■■t1■■■■ .. . 1110 ice■ IN ■i IMEMIMIMMM ON IN !fir■■I I ■ ■ i �.■■■■■■��� RriEN It INI MEN, No !■R�!�lii!�■ 01■■■ ! I I IM I ■+■ �M- M ■ Inventory Count Differeace I IE'■���!�■� ■� . ■ s ! I ■■■�Actuai l■■■■■ !� I� NEI ■�I ■■I ■■It■ ��I■■ ■ �■■ ■■■I■■■I ■ONION■� MMENIN ■■■■I MW IMMEMMIM k Kl HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT, For the Period Ended ---- 5 ---Jt_ - Q ,-/ y C. } For the Month of I Ile t Last Year For the -Month I Period Ended S> t This Year Last Year This Year SALES' 7o y 00 E �� "t 7si g I?G 340 Less Discounts Allowed Net Sales 70 PY-11 p 5 U S d c t� /1 4.3 42 If Qat 13.1, CAST OF SALES - 1.2e079 Inventory -Beginning Purchases S 7TW (� / jqq J So „j ,� L i.11010 p y 59LL 7 29 y is //7 ^ y 3461, JL al Lea Inventory -Ending 77' / a y d 0 1 ? Coat of Merchandise Sold D jzy 5-o 79 7 1 bo q,2 6.] S/ / ' // 71 o o GROSS PROFIT / .2! l G S a o1 9 i OPERATING EXPENSES Selling Salaries Q1 S / '7 v _ 2 Zia 7 _ q// 00 ArAL Freight and Hauling 3 ^ $y 3 // Taxes and Licenses • S/ 00 104 o p Advertising �, Supplies 3.2 670117 8 L � / 7 Overhead Light and Telephone 7 Rent Gv v(7 O O(ri 00 Id pp p0 Repairs Maintenance Supplies Insurance _ —173 77 VA, V0 1 11,11 fee Depreciation _ 1- 1 13l a y9 3'1 / o / 0 0 Administrative Clerical Supplies Office Supplies OO p O ��� Or✓ 0 0O jrs0 00 Fidelity Bond Premiums Miscellaneous Legal and Accounting 4 1916 S O o u 00 16Y. a 7 'Y Total Operating Expenses y�Z y 7 5 PROFIT ON OPERATIONS NON-OPERATING INCOME 1 5Gy v 7� Cash Discounts Received -2 7 3 ;L/ G y /7 Cab Over - (short) ! ,'i --- - r J y /7 / S y NET Iii FOR PERIOD O y 0 0 = KIM HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET As at J, -r. , f ---,19 and !'r — 19 U ASSETS End of Current Month End of Preceeding Fiscal Year CURRENT ASSETS pQ - -- -- -� — - - - - --- -- oa - ---- Cash in Bank - - 4- -- Cash on Rand % oa Inventory - Merchandise Total Current Assets -- — – - ----- `�,) -34 FIRED 4ETS - - - - - - -- Furniture and Equipment Office Equipment p Less Reserves for Depreciation j 30 Total Fixed Assets --- - Depreciated Value - _ - - - I - - - V J o - TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS - CURRENT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE oog IV 31 3.00111 SURF US ---Balance - ,r . / 19 Net Income for the Period ku- - Leas Contributions to City -- - 'Irs 1, a I Balite- Sv9'4 3t� 191.S --- $ TOTAL LIABILITIES and SURPLUS 31 IM5 1.71 i Z 7 a.)#/,.2 - - — - - ---- -- — -- - - --- --- - --- - - -